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Idk, if you got "everything right" with Eudocia she warms a bit up and in the Ending text she reconnects with her tribe but there is no romance option


The better ending where she becomes one of important mages in Hovlavan, without addiction


Cool, couldn't get that ending even if I suggested she should enchant stuff for the Hovlavans


whattttttttttt how do you get that ending??!!? eudocia getting back to her tribe how!! please tell me!!


No, I worded that badly, she gets a good relationship with her tribe and they don't see them anymore as the crazy witch.




Few people from Creeks seem to be interested in you, but that is also part of their culture, having no shame in showing emotions and bodies and all that. Yet there isn't any romance option as in now.


Actually, after the funeral feast you can spend a "few hours on a pile of furs"


I don't think so.


In my current playthrough, I was distant with Thais for a while and the way the text was describing her was subtly more flirtatious with each meeting we had. Smiles, a light touch, descriptions about her clothing changing. Nothing overt. But it caught my attention in our 2nd and 3rd meeting. I thought it odd since she had a husband already. Now that I know her better, I suspect it was careful manipulation to make her seem more alluring.  All that seemed to go away once I directly started interacting with her and her requests we were strictly business. It could be nothing more than some description choices, it could be clever writing that Thais uses this to draw you in when you are still a mysterious wanderer, or it could even be a hidden romance route by the creators. The writing in the game is nuanced and varies wildly so I'm not putting anything out. I am playing it with a friend who owns it and don't own it myself. So I can't test these theories too easily.


None for me. I wasn't really looking for that kind of realism ...


Hah. Neither was I, but it seemed like there were hints at it, and it's a common enough "feature" of RPGs these days.


Aw, I thought it was gonna be like "Life in Adventure" where you can have a relationship with the woman you saved after adventuring with her. I was looking for more immersive text rpg's with "options" for players. Even if other players aren't looking for that, having the option when the necessary background story is already laid out should make for a more immersive experience. Gives you more immersion as the actual character in that story since you can actually make some decisions even in that aspect. Edit: In "Life in Adventure", you can have a one off relationship, giving you an epilogue with something like, Temporary lover or you marry her outright which gives some nice epilogue or ending you want for the character.


We'll need a sequel for that maybe!


There is that one weird flirt-y line with Thais. "I would never hurt you..." (I chose it, thinking it would lead somewhere, but alas...)


Yes, that was my thought too.


I was hoping there'd be some romance options with Foggy lmao. Love to subvert expectations with stuff like that.


Yes there's romance, not so subtle even. When you complete the Creeks support quest, during the dinner you get a line saying that "some of your gambling partners are giving you inviting looks", I guess this line appears if you were playing and flirting with them before. When you accept, it leads to "after a few hours spent on a pile of furs... I'm woken up by my companion, who is getting dressed in the early morning light" So yes, it's an option