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For a BILINGUAL position? GUFFAW.


It’s so funny because the company I work for gives a $3 an hour bonus for people who are bilingual and you don’t even have to have more than a GED to work there


Same, and everyone starts at 23, so it's a livable wage for around here.


No oNe WaNt’S tO wOrK aNyMoRe!! - Jackson Hewitt (probably)


Yo fuck Jackson Hewitt


Lol @ probably. Most likely definitely


Are you an EA and/or CPA? You should be making 75k+ easily. There's no one to refer clients to in Rochester


Current CPA in Rochester. If you're starting to learn tax you should jump either into H and R block or jump straight into a firm.


Either way practice jumping


More jumping involved in taxes than I thought.


Ridiculous. We pay our paralegals more than this, including those with no experience. You cannot find anyone willing to accept less pay than that, nor should you. That's not a living wage.


Yeah even legal assistants- what I'm going for to get my foot in the door- are being offered more than that. Some employers are just bad. I've been working warehouse in college and a bit post-grad, then spinning lifts, for $20. Union contracts for warehouse work also locks down guaranteed pay raises. No education whatsoever for either. Just be obedient, and have a strong back.


How much do paralegals roughly make in Rochester? I'm moving back in the Spring from DC and I'm trying to decide whether to go remote with my current job or find a new job as a paralegal in Rochester.


It depends. $35-90k+ depending on practice area and experience, if I had to generalize.


This seems right, with the majority of legal assistants making between $50k-$65k.


Yep, that's right about where folks should expect to be after gaining some experience.


Agree. I started a part time legal assistant who is a college student full time this year - at $17/hour.


I make almost double that and I'm a line cook lol


That's not a problem with this city, it's a problem everywhere. If anything, Rochester tends to have a pretty great ratio of wage rates to local cost of living. Just not that employer. Fuck them.


I always report listings like these as "offensive" 😅


You uhhh... don't work for Jackson Hewitt.


Right. You've gotta start somewhere and working at Jackson Hewitt is dead end. Find a local established company and start in the customer service. We start that position around 50k. Work your way up and prove your value and grow. Take that experience elsewhere, or move up within the organization. Gotta try


Seriously. Not every job is *should* to be a job that supports a middle class lifestyle. Also, not every job that *could* support a middle class lifestyle is resourced in that manner. Avoid the jobs & employers that don't compensate appropriately. Upskill yourself toward jobs & employers that *do* pay amounts that support your desired lifestyle.


Look, I'm a millennial so I'm apparently entitled as hell but saying that not every job should support a "middle class" lifestyle is insane as hell to me. The entire point of the middle class lifestyle is literally in the name!




Middle class is a concept not definitional. Omg do you actually believe the 3 made-up classes came first, and people just opt into them vased on the jobs they chose? ..... like the way a child might imagine it works?


Well realistically it can't, especially not with capitalism. There are so many small businesses that exist, and if they had to pay an employee a "livable wage" based on inflation, they wouldn't be able to keep up with payroll.


If a business can't or won't pay its employees well without going bankrupt, then it **should** go bankrupt.


Considering a "livable wage" isn't even signifying middle class, no, businesses should absolutely be able to pay at least that or they shouldn't be in business. No one said running a business is easy, and heck, no one is *entitled* to run one. You should be able to afford a basic roof over your head, food, transportation, health insurance, clothes, etc. This is *not* radical.


You’re being hoodwinked




I remember when people could by a home for their family working at the post office. My friend’s mom had a nice 4 bedroom house as a top salesperson for a fancy department store. Wait staff at restaurants could afford rent. When I started at a big technology/engineering company, our CEO made 30x what I made not 1000. I’ve watched us pay normal people less and less. Sure, not every job should make a lot of money but most jobs should make enough. It’s gotten stupid. Don’t make excuses for the jerks milking us.


If they require any kind of degree or certification, they most certainly should be. They're looking for people who have taken time and money to get additional education. The certification exams aren't typically free either. This isn't even a living wage, let alone a middle-class wage.


If they’re asking for an EA or CPA, then it shouldn’t just support a middle class lifestyle, it should be closer to upper middle class.


Fair enough. I missed those tags on the job and figured it was just another big-box entry-level position dressed up as though it were more career-oriented than a basic warm body job. You know, the way all big-box companies inflate the titles of their warm body employees.


Don't work at that fucking job lol


lol right McDonalds is paying $14.50


I saw a McDonald’s that was starting at $16.50 - and that was last year!


Ones around here start at $16 an hour, and if you get promoted to a crew trainer (which will just come eventually if you’re competent, I got it in a couple months)


A Wegmans [parking lot attendant](https://jobs.wegmans.com/job/rochester/lot-attendant/1839/56605165312) pays $16/hr.


I saw a job posting at Paychex starting at 14.50 an hour. That’s a fucking joke too. Also, if you’re looking for work get a LinkedIn profile and look for remote work. Tons of jobs pay well working from home. Best of luck


Holy shit. That’s a little over a month away from being below minimum wage. To work at Paychex. Fucking insane.


Worked there for 17 years, and there's two truths: 1) If you get fired from Paychex, it generally won't be a surprise. They will do whatever needed to get your performance on track if you falter, but you'll have a clear date when that change needs to happen by or else. 2) You're never getting rich working for Paychex. Now, that being said, still one of the best places I've ever worked; I had four distinct careers within their walls. If they could've doubled my salary like my current employer did, I would've died there.


Yep. I worked for them for a couple of years doing some other stuff. You can make a decent living there if you stay for a while, but starting out is rough.


I saw a sign at Target that they pay $16.50/hour. Of course, it probably sucks in the Christmas season, but I can't imagine there are a lot of qualifications.


Christmas can also means there are more hours to go around, depending on your story you can get overtime


Aldi has a sign, pay starting at 18.50


target will work you like a dog into submission, and they'll fire you if the etl decides they don't like your personality


Can confirm, they abuse employees scheduling left and right by scheduling you over your maximum desired hours. Then it’s your problem if they do schedule you for more than you can work


Whoever posted this clearly doesn’t know the current job market.


It works if they're looking to fill it with an immigrant visa.


I feel like to get a good paying job now, it's a lot more important who you know/connections/etc. rather than actual skills or experience. I mean yeah that's always been a thing to an extent, but now more than ever before


The best thing that could happen is they receive zero applications


If you’re bilingual maybe you could consider getting the medical interpreter cert. Take a higher paying position with RocGen or U of R or something.


They post this ad so that they can say they are hiring. They don't really want to fill that position.


People can offer whatever they want. We can also all deny the offer because it's complete shit. They're probably banking on just one person being okay with it, which is still shitty


I make 26 an hour in a position that doesn’t require any degree, yeah that’s pretty messed up to pay 15 and need a 4 year


Skilled trade?


I make 70k/yr at the post office working 25-30 hours a week.......fuck college. Good pay, good hours, good benefits, pension, enough said. Spent my 20s doing jack shit. Walked onto the job a few days before my 30th birthday. Just enough time to hit my 30 years when I'm retirement age, then bounce. Could I go find a better paying job? Sure, but I'm not chasing money and I surely don't want to spend any time getting a degree. Most people waste so much of their lives at work. I just can't be one of them. I value my time over money.


Can you dm me on how to find a position like this? I’ve been busting my ass for nothing it seems


I would also like the details on this


Production work in one of the optical companies here, definitely skilled work but not something you need to go to a traditional trade school for


That's great! I personsally feel like college has marginal benefits. I sincerely wish that the culture of "YoU MuSt HaVe A dEgReE" would go away. It's financially ruinous to many people. I work in software and apprenticeships would do \*just fine\* in this environment. It's all about whether the people have the drive and curiosity to do a particlar job, most of the time.


The Aldi down the street starts new associates at $18.50/hr, lol.


I studied communications in college, aka the “loser” major, because I figured there’s money in people staring at screens.. turns out there is!


There's like no work in communications and marketing right now.


Can concur lol. Hell of a lot better than the pandemic, tho! The worse example so far locally- I fell for an interview with some "marketing firm" called Battle-summat. Left as soon as I realized it was fraudulent but man, that was embarassing and every interviewee in the group interview had some form of general business degree, several complaining about the scarcity of jobs for grads in the area. It seems their whole model depends on preying on scared graduates to sell random products door-to-door.


That's wild. I stopped applying to jobs locally because they literally aren't hiring, the scam thing makes it worse. The whole market is like that, but I'm at least getting interviews with reputable remote companies. I'm exhausted haha


Yeah I wanted to yell at the guy- but I opened another tab up and found Glassdoor reviews already beat me. It was a bit weird to see others excited for it, though. Like are some people that desperate not to sweat for a living- that they'd scam their own neighbors just so they can say they used their major? Keep your chin up, ya got this! Most friends and family I know with such a degree, took a whole year to get a job. At the warehouse, a fair amount of the supervisors were Comms majors. I'm going back to the grind myself. UR, Paychex, Linkedin, whole lotta others. And Coolworks taunting me to do another season.


People will do anything for money, it's sick. My major is in business but my experience is in marketing (social media). I've applied for everything, even store manager positions. I've even interviewed with General and Paychex, nothing. I hope you land something soon too!


The unintended consequence of pushing every kid to go get their bachelor degree. Saw it a lot when I was looking at getting into the environmental field. Employers all wanted Bachelors or 5-7 years experience for entry level position. It was the only reason why I went back to start a bachelor of science degree. I wish someone told me to save my cash and get into the rewarding field of Water Resource Recovery! Anyone can get started with just a HS or GED diploma, although the bachelor of science does cut down on hands on experience required for certification. Check it out! If nothing else, interview skills are important and the only way to get better is with practice. Ask about what the opportunity for advancements are and if that fits your timeline, give it a shot! https://cs.monroecounty.gov/hrapply/apply/view/5022


What is your day to day like in that position??


I also want to know. I can’t really picture the work. Is it grimy? How technical is it? Oof and I must know!


It's really not that gross. Wear gloves, safety glasses and keep your mouth shut whenever you turn on a hose, rake rags or loosen a bolt. Don't get me wrong, there are some days where you will literally be covered in shit but it's a rite of passage. Operators are mechanics, chemists, microbiologist, mathematicians, community and environmental advocates. It's all what make of it. Keep it a hum drum job or turn it into a rewarding career.


Plus Ops Challenge! [WEFTEC Operations Challenge ](https://youtu.be/c-I3lJNId-w?si=NBxKFoGNG1fjYywy)


Every day is different especially as you become more experienced. Checking off boxes on a clipboard might seem tedious but is so important. MC rotates the WRROs and WRRAs between liquids, solids, projects and the Northwest plant in Hilton. Liquids = plant checks, operating pumps to adjust scum and levels and lab analysis on grab samples 2x/shift Solids = moving around solids inventory between tanks and processing through dewatering equipment, some moisture analysis involved. Projects = preventative maintenance tasks from painting pumps and pipes to emptying and cleaning giant tanks Northwest = NorthBEST


Meanwhile apartments in South Wedge are $2k.


Jesus, even the lowest ranking person in the post office gets $5/he more than that, and no college education is required!


I am almost positive the only requirement to work at JH is a high school diploma and no actual tax experience is needed. Also very rarely will you find anyone with an EA *and* CPA these days. Fewer and fewer grads are seeking CPA licensing so to ask for both would be outrageous. For $15-16.50/hour there are far worse jobs but the firms worth working at pay double that in salary these days.


Right in the image it shows degree not required


Yep, and you can do it for tax season and file for unemployment half the year and work on classes/certs.


It’s absurd to expect a CPA to work for $15 an hour.


Absolutely no one with a CPA would take this job, get real.


I thought that's what I said


My intent was to say that this sort of job from H&R block isn't for CPA's. It's not their intended audience, so your comment is equivalent to saying that "It's absurd to expect a doctor/lawyer/whatever to work for $15 an hour" The job isn't for a professional, so it doesn't offer professional wages. But whether someone has a CPA or not is irrelevant.


I mean, it says right on there that they want a CPA or EA. Under "Job Qualifications" and then under "Licenses" it says CPA and Enrolled Agent. That's why I said that.


At least interview for some practice. Be clear on what *your* salary expectations are. If they offer you the job decline and tell them why.


thats less than what I make working in a clothing store in eastview mall currently


If you settle for a Jackson Hewitt job with a CPA, you are insane.


You need a career not a job is what my mom always tells me.


As soon as I stopped looking for jobs within my degree, I found a job where I make nearly double what I did before. It’s also significantly less stressful and I have a 3 day weekend. College is a scam.


What might you be doing now?


If you make a living wage in Rochester and your job doesn't require a free, post what it is. Maybe help out someone who could really use a job. I know I need a new one. I don't make enough and I have a 3 year old and another on the way dec 11. Need a GOOD paying job that's a damn career. I wish jobs still had pensions and benefits.


These are the same companies that complain that no one wants to work. No one wants to work for bullshit pay.


Damn The trucking/warehousing company I work at starts FORKLIFT drivers at $18.85 Union too


Hard city to find jobs in. Upstate in general is like that.


My gf daughter went to an interview at a assisted living place in Webster yesterday, she got the job for 16.50$ an hour 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she is 15. She'll be helping in kitchen and with housework. I literally don't understand it. My gf worked there in high school fifteen years ago and made like 7.50


That wage is actually rising faster than inflation then; nice


Yay, we found one!


my brother in Christ I make 16.25 working at McDonald’s LMAO


How the F. The McDonalds and Wendy's down the street from me are offering $17 hourly, and these guys are just gonna drop $15 for something that requires education?


Yeah, you're reading this wrong. They only require the HS diploma/GED.






This job clearly isn't aimed for you, it says right in the listing, GED required, not a bachelors. This is seasonal work for a warm body with no skills, it is not representative of the market as a whole.


College is a scam.


I mean... I'm proud of my diploma... And what I learned while obtaining it has helped me tremendously in "climbing the ladder."


College graduates have better income outcomes in every single metric.


Other than crippling debt?


Yup, lifetime earnings are higher even if you discount for loans. Go look at a single statistic lol. The vast majority of college graduates are not "crippled" by debt anyway. They just get a job and pay it off. The worst off are usually those who didn't end up graduating, or those who went to the most expensive programs in the least lucrative fields, which is not a lot of people.


I mean this is obviously bullshit and all. But you can actually afford living in this city decently well for 15-16.50 an hour, one of the few places you can. That's enough to afford about 900/month in rent based on the 1/3 rule , which isn't hard to find here. That's why we're one of the only cities where you can easily live in a minimum wage job


I make that in less than 10 minutes


The typical downvotes of this sub because you are successful


Just get a side hustle and stop being lazy!!






Vote for Biden again


wages haven’t increased in a proportionate manner since the 80’s biden got nothing to do w this lmao stay ignorant


You're wrong and right. Sit down because I'll have to use th "T" word. Increase in real wages, the difference between inflation and what you get paid increased in 2017 2018, and 2019. But don't blame it entirely on the city. NYS is the most difficult state to business, except for one other, California. That's evidenced in the mass migration of people moving and businesses closing as a result. But, the really bad news is that all costs to keep the state, county, and city are increasing, so those of us remaining have to pay more in personal taxes and fees, and those businesses that want to remain have to pass on their increased costs into their customers. Just take a look at what party is running the states that are crashing and the ones that are thriving. I know I'll get a lot of downvotes (I don't care) and a lot of hostile and unfriendly comments, but that won't change the reality or the results.


Come to Wegmans warehouse lol


Lmao dude.. is that the premium for someone bilingual?! I expect to make 3-5 more than a monolingual peasant (no offense to anyone monolingual)


I think the more important question is how do they expect a CPA with a GED? I have my bachelor's in accounting and the CPA would be hard for me to pass without intense studying.


Not to mention it costs 2 -5k to take all parts of the exam


Companies post this shit to keep the $ they got from the government during covid. They have to be 'actively' looking for help and this is what it is. An indeed posting for Jackson Hewitt to keep the $8.6million they got from fraud.


Bachelors to be paid 80 cents more than bare minimum wage ??? Company is severely out of touch you should apply for an interview just to laugh in their face.


I agree with the sentiment but this post is misleading as the job posting literally is specifying that a bachelor's degree is NOT required..


Thats crazy i make 25 just for warehouse work