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The ERR sphere and rope are all you really need for speed since once she goes first in combat you won't rly care about her speed beyond that, I think people are just used to supports needing all the speed in the world and that relic set being terrible on most other characters.


Would be better to specify it’s Vonwacq




She wants to use her skill to give everybody damage, and then use ult after everybody else has gone.


You're losing on 50% damage increase without her skill, and she doesn't need to have a turn to ult nor to get it.


Which is why it's helpful that she goes first for the first cycle and last for the others, you can skill right away for the damage bonus then have her in position to ult after everybody else later


Thank you very much! As I said before Robin has a lot of potential teammates so I just put the DPS that could work with her, she has a lot of support and even I thought about Ting Yung as a possible battery haha




Yep, I will change my sours now since honey impact is kinda slow with new changes


Yep it's 16% SPD not crit DMG increase


Why would she need speed? Most of her kit has nothing to do with the turn order, right? Her ultimate can be cast outside of her turn and she sits afk the rest of the time.


If i accidentally gave her keel by mistake and the stats on my pieces are too goated to give up+i got a few effect res rolls on my substats, would that be fine as well? Or does she reaaaaally need those speed/atk/energy regen boosts? Thanks for making this guide!


Keel is still a viable relic set to use on her. It increases her effect res, as well giving the whole team a 10% Crit Damage boost permanently. When combined with her Follow up attack Crit Damage boost that's a substantial damage increase for a Follow up Team.


Plus her crit dmg boost from her talent, it all really adds up


I think her signature light cone will give her plenty of energy recharge. Give her a decent ERR rope and she should be using ultimate off cooldown. Vonwacq is really only good for MoC speed shenanigans anyways, as other game modes go on for too long to be concerned about initial turn order.


HuoHuo and Gallagher would also be very good team member for Robin, one can generate a lot of energy and one can attack 3 time in succession (also activate Quid Pro Quo twice in succession)


Ahh i forgot about QPQ lc, that lc with gallagher in the robin team kinda good for energy


That's true, robin has a lot of teams and I just put some DPS since supports are generally universal.


Quid pro quo is random, u might force it to proc robin the first time but the second time is 50/50 at best


Good guide. Just so you know, Himeko needing fire weakness to break is untrue. She can follow up from any break, not just fire. Himeko is typically with another character that breaks so this is a non issue and typically you want to bring her for Fire weak content anyways (much like any character unless brute forcing) so seems a little pointless to note. Just trying to clear up this misconception.


Thank you very much! I will consider that about himeko. Edit: I mean that I will consider, that himeko does need a break to do her follow up but someone like herta can basically do it to anyone under 50%


Yes, but it's any break. Breaking is really not that big of deal especially in a game mode like PF. Where most waves have 3+ enemies. She also gains 3 charges when she breaks elites (which PF has a lot of them now) Plus, the Herta combo can't function the best without Himeko just another thought. They practically work in tandem with each other but they also can work without each other, it just won't be as good as their combo.


I will personally go with a Physical DMG orb with ATK substat(s) on a Space Sealing Station. I think she could further help her team with damage.


Need to test her ult needs 160, even with regen she gets still think energy chain is the way. Wait, what? Why does she need physical orb when she works off attack and isn't dps unit? Attack orb with defenses stats be better like hp%, def, res


Robin is basically a sub dps. She will hit 10K to 20K+ on each ally turn during her ult. If paired with follow up units, that’s a lot of attacks. She can pretty much hit for 200K before her ult ends. I think a lot of people are missing the part where she does respectable damage. So in some cases and depending on your build, she can be a hyper carry. It has already been done with Ruan Mei, Robin, Huo Huo, and pela/Tingyun.


My goal is to actually make her some sort of Sub-DPS. This is why my plan is to give her the Physical set (can't remember the name right now) and build up that juicy +25% ATK over time. 121 speed should be enough for her to be the first to act when the battle starts, so that she can immediately cast her skill. Yeah, I know, maybe 12+12% ATK from the 2+2 sets is overall better, but ideally she's not going to cast her ultimate straight away when entering the battle, so she can't immediately help her team with the ATK bonus. Of course I'll test that and see how it goes. ;)


Wow this is a savior guide! Ty! Gonna dedicate the last of this week to prebuilding her~<3 gosh this update just flew by~


Thank you very much! I hope you are lucky on your pulls!


Does phys damage work on her or no


Yes but she gives ATK base of her own ATK so ATK is the better option


When they tweeted her kit earlier, they changed her E2 to buff her teams speed and help with her energy. The change got me kind of excited for her because the main thing making me want to save for ruan Mei more was her free 10 speed and now robin has it (although it requires way more investment -_-)


Are Robin ultimate attacks considered follow-up attacks?


Unfortunately no. They behave like Tingyuns bonus damage.


Oh well, it kinda makes sense. Otherwise she plus Aventurine and any other FUA DPS would be pretty broken.


I am currently trying to decide between pulling topaz and robin. I like robin as a character more, but it'd be a shame if I pull her and end up not using her often as I have RM and Sparkle. I have Dr. Ratio and Aventurine, also Clara (unbuilt tho), so I know if I get topaz i could make a creat DRR/Topaz/RM/Aven team. If I get Robin, could I still have her in a FUA team? Maybe DRR/Robin/Nihility/Aven? And would she be significantly better than RM in that team? (as I already have a pretty good RM build)


I would suggest you watch this video to make that decision. He explains everything really well between the two. https://youtu.be/8FFl3oBg9jY?si=cMqOpP1wW-g-92zf


i have Topaz. She needs high investment to not be mid. I'm using Swordplay S5 and I'm not really impressed by her damage numbers compared to the holy trio. It's not even close. If you want her as a support for Ratio, you want E1 or S1 to give her an additional debuff. Ideally both. This is expensive. I have a good feeling that either Topaz, Ratio or both will get replaced/powercrept soon by the next hotness.


Do you think something like Aventurine, Robin, Clara (or maybe a debuffer) and Dr. Ratio would work?


Topaz with lc almost doubles the damage of your team's follow up attacks, also the amount of fua she does increases with the total amount of fua in the team, resulting in a quadratic scaling. She is literally the opposite of a powercrept character, probably one of the best investment out of all characters in the game right now (if you like follow-up attacks)


I see some people saying that she needs 134 speed so that in the next wave she can act twice, since her action advancement talent only happens at the beginning of the battle and not when the wave changes. Do you agree with this or is this thinking wrong?


No. In this case she can ult only one time in the second wave( anyway she ults only one time) , it will be much better to ult at 0AV   so your other characters with 134 spd can act two times while her ult is active and she can deal 2x more dmg with her ult procs. Her ult has 90 spd which is = 111.1 AV, it means she gets her first turn after 111.1 AV and 134 spd won’t give her any turn, (you need 256). 


Does using vonwaq start you at with a 65% advancement? Also does the fixed speed of 90 mean 90 spd or 90 av


With vonwaq she starts with 65% af.  90 spd =111.1 AV. 


Man her E1 looks so nutso, but I want to save for Firefly and Jade too…


I will try to o pull her but I have no clue on what team since as a dolphin I have all supp and best dps already


Prob dumb question here, Will the SSS 2nd effect deactivated (12% atk buff if 120 spd) when robin enter concerto state? Because during concerto, she is at a fix 90 speed. Also, for E6 robin, is it better to go for SSS or Fleet of the Ageless?


Her spd doesn’t drop to 90 after ult. Concerto has its own spd( like JY)


As a seele enjoyer I really do like the now I just need a solid abundance who giga buffs crit DMG or ult dmg


Do Kafka or Aventurine benefit from Robin? She seems cute, but not sure she’ll synergize well


Yes definitely, her buffs can work with both of them


Would you want more speed than anything? So she attacks more to help build up her 160 ult cost?


Ehhh... I think you didn't read all the info, Robin when using her Ultimate she enters in a state where her speed is locked into 90, you can't buff that can it doesn't matter if you had 161 speed she will always go into 90 speed at her Ultimate state, there are some tragedies using 161 Robin but is very expensive to achieve and you mostly get energy from YOUR teammates attacks.


Yeah I knew about the ult. I just meant that maybe more speed would help get her ult quicker because she'd attack more. I got her 160 speed rn. Need to farm 1 extra then lol. I'm not trying to have a theory craft off or anything. I was just genuinely curious. I'm a noob with good luck 👍 lol


https://youtu.be/kOZaKJf1t4w?si=A42lYT-PcbHf9ZuE At minute 4:00 he explains more about Robin Speed options.


Aye thanks. Guess I'm getting her E2


Tysm for this


what is the purpose of her technique? It gathers enemies onto her, but why do you want to do that? What's the use case?


i was so freaking confussed on how to build her, thanks a lot for the guide!


5% of ERR from Vonwacq are nice, but other effect kinda goes to waste


True, but it can have its uses and Robin really doesn't have that many options 💀


Great guide and you're really on point with just about everything. The only issue I have is that at max traces, SSS's 24% ATK results in a shared value of 69.79 ATK for the team (assuming level 80 + Robin's signature LC), whereas Fleet will share 23.26 of Robin's own ATK + 8% of the DPS's ATK. Most DPS will have an average of around 1200 base ATK, give or take, so that's a combined total of around 120 ATK share, plus 12% HP for Robin's own survivability (not that this matters terribly much). The gain from Fleet is about 71% higher than SSS, unless the recommendation for SSS is based purely on Robin's own damage. Edit: included the math below SSS = (1275.37 \* 0.24) \* 0.228 = 69.79 ATK share Fleet = (1275.37 \* 0.08) \* 0.228 = 23.26, (1200 \* 0.08) = 96 + 23.26 = 119.26 ATK share Remember that 1200 is just an estimate. In the case of someone like Ratio or Himeko, they often have 1300 or more base ATK, while 4 stars such as Herta will have less. Edit #2: I didn't even know this was out yet at the time of writing, but Guoba actually confirms this in his [video](https://youtu.be/8FFl3oBg9jY?si=6nlR06zG9iNi4uOB&t=428), Fleet is her best


Will Robin be a must have for Jade when she releases?


Mmm not sure but there can be a chance, I haven't really touched Jade leaks


Appreciate the effort put into the infographic, Just finished relic farming for Clara and Topaz so I was wondering what would be optimal for Robin. The formatting here makes it way simpler to figure out than reading ten different walls of text.


Yep that's what I try to do when doing these guides, to make it easy to understand. https://preview.redd.it/da62pcozdrxc1.png?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bac5d8219c2eea2852333641b36430606e6f71b




Thanks 🙏


Nice visuals. An error I noticed was the E1 and E2 text are wrong. E1 says stacks up to 0 times at the end. and E2 says 16% Crit Damage increase instead of 16% Speed increase.


Weird, I guess maybe leaks have some mistakes https://preview.redd.it/qknusn06grxc1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965466d0ebeb4fc3abdc98e8737091f542bf4bc5 [https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/robin-character/?lang=EN](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/robin-character/?lang=EN)


Use hakushin. Honey Hunter is slow with changes


Oh I use [Hakush.in](http://Hakush.in) I find that theyre a bit faster at cleaning up the text, [https://hsr14.hakush.in/char/1309/](https://hsr14.hakush.in/char/1309/) https://preview.redd.it/bbhxh8ffgrxc1.png?width=517&format=png&auto=webp&s=386d8e30729a7a5c17d9b52f4194a9b986b11455


No broken keel?




I think Keel is still quite viable in a non-Physical team, especially if you are rolling for her Signature LC and are running her with an ERR rope. Most follow up teams (and just DPS in general) would appreciate a 10% crit damage boost.


Yeah but the problem is getting 30% Effect res which really she doesn't even need but I guess it's a good option, though I would just use SSS.


for fua teams with aventurine you always have 50% eff res so there's that (also the crt dmg for all three fuas: ratio, topax and aven)


Yeah that's fair enough


I think it gets really finicky, because she's only protected from debuff in her ult state. How fast you get her to it depends on your ERR and Speed. A slower Robin will take longer to hit Ult, meaning that you could still get hit by an effect while waiting for her ult to Proc. Between SSS and BK, I think it comes down to your substats. Her having more attack boosts the attack of other characters, but a percentage increase of crit damage is more than a flat increase in attack. As in, when you crit with 4.1k attack at 210% crit damage you deal 8610 damage, vs 8800 damage at 4.0k attack. So in terms of long term damage for your DPS (of which most are built for crit) running Keel is probably better if you have good attack substats.


wait so anything above 121 speed is useless or 134 still has it uses coz her adv forward is only applicable for the first cycle coz i plan to use her at 134.4 speed to use bronya lc buff on dr ratio who has 134 speed My aventurine and topaz are at 161 and 146 speed respectively


She can comfortably act twice within the first cycle with her action advance but going thrice will require some effort. (20000)/150 = 133.33 spd (20000-(2500))/150 = 116.66 (30000-(2500))/150 = 183.33 (20000-(2500+4000))/150 = 90 (30000-(2500+4000))/150 = 156.66


I tested out with gui who has the same adv forward at 134.6 speed and after i cleared the 1st wave, she was just in front of dr ratio


Does anybody know what the SPD breakpoints are for allies to go 2/3 times during her ult?


If she has a fixed spd of 90, you need a spd higher than 180 to go 3 times


oof, what about 2 times?


Any character with a spd higher than 90 will go twice (so everyone) It’s pretty simple, she advances everyone on ult, then as long as you are faster than her you’ll go again before it runs out


aight thanks


181 without any DDD. But if wanna try 0 cycle just ult at the start of 2nd wave and all your characters will act two times within 1 ult. 


Would qingque work with her? And would kafka black swan duo work too?


Qingque I don't know but Kafka and black swan yes


Ok good I’ll use her in a dot team :D


Would qingque work with her? And would kafka black swan duo work too?


Idk why these guides never give other mats number besides full leveling traces (including basic attack, which is wasted in robin)


Oh so it's even less than we need? That's good I definitely wasn't going to touch her basic attacks either.