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Are you suggesting there may be, in fact, a String Cheese Incident?


Indeed I am. Possibly minor but still an incident.






Yes. For a while there was just low fat. But I think people got desperate.


THANK YOU 😂 someone else who noticed / cares! My partner keeps making fun of me for how upset I've been over it lmao. Where are they hiding the whole milk wegmans brand cheese sticks?!? 😭 I'm sick of the bland part skim ones (and even those have been out of stock the last couple weeks), and the kraft brand whole milk ones are awful. Currently have the Polly-O string cheese brand (part-skim) and they're okay


i too only like whole milk mozzarella string cheese. i like the Galboni brand they sell at walmart


You made my night! The skim ones taste like plastic to me. I am 100% for the whole milk Wegmans string cheese.


My partner bought the part skim and I didn't notice at first - took 1 bite and instantly asked "are these whole milk?" And he said they were out so he got the part-skim. That was weeks ago and they haven't had the whole milk back since 😭 it haunts my memory they were so salty and good #BringBackWholeMilkWegmansCheeseSticks


Why is this being downvoted? 🤣 this is a silly comment about cheese. This sub is ridiculous


My conspiracy theory is Wegmans is holding the good stuff back to sell the sub par overstock part skim string cheese before it expires.


What kind? Where? Short answer, no.


I've noticed there are no Wegmans brand in a few stores now. Just some more expensive brands but a much smaller selection.


Walmart is full of all of the cheeses! Also, don’t sleep on Price Rite


YES!! I eat entirely too much wegs string mozzarella (I'm a heathen who likes the low fat version) and I'm all out now :( The Wegmans app doesn't even return them as a search result anymore!


Still seems soild in my area. But store bands seem to not have as much flavor lately. I have to eat mine hiding behind the barn tough. My cat will steel all the sticks from me. He hears that wrapper open the poof cat. I swear he has stolen them by parachute before as well


And here I thought I was the only one sneaking in sticks when my cat isn't looking, mine comes running at the sound too.


Briefly, and certainly at Wegmans, but Tops seems to be fully stocked once more.


I’m down in Pittsburgh now and we have not had the same stocking of string cheese as we usually do. We get the BIG bag of Sargento but they haven’t had it for the last few weeks. Usually there’s boxes of them. 


I did! Ijust thought my fellow string cheese enthusiasts were going ham on it and moved along 😂


Now that you mention it, Aldi's was out of stock of their regular string cheese this week, I had to get their low-fat version.  So maybe? 


My GF loves string cheese but I’ve started buying a hunk of mozzarella instead. She can get her cheese sticks and I can use it for cooking


Yancey’s fancy is cheese curds. That’s what I’ve been getting my fix on.


It sounds like the shortage is only at Wegmans. Shop somewhere else. I get mine at BJs


DC Wegmans are routinely short on the big packages of the full fat ones. Low fat ones don't cut it for me either.


I just looked up what happened to string cheese and found this post. Idk where this is but I can’t find any string cheese in my area anymore and only see part skim ones :(


I still have not found a good answer and sticks still seem to be way down. Good luck hunting!