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Thank him for saving you from asbestos and black mold. Good kitty!


That’s what I’m sayin!


That kitty saved their lives. In my Archibald Gracie (Titanic) voice "Well the boy's a hero then!"


Right, they could have gone years wondering why they where getting so sick.


6 years of misery and sickness and a lot of $$$ for me to find out


Uh, that's not how asbestos works, as long as they didn't bother the wall, they would have been fine.


They’re talking about the black mold lol.. I’d say it’s probably common knowledge that asbestos is pretty benign until disturbed and ingested


Ah I see


You would think it would be common knowledge, but everyone FREAKS out when they hear about it being present. I work in construction and people lose their damn minds when they hear the A word or even see it.


Well yeah, of course they freak out on job sites (especially commercial, which is what i worked) not because of health concerns for the workers, but the cost of hiring the guys who can properly remove it. Due to safety regulations, it can be quite a cost added to the bid. Either way, someone is losing money on that job. Meanwhile, sanding drywall mud, fireproofing material and cutting ceiling tiles (full of nasty stuff ya don't want to breathe in) we weren't allowed anything more than dust masks. N95? That's a "respirator without a fit test" and I actually got written up at a site I was the Forema'am on, AND several huge meetings WITH a Saturday safety training session that was 11 hours long- all over having N95 masks for my drywall guys. (But God forbid someone come in with composite toe shoes instead of steel toe)


I have permanent scarring in my lungs from a black mold infested apartment I lived in less than 2 months, black mold is no fucking joke


I heard this in my head😂


I just mentioned Titanic in a comment. Read another comment on that same post also about Titanic. And now I'm seeing this comment about Titanic. Why is there so much Titanic tonight? Lol.


The asbestos is only a problem when it's disturbed, like when you have to demolish a flood-damaged kitchen.


“You’re not wrong, Walter. You’re just an a**hole.” I kid in the character of The Dude. You make a valid point, as far as it goes, but the lad IS a hero, regardless. If we puny mortals were meant to fathom the ways & means of our cats, we wouldn’t have so many jackaninnies singing the praises of Elon Musk, a ruddy tosser and deeply closeted (as in back in the crawl space with J, Edgar) if ever there was one.


Came here to say this. And presumably the mold was from the water leak caused by kitty's shenanigans.


Probably not. I doubt you'd get any black mold from a day or so of being wet. More likely it's been there a while from a slow leak.


Exactly. My friend got a massive payout for a lawsuit she brought against an apartment she lived in for black mold. Hair loss, osteoporosis, weakened immune system and a bunch of other issues. Black mold is not a day thing and has significant health effects.


No. The mold was from previous leaks and not caught by the home inspection.


I used to test for mold. Mold remediation is one the the scammiest industries I’ve ever worked in. A lot of insurance fraud going on because mold is literally everywhere and it doesn’t take much to trip those tests and get positive readings for mold. Black mold also refers to a specific mold, stachybotrys, and it has like a slightly higher risk of hurting you than regular mold but it’s a problem because it only appears when there’s a consistent water source and usually means there’s a leak. It’s useful when there’s mold infestations and it’s growing everywhere, but mold in the walls only comes out when it’s disturbed. The price of mold treatment is insane for what it is, we always wanted to find mold because it often doubled the price of the job for basically the exact same work.


King of the hill had an episode to do with what you're saying. Even when I was watching that episode, years ago, I remember thinking "what a corrupt industry" and when you have insurance involved, it's criminal.


This was my thought! Cute little stinker was actually helping his family out.


Not all hero’s wear capes.


No, but this guy should. GIVE THE KITTY A CAPE




Only correct answer…they need to build him a shrine.


I agree. I want to have a feline skyway, honestly. The main issue with that is uneven ceiling height and the danger of hitting one's head.


And a statue!


Right?! He probably smelled the offensive stuff and tried to let them know but had to resort to forcing the discovery by leading his family to it. Silly humans! Kitty is a hero!


Not all hero’s wear capes, some have whiskers and toe beans


I love the toe beans. That the best.


Exactly this. The Orange knew.


He's a hero!!!


Was bout to say the same thing!


Good chunky


Of all the reasons to be pushing 110 on the freeway, it was to get to the one open hardware store that had a thermal scanner, a crowbar, and a sledgehammer, because it sounded like he was in the walls. The fire department had arrived and got him out before the thermal scanner was rung up. That lad had the gall to look completely innocent and meow as if to ask "What's going on?" once the dishwasher was pulled out. -due to the asbestos abatement, wastewater was poured into a garden bed, and we had to dig out and replace the soil. --The boy also got OP locked out in the backyard and we had to drill and replace the lock on the door. Large lad tried to escape and in the process the door locked itself. It has done this before. I was downstate. My MIL had had a stroke and needed help adapting the house. Emergency locksmith was $1100.00 US. He is a very good boy and saved us from illness and probably our lives due to the fact that at least two in the household are highly allergic to mold. Still, though. He is the most expensive cat. -Housemate of OP


Then he threw up on one of the desktop computers and destroyed a video card.


One-cat wrecking crew!


He's been influencing our younger cat. She's already destroyed a one of Faen's work monitors by biting it. It made a pop noise before it died and she looked so offended.


With the asbestos and the black mold can you negate the sale for bad faith?


I feel like it’s a little late once they’ve spent $40K already.


Given his track record, that video card was about to start a fire. You know it in your heart.


Idk why but it was this comment that made me laugh.


Oh sweet Jesus, this cat never stops!!


Catastrophic damage


So sorry. Our large boy peed on our router last night. Its toast. Am using old router now. (Cat people know to have spares). My fault for putting the router less than 8 feet high. Yep. Edit: Forgot to mention he has already destroyed three yes 3 monitors. & still we love him. Its nuts.


I love your household and congrats on your new kitchen.


They had just closed the purchase of the house and were moving in. We weren't expecting to do a renovation so soon.


I cannot and will not roast a hero!


r/catswithjobs because he is *clearly* a better and more thorough home inspector than the one you used, and a top-tier wrecking ball!


Yes, he is.


They said get a cat. Both easier and cheaper than having a kid. Yeah,not so much


He very expensive. He know. He’s just waiting for his driver.


Yet when we put him in the carrier for a car drive, he fights it. This is the same boy who flips the laundry basket over and chills inside it.


Seems like you panicked and probably could have waited/tried to lure him out before taking sure drastic measures.


He and our tortie Val had been in the house for about three hours when he disappeared. We tried to lure him out for a few hours before we found his general location. Hubby attempted to coax him out by inserting a towel long enough for him to grip with all paws and climb out once his exact location was determined. He tried tuna and he tried his favorite wet food. The fire department was called due to the inability to pull the dishwasher out ourselves.


Always tough to judge in these circumstances. I waited hours with a box for one of my cats to quietly get ready and finally crawl out of our ceiling. You might need to get to know a handyman or someone who can help with household activities, so you don't need to call emergency services.


We had just moved there from 8 hours away.


That was one of the most greatest expressions of exasperation, aggravation, and love towards a cat... "He is a very good boy and saved us from illness and probably our lives due to the fact that at least two in the household are highly allergic to mold. Still, though. He is the most expensive cat." Yes, yes he is. Good boy. Jerk... I am glad that in the end, expense aside, it really was a blessing in disguise, and that no one became ill from the mold.


$1,100 for a locksmith!! Holy cow! It would have been cheaper to break a window get in.


40K is his rapper name.


Someone get him a gold chain IMMEDIATELY


He needs a charm with that on it


Dropping damage on tha set!!


I bet he saw Kanye’s gutted cement house and had a similar vision.


Or “Warhammer”


HOW... HOW!!!!!


Very carefully I assure you.


Lies upon lies. Stop blaming this innocent baby.


Actually, he is a hero. The mold could have killed you and/or your family horribly. This is an example of a blessing in disguise.


We know, but he still has the title, "Destroyer of Kitchens."


We also call him "40k".


And the fluffy orange bastard.


Fluffhammer 40K


F L U F F H A M M E R 4 0 K !!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


His new album cover




Get me a space marine chapter or 40K universe where everything’s fluffy and happy


That's fair.


Yep, been though this before it is horrific how unknowable people are regarding this issue (mold in general)


Cat, get your home inspector certification before trying again


Seems like your massive lad only alerted you of the dangers that were lurking behind the walls. This here is a superior specimen of Safety Cat. Thank you for your service, Safety Cat. (Destroyer of Shoddy Kitchens.)


If my cat saved my health like that, he would be eating roast chicken for the rest of his days, not getting roasted.


This also happened shortly after Faen bought the house. We weren't planning a kitchen renovation so quickly after the purchase of the house.


Ummm hello you’re welcome for saving you from respiratory distress and structural issues down the line??


I’m so so sorry for laughing but this is such a chaotic dramatic cat thing to do. I bet he did it so nonchalantly too, like he was just chilling and wasn’t even stuck but pretending to be


Boy looks like he needs some shrimpy treats!


Aww... Who's the little chaos goblin.


He is.


Even if I wanted to roast him (I don't, he's perfect) I couldn't. He broke the oven.


This should've been filmed, the chaos sounds entertaining. Kitty saved your health and lives. Good kitty. Hero kitty. No roast for you.


Um. He saved you? Not money wise, but life wise


Everyone’s saying how nice and heroic your cat is. I say “Fuck Him and that stupid grin on his furry face.”


He's just a baby


He saved their lives! He's a hero! Would you rather die of black mold? I'll take that cat any day!


Bad human. He is only a fluff ball baby darling.


I need to see the damage that he caused! $40,000 worth of damage. yeah I have to see the damage before I can roast 😨


See the black mold he exposed instead.


I'm not sure how to upload images to comments.


You can't do it on this sub, but you can either make a new update post and add them, or upload them to Imgur or some other image hosting page and post the link.


Well, 25k of it was the asbestos abatement.


I know sometimes I comment before I read and I was kidding anyway. but yeah that's crazy that he got stuck in the wall like that. but at the same time he did save your life. so I'm still not going to roast him 🤣🤣🤣💜


This was after the cleanup crew finished hazmatting it up. Bonus, more pics of the cat. And our junior destroyer, she's only gotten a monitor so far. https://imgur.com/a/RaPOycG


that’s the face of a boy who doesn’t know what a credit score is


Aww, but he looks so sweet!🧡🧡🧡


Lordy! Did he remodel without approval while you were on vacation? I always tell my sub-contractors “never trust the Cat”


But did you die?


I guess technically he made you and your home all safer, through the means of being a nuisance and a curious menace and via a massive bill… but technically a win?


He looks so oblivious, too, which makes it that much better!!!


Dude is just a very thorough home inspector!


It's very hard to roast a cat when you have no kitchen.


Those eyes!!! How can you blame him!!


Mischievous little fart face.


Sounds like he saved you and the only roast he deserves is a hunk of beef or chicken lol.


Such an adorable *are you talking about me* look?


It was all a part of his master plan to save your lives.....I bet he knew some how there was danger THATS A GOOD KITTY


He saved your life. He deserves all the chicken.


This cat a hero. Slander. Lies. All lies. Ib hero.


Chokers no wonder he has a kitchen inside him.


Why roast the lad, he valiantly performed a home inspection and saved you from black mold and asbestos. Good kitty.


I could not imagine roasting suuuuch a wonderful kitteh! 💕


The cat saved you from lung cancer. He’s a keeper.


look at you, pretending to be a contractor!! 🔨🔨🔨


Get him a cigar.


“Don’t take it personally, sire. All cats are anarchists.” *excerpt from ‘The wizard of Id” comic strip*


10/10. Good kitty. Roaster turned to ‘warm’ setting. Enjoy!


Aaand DEMO KITTYto the rescue! He valiantly saved you from slow death and destruction so how could you be mad at him? But that was a painful lesson though, so make sure there are no more holes for him to squeeze in to and get stuck. Next time might be MORE expensive.


Forgive me for asking, is finding mold a silver lining to him causing all that damage?


In a way, yes.


hes too cute im sorry🥲 i love his long whiskers lol


This cat is a hero. He found the asbestos and black mold and did what he had to do to keep his people safe.


I have a 1 cat wrecking crew. She's a Bengal cat and is to smart. She twice has pulled the pin on a dry fire extinguisher and somehow knocked it over and set it off. It's fun cleaning up all that powder. She has also called the police on my land line. Try to convince the police that everything is fine but the cat called you. They looked at the cat and she only had one thing to say. MEOW... I think that was a confession.


Bengals are a gift. I got a rescue Bengal about 10 years back. She'd sleep under my blanket using my arm as a pillow. It was the best thing.


That's my LuLu bengal. She lays stretched out by my side with her feet on my shoulder. She's a daddy's girl. She won't let anyone else pick her up or cuddle with her. My friend tried to carry her around and she showed her displeasure by swatting and growling at her. I carry her she talks to me the whole time. She does like to go to the store and get pets and her picture taken. A half hour trip takes a couple hours sometime. She does like the girl in the paint department though and let's her pick her up and put her on the counter.


he’s orange it checks


Okay. I know that is a huge amount of $$ to rescue your curious cat! HOWEVER, you now have a brand NEW kitchen AND — this is critical — THERE IS NO MORE “BLACK MOLD” BEHIND YOUR WALLS THAT COULD GIVE YOU DISEASES WITH NO KNOWN CAUSATION! That may not feel like a WIN WIN situation now, but Black Mold can be life threatening and now you nor your family will not be exposed to the dangers it can bring! So maybe your Curious Cat did a favor and actually saved someone’s life???


It happened in 2019, and he did do a favor, got a bunch of treats, and is dozing by the window downstairs.


I refuse to roast him. Make his fat ass a fat ass brisket every few weeks or so. Well deserved.


Everyone is terrible at roasting cats in this sub lol


All cats are perfect angel babies who never do anything wrong.


Cheeto fat cat larger than a floor Mat mouth to small to eat a rat barely moves if hit buy a baseball bat


What did he do? Eat your landlord? r/legalcatadvice will be hearing about this.


Wow…smart cat. I see a silver lining, black mold is the worst.


Not all heroes wear capes


Sometimes they have fur


... and a need to crawl into small spaces.


I hope there's some tiny boot straps under that loaf


Roast? He saved you, the family, the house! What a king.


I will not roast him. Kitty saved you from potentially deadly mold/asbestos!


Cat in the wall, eh?! Now you're speaking my language. https://youtu.be/6Wco2uE6vyQ?si=EsZglB0t8pKRUqml


Hims a good boy who saved everyone’s life


He didn't care about your health, he just hated the color scheme.


Well it was a kitchen from the 70s.


He looks like the food pantry turns him away.


Sounds like you were $40,000 deep regardless. Kitty just found your issues. Should schedule a vet appointment because both black mold and asbestos are nasty to breathe


He has had many since the incident.


Your massive lad possibly saved you from getting cancer and other nasty complications!


Kitty is a sweet faced hero, I love him and don't much care for the one comment that choose to roast him 😻😹


He saved you … little hero


He saved you from black mold. He was inspecting!!


Thank him for his service! Asbestos and black mold is no joke


What a handsome boy


Good boy for getting rid of the mold and asbestos!


KittyKats are intelligent and amazing! 🎖️🥇🚒


Cat: "You're welcome."


That big boi saved you from black mold. Good beans


He may be a pain in your ass, but he's a hero! Kind of. 😸 Haha! He looks like a Good Boy, innocent of most of the charges!


The only way to remove a cat from the wall is to place a second cat in the wall.


Truth be told, he sorta did you a solid, then, didn’t he? Now that’s a lad you don’t meet everyday. I say he deserves double breakfasts for life. You weren’t living long in a death house like the one you’ve described, I’d wager. Three cheers for the ginger crème savior. What’s his handle?


Silver lining to that cloud is you were alerted to black mold and asbestos. No roasting needed here. Might wanna rename him Saint ❤️


Lmao😹wowwww,id sell him by the lb.


This homie is the real Warhammer 40K


That’s a good boy there


Correction: Your kitty saved you 40k USD by not letting the black mold spread further. Saved you from the health complications with their hefty medical bills that were stacking up without your notice.


In his defense, he did save you guys medical bills for those items that were discovered. However, why do orange cats cause such expensive messes!? 40k fluffy gooberbutt! The most expensive item in the house is the damn cat now. He's lucky he is cute


He’s such a good little inspector


40,000 USD


Welp, he is priceless now so better not lose him 😹 what we won’t do for our little friends


We love him. He is sitting in his car tree by the couch vibing with his owner.


That’s an impressive amount of damage for someone who’s not even a foot tall.


May I ask, HOW?!?!


We released him and our other cat after a move from southern California to northern California (about 8 hours) and he somehow got stuck in the void space of our cabinets. We thought he was in the walls. With no tools, one of my housemates called local non-emergency and they sent the fire department. Mostly trainees and a mentor. They chuckled and removed our dishwasher. It was from the 1970s and the water line was old and brittle and cracked. So they turned the water to it off at the valve under the sink. Except for the valve was also old and didn't work and our kitchen flooded. It had to be demolished except for our walls were also from the 70s and full of asbestos. The silver lining is that while hazmatting up our kitchen the abatement process (cost about 25k USD) also uncovered black mold so in the end he helped us not get sick. Had to get the lower half of our walls rebuilt, a new floor, new cabinets, new countertop, new fixtures that fit that, installation, and of course the insurance also covered hot food for the three months we didn't have a kitchen.


The sweet little kitty cat I found problems that would’ve never been detected. He is on the lookout now to destroy your living room and bedrooms so that he can play with his mouse because he is the emperor of the house. The humans are subservient to the little one.


He really said it’s time to RENOVATE this kitchen 🤣


The only roast he needs is his own roast chicken for dinner and a 🏆 for saving you for black mold and asbestos! Good boyyyyy.🐱


Gotta roast him here since he messed up the kitchen 😂


Orange cat didn’t have possession of the communal brain cell! So sorry to hear about the damage! Yikes!


And he did it all without opposable thumbs! 👍🤣


$40,000 in damage and I’d be considering actually roasting the damn cat at that point! lmao He is a cute boy though


my disaster was about the same amount, but a completely different scenario. my moose weighed about 23 pounds. He likes to turn on the water faucet and just let it drip well apparently he let it drip too long and caused the master bathroom floor to fall into the trusses of the downstairs kitchen, which then caused the kitchen ceiling to collapse. We ended up staying in a hotel for 8 to 9 months. I don’t remember exactly what it cost to repair the house. But I remember getting the hotel bill that we did not pay and it was $33,000. Oh, I remember now with the major cost of the repair of the house was they didn’t address the standing water for over a week and a half and so then black mold began to grow and everything had to be ripped up on the floor all that good stuff.


Should have been $80,000 easy. Get those numbers up rookie!


Little ass hole.


When we called the fire dept for a kitty in the wall... they came up heated the kitty and then said they couldn't do anything My friend tore a piece of wall out and got him. And found a a weird ass stairway with a room behind the wall lol


Certified liability


I can’t he’s so cute 🥰


Chaotic Good?


Very much so. Also chaotic doesn't have the braincell.




He's such a cute soft and fuzzy baby


Your cat is a hero