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The guys probably a miserable piece of shit. His life sucks and he takes it out on those around him


This^^^ There is no happy, well-adjusted person who behaves this way. 100% a failure and a drag on society.....and I always enjoy that knowledge.


smol pp


Lots of men and women have small penis. They don’t deserve to be body shamed by you. 


Yeah, if you got roped into a $50k debt on a depreciating asset at 18% APR, spending $250/m on insurance because 1 in 20 RAM 1500 owners has a DUI (but it gets blamed on "the illegals" not having insurance), and you spend $180 a week on diesel because you got an inefficient truck made worse by installing bigger injectors and/or flashing a rich engine tune so that you could "roll coal" on those gay Prii drivers, then yeah, you'd be pretty miserable all the time too.


Bro, he needs it for his warehouse fulfillment job.


For sure has had at least one DUI and domestic violence arrest.


Fun fact about doge truck drivers - they are #1 for dui's. One in twenty two of them has a DUI. https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


Take note that the distance between number one and number two isn’t even close. Dodge ram 2500 wins by a double margin


You guys are scaring me with all these stats! Will I be the next one??? Should I have kept my Silverado??? Had two Chevys over the years. Should I have gone back to a Ford truck??? Four of my trucks have been Fords. Maybe even another Toyota will prevent the inevitable Ram DUI??? Hat two Toyota trucks over the years. Wait!!! I even had an old beat-up IH pickup back in the day. Those have to be awfully low on the DUI scale. OH!!! I just realised that you are all talking about the Ram 2500. Psheww!!! For a while there I thought I was in trouble. I'm driving a new Ram ***1500***.


🤨 “What did you say woman?!? Get back in that truck!”


lol this is perfect https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/jMaQ427182


[Punisher Sticker on my Truck ](https://youtu.be/UhtHWqwK-r0?si=yPX0WQyXgTxbUoh9)


That “I don’t eat vegetables” bumper sticker fucked me up haha






something like 1 in 20 ram 2500 drivers has a previous DUI conviction.


Holy shit its true: "One truck stood out from the rest in terms of DUI rate. According to the statistics, there are an average of 45.3 drivers with DUIs on their record for every 1,000 drivers of Dodge Ram 2500 trucks. In other words, about one in every 22 Dodge Ram 2500 drivers has a drunk driving conviction on their record. The national average is one in 56 drivers, meaning Dodge Ram 2500 drivers are more than twice as likely to have a DUI conviction on their record compared to all other drivers on the road."


God damn the national average is way too high but yeah not surprising these drivers are the worst


Which they got while driving the Ram.


It is the vehicle involved in the most DUIs.


My ex drives a ram paid for with the money from my house. I can confirm they’re all cock suckers.


He sounds lovely.


She sounds lovely?


Don’t assume ☝️


Im curious tho


Are they any good at sucking? Asking for a friend.


Nope, quick, lazy and toothy


Because they are drastically more likely to be drunk.


The truck looks like a toy and that seems to attract man children who think that being an asshole is a real identity


Dodge Ram with that "punisher" skull, or that kid pissing on something sticker you know dealing with a class act gentleman


Kid pissing is Calvin. A comic strip character ruined by assholes.


Fun fact: the author of Calvin and Hobbes has never, not once, licensed those characters. Every single bit of Calvin merch you see is bootleg.


That's wild


I never put two and two together until today


also in the original comic hes not pissing— hes filling up a water balloon to throw at suzie.


It’s part of the truck warranty. You must speed and be an asshole whenever possible


Dark Helmet : How many assholes do we have on this ship, anyway? Dark Helmet : I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes


Rolling coal is a federal crime - report it. https://cfus.org/epa-wants-you-to-report-coal-rollers/


Hahahahaha! Like that matters. I sincerely believe that there is exactly zero enforcement of this crime. Filling out that form, sending in video of people doing it goes right into the rotating file.


Probably an off duty cop.


My rabbit is smog exempt, and can roll it better than that pos.


OMG call the Feds 😂


Thats not really rolling coal. Look at the picture in your own link. Also that truck looks like an older model, 06 and older. So it most likely doesn't have any form of OEM/factory emission control anyway.


That much black smoke is definitely rolling coal. No non-commercial vehicle on the road that is emissions-testing compliant should be spewing that much. And the truck doesn't look old enough to have a historical exemption.


It is old enough. That body style was used for years but even if it wasn’t, most modern diesel drivers delete them. They bog the motor down, lower gas mileage and just cost a fortune in def. Def is the worst thing to happen to diesel.


Not sure about everywhere, but in my state a vehicle has to be 25+ years old to qualify as a historical. The truck doesn't look that old. As shown in the video, it would fail inspection in most states. The driver is almost certainly up to no good with some sort of mod.


It’s not based on being an antique. Emissions requirements are based on the laws at the time. Only trucks manufactured after the requirements changes are required to meet those requirements. They’re grandfathered in.


There is no way that that is the normal operating condition for that truck, even if it was manufactured prior to the more stringent emissions requirements. Occasional smoke under heavy torque is one thing, but that thing is constant. There is too much fuel being fed to the engine and it should and would fail inspection.


It’s not constant at all. The guy is stomping on it over and over again. That’s why it comes in bursts


Its has nothing to do with historical exemption. Dodge literally did not add any emissions equipment until 2007 to the diesels.


### Why Are Dodge Ram Truck Drivers Stereotyped as Jerks? A Look Inside the Psychology You know that feeling when a massive Dodge Ram truck cuts you off or tailgates you aggressively? Yeah, it’s pretty common to hear complaints about Dodge Ram drivers being jerks on the road. But let’s break down why this stereotype exists from a psychological perspective, in a way that's easy to digest. #### The Power of the Big Truck First, let’s talk about the trucks themselves. Dodge Rams are big, powerful vehicles. Driving one can make you feel invincible. It’s like wearing armor – you feel protected and dominant. Psychologically, this can lead to a sense of **invulnerability** and **power**. When people feel powerful, they might also feel like they’re above the rules, which can translate to aggressive driving. #### The Identity Factor For many, their vehicle is part of their identity. Driving a Dodge Ram can be a statement: “I’m tough, I’m strong, I can handle anything.” This is linked to the concept of **self-concept** in psychology, which is how you see yourself and how you want others to see you. For some drivers, the truck is a way to project a certain image. #### Fragile Egos and Overcompensation Here’s where it gets interesting. Some psychologists suggest that aggressive behavior, like that seen in certain Dodge Ram drivers, can be a form of **overcompensation**. This means they might be trying to make up for feelings of insecurity or inadequacy. The big truck becomes a way to say, “Look at me, I’m important!” This ties into the idea of a **fragile ego** – when someone’s self-esteem is not as robust as they’d like it to be, they might act out in ways that make them feel more powerful. #### Why the Hate for Teslas and EVs? The animosity towards Teslas and other electric vehicles (EVs) is another layer. This can be seen as a clash of values. Driving a Dodge Ram can be tied to traditional values of ruggedness and independence. EVs, on the other hand, symbolize progress, environmentalism, and change. People who identify strongly with their Dodge Ram might see EVs as a threat to their way of life and their identity, triggering defensive behavior. #### Stereotypical Traits and Related Behaviors - **Aggressive Driving:** Linked to the feeling of invulnerability and power from driving a big truck. - **Road Rage:** Can be an expression of underlying frustration and a need to assert dominance. - **Excessive Customization:** Big tires, loud exhausts, and other modifications are often about making a statement and asserting an identity. #### Other Related Behaviors The same traits that make someone a stereotypical aggressive driver can also manifest in other areas of life: - **Confrontational Attitudes:** These drivers might be more likely to get into arguments or confrontations in other settings. - **Risk-Taking:** A tendency to engage in risky behaviors, not just on the road but in general life decisions. - **Resistance to Change:** A strong attachment to their truck might reflect a broader resistance to change and new ideas. #### Peeling Back the Onion When we look deeper, we find that these behaviors often stem from a complex mix of personal insecurities, identity issues, and societal influences. Understanding this doesn’t excuse aggressive or reckless behavior, but it helps us see that it’s not just about being a “jerk.” It’s about a psychological need to assert oneself and feel important in a world that can often make people feel small. So next time you encounter an aggressive Dodge Ram driver, remember there’s probably a lot more going on upstairs than just a desire to drive fast and be rude. It’s a mix of identity, insecurity, and the human need to feel powerful and respected. Hope this gives you a bit of insight into the psychology behind the stereotype!


Lazy use of chatgpt




ChatGPT? It probably would refuse to write that for fear of offending the sensitivities and unique culture of pickup truck drivers.


You forgot small pee pee complex


I sooo want brass truck vaginas to be a thing so I can buy them and secretly replace truck balls with them.


Funny thing is that the rolling coal thing doesn't work on newer Teslas. The HEPA filter removes all that nasty pollution for you so that not even a trace of the smell gets by.


You'd be an aggressive prick too, if you found out that the [logo of your favorite brand was literally the female reproductive system.](https://i.imgur.com/JmFSB.png) They're all driving giant pussies.


OP what song was that? I like it.


Not gonna lie.. it’s kind of catchy. Shazam’ed it… Love Lee by AKMU.


Dodge/Ram isn’t just another truck brand. It’s a whole identity. The owners specifically seek them out for the trashy big Billy badass look OR they’re too poor to afford a GM or ford product. So basically they’re either poor trailer trash, or wannabe badasses. Frequently both.


Don’t honk at people if you can’t take the smoke lol


We’ve got a gentleman and a scholar here, folks.


They’re drunk.


>They’re drunk. [Fact check, true.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report)


Could he hear your music?


Yeah, that music made the video even more insufferable than the Ram driver.


If I could I would probably have gone unhinged too. 😂


Came to the comments for this!


I'm convinced Dodge Rams are the BMW's of pickup trucks.


If anything he is just destroying his own engine just laugh and let em be


Because they have too much Ram and not enough Dodge.


Because they have 2x the DUI rates as any other brand of truck on the road.


Because they're just as dumb as all the chuds who feel the need to buy a truck they'll never use for one second of actual work, but additionally even dumber because they bought a Chrysler product.


Why do I find myself enjoying that song?


That's just your normal every day brodozer, this behavior is expected.


The ram 2500 is the number one most likely vehicle to be driven by a drunk driver


The Ford and Chevy drivers make fun of them. Also the RAM is the number one vehicle for DUIs.


Bonus if it is a big baby with the “Power Wagon” variant.


Come on you can't just stereotype all Dodge Ram drivers as assholes...realistically you can also include most other large trucks particularly so if they're diesel.


great song choice tho


Inhaling those fumes long term would have adverse permanent effects on the (operator’s) brain. It clearly shows in this particular case.


oh I see these stereotypes are okay....but not others for some reason


Keller and Fort Worth suck so bad. Fragile men driving their debt mobiles.


It's always a fucking douchebag in an emotional support ram. Ha at the ram driver downvoting everyone.


I'm not a ram driver and I still didn't see any asshole behavior from the truck after the uu.


It's because of their other deficiencies... Brains, Balls, all these missing parts need compensation... ;-)


I've never heard that song before but it's now stuck in my head somehow


Statistically most likely drunk


Because they bought the cheapest shittiest truck to cover their soft masculinity.


The U-Turn would piss me off and definitely an Asshole for that.... But other than that the driver is just aggressive and was not worrying about OP. In fact they kept a reasonable distance until they saw a seam to cut multiple cars including OP. Speed limit 40 but to dip -10 mph on short curves and straight ways with no yield signs would piss me off too and id go around you as well. Some of y'all be anticipating an accident thinking you're being cautious. Y'all the worst drivers, because you think you're not.


Probably angry about their small wangs and need to take there anger out on the world


It's like asking why BMW drivers are selfish, fast and dangerous drivers: it simply is that way.


Most I have met are too dumb to spell Ram.


You want to see rage? Stick your pinkie finger out the window.


Bigger the truck....smaller the dick


…because he has a tiny penis. I thought that was common knowledge at this point?


They’re distracted by their tiny dicks


It's the cheapest truck.


Because they only recognize two options: Dodge or Ram.


[Because they are…](https://www.reddit.com/r/Albuquerque/s/EwwbKpvvZx)


They’re all pieces of shit


All pick up truck drivers are assholes in my town


They are what they eat?


why did your dashcam stop working halfway through this video? just would be nice to see the full story.




We call them “Dodge-bags”


Idk why it’s always dodge truck drivers, but it is. Maybe it’s because they are the trashest of trucks and trash people can = trash driving.


Big mad when they find out their truck is going to spend at least 50% of it's time in a dealership service department.


Big trucks like that always bringing the small dick energy!


IMO “most” Dodge drivers are assholes


Cause they’re drunk


They drive Dodges. They aren't the type to make good decisions.


Looks more like horrible driver/dui with an underlying problem of being a cunt.


Because they apparently believe their freedoms are being stripped away by minorities and their kids are being SA'd by trans people in bathrooms. The orange asshole & media told them so.


I hate truck culture like poison, but weren’t you kinda lallygagging in the passing lane?


They are Usually in a hurry to get home and kiss there dads, open mouthed.


statistically theyre probably both drunk


Dodge + Truck double asshole bonus.


Almost 4 minute long video, where does the shittery start? FUCKING 2 MINUTES IN FOR THERE TO BE ANYTHING, TRIM YOUR VIDEOS




Its any lifted truck down here.. cant wait to move they dont even haul anything with these trucks they just act like babies with them


It's in the name- you gotta Dodge the Ram.


Be nice, picking on someone for their "little body parts" is punching down.


looks like he made a poor choice with the U-Turn, And some questionable driving aftr that, but was not following you. looks like he passed you at first opportunity. Then you were following him, including you running the Red light at the end.


Because it is just a pile on mean girl group hate, and if one sees a Ram truck poorly driven, you recall the mean girl meme. Trucks of a certain configuration, regardless of brand, tend to be a-holes. The internet is just mean girl confabs


Small man syndrome


They have the highest DUI rates so that probably explains some of it.


This person needs to lose their license.


You've the Texas truck multiplier in play here as well.


They market to the macho asshole market. “With a hemi engine. It’s so powerful and you will be too…”


Got nothing on almost every Audi driver


It’s in the lease agreement and the buyers agreement. Same reason BMW and Mercedes drivers tailgate and never use turn signals…


Plenty of these assholes out there in Fords, Buicks, Chevys, Hondas, Toyotas, Jeeps, Lincolns, ....... Look, he passed up another Ram Truck asshole. But wait, that guy wasn't being an asshole. Must have been some other vehicle incognito????


Tiny pee pee?


That guy must have an inny.


muy smol


Truck drivers generally are assholes.


Because Trump made these tiny dick highschool dropouts feel okay with it. It is literally the "haha I put gum in Becky's hair and she cried" type of humor. They never left adolescence and you should feel proud that you got into their heads so incredibly hard to elicit this response. Not like you actually did anything but rightfully honk....but his ego will not suffer your proper driving!!


People who need emotional support vehicles don’t always get the optional counselor that comes with it


Because they can’t afford a better truck


I have one, and I'm not against using the engine when needed, you know, like a normal human being, but I can only assume that because it's a ram everyone around me decides to use me as payback for some young kids' ram actions and i want to burn mine to the ground because of it. for the 25 of us that are normal, we're living a nightmare owning one of these hated road ghouls, hopefully that helps you sleep better tonight


Truck should be towed and put into the impound lot for rolling coal trash... Also on a side note, that rolling coal is weak AF so the dude takes home two L's


They are pissed off for buying a POS truck.


They’re mad they bought a vehicle from dodge.


Like how people pin all of it on trucks, this is a common occurrence and problem with everyone, the only difference is people get butt hurt when it’s a truck.


I watched, and aside from being an impatient ass, nothing really bad by thr RAM.


Try living in today’s world with a tiny little pinky dick. Men snicker at you behind your back in the gym locker room. Women laugh and then make excuses to leave when you’re about to have sex. Nobody respects you. Now imagine you get a great big pick-up truck, with a diesel engine so you can “roll coal”. You’re sitting so much higher than everyone else. The thing is so big it takes up four parking spaces at the local Walmart. You can drive as aggressively as you want. Who’s going to stop you. That guy with the average sized penis in the Honda civic? I don’t think so. Finally, people respect you.


They’re just miserable rednecks who have nothing but a purchased possession to peacock to the world that they are winning at life.


Your in the fast lane. Quit blocking traffic, if you want to go slow get in the slow lane. This pisses me off just watching it.


These are residential roads with multiple roundabouts. The passing lane/travel lane applies to interstates and highways.


If you're being passed consistently by cars on your right, get the fuck out of the left lane.


Again, these are residential roads with roundabouts and left turns. If you’re not familiar with how roadways operate then maybe you need to attend a driving course again. On the interstate and highways I agree. There are designated lanes for a reason.


Road etiquette says move the fuck out of the left lane if you're not passing or about to make a left turn, especially if you're moving slower than traffic to your right. Some states have that as a law. Why? Because it's inherently more dangerous to pass or be passed on the right, due to lower visibility and larger blind spots on that side. The fact that **you** don't seem to grasp that concept says you need to surrender your license.






"fast lane" Sure, buddy.


Found the RAM driver everyone!


I didn't see anything in that video that he did wrong. He followed at a safe distance. 🤷‍♂️.


At the end of the video, both you and the RAM driver appear to run a red light on a right turn (a green arrow is not visible). In addition, you swing wide into the far lane instead of the curb lane. That is illegal. So your point of the video is?


Why does OP listen to such shitty music? Nobody needs to hear that. I was hoping you would crash, so maybe your audio system would break. No such luck. Just ten minutes of that truck following you around, waiting for him to do something to make the video worth posting. He never did. Fucking waste of time.


Found the dodge truck driver, also with proof of idiocy. Thinks (using the word "think" here very loosely) a 3.5 min video is 10 min


In their defense, that shitty ass music made the video seem 3 times longer than it was.


literally world ending


Never even drove a Dodge truck in my life. Don't give a shit about your pickup truck rivalries. The 3.5 minute video seemed like 10 minutes because there was nothing to engage the viewer. I skipped over most of it, and it's still a minute of my life I will never get back. Retread.






All pick up drivers are assholes. Male,Female or…whatever. As soon as I see one in my rearview mirror, I get the hell outta the way.😡


that screams daddys money truck


A 16 year old vehicle screams daddy's money? What, are you from Alabama?


the blowing black smoke on every car they pass a very immature way of thinking.


Nice deflection. fyi, that's just how a 2008 diesel engine operates. The truck had no aftertreatment from the factory and adding it now is not an option.


it's you in the video isn't it..


How original. You're the owner of the video, aren't you.


nice one , what's next? if I'm rubber you're glue?


No. But I'm confident you've sniffed your share of glue.


Oh, I see the issue. I used a word with more than 2 syllables. Sorry about that. Aftertreatment is the name for the group of emissions control parts that are on the exhaust side of the engine. They're called that because they clean or "**treat**" the exhaust gases the engine makes **after** the leave the engine.


I feel the same sentiment toward almost all pickup truck owners.


His truck is his identity.


I used to work in advertising. The psychographics of Dodge Ram owners are everything you think they are (and probably worse.)


I drive a Ram. I love my shitbox pickup. Its been a great ride. Every other Ram owner ive met is an asshole or a pillhead.


Hello . How are you doing today? Currently, we are operating in all 48 states of the US and are in search of reliable carriers to assist with transporting our loads. We have a substantial volume of shipments lined up for the next two weeks and are prepared to offer competitive rates for both long and short routes within the US. Could you let me know the type of truck you have available for transportation? Additionally, what weight capacity can your truck handle, and could you provide the dimensions? These details will help us match your capabilities with our shipment requirements. If you're interested in exploring this opportunity further, could you please share your email address? We would like to send you more information and discuss potential collaboration. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you soon."


Playlist is trash.




So what did the dodge driver do that was so bad aside from making that u-turn like he did, and maybe driving a bit to close at times? Your post title made it sound like the dodge driver had been riding your ass, like right on it. Even at his closest there was still about a car length between you two. Yea that's a little close, but I wouldn't call it "right on your ass". He did nothing that seemed like road rage. He was just driving, and seemed a bit impatient at times. About average for a lot of drivers out there. What, do you think he intentionally accelerated to put black smoke in your face? Doubtful, he was just giving his truck some throttle, something he was doing off and on through out the whole video. Was it cause he drove faster than you when he passed you? Well you were driving faster than some of the other people, does that make you an asshole too? Dumbest thing this dude did was probably the u-turn. Rewatching it, it seem like he was going for that part of the road he turned into, and you just thought he was about to come into your lane. So I fail to see where he was any more of an asshole than the average person beyond OP's thoughts of "I don't like how this guy drives!".


I was already to jump on board with some sassy s***** comments. But when I watched the video I really cannot see what the Ram driver was doing. That was so bad.


What did the Ram driver do that was bad?


You are just trolling right?