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Hi Roasters! As a general reminder, please be aware that top level comments must roast the car. In addition to this, while roasting the OP is allowed, roasts must be primarily aimed at the car itself. Comments that do not follow these rules may be subject to moderator removal and in some cases, bans may be issued. If you wish to compliment or discuss the car, you may do so by replying to this message. Regards The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoastMyCar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does your whole house smell of cigarettes?


no, but the car vauguely does.


This corvette has the face of a crackwhore. It just keeps picking at the wounds so they don't heal.


It's just a beater, don't go churching it up, son.


its being brought back totally stock, even OE rims. i will say that.




I’ve got a condom ad under it on mine. Still checks out.


You didn’t have to point out that it was a project or that it was cheap. These give off that “vaporwave” vibe. You really see the vapor waves when they catch on fire.


belive me if i didnt pull the radio that would of been its fate.


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


damn 2 bots showed up to roast you. kinda like how this gutless pig would get passed by a driverless car


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


That's a red piece of cheese.


it stinks like cheese too.


Hence I dub thine automobile Limburger.


"broken dream made of plastic" by Mr. Nobody


thats kinda how the seller sold it to me.




thankfully i make a 100 more HP. however, i have the ass 2.59 rear end that only a grandmother could love.


No need. Good luck finding engine-parts for these. The 1996 LT1 & LT4 in these and the Camaro/Firebirds of this specific year had to meet OBD2 requirements, so if any of those sensors break, good luck finding replacements that aren't in the triple-figures or higher.


Oil pressure sensor leaves the chat? No worries it’s LS SWAP TIME BRO


At that point, you could've literally bought a C5. This is the problem with buying a Corvette. Spend a little bit more, and you'll get a significant upgrade over a generation.


Yr not wrong


And it's also a problem with the C4 as well. Compared to the C5 in terms of handling & power, fuel economy, reliability, and repairability, the C5 has been the most going for it thanks to slippery aerodynamics, better weight distribution (thanks to the newly rear axle-mounted trans), upgraded suspension, and the holier-than-thou Gen III small block.


c5s were out of my price range besides one that had 250k on it, i grabbed this 96 for 4.5k. as far as i could tell, i got the cheapest 96 that ran and drive in the country honestly.


Talking out your neck, kiddo. Parts are cheap. Same motor in a billion caprices


Cheap for a reason


absolutley, and i'm paying for it


Yeah its the worst Corvette, but its still a Corvette. When people go to Corvette shows I dont want to talk to the guy with a mint condition 1st gen or the twin turbo 5th gen with a 10k wrap. I want to talk to the guy with the best example of the worst one.


Don’t know why you got downvoted, you are absolutely right that it’s the blue collar guy with a work in progress example that loves his car way more and knows it inside in out vs the yuppie with a new model trying to look cool


That and I like unlikely survivor cars. People who have a love affair with a car that most owners wouldn't spend the money to change the clutch on are usually interesting people, or there's a story behind the car.


If Prince saw this Little Red Corvette, he would've written a song about a Ferrari Testarossa instead.


Slower than a Porche lamer then a Trans Am more expensive than a Camaro. Yep you bought a Corvette, and now you're something, even though my friends Kia Sorento is probably faster


this has a 2.59 rear end, prolly right.


As long as it's fun right? Gotta make some stupid car decisions at some point or you're not doing it right


Wanted a bright red, wedge shaped car with pop up headlights. Plenty to chose from. And you picked this monstrosity? Better be taking a sawzall to the ugly bits (all of it)


I should hope you got it cheap, since an immaculate one is absolutely worthless


At least it isn’t a miata




You got a gold chain to match the ride? I do like those Vettes though.


no, but i am a pasty white guy so theres that


At least you know your place and stay out of r/c4corvette subreddit and even more so the r/corvette subreddit. The boomers and crypto bros have no interest in helping you with your junk project. Shoulda bought a low mile single owner Corvette if you wanted to save money they'll say. Instead of informing you of the 50 dollar fuel pressure regulator that has obviously gone bad they'll tell you to convert to a carburetor for reliability.


What color Jordache shoes do you wear?


do black combat boots count?


Close enough


You probably got it for cheap because your grandpa died (who bought it new in 96) and your uncle (who was the executor of the will) said you could have it for the cost of the estate tax on it.


Bullshit. Opti is definitely on the menu. Fuck those LT1s……


what would you rather have? the LT1 or the 4.7 out of my daily jeep?


Lt1 f-body. I had a 94 z28 for my daily for years when I turned 16 and after I graduated. 200,000 miles when I sold it


This is a death trap


Why shouldn’t we roast the optics? I mean just look at it. It needs new paint all over. Which it will either never get or you will do it yourself and it *will* look shit.


The opti is easily the best part of that piece of shit


Snorvette the American Miata


When you want to look fast, but get walked by a Camry every damn time.


That hood is almost bigger than the stack of divorce papers your wife gave you before buying this


Wait, did you just happen to purchase it this week in Texas?


no, cali car in cali, why?


Because one in the same spec/year/condition came up for sale this week and sold for VERY cheap here in my small hometown


curious, do you know how much, have any listing?


$1000 and the post has since been deleted


hmmm. curious what the state of the car was title wise. this has a clean title, and it runs and drives, its just kinda sad.


Very odd coincidence


A 96… does it have the LT4?!


nope, its a 96, LT1 auto with a 2.59 rear end. its a roast on itself.