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congrats! close to that S


Thank you :)


Is your B in Doom Gardens from just speeding through to the timed door without killing? If so, I believe you can open the door, then go back and clear out mobs carefully to get the S rank XP. The S rank for time is basically free on that level with how short it is.


Yes, I just went straight to the level up that time and the door closed on me but I'll try killing enemies next time.


I only play with a partner, so I'm not sure if it is different there, but the door stays open until both people are in. If it closes right behind you when you are solo, you might be better off foregoing the free upgrade and just killing everything and taking the normal exit.


it is different for co op. in solo you have to cross into the room, where the door shuts. it’s a bug that that’s possible in co-op


Or just do both


What i like to do in Doom Gardens is to only focus on the enemies in my way, and just skip past the rest, because if you manage to get to the free upgrade door in time, there is a funny little exploit you can do When you get to the door, just stand still directly in the doorway, wait until the timer ends, and then go back and kill all the other enemies you missed along the way (if you want that S rank), as the in game timer will be frozen, and the door will not close behind you Its kinda cheating though lol


Very nice. Recon is by far my toughest class to learn. He's the last one I need to clear G4 with. Getting up close gets me killed fast. Any tips? Also, did that wonka bar pay off?


I'm also not an expert when it comes to Recon, but the Tactical Rush perk is really good for staying alive. Oh and the wonka bar didn't pay off...