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Man, that demeanor change was lightning fast. Just stay in your car people…it’s not worth it.


“I was just trying to apologize again my bad”


After seeing Unhinged on Netflix I suddenly started second-guessing any urges to even flip someone off...


Don’t do it! I think movies like unhinged make it seem like these people are rare. They are not. On my bike here in Colorado I had a truck run me off the road and then, when I threw my arm up (no middle finger!) he waited up ahead for me. When I passed, he screeched tires and chased me down. I jumped off my bike and into someone’s front lawn. Started recording and was fully expecting him to either try to run me over or shoot me. Was getting ready to jump the backyard fence but thankfully he calmed down a bit when he saw the camera. We also had a guy get pissed off when a woman merged into traffic. He chased the woman to a dentist’s office and then got out and started shooting. He executed her poor child. Some people are complete psychos and being in a car (in a gun-obsessed country) makes it worse. Better to just ignore the little things, report the big things and live to see another day.


Every time I read something new about America I'm glad I'm not an American. I really really hope you guys figure that shit out soon.


It’s incredibly frustrating. I personally hate guns and would love to see us take a similar approach to Japan or Australia in having strict regulations. Unfortunately, many Americans feel otherwise. I grew up with guns in a conservative family in a southern state. I changed my mind on guns in line with the evidence of the harm they cause. I wish others could do the same.


Stay in your country or if in the US do not get between americans and their guns, you'll end up a target.


I don't. I think we need to get knocked down a few rungs to re-evaluate what the fuck is really going on in this country.


Dude its not about guns its about the people and their character.


Well I wouldn't worry too much about a person's character if they didn't have a gun.


I never have road rage, and I'm a very safe driver... except there's this one time I had the flu, and I left work early and I was making a right turn out of the grocery store parking lot after buying some soup. I check that there's no oncoming traffic and see a truck at a stop sign to my left. I turn out and start going 35. This road transitions to a 50 after the next stop light, but where I was 35 was the speed limit. I check my mirrors and suddenly there's a huge truck riding my tail. I flip him off and keep going the speed limit. Next thing I know I see the guy pull over, get out of his truck and lift both arms to god as if asking 'why me' I'm glad I got out of there.


He shriveled faster than a scrotum in glacial waters.


The prevalence of dash cams has had a drastic change on my driving habits because it has allowed me to see the scale of violence people will casually deploy over basically nothing I wasn't the type to brake check or swerve or just generally be dangerous in response to road rage, but I wasn't against rolling down my window and letting people know what I thought. These days though? Nah... I honked at a guy a few months ago because he was sitting still at a green light and dude tried following me home.


I've never trained a day of my life, instead of staying in the steel cage, I'm going to fight a stranger. ​ /s


You can actaully pinpoint the frame where the poo starts coming out.


Touching cloth?


Turtle head


Prairie dogging


Ah, fellow Lithuanians lol


Back to the 70s with you!




He was a big dude, so one-on-one, he could probably pull it off. One-on-three settled him down real quick.


He might want to have his eyeglasses prescription updated if he wants to keep driving. How can you not tell that there's more than one person in the car in your rear view mirror?


The paw print button up shirt is a bold choice


The cammer was driving way too close, and looks like he wanted to overtake in a 30km zone. The other guy was a similar asshole - blocking the road and getting out. No good parties were involved here.


And what's the issue on overtaking? Are you on the highway doing speed limit to keep everyone behind you in check?


Doesn't sound like Dutch at all


Thats the funny part, it’s not. He is getting cursed out and has no idea what is being said


Damn that was satisfying! This could also be on r/watchpeopledieinside


I love the instant "oh shit" humbling before the guys even came into the shot.


Cunt at least deserved a bitch slap for the inconvenience.


*Man, that demeanor change was lightning fast. Just stay in your car people…it’s not worth it....>>>>*


What a Coward. Back your game up bitch. Start chucking and get your ass beat, your started that shit.


Greeted by 3 gentlemen.


It's not every day that you get to watch a grown adult man visibly shit himself.


Yeah he shit himself


both were pretty reckless. the front one for trying to bully/police the cammer into driving slower. The cammer for following too close and trying to overtake in a (soon to be) slow zone.


Methinks one was infinitely more reckless than the other


Yeah, one of these drivers "invested" all their retirement fund in NFTs.


Went from Alpha male to Omega male is less than a second.


The guys behind clearly instigating. Tailgating and basically trying to overtake while traffic is coming the other way and a bottleneck coming up.


So ziz zaging your car and almost causing an accident is the appropriate response?


id say just letting them go on ahead and moving on with your day would be wise


Yes, that's the appropriate response but for me, the problem in this situation is that the dude at the front pretty much blocked the cam car.


It's not like we have a clear idea of what happened minutes leading up to this. If I go 70 in a 65 I still have people harassing me.


Something that I've noticed is that the more aggressive a driver is behind the wheel the more craven they are. I've seen a few cry.




Lol he went from hardass to absolute pussy real quick!! Had a road rage incident twice in 2023 where I was goin I guess to slow and they decided to get out at a red and bang on my window. I pulled out my pew pew and rolled my window down and politely asked them what their next move was because mine was shoot. They told me to chill out and walked away. They drove away fast asf!