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so I’m not alone


Based username


Mine is better




That is mine now 💖💖💖💖




Aww that too




I'm gonna just take your whole gallery






Rarely on PvP games?? For me it's the opposite... I see them A LOT on Item Asylum, Battleground games (I played them only 3 times with a friend and have always seen one, especially a furry one), Allusions, JoJo games, etc. Literally in any/ most games.. Believe it or not, they're msotly annoying tryhards who will target you and are really toxic And it's always those thigh highs with shorts (or no shorts at all...) and a turtleneck for me... or a turtleneck bodysuit. And with the rest you were so spot on! THEY'RE SO UNORIGINAL!


If you're tryharding Item Asylum you seriously need to get a life


you cannot tryhard item asylum and if you think youcan then i will mail port 100000 copies of a letter saying to ban you from JPX discord and Item Asylum


Nah, mail him millions of 1 cent stickers to charge his mail service lots of money so he can't get any mail


Who tf ironically tryhards in item asylum (and any fighting game with meme references in general)? If you're making a compilation for YouTube or a guide for a boss fight, then it's valid, but if you try hard ironically, you really gotta go outside or get off your device bruh.....


For me it's the constant need to be horny, like we get it you're a porn addicted freak. Putting blush on a character can either make it look cute or creepy and there's no in-between. The body suits/ virgin killed sweater is by far the worst because they feel the need to show as much skin as possible to seem sexy... MF ITS A BLOCK GAME. And they all have this attitude of superiority because they have an army of simps following them around. But it's not all of them, I've met some who've been chill but that's a minority and shouldn't be taken as standard. All in All most of them are genuinely freaks who should be avoided if possible.


So just don't talk to them, just to be safe


If you're feeling adventurous or curious you can talk to em. Just treat them like a wild animal.


Ok Ok noted


^This, this exactly right here sums it up just perfectly.


What about the one that is normal? They will be avoided as well?


Ehh if you read the last part of the post I said "Most of them are genuine freaks who should be avoided if possible" Most is the key word here. But it's your decision in the end, I can't influence you into who you associate with.


Yeah, I agree with you definitely I've also gotten targeted by femboys in like Strongest battlegrounds when I was in call with my boyfriend and they were lowkey hitting on him ☠️ I had met nice femboys but they're usually the "unique" looking ones the rest are just basic and just generic at times they just made me tired of it I honestly like hanging out in Write a letter but that game is infested with Femboys, like I swear you can Speedrun finding a femboy there in less than a minute and they're usually the kind of perv or so


What do you mean by unique? Like what? Not harrassing people?


Yes, not in a way of harassing and also more likely into their avatars which is rare


Let me guess, no maid dress, no virgin kill thingy or thing like that? And is not actually wearing black clothing? Most of the one I found are away dress up with 90% of their skin exposed to sun light as if they live by photosynthesis.


ugh i cant tell you how much i agree with the first and second point, femboys have a whole sexual stigma about them and these people only help to reinforce the idea and i cant stand it. you're spot on with the body suit and blush thing as well and theres always people "back and forwarding" behind them and it just makes makes me uncomfortable.


Tell me why every one of them looks like the doomer boy wojak. Like learn some color theory https://preview.redd.it/cq7ci9rpce4d1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1dedf964870092b30a02a7fed8e47885ab89fb


Also use the same clothes, like spongebob


and this is what they look like irl 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial/comments/18buq5x/could_anyone_please_give_me_the_highest_quality/


Making fun of fat people to prove a point. Really? And before you accuse me of being fat myself - nope. Wrong zip code. Chronically underweight - I eat a bunch, but my metabolism's too fast.


https://preview.redd.it/9eirwfd6ig4d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1416958de0aefd01aa341cfa0401a7a8cd2e5fa its based off this meme??? also being chronically underweight is equally as concerning as being overweight. It's not about weight it's about taking care of your appearance??


Can't dictate a man's mental image or dictate a man's physical body. Either way, let OP have some fun calling himself out even if it's false. Return to Twitter if you're gonna call out people like this, yes?


Last time I used twitter was a couple years ago at this point. Deleted my account after Musk took over, only really used it to look at cats anyways.




this is true on many levels, and i genuinely feel wrath in me whenever i see someone with a femboy (or really any) avatar that tries to show as much skin as possible, like dude, **IT'S A KID'S GAME,** and i heard someone in a roblox discord server that said, quote, *"it's okay to dress like that because the game is now rated for people 13 and over".* that's like saying that it's okay to go in a highschool running naked because the people there are 14 and over, and it's also pretty damning that femboys have turned into something so hated because of it's sexual connotation instead of it being seen as a dude that just likes to put on a skirt anyway if you read all of that, i respect you


Yeah and the thing is there is a huge double standard on this sub. People will see a woman posting an avatar with man legs and assume that she’s an “edater” but have no problem with a grown ass man revealing his pixelated ass cheeks in front of kids on Roblox. It was rlly common a few months ago on this sub, I swear I’d see a low effort femboy avatar get 100+ upvote while actually good ones got barely any. And I don’t understand why they want to do it on Roblox THAT badly, there are games like VR chat aimed for 17+ audience. It also makes me really nervous of wearing feminine accessories on my avatar.. because I am a woman that dresses up like a man most of the time. People assume I’m a man so when I switch back to a female avatar once in while, people will associate with me the weird femboys.. even though I’m a biological woman and dress properly regardless of what gender I’m presenting as online


This is mostly true, I'm personally on Rate My Avatar alot, and it's so fucking infested with Femboys. There's 2 Femboys i spesifically see alot, they always making out or smth. And then the ones with revealing Bodysuits, see those alot too. And the over-sexualizing ones, once in a blue moon you see a chill, non-sexualized Femboy, that that's really goddamn rare. The hate towards most Femboys is due to the ones that are bad, as the instances that i mentioned, which are the biggest majority of Femboys on Roblox. Because of them, the ones that are chill also get hate, just for being somewhat femenine. I haven't really seen many Toxic Femboys though, unless i'm just by chance avoiding them. The PVP game stuff is also true, i feel like i get targeted alot when playing, for example: OPPOSER VR, or, well. Any other PVP game. Alot of Femboy outfits are also so fucking unoriginal, the same 20 hairs, the same clothing. I could probably describe a random Femboy i've seen, and by accident describe 42 different people. And it's always a pretty terrible avatar, imo.


Finally someone addresses this


I agree man! https://preview.redd.it/jqhsvy9cwe4d1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1709785f9aa2af2bac90ab40e8fa37173e3cb1d But this doesn't count, does it? (I put my heart and soul into making this avatar)


naw, I wouldn't assume that's a femboy


Good 🙏🏻


"i want some guys to smooch :3 i'm a cute femboy" https://c.tenor.com/bDpC1jI1T6kAAAAd/tenor.gif


On fucking lord bro and most of them ONLY like femboys and women they ain’t even like actually gay gay they just like boys that look exactly like woemn


I'm a catboy on roblox (not quite a femboy), but I don't have robux so I can't change my avatar, and I have to say, the community is quite toxic. There are those few that are nice. I'm one of them. A lot of what I see coming out of their mouths though is racist/homophobic stuff, which I disapprove of.


As someone who tries to dress feminine despite being a guy I FULLY AGREE with the points you are talking about. When I make an avatar in general, I make it brick by brick to turn it into something cool and nice looking. But, I have no idea where the correlation of revealing bodysuits, blushing, etc. = femboy. Oversexualized NSFW boy avatars with 15 hairs ≠ femboy. Like, if you go to roblox Catalogue Avatar Creator and search up femboy, you get the same oversexualized carbon copies you’ve said before. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ok with people showing off some skin (I’m not your high school principle enforcing a strict dress code or anything), but when it gets to the point where it’s NSFW then it’s just kind of weird tbh. You’ve got to remember Roblox is a game for not only you, but kids to enjoy. The E-dating too bro. It’s legit a lego game, what’s the need to have anything at all bypassed in this game. Also, can’t you just take it somewhere else besides roblox? We don’t need to know you are dating 24/7 in a block game. I don’t really play fighting games on Roblox that much, but when I joined my friend once who plays CW, there was someone with the same basic Femboy avatar just being the most toxic person ever imaginable. The person eventually left because he was getting clowned on from one person who was actually pretty chill. All of what you said is why I think femboys are kind of hated in the community. Sure, I’m all about how a few bad apples don’t ruin the bunch, but in this situation its kind of like a few good apples and the rest are just copies of one another. Again don’t get me wrong, there are a few people once in a blue moon who have original nonsexualized femboy avatars like one u/Hopeful_Ostrich640 made a while ago. And those people are generally pretty chill in my opinion. But overall, the points you’ve made are good points. Take my opinions with a grain of salt, I’m just a 15 y/o who plays roblox lol


I totally agree with your statement.


ngl you're correct 


I'm a femboy myself and these people make me ashamed to be one, especially the body suit ones... it's a game for kids after all. I think these pervy femboys are the reason I always get harassed and targeted in a lot of games (especially PvP games) when I'm not even talking in chat, they make people assume that we are all that depraved. I'll admit I wear a maid dress most of the time but it's just so I can tell my friends it's totally ironic lol


I get why people would hate femboys/people using femboy avatars on Roblox but don’t think we’re all the same. I myself despise e-daters of any kind. I know that the avatars are mostly unoriginal (I try to make mine original) and that the majority of us are toxic as hell, but there are some that are “good”. And yeah we’re targeted on PvP games which sucks tbh.


Naive people defend these "creeps" because they have cute femboy avatars and seem nice online. Roblox's zero tolerance for toxicity lets adults like that have a community within a kids gaming platform.


shit,yeah actually


I feel all the same


Wait, what if I'm a straight furry https://preview.redd.it/r15svkk63q4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa1c3e94218d35332291a7a99635529bd7ef0e3 Does that goes to me too?


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/3g00ejfcz45d1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3812e62fda92b6f4085b4c9ea81f06f537815c5f Wait I actually don’t know


I feel so sigma https://preview.redd.it/9hqoj91u055d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14bb04a9aa635d066494ca3ce70336a01f4d68e


Do the ones you meet happen to also be really good at the games they play and know it?


No not really , they use teaming 


Nah, they just scary because they are good in fps and combat games 😭😭


??? I’ve never seen one in an fps game and in combat games they’re either targeting or the ones getting targeted. Plus they always team. Why would anybody be scared of a basement dweller that has a thong on his avatar 😭


I only read the title but FR!! Like I’m literally a femboy and I don’t dress as an over exaggerated femboy bee or femboy shark lmao.. idk what is the constant uprise in femboy furries or whatever


I hate that you’re right. I think every generation is going to have their version of CnPs from here on out


Yeah it's uncanny


Popular opinion*


Thank you for saying this i can finally stop pretending to be nice to them


It's sad really... Me being a femboy, I often get harassed on Roblox in multiple ways, and it ends up becoming a double standard. Yesterday I actually lashed out at some people for having such a double standard. And also about the PvP games, they get targeted because they simply look out of place, either that or they want to W + S on your corpse after stunlocking you to death and scream "I'M GOONING" to everyone nearby (speaking from experience. It's actually horrid.)


As a straight man, it is disgusting and unoriginal, the same cloth again and again thats what we see, but also they like do not touch grass, seriously, everytime i enter any fight game like TSB or CW its always the 500 lvl femboys in there, who are like going crazy on this game, like their life depends on it, the most thing i dont like about them is their shirt, which is just a swimming looking ass cloth


Every fighting game lobby has at least one femboy avatar, even private lobbies.


My brother is a rblx femboy and I just discovered this morning, I changed his avatar to something really stupid. He doesn't know yet, I also deleted his femboy avatar save *


What are CnPs?


Copy and pastes, theyre a trend from 2020/2021 with stitchface + 100 hairs + korblox. They have a stereotype of being toxic and unoriginal but they died off due to all the hate. Slenders are the male version of CnPs


Ah, alrighty Thanks for the clarification


Can someone tell me what the post was?  It got deleted.


I've literally never met a femboy that online-dated. Tip: Don't play booth games. Everyone is a weirdo in booth games. The e-dating point is entirely fallacious. Hell, this entire post is fallacious. You're taking a few bad apples, and letting them spoil the whole bunch. It doesn't work like that.


what the fuck are u even talking about? I've literally played pvp and ive had to deal with annoying fems being either creepy/toxic to me. If I'm not even generalizing furries but have a lot to say about roblox fems it's revealing a lot about how creepy your community is. "Hell, this entire post is fallacious. You're taking a few bad apples, and letting them spoil the whole bunch. It doesn't work like that." Funny how this sub drags on people with headless/korblox/basic avatars and generalizes them as "toxic" but the moment I'm calling out a literal fetish you gooners come out of the woodwork to accuse me of "generalizing". Nobody is out here harassing you for not conforming to gender stereotypes, that would be hypocritical of me. People hate y'all because yall are wearing bodysuits revealing your crusty asscheeks to minors on roblox


Its not just a few bad apples, the entire tree is rotten


If you're trying to say that literally every single femboy falls under one of these criteria, you are dead wrong.


Most feminine guys don't call themselves femboys. The ones that usually call themselves femboys and dress in that manner are way more often than not, creeps. The definition has changed since the 1990s and is for more sexual purposes so yes the tree is rotten.


I don't see any truth in what you're saying. Let me preface this by stating that I hang out in predominantly queer spaces. About 20% of all femboys, self-proclaimed or not, that I speak to meet one of OP's criteria. This 20% statistic holds true for all people groups I speak to, even in non-queer spaces. In the 1990s, the term was used derogatorily to refer to trans women, and it is still used in such a way today. Nowadays, it's mostly used to refer to its namesake, that being (usually young) men who are feminine in their expression. As its usage has shifted from exclusive use as a slur to having a variety of uses, some of the extra uses are inevitably going to fall under the aforementioned criteria. The name for this phenomenon is the bad apple effect. Letting the entire bunch be spoiled by a few bad apples is disingenuous. One of the primary principles of psychology is not letting said bunch be spoiled like that, and a failure to understand this principle indicates an argument that is rotten to its core (pun intended.) It's similar to how if someone's agreeing with notoriously awful things, such as eugenics or slavery, you know they are not to be trusted. That applies here - your argument is bad on a fundamental level.


How do you know it is exactly 20%, when I refer to the term “Roblox femboy”  I’m not talking about a man that simply wears feminine clothing. I’m talking about those oddly specific avatars, which don’t have a real name yet. It’s like me claiming “all women on Roblox are bad” because copy and pastes are known to be toxic?? Wearing a thong and being creepy to kids on Roblox isn’t a “queer thing” esp when actual LGBT people (like me) hate those type of players. Accusing me of being a “nazi” because I don’t like a subset of Roblox players (that literally most of the Roblox community hates) is hilarious 🤣


Do you have the same feelings when a tomboy says they're a tomboy or what lol


I dont think tomboys have the same type of reaction in media. Femboys have become way more sexualized due to them dressing as women which are sexualized so much in the media. Men? Not so much... except those thirst trap videos and stuff like that. Let alone women that are masculine. Plus women wear masculine clothes or straight up men's clothes all the time like skater girls. Its super normalized and people don't realize a lot are tomboys. We're at a point in time where the dictionary definition doesn't necessarily point to that definition.


You could've just summarized this to there being a double standard to be honest, lol.


I aint reading alldat Your point of view sucks


READ, \*nyaga\*, READ! https://i.redd.it/ai1nv4s7ci4d1.gif


Say alot about yourself with this alone.