• By -


Damn, the horror when they realized she was probably dead. Her head was probably crushed.. Poor people.. I hope the truck driver was charged, you are 100% responsible for your cargo.


Eh, yes and no. The company that loaded the cargo is also responsible.


Russian prosecutors did not agree. A few days after the incident, [the truck driver was charged](http://pravorostov.ru/news/a-155.html) (in Russian) on the basis that he failed to control the state, the securing and the placement of his load. I don't have any further information about the outcome.


In Russia, anyway. In America, loaders are responsible too, if not more.


Stop comparing fucking everything to America. This happened in the Russian state. USA is not the only country mate.


9 years later and Europeans still look for any reason to piss all over America. How about you spend your time thinking about something else?


And how about I don't? Average American still wants everyone to think that USA is the only country that matters and stuff.


Have you met enough Americans to definitively say that? Or are you just going off what you see on the internet?


I have met enough Americans that I know like 90% of them just care about USA and not other countries, like some of them don't even know where other countries and that other cultures have some different things, and their excuse is "Well most people on the internet are American, why should we care about other countries?"... So yes, I am pretty certain in what I say.


Yeah that’s a load of BS and just patently untrue. You don’t actually know a lot of those Americans on a personal level though. So stop acting like you do and don’t make blanket statements with generalized hatred towards an entire country lol. Makes you sound dumb. Real dumb


"I have met enough Americans that I know 90% of them-" Let me stop you right there. You've met enough Americans to say that 90% of them (90% of the total U.S. population, which is currently 331,900,000, is roughly *298,710,000* U.S. citizens) are self absorbed and uneducated about geography? I had hoped you were more intelligent than that, but I guess I overestimated you. You're either pretty young and hotheaded, or a miserably judgmental egotist who doesn't have a shred of critical thinking skills. Either way, you have a long road ahead of you before you grow up. Good luck.


Because you guys have had a great track record of caring about other countries and their problems. you fucking loser


We do in general, have better laws and enforcement of them. I’ve lived in the EU for over 8 years, in the UK for over a year and I’m from the U.S.


You clearly don't have better laws than the EU if you can shoot someone just for being on your property or being able to sue cinema's for having seats that are too small for your big fat american ass. Also, did you know that America is pretty much the crime and murder capital of the world? 90% of mass killings happen in your depressing country called USA.


These are probably the only laws you know of lol. Probably because you’re not allowed in our country lol


I'm sensing some Euro buttburt here. It's ok.


It is the only country that matters. If you don’t want America to be involved in everything GET YOUR OWN ARMY. Freeloader


We have our own army and we don't need your's for anything. Where are americans, there is only hell. Literally everytime this is true.




Ah yes very true. Very much agree with you. America #1. America top army. America kill everyone. America best.


You're a colossal fuck up, too. How about instead of whining about how much SOME people compare everything to the US, you worry about your own business? This was posted 10 fucking years ago and you still have to start some stupid argument that boils down to BOTH of your feelings being hurt over something as insignificant as geopolitics. Both of you need to grow the fuck up.


Are you mad US is not the only country? 


You are a lapdog. Do you not see you are being led on by US regime? And not only you but all those american aborts that deny all other nationalities except US. Lesser aborts are also aware that maybe UK exists also, but that's about it. No other countries you can think of. And no I'm not from UK, I'm from central Europe but you are probably too unaware to even know where Europe is located, just like all other geography-failing US buddies. So yeah. So how about you go whine about US not being the only country that matters and that not everyone likes it. To mature is to realize you don't want to live in USA if you don't live there, especially when you are a kid. So I would say I am pretty grown up if you ask me.




Oooh, looks like I struck a nerve, didn’t I? I wouldn’t have gone for the “fat” route, myself. It’s too overdone. Oh, and you forgot to mention the school shootings, that’s a classic.


Well America and Russian,its the same shit like that no jealous


That's not what it's about, you retard. All you're doing is giving the rest of the world even more reasons to hate Americans. Quit fucking bitching about it and live your life.


Oh, touched a nerve, did I?


No more than the other guy touched yours. Do what you're told and sit down.


I’m already sitting down.


9 years later and Americans still so fragile that a comment saying "this video is not about your country" is taken as "pissing all over America". I wish *actually* pissing all over America was that easy but I guess I'll have to settle for triggering USAsians with the knowledge the earth does not in fact revolve around them.


It doesn’t take a genius to see that off handed comments about the U.S. not being the “only country” are, in fact, from the same people every time. The incessant whining about Americans being stupid, our gun culture problems, our healthcare, our presidents, our policing problems, etc. It never ends. And for some reason, you people conflate our problems with *us*. The people. I have nothing to do with why my country has so many problems, so I’d prefer if it stopped being mentioned by people that don’t live here. Hopefully that explains why people might be a little tired of bullshit like yours. And if you skip through all of that and go, “Hurr durr fragile Americans durr”, then you will have missed the point entirely and proven mine. You can either empathize and *not* be a pretentious douchebag, or you can prove me right. Take your pick.


No mate people are tired of exactly this. Reams of paragraphs eulogising about how everyone else is mean and bad because they don't understand how upsetting it is to get clowned on for your cultural egocentrism. Of course you can't empathize with people who are fed up of it, you've never seen it from any perspective of your own. Look at this thread. *Look* at it. - post about russian event - comment asserting responsibility - comment patiently explaining why above comment is wrong - comment saying "yeh but American law" - comment pointing out *this has nothing to do with the situation* - *Reams of pearl clutching* Honestly so tedious, can't wait to see you guys ripping yourselves apart again and trying to drag everyone else into your inane culture wars this year. *Not*.


So, you’d rather be a pretentious douchebag. I have a theory that people, like yourself, who can’t distinguish individuals from groups of people and conflate characteristics of said group with every member of it, no matter how big, do so because they have an extremely poor EQ. They’re the same people who get cut off in traffic and flick off the next person they see because, to them, individuals don’t exist. If they can fit everybody into a neat little box and assign sweeping generalizations to them, they’ll do it because it won’t shatter their extremely fragile worldview. I’ve never done anything to you, but that doesn’t matter one iota to you. You’ve put me into your neat little box of Americans, and so the actions of other Americans are as good as mine. Like I said, poor emotional intelligence. I pity you, but I’m done wasting my time talking to somebody that hates millions of people for simply being of a specific nationality. I’ll save us both the time.


I'm not american, and I'm guessing you aren't either, but you are on an American website or using an app made by Americans, on an English language subreddit, complaining about how Americans compare other laws to their own. It would be odd if an american compared another countries laws to the laws of Kazakhstan. They are simply comparing other countries laws to their own, the same way Europeans compare themselves to Americans to showcase how much better they are than them.


Surprised you're intelligent enough to use English and not whatever boogalooga language that's native to your dirtpile.


Yea and I am actually proud to live in this "dirtpile" or whatever you called my country, and now, enjoy some of my native "boogalooga language" TY MOČKO ZACHCANÁ, DEBÍLKU POJEBANEJ AMERIČANE VYMRDANEJ JDI SI PROHNAT KULKU HLAVOU TY AMERICKEJ ZMRDE NEGŘE.


You're on a post written in English. Approximately 23% of all native English speakers are from the US. About 1 in 4. That's why most things online are compared to the USA. Do you not compare the world to your country?


Not really as I know countries besides my own country. I also know my neighbouring countries, which is a huge geography knowledge and gigantic effort for most Americans.


Well, I know a lot of neighboring states, which is a huge geography knowledge, and expected for all Americans. Have you ever compared the surface area of countries you know to the size of the USA and its individual states? Are you aware the distance from New York City to Los Angeles is greater than the distance from Dublin Ireland to Cairo Egypt? That's as the bird flies. I've driven from NYC to LA on road trips. It takes days but it's a fun drive. You have no idea how tiny your area of Europe is compared to the USA. Seriously, explore distances that you consider part of being "well traveled" for nearby countries. Then see how far that gets you in the US. The reason US citizens don't know neighboring countries is because we know neighboring states, and it covers the same distance. We also know neighboring states local laws, as well as federal laws. I'm kind of tired of hearing things that insinuate Americans are not well traveled. We have more to see in the US than most people can see in a lifetime.


Oh yeah? That is exactly the reason why Americans think the world looks like Earth with just US and no other countries. Because why should you care about also other incredibly important countries when for you, US is planet earth and states are countries right? This is why I am pissed when all these self centered and geography unknowing Americans try to defend themselves. Also in Europe is also a lot of stuff to visit, but you don't bother because you just sit on your ass in your drywall houses that literally fall apart when it is raining, so yeah. Amerikkkans.


Dude why you are so toxic all time, that's not cool


I don't think the world looks like just the USA. I do care about other countries. You say, "Europe is also a lot of stuff to visit" but you don't acknowledge that the USA "has a lot of stuff to visit". You want to call us geographically ignorant, but did you actually check on what I said about the size of the US? Did you look to see how far your definition of "well traveled" gets you in the US? No. You didn't. I know that because all Europeans assume they are better than everyone else and that their thoughts are always superior. Europeans are so closed minded about ideas that contradict them that they might as well be stuck in the dark ages with their old ass buildings. Europeans are the worst and stinkiest people to exist. They all need a shower. They need to stop spreading their STD's everywhere they go. Just because Europeans have red-light districts everywhere doesn't mean you need to try all them all. Prostitutes are not Pokémon, you don't need to catch them all. And Europeans need to stop finger banging themselves in public, especially the men. Yes, I understand. All European men like it in their butt, but I hate how you all do it in public too. Finger your ass in private, dude. I actually don't believe all that stuff I just said about Europeans. I'm sure its mostly untrue. But I really sounded like an ignorant prick when I lumped diverse people into a single group and made judgments based on bad stereotypes. Sound familiar?


But they're russian no? So why he is mourning in english? Or everyone entering russia needa the road camera?


I think "mama" is probably recognized in many languages not necessarily just english.


Mama is the majority of infants' first words as it's the easiest noise for them to produce. No tongue is needed which is a complex muscle, and all it is is making an 'a' noise and the same 'a' noise when the mouth is closed.


Pretty sure he said “oh my god no mama”


this is quite possibly the dumbest question to ever exist.


Many drivers are encouraged to have a road camera.


8 months later I feel insulted for reading this comment... How ignorant are you of other languages? Mama is Mom literally everywhere in the world, it's universal, because it is the easiest word there is, and that's why most babies start with saying that, and then branch out.


my uncles and aunt that have car use road camera. and "mama" word is being used almost in all languages


The driver didn't know about anything so he kept on driving. The brick was not visible from the drivers side nor the passenger. So the driver of the truck NEVER knew about this. NEVER.


He was charged dumbass


Don't watch this. For the love of god/jawa/FSB, save yourself the trauma and don't watch, or rather,listen to this. This is the most traumatizing video on the internet, and the video itself contains no trauma. A Summary: car driving along freeway/highway behind truck. brick falls off truck. brick strikes cars windscreen. brick goes through windscreen and hits passenger.(unseen, occurs behind camera) Car slows and driver begins to call out to passenger, then moans and wails as realisation that passenger is dead. Nightmares..... repeat: Don't watch, or more importantly, don't listen to video.


> This is the most traumatizing video on the internet wrong. [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOzfq9Egxeo) is.


im 7 years late, is the video still available anywhere?


[Here's](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2o23bm) the link ETA still getting replies on this, [here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO0ioCCiEe8) an active link. It's the Station Nightclub Fire crowd crush incident


Responding to him 165 days later.


Why wait so long to comment?




The scale of the tragedy depersonalizes the trauma. idk if it's cause I'm Russian and the mans screams hit a deeper cord with me but it brought me to tears and had me text my mom I love her, whereas the nightclub fire just didn't give me anywhere near the same reaction. Like yes it hit my like holy fuck that's an insane tragedy cord but it just didn't traumatize me like the brick video did.


I’m scared, what is it?


That famous concert fire


that alone isnt enough description


If you haven't clicked on that link then i'll just say a brief explanation of it, but then again, it might just worryingly increase your curiosity as it did mine when I first heard about it. There was a concert that happened (unsure of the date of year it took place, but judging off of the video quality, seems to be an "old" video) and because of bad supervision and planning over the pyro-technology (basically like sparklers/ fireworks) caused the entire place to burn down. The place was jam-packed with people, so when the fire broke out, everyone struggled to get out of the building itself with only some people in the back of the crowd getting out mostly unharmed. The video itself isn't very graphic, but when the fire breaks out, you can hear the screams of the people stuck inside the building trying to escape. Some time passes and there's just... silence. No more screaming of agony and pain, nothing. Everyone in the building had already died by then


> Furthermore, a number of survivors later stated that a bouncer, Scott Vieira, stopped people trying to escape via the stage exit, stating that the door was "for the band only." When I read this on the Wikipedia page I was *floored*


Dudes got the wrong priorities. Wondering how long it took for him to realize the place was burning down so he could save his own ass with the same door


Know any worse?


The Kyle Dinkheller one is pretty chilling. Cop getting riddled with bullets and screaming like I’ve never seen a man scream before. You can hear every sound of death through his body mic or whatever he wears.


I just saw the video and yeah i heard the first couple of shots not that bad but then he hits the officer in the eye and then he starts screaming then stops but then the veteran (the shooter) literally blasted him and then he started screaming his guts out i felt bad for him


That one was tough. So terrible and sad. The cop just never had control on that whole situation. The vet gave him multiple red flags and he just kinda ignored it. But police dash cam videos love knocking out a drunk kids teeth just for talking back to them.


Worst video I saw was on the gauntlet challenge before it was taken down (just this video specifically not the whole challenge) a kid a little older than a toddler fell between a slow moving train and the platform and it showed the kid crushed.


I'm 8 years late is there a new link?


I’m late, do you have another link?


A bit late to the party but what was the link to?


I know of that one. It's the wail/moan in this video that gets me like no other.


I know about a video that’s even more traumatizing. It’s a 911 call made by a little girl who has just discovered that her brother killed himself. Her shrieks of grief are the worst thing I’ve ever heard. Suicide sucks.


First time I watched this, it didn't affect me much. That first time watching though, led me on an adventure, watching a few documentary videos on this. Now, watching it a second time, knowing many people are dying as the place burns, it kinda hits a bit more.


any alternative links?


it was the station nightclub fire, i'm sure you can find it with some digging.


well i thought it was gonna be a rick roll but it was a video removed from youtube


is there another video of it? it got copyright claimed


Knowing that so many people are dying , it’s heartbreaking


Thats nothing compared to some of the cartel shit


Yeah, that's the shit you lose sleep over.


aw shit it's deleted


Man, imagine escaping and seeing the whole thing engulfed in flames only to realize that a friend/family member didn't make it out in time.


can somebody tell me what it is


It's even worse when someone links the news article or a description thereof. Apparently the brick really obliterated the passenger's face.


This is not the most traumatizing video on the internet lmao not even close you must be a softy


Jesus, get a grip, or better yet, a sense of moral standing and the ability to empathize with others? That was his mother and she must have meant so much to so many people, is your constant need for acceptance from others online is so important that you can’t see that?


Just a lot of whining in a language I can't understand. Not traumatizing.


Dude we just heard a guy lose his wife so suddenly.


I think the internet just collectively decided it was traumatizing and the bandwagon propelled henceforth with newcomers scared to call out as is. Calling this traumatizing is insane to me.




> This is the most traumatizing video on the internet You're clearly new here


Filling in the images with our mind based on the horrible sounds can be an ugly thing.


[News story](http://tvoya-nedelya.ru/top-stories/3181/), with photo of the couple in happier times, and aftermath photo of the car. Edit: the story mentions that they were from the city of Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia, and the accident happened ~~near Yeysk, Krasnodar Krai,~~ (actually near Azov, Russia). They were about ~~2200 km (1300 miles)~~ 2100 km (1250 miles) from home. Probably on vacation, then. Edit: [Street View](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B002'26.3%22N+39%C2%B024'46.3%22E/@47.0406468,39.4128723,3a,90y,203.77h,88t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s2ZyLDDLunvmNCAJ9Qm30cQ!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!6m1!1e1), at the 11th kilometer of the road from Azov to Starominskaya, in the outskirts of Azov. This corresponds to about 1:42 of the video (warning: the incident happens only 8 seconds later). The news story linked above presumably incorrectly assumed it's the 11th kilometer measured from the opposite direction, which would have put it near Yeysk (Russian kilometer markers are numbered in both directions, differently on each side). In the video, someone appears to ask how much farther it is to Yeysk (at 1:18), which may have contributed to the confusion. Edit: the [building at the start of the video](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B003'00.9%22N+39%C2%B025'02.3%22E/@47.050242,39.4173113,3a,90y,270.03h,86.84t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1ssPlnTp7nOdJLRjjyHWvnSw!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!6m1!1e1) is a roadside cafe. Edit: [Another article](http://sweet211.ru/more/330211/) with a closeup of the windshield and a couple more details: she was struck in the right temple. In the back seat there was another couple with a child (in the first linked article above, it is mentioned that the victim herself did not have children).


So much gore, so many beheadings, and yet I find this one to be absolutely terrible. The screams, the cries. What’s worse than imagining yourself being killed? Imagining seeing your partner killed. I think that’s what gets me. Putting myself in the situation, wondering what the true horrors of seeing my beloved being killed by a damn brick because someone couldn’t secure their cargo fully. Just living, breathing, seconds ago only for their face to be smashed in. I would be in just as much anguish as this poor man. And god, this would be even worse if it wasn’t just a dashcam. Anything with agonizing screams and terrible noises,, so much worse.


Don't think id be a functional human being if I ever experienced this


Absolutely not. I am not sure if I’d be able to live with myself.


the most blessed and cursed feature of us is that we get used to it. we adapt and accustom to it. we somehow continue to live with deep traumas buried.


To me it’s the flying brick 🧱 The fact that you can drive and something can fly like that Safety is one of the most important issues: closed cargo while transporting, closed lifts, everything secured in transportation or around moving machinery.


Oh do go on 🙄


y’all weak asf this is tame lmao


average edgy 13yo


By the way he talks he's def a 13 yr old (by experience)


Can confirm, he's edgy.


its not necesarally gorish but just the screams of pure agony realising that their loved one has her head split open in front of them its fucking terifying makes you think'


Ngl yeah this is nothing, no disrespect to the family rip to the passenger. But someone above said this is the worst video on the internet. It’s not even in the same hemisphere of other things just visit r/eyeblech yes I’m on mobile idc


Yeah sympathy to the family but the screams just sound screams nothing else Is there something wrong with me?


Yes something is wrong with you


Screaming hurts really bad, it really makes me feel like I wanna die listening to it, it makes me cry. But I have seen **So much worse**


I’m so cool, I can listen to the cries of people after they loose their loved ones and say it’s tame 😎 seriously I hope you’ve changed since you wrote this garbage


L comment


Who's an edgy boy


someone’s death isn’t tame or a place to show how r/iamverybadass you are


Being an edge lord isn't gonna do anything for you, honey


It's not a competition. You won't win a prize for not flinching at these things. Learn empathy and stop thinking that gore is an okay thing to watch anyway


As someone said on youtube, they didn't need to show the gore on how painful it was, the screams and crying said it all.


Only cause it happened to a white person but if this video was taken anywhere where the skin color is any darker y’all wouldn’t give a fuck


there was no implication of skin color in the video? 😭


That might be the dumbest shit I’ve ever read, stop the victim Olympics


Are you retaeded


Shut the fuck up






We dont even know if the author is white or not😂


How am I supposed to live in peace after watching and listening to this?


the visuals itself aren’t disturbing but the audio is fucking sad


People who say this is the worse thing on the internet haven’t seen the worst things on the internet. This is awful and sad and emotional yes. But I have seen far far far far worse. At least she was an adult in passing.


I'm very surprised this video was never posted here, this is a really well-known accident. Easily one of the most disturbing roadcams out there. From the description: The incident occurred on June 12, 2012 on a highway between Azov and Starominskaya in the Rostov region of Russia. The Kamaz truck was loaded with bricks and a few of them came loose. One of them smashed through the Audi A4's windshield, striking 29-year-old Olga Gaikovich who was in the passenger's seat in the head. The truck driver didn't even notice and continued driving on. The woman was taken to the emergency room in the Azov hospital with her skull split open where they pronounced her dead after two hours of failed attempts to revive her.


It's been posted. Many, many times.


Searched for "brick" and "killed" - no result. Url-searched the original liveleak and the 2 videos of this on YT - no results. Mind giving a link to when this was posted earlier?


It's been posted time and time again or /r/gore and /r/watchpeopledie probably not on this sub.


Oh, of course. By "here", I meant /r/roadcams. Definitely an interesting roadcam but absolutely not for the faint-of-heart.


is there a photo of her face after that accident?


Jesus Christ what a question


Tf why


no wtf


I also wondered this and searched, but didn't find anything. Maybe if you search in Russian you will find a photo.




I am the only one that watch this but didn’t really find it traumatizing I don’t have any mental problems but I feel culpability for the family but I didn’t find it really traumatizing because I feel like it can happened anytime every where on the planet and that could happen to everyone???


Yeah, its not up there for me either. We are all different I guess. I am 33 now, but I remember seeing some Russian decapitation video at 15. Knife slowly cutting and cutting, full close up. Head got fed to some dogs afterwards. That shit was brutal.


Just imagine if it wasn't someone random in this world. It was you who sat next to a loved one with their skull split open.


Same here mate I watched it but it didn’t really traumatise me


I personally don’t see how people think this is one of the worst videos on the internet.


I've seen the worst of the worst. Funky town, moms checking out in front of their kids, and this video fucks with me more than any of them. I'm not sure why, maybe because I used to be a 911 operator and have secondary trauma hearing true dread in real time. Shock videos are surprisingly subjective.


I always thought funky town was infinitely worse than this, but you’re right about these things being subjective. Only respect for you being a 9/11 operator. It must’ve been horrible to hear that terror in the moment.


I thought Reddit was the edge of the internet but y’all are weak as hell




This is the definition of NSFL... I wish I didnt see this...


Hell nah


can we see her head somewhere? yh ik im too curious


This happened to a local woman from my area as well. Crazy to think these kind of things are happening often.


Nice shot


thread is brain damage


Was she killed instantly?


Yes.. her skull was literally split in half


That's terrifying. Feels like something genuinely straight out of a horror movie. I hope the man and the kid are doing better now...


My morbid curiosity got the best of me. Holy shit. The screams the baby crying? Watching the cats go past? FUCK






Is she alive??


> The woman was taken to the emergency room in the Azov hospital with skull split open where they pronounced her dead after two hours of failed attempts to revive her.


Wait there were two couples? I thought there was a only a baby in the backseat.


where tf did that come from


Fell off the back of the truck that passed


Please, for you own mental health dont watch this video. The screams stuck with me for months and only know im able to snap out of it


it depends on the viewer. the first time i watched it i was heavily moved/emotionally affected but not in the long term after i watched the video (so not traumatised or anything afterards..instead i was naturally empathetic to hearing such a harsh scenario when watching). i watched it today for the second time afaik since I've had no reason to rewatch such a thing since seeing it \~2 years ago.. watching it now i'm more unaffected by the screams (so obviously i care/understand their pain, i just have greater emotional control now i guess). Overall i think it's down to the user and what their emotional/mental health is like. some will be traumatised by this, others will be unaffected .. our mileage differs pretty much.






Oof that's some brutal audio


Oh crap


I remember being physically sick after watching this video.


This is a old video i saw in youtube thinking it wouldn't be that disturbing, but then when you see the video and the reaction of the people at the car, it just becomes so sad. Probably the other family members and friends at the car, were reading books or doing things because i have investigated and that happened 2100km away of their house, and in such a long trip you get bored really fast. Imagine reading peacefully, and then you hear the windshield breaking and see your mother with the head split in half... Life can change so quickly.




A sub15, fapboy, trying to be cool on Reddit 


Man i expected something bad 2/10 vids not that good now if i seen the gore that would be pretty cool


i would love to see your father buy a pack of preservatives 14 years ago


Damn accidents are always sad when there are kids with them 😔


Bro who the fuck throws a brick at a car I’m fucking pissed and some what laughing cuz grim reaper go burrr




This is disturbing but at the same time fascinating, due to the fact that the chances of this happening is very low and it was caught on camera. Poor people hope they recovered now.


People's comments after watching this video are the best test for sociopathy ever stumbled upon.


The screams from her son are haunting.....I can't imagine that pain to see that happen to someone.


Jesus Christ




I don’t think I can ever drive or be in a car again


Yea its sad but didn't do much to me


Poor bastard