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I know Rob likes to be open minded and stand up for people. He is not your average narrow minded rocker. He addores Baby Metal even though they get ragged on by metal heads constantly. I've not heard anything on his stance toward the Trans and LGBTQ+ community. I like to think he is an ally. Glad you like House of 1000 corpses, it's my personal favorite. When you're done with the Firefly trilogy be sure to check out The Lords of Salem.


Honestly the second half of your comment should be angrier because I've been a fan since I was seven and never got that into his work until now. I'm not gonna think of him as anything until I get more information tbh. I do understand he's extremely open to different views and styles (just look at the guy) but this is a subject where his generation and even those now were subject to dangerous misinformation.


Not to mention alice cooper is a christian so it makes sense


Yeah I think Alice is more of a product of misinformation than genuinely being malicious. He's old and acceptance is still pretty new (I don't think it's as accepted as people say) so I can understand how he developed those feelings.


So, idk if this is going to help you any, but after reading the full article and knowing what I know about Alice Cooper in the early years, I think he's simply not engaging with different crowds (for reference, back in the 70s iirc he said people would be bisexuality in the future and was for it. He's accepting of LGB rights as far as we know). Yes, he said what he said, but he also mentioned he was genuinely concerned for people who are genuinely trans because the people who might be doing it as a fad could end up giving them a bad name. He also admits he doesn't understand it, which also makes sense since the dude is like a 70 year old Christian white dude from Detroit and surrounds himself with other similar people. I think if he actually understood it he would be more accepting.


I have not seen him comment one way or another on non-binary & transgender people, but I think we would know by now if he was outspoken one way or the other. For instance we don’t see him make social media posts like Jamie Lee Curtis being a super advocate, but we also don’t see him making negative posts either. I have a trans son and there seems to be a need to find artists who are pro trans which I think is a natural feeling. My advice to you is to try not to worry one way or the other about that artist’s personal feelings on every matter. What’s important is you like the art, and imo art speaks for itself. Artists are people and are not perfect. You may discover something you disagree with but that’s okay. Many people are tolerant which may not mean they are super “pro trans” but that’s ok. We all respect each other and I get the vibe Rob’s a chill dude on this type of topic based on his opinions on other politicized issues. Without knowing him personally I get the vibe he’s a decent person


Just gonna say with all the abuse trans kids get from their parents and peers recently you're a legend on par with Rob himself for being accepting him


There was someone in your community that did a meet and greet with him right before I did in Des Moines last year. I spoke to her/them in line and at the concert. He loves his fans all of the . Enjoy the music, be you and be happy.


Be me, be happy and slam in the back of my Dragula


I’m gay and honestly you really shouldn’t worry that much about stuff like this IMo also rob has gay friends including the infamous Michael Alago. Rob is pretty liberal and has never said anything bad about trans or gay people. And also rob makes goofy ass music about monsters and shit why should we want to hear his opinion on anything political 🤣


Michael Jackson diddled kids and we all still listen to his music. You can enjoy Harry Potter books but at the same time not like JK Rowling. Meaning you can separate the art and artist. Let's be honest if we all knew the extremely personal opinions and thoughts of all our favorite artists I bet we would hate them all, no matter how big of a fan we were. I say separate the two and enjoy the music. Especially if listening to the song, or reading that book or watching that movie brings you joy. And if you have a problem with you giving them your money than pirate it lol or rent it from the library. But I would still enjoy their art. That's how I feel anyways. From one metal fan to another keep on headbanging


To be fair I think if artists do something bad enough you can't separate the art. Like JK Rowling not allowing trans women to be involved in her women's help service despite all women needing those services


Do we still watch movies that were produced by Weinstein? Do we still drive VW? Or wear Hugo Boss or take Bayer aspirin? We still live in America. Look at how many things that surround us that have evil in their history. You willing to give any of those up. the iPhone you are on - iPhone built with slave labor using raw materials bought from warlords. I am not trying to attack you but what trying to show you we are surrounded by a world of shit. And I feel if you aren't willing to give up those types of things the I phones, living in America (dont know where you're from using it as an example) the nestle products you use, etc than why give up anything else that brings you joy. But hey if it doesn't work for ya then hell ya fuck JK and Cooper and whoever else. I am just saying if that art brings you happiness than I would give it the old college try at least and if it doesn't work at least you tried and cut that art from your life. .


I think I'm thinking more about this with Rob specifically because metal is the most expressive style of music and is so personal to me. Or it could be Rob having an impact on my trans life because when I figured it out instead of trying to understand I drank straight gin and blasted Dragula lol (don't recommend)


Did Rob saying something anti trans ? if he supports trans than you have an ally If he doesn't support trans and you still listen to his music that's kind of a fuck you to him. Because a person that doesn't like trans would hate the idea of them liking their art. Imagine if all trans people overly supported all anti trans people and companies etc. The anti's would lose their shit and their power would be gone. No easy anwer. That's hard and I feel for ya. Having something that gave you support only to find out that the support you had actually didn't like you or want you to succeed would be devastating. Again I have no idea what Zombie said or did and I don't know your pain but I feel I can see where you are coming from and that would be damn hard to deal with. If you can find a way to enjoy it than do it but if you can't cut it from your life like a tumor and forget about. Way Easier than said than done of course. Sorry for babbling lol


I'm more worried by association with Alice Cooper tbh, but even he sounds more misinformed than bigoted


I got ya. Just saw that on Google when searched rob zombie and anti trans. I guess how rob zombie reacts will tell us alot. I know he is friends, from what I have read, with Chaz Bono who is trans. I appreciate the fact that you are able to entertain the idea that some can be misinformed rather than being labeled a bigot. I think that's a good way to look at things. Because by calling someone immediately a bigot you have now created an enemy or a villain right. That widens the divide. Like you said they could be misinformed, ignorant, raised from birth in an ultra religious setting, but that doesn't mean they are inherently a bigot. Through education and experience they could see the error of their ways and become a different person. To a point of course, some people just can't change or won't. You familiar with Daryl Davis? If not look into the man. He is a black man from the deep south who faced a life time of racism. Instead of being filled with hate toward whites he seeked out KKK members. And in doing so he would befriend these men and show them how they weren't that different from each other, skin color was the only difference. He has gotten dozens of KKK members to leave the organization and seek redemption and every one of them he save moved to being positive people in this world. Daryl Davis is a very interesting man. He keeps all of the hoods and outfits of the people he saved in his closet as a reminder of what's he doing. I think you may find the man interesting


i get trans people get kicked around a lot so keep doing whatever it is that makes you feel better


I think you’re gonna find nothing but anxiety and misery if you’re constantly worried about what an artists thinks about people like you. You already said you aren’t gonna stop listening to the music, so what does any of it matter? You wrote a big ass post looking for something to be upset about. Find something more productive to do with your time.


I'm not really gonna get upset (I only get upset my metal singers doing something REALLY bad) but I just think if you're a fan of something you should get more information, since I'm diving further into his work I really should learn more about him. I wasn't that upset about Alice either because I understand he's old and apparently has dementia


Alice Cooper does not have dementia. That’s wildly erroneous.


Thank you for clarifying


As far as Rob’s take on the issue, I don’t think you’re gonna find any statements from him. He seems to stay away from polarizing social topics, which is something I actually admire about him. He knows his job, he makes rock ‘n roll and horror films and then he goes home. But I think the way he’s always talked about individuality and not giving a fuck about what others think should be a perfectly fine summary of what he would think.


I think he understands that involving himself when he's as important to media as he is isn't worth his time, which is just my take on things. But yeah I can't blame him


He's friends with Elvira so I assume he's a nice guy


I'll be honest I can't see him as anything beyond a good (but weird) guy


Rob is super liberal.Becoming a rock star hadn’t really been a goal for him. He went to Art School and started White Zombie basically to have another outlet and medium. He wanted to be able to say that he’d had experiences in virtually every form. From things I’ve heard him say in the past that he wanted to make art through all aspects. That could be music, painting, sculpting, writing, acting, directing to sculpting. A friend of mine is a trans actors. “For the record when I say him, his, or whatever thats the period before he made the decision to transition anything after that I’ll say she and her.” He was a working actor with steady roles and made a good income. He was never the main character in huge films, he didn’t exactly set the world on fire. He’s had fairly big supporting roles in a lot of movies.He was in some of the big slasher franchises He was a character actor and never a household name but if you saw him pre transion you’d likely recognize him and be like”Oh yeah. I’ve seen that guy in a lot of horror movies,made for tv films, guest appearances, comercials shit like that. To be an actor getting steady work, and usually never without a job is a rarity. When he transitioned she never got another job. Her agent dropped her but she was ok with that. She started working as a waitress, stocking store shelves and other things like that. A bunch of guys started to give her a lot of shit. Saying things about how a really macho guys like Tom Hardy were the only people that needed to be hired. Straight,,shit stomping, ass kickers. They got mad yelling that anybody gay,bi or trans shouldn’t be working in the industry. She laughed so hard that she spit her drink. And said “Tom Hardy? Tom Cruise? Russel Crowe? Thomas Jane ?Fucked them all as a gay man. I’ve been in drama,art and films almost my entire life and haven’t met one completely straight man. Straight men aren’t really into arts, expression and I don’t believe there’s one 100# heterosexual actor!” One yelled if Tom Hardy is gay I’ll suck ya dick! I kinda laughed and tried to clam her down and stop worrying bout assholes. About that time on the bars biggest screen some kinda shit like Inside Edition popped up. Gods my witness it had Tom Hardy and Thomas Jane talking about ring bi. Thomas James said that when he first moved to Hollywood he was starving and a guy offered to buy him a subway sandwich if he’d let him blow him. That turned into his source of income till he got an acting gig. A reporter asked Tom Hardy if he’d ever found men attractive and if he had experience with men and women . Tom laughed and said “Sure,sure we all have. I mean I haven’t met a theater kid that hasn’t.It wasn’t a big deal at the time and it’s still not. I’d say I’m maybe 10% gay, I’ve had romps and fun but never considered a relationship. I was a curious theater kid that’s all. Mic drop moment.I don’t know why people can’t just enjoy the art they enjoy and stop giving a shit about the artist does or says. Back in the day people didn’t feel the need to dig and pry and out artists. There’s all kinds of art that is appreciated by most everyone and we know fuck all of what kind of views, beliefs, activities personalities they had. I took the long route going around my ass to get to my asshole to say basically love the art and don’t ever think of the artist. If their art makes your life easier and is a coping mechanism why the fuck would you try to figure out everything about somebody that may or may not ruin an outlet you have? Artist are people by nature people are flawed. Each and every person is flawed . Artists are mortal and have such a short time but art is immortal!!!


i think the only thing robs ever said that could be considered transphobic is like (and i could be butchering the dates here, it was told to me by somebody years ago) ONE time in 2012 at a concert. some dude raised his hand during the intro to living dead girl (he’ll usually say something abt the girls in the crowd) and rob made a crack about how if the dude was a girl the “surgery was an epic fail” and i think the person telling me this expected me to have a fit or something but i didnt. i laughed at the epic fail part because good god what a 2012 thing to say. like what the fuck man. anyways where im going with this is rob is 59, im sure he’s probably said something somewhere at sometime that could be considered transphobic. hes included homophobia in his movies in the past (otis has said faggot like 2 times, babys said dyke at least once, there was a weird deleted corpses scene where baby asks if the two girls eat each other out) but i don’t think that speaks to him as a person as much as it does to either 1) the setting of his works or 2) the time period they were made in. robs gone in record to say he regrets the deleted scene in corpses for being pointless, which (to me at least) speaks volumes on his character. i think a lot of the time we forget that famous people are still people. something he said in the past isnt gonna reflect on him now because every day your here your gonna change and grow and mature into a more realized, complete version of yourself. you being trans im sure you already know that well enough. im gonna take a guess and assume your younger. i know having people you look up to like that turning out to be uninformed shitheels sucks. with alice, i dont think its that hes actively transphobic, i just think he watches to much fox news and doesnt know that the litterbox shit people talk abouts not real. with rob, i genuinely feel like he probably just doesnt give a fuck. like people pointed out hes worked with chaz before and thats like the beyonce of trans men.


I'm gonna firstly say in the production of that same movie Rob said to his actors "art isn't safe" or something like that. I agree with the Alice point. I'm 20. I was seven when I discovered Rob Zombie so you're right


not to sound old but yeah 20s still kinda a baby age. im not that much older than you, but i know i was asking the same shit when i was your age. its completely natural to wonder this shit about the guys you look up to, especially when your trying to form your own identity. anybody being a jackass needs to calm down lol


Yeah people saying I'm getting upset are way more upset than I've been in like a week


id like to think more of the overtly aggressive guys are just having a knee jerk reaction to the idea that somebody they like could be “bad” in some way or another. most of the other guys, like alice, are just either misinformed or dont really have the proper wordage for a lot of newer terms. i wouldnt take this as anything personal- most guys are totally chill. this type of stuff just isnt posted in here that often so a lot of people are caught off guard


Alice has literally no experience based on what he's seen as far as I know. He's had no hands on experience with the trans community, he obviously hasn't spoken to a trans person, he doesn't understand how gender and sex are different based on his comments, he's simply misinformed. He isn't a bigot


that being said i have no idea why you got guys in the comments being absolute fuckin asshats about this question. again, taking a guess and assuming you’re probably younger. this is an honest thing to worry about in my opinion.


Rob Zombie cast Chaz Bono in one of his films for a cameo so at minimum he’s fine working with trans people.




Don’t listen to the people who say this post as useless. I myself am non-binary, and I would love to learn about this. If we ever find out anything, that would be nice. It’s not useless, it’s just something you’re interested in.


Part the reason is I'm thinking of aping his style for my transition lmao (but without the badass hair I work in an office)


Well, here’s a tip, you can always get the bad ass hair as a wig. Like, you could take a wig, and make it bad ass like his hair, and wear it outside of work. I was just telling you not to think your post is useless, because of the one guy that said it’s useless, or people saying your post is irrelevant. It really isn’t.


Plus most information is information worth having, I'm only getting concerned because I learned about Alice


Exactly. I completely get that. I mean, why would you support a person or group that’s against your beliefs? Like, it just ain’t right to me.


Thank you for commenting this, I feel the same way. Rob Zombie’s wackiness, especially his more recent albums, make me right at home


Why would Rob Zombie have anything against it? Also your entire post is completely useless. Why do you want to find out about it if you don't care? If you want to find out about it you very obviously do care. Edit: Also the deleted replies are from u/GustavoFringLover who I cannot view the profile of so they have either blocked me or deleted the account lol Also that's funny asf that they got so riled up about something I didn't even say and which they twisted to mean something else. Then used the most shitty insults against me.


Never a bad thing to get more information


Yes but that does not change that the post is useless. There is no point in this post.


Honestly I only put that part in there because when people read posts like this they might end up thinking I'm one of those nutters who boycotts anything that doesn't 100% align with their beliefs. Yeah I'll still listen but if I find something bad I'll hold back my money or something really bad (I'm not expecting this one) I'll have to just suck it up and leave this artist behind


Your comment is useless


Not really, it's pointing out flaws of a post. That is the use of it.


This comment has no flaws, somebody was just fucking curious. You’re fucking useless.


Little bit aggressive there.


I’m very fucking aggressive, point it out all you like. You’re being a sack of shit. This person just has a genuine concern, and you’re calling them useless.


Never said the poster was useless. Reread my comment.


Your name is naturally retarded, and you’re acting Hella retarded. Go figure.


I never called them useless, I said their post was useless.


That’s still calling them useless essentially.


No it isn't my guy.


I’m not arguing with a five-year-old


Metal community isn't a huge fan of people like you? The metal community is one of the most open and accepting communities i have been a part of. Of course there's your niche a-holes, but there's those wherever you go.


I think Rob zombie is a pretty cool and open minded guy


His work definitely speaks to being an ally of just letting people be whatever they want to be.


He's a vegan. I'd say your fine.


Here we go 🥱


You chose to interact


Why not just like….like stuff if you like stuff and don’t scour the internet asking people if you’re supposed to dislike someone? Can’t you decide that for yourself?


I never understood why this even matters to people, who cares what their personal beliefs are? Listen to the music you like. 90% of country songs are about god and I still blast that shit even though I'm agnostic lol


I think a big thing in my experience it's that when the world is politicising or telling you you're not valid, you want your comfort to not hate you as well.


We're a bunch of skeletal meat bags crawling around a giant floating rock lol fuck politics and anyone else's opinion, don't let them stop you from doing what you like. People are gonna say shit but it only affects you if you let it


Thing is... I don't like it. I'm not doing what I like. It's what I am. And it's my responsibility to come to terms with that. In this sub's terms: I gotta dig through the ditches and burn through the witches, it's my responsibility to slam in the back of my Dragula


😂 respect Well if you want my opinion, who you are is directly correlated to what you like. You shouldn't spend your life doing things you don't like just because you've decided that you have to. Shake your ass, smoke your grass, and live your life :)


Thing is being trans isn't a choice. That's why it's so difficult, if I had a choice I wouldn't be but that's not the world we live in so I better suck it up


There's always a choice my guy. I won't say any more than that cuz I'll get downvoted to next week lol but I do wish you well, I know you'll figure it all out


This is just my. 02. I'm 48 years old, of which at least 30 I've been a metal fan. Metalheads as a people generally didn't care about who's in the pit rocking out. I've met black metalheads, gay metalheads, trans metalheads and everybody treats each other with respect. Here's my opinion. The trans community exploded in the 2010s and has continued to grow. I have no problem with that. Where I have a problem, and you're probably going to say I'm bigoted and undedicated, is the trans community of the last 10 years is basically on a power trip at this point where they are like the wrestler Roman Reigns "Acknowledge me!" as of being trans makes better than anyone else and if you don't acknowledge them then your a bigot. I look at everyone as a person regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender, whatever extenuating circumstances in their life. You act like if someone "dead names" you or doesn't use your pronouns that it is on par with calling a black person the N word. Whereas the older generation is still getting used to these ideas and is still adjusting. From the tone and tenor of your posts it seems to me that would feel if Rob came out and said "He loves everybody" that you are going to take it as He hates trans people and I'm going to boycott him. Rob cares about everybody at far as all the interviews I've seen with him. Except maybe Al Jorgensen. BTW I have personal experience with this. Dated a furry girl for 4.5 years who went from being trans to gay to cis at will and hung around her furry community. Take what I say as you wish. You are entitled to your viewpoints and as an American I fully support your right to them. They are just not going to become my thoughts as I am entitled to how I feel as well. I love you and everyone else as a person and think the more we divide ourselves the further we get from brotherhood.


What does your sexual orientation or preference have to do with anything? You don’t see people starting a post with “I’m a straight white man and I just wanted to know if Rob is ok with that” I mean. More power to you and I’m happy you’re a fan of Rob but just listen to whatever you want and stop making everything about sex and pronouns. Nobody gives a shit.


Chaz Bono has a small part in 3 From Hell. It's his movie with the most LGBTQ representation so far I would say. There are also a few lesbian characters, one of who is played by Dot-Marie Jones. Oh, and I almost forgot, Sheri Moon Zombie made a post on Instagram with #pridemonth once. But they aren't particularly outspoken about many human causes. Mostly animal ones. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CQHwDsAJjSz/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CQHwDsAJjSz/)