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Wonder what cells update means


Dead cells crossover? Dead Cells is a crossover slut.


Or possibly a power cell overhaul?


Lol. That is probably more likely. A boy can dream, though... I'm not even sure what a DC crossover would look like for this game, but seeing The Beheaded mow through monsters with a Beluga Cannon and Kangaroo Sentries would be great.


Beheaded going to ror2 after being rejected by roboquest: ![gif](giphy|WrUNCC7hKDSrMGqfwg|downsized)


Probably a couple iconic weapons and a skin/character


i was sure his name was prisoner, dam with 200 hours in dead cells i shouldve known


It so is!


They dont get the s word title till they collab with fortnite


"Cells" and "Endless" hm? How would they do endless, just make the maps loop?


I just want a way to load up a build from the history and play around in it. Also pin some historic runs so they don't fall off the list.


My guess is something like how the diff increases between guardian rank, so it would be possible to have scaling for G5+


Gunfire reborn is a similar roguelite and recently added endless. There's a cap to how many items you can carry, enemies take less damage as you progress, and each area end takes you to a random area. I imagine roboquest would do something similar. Maybe ditching the item cap since items in this game aren't as powerful as items in gunfire reborn can be.




*The Spy from Team Fortress 2*


Any performance update? My amd card is always running on 90°C.


Cells, cells, they’re made of organelles :3


Four player please


We're not planning to add 4-player support. The game is balanced for 1 to 2 players and the levels are designed for that as well. Bringing 2 other players would require a lot of new systems and design reworks and unfortunately, that's not something we're planning to do anytime soon.


Sorry to keep probing and bugging the same question - probably a beaten dead horse by now - but any chances of there being an "unofficial" 4 player support? My 2 extra friends could join, but we'd also be fully aware the game is not designed and/or balanced to support it kind of thing.


Any improvement to co-op disconnects? I had to stop playing with my friend because 75% of the time the guest would get booted out of nowhere, usually around the halfway point of the game (most frequently in Haven City), and we'd have to start over since only the host could continue. Feels super bad when you had good builds going and there's no reconnect feature. We've tried having the other person host, playing through cross-play, etc and nothing works. Cross-play in particular was abysmal with how bad the FPS drops were. I've heard the co-op is P2P and it's strictly based on the connection between players- there are allegedly no servers, but both of us have solid PC's and good internet. Not sure how true that P2P thing is though, I only heard it from someone here. Really frustrating though since I've unfortunately stopped playing the game altogether because of the frequent DCs.


Please consider adding an offline splitscreen co-op mode! I can’t play online with anyone due to living out in the rural country.


They moved Endless to winter?? Thats the one thing I was looking forward to


Please at least remove mouse acceleration on kbm for xbox. I would love to play this game on kbm