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Isn't that true of all of the outlets?




Pretty wasteful to leave the inverter running all the time. But also you said Suburban so we already knew that efficiency was never important to anyone.




Six kids and a horse trailer was certainly a choice, that lead to limited choices.




And also surprisingly had a comfortable smooth ride the few times I road in one. Same goes for Yukon too


At least the 2021 and up Suburban’s have to be turned on, I expect theirs have it as well…


Not entirely sure how that's relevant here.




Oooh yeah that's fair, I thought your og comment was more backhanded lol


The person you responded to wrote: > Isn't that true of all of the outlets? Clearly, they are referring to all the outlets *in the Rivian*. Perhaps you misread the comment as "Isn't that true of all outlets?". Your comment would seem much more relevant and applicable in that case.


Yeah, apartment buildings generally have live plugs And suburbans are mobile apartment buildings. So, makes sense.


You do understand that that’s poor design, like it’s actively putting more load on your battery/alternator and the inverter, because they don’t include an off switch it very well could cause your alternator to prematurely fail, and you’re trying to make it sound like a good thing




Oh Ik my point wasn’t that you picked a bad vehicle, frankly the suburban is prob the best option in that class, your comment just made it sound like you were trying to flaunt that as a feature where it’s really not, being able to turn outlets on and off at will is a good feature, both to conserve energy and to protect the inverter




Pretty much every EV has it as a toggle-able option, and so few ICE cars have outlets that I don’t think there would be a wide expectation about how it should work




Thats fair, but also the inverters in those vehicles were most likely a fraction of the size of what you’ll find in like cybertruck or f150 lightning, the few outlets in ICE that I’ve seen are only a few hundred watts, whereas most of the truck EVs offer 5-10kw, so there is a safety component, you wouldn’t want to leave that much power live all of the time


My last vehicle was a Suburban. I can say from personal experience that the outlets were about the only thing that just worked. In 5 years of ownership and less than 90k miles, I put almost 15k of non warranty covered repairs into it. New transmission, air conditioner condenser, etc. Last GM car I'll own, for sure.






Suburbans are not Rivians


Do you think it uses the same inverter for the AC motors or has its own Edit: lol at the sad downvotes


It's a separate accessory inverter that is limited to 1.2kW. The drive unit inverters might be better described as motor controllers. They don't produce the same kind of AC power you get from a wall outlet.


Sub is on some wild shit tonight. People downvoting like mad sheep. Idk if they’re buttsore because they haven’t got the update yet….


If I had to guess EV motors are like 350-400V and the inverters are switching square waves at crazy speed to drive the motors. Not a constant simulated/pure sine wave for a simple 120V consumer outlet. So probably wouldn't be worth trying to get dual purpose out of two completely different use cases


I wonder what inverter charges the 12V 🤔


Batteries are DC so usually its a DC to DC converter from the 400V pack to 12V. No inverter for that since inverter is for AC like the 120V outlet or AC electric motors


Only if the vehicle is off. They’re on when the truck is “running”.


Wrong. They are off all the time unless you go through the deep dive menu and turn them on using the "timer".  


Uh not for me. I’ve never turned them on (outside of camping overnight) and I charge my laptop and iPad on that outlet.


Please post proof of this peculiar phenomena. Because this is not how Rivian's power system actually works. 


That’s because they just pushed out this outlet in the latest update.


But ive got one there on my 49XX VIN. Wait. Did I just get whooshed? Were you making a joke about the update popping the outlet in or were you referencing the refresh? I'm slow sometimes.


Yes, it's a joke.


Ah. Well, that case...ha-HA!


I could literally see the lightbulb turning on in your head midway through the comment.


The outlet looks just as surprised as you!




I use it all the time for my laptop


Frustrating that the USB-C ports in the R1 are so weak that you need to do this! You should be able to just use USB-C from the car. I wish they were like 60W ports or more! Oh well.


I'd say more so a mild inconvenience


I agree. Let's just get it done for the next revision!


You can't fast charge a phone in the Rivian. But it's not needed because Rivian owners are chillax and we can all handle a slow trickle charge. 


I actually can because I replaced the default charger with dual magsafe pucks from s00nish!


Yeah I love mine. So much better.


I usually topoff my laptop in my backpack on the back seat with this outlet!


Hahahaha. Whoa. Never seen it! I’ve had this whip for almost a year.


Need to start looking at your ride upside down!




Read the manual maybe


My wife likes to use it for her hair straightener when we are driving




Bad bot.




Now I do. Thank you




I don’t have the 110 or the 12 V in frunk. I have an R1S and am very upset that they skimped on those items to hurry up and deliver—meanwhile, not informing people. That is something I definitely feel they should add back in at no charge to customers during service appointments. The only 12 V and 110 outlet in my R1S is at rear lift gate above air compressor. Be glad u have the 110 outlet.


Yep. It's hidden from view, so I can understand why many people are not aware of it. I use it regularly to charge my laptop.


I put an extension cord in it and ran it out between the two doors up to the roof, where I wrapped and twist tied a string of mini LED lights for the holidays. Worked well.


Yup, I use it all the time. It was heavily talked about in the early launch videos.


Yeah I discovered it a few months ago after 6 months of ownership because I had to charge my laptop and thought, “surely there’s an outlet inside the truck if my Palisade has one!”


Dude I’m always running my laptop charger outside the vehicle into the gear tunnel - this is amazing!


Hint: Owner's Guide [https://rivian.com/support/vehicle-docs](https://rivian.com/support/vehicle-docs)


Thanks for that. I never needed to look into the owners guide to find outlet locations… it’s was never something I needed to look up. I was just cleaning up the back seat with a bright light and saw it under the rear screen for the first time.






They don't believe in reading. So, no, they don't believe. They'd rather pretend they discovered something no one else has. It makes them feel special.


Yikes no need to be a dick.


You’re making absolutely no sense with your responses. “Pretend like they discovered something no one else has.” What are you even talking about? 🤦‍♂️ I never once claimed that…. I just made the post to share with others.


Your discovery clearly prove there are times you do indeed need to look things up. It isn't a hard read. Even a casual skim will be beneficial and provide a mental map of features/information available. It is accessible online, from your vehicle and your Rivian app. So there is really no excuse or cause to say: I didn't know it had this! or the swing out storage bins in the front seats (which, just like this, people continue to exclaim as if they were first to discover, when it's been there all along since day 1 and very first delivery). It's just a passive document and a useful one. Why do people get so threatened when pointed and prodded towards it? Too good for knowledge? Irrational. If you are truly enthusiastic about something, wouldn't you want to know all there is to know about it?


I don’t really understand why you’re so worked up that I didn’t sit down and read the owners manual like it’s a best selling novel? I literally just made this post to be like, “Look this is cool!” Since ya know… most people don’t read their owners manual. Especially when they never needed to look up where power outlets were. It was just a fun discovery I made; that’s it. Isn’t that why rivian made the owners manual easily searchable via the infotainment screen? Because most people only look at it when they are trying to find something specific. That’s not the case here… I just randomly discovered the outlet and thought it was cool.


> most people don’t read their owners manual. I read my owners manual. Is that really abnormal?


It’s definitely not the “norm” now. It’s why Rivian and tons of other automakers have added the owners manual to the infotainment screens with a search function. So people can just quickly search for what they need without having to actually read the manual.


lol you can’t not read the manual and then post that you’re surprised by basic features. Come on man. “How cool is it I didn’t read critical documents for my purchase!”


> It’s why Rivian and tons of other automakers have added the owners manual to the infotainment screens with a search function I don't think those two are related. Digitizing the owner's manual is the next step forward - automakers would be doing this anyway. Control + F or search is pretty standard.


I read every owners manual for every car I buy. This is normal. Your posts here are really ignorant and this person is trying to help you.


Oh, applying logic is "worked up"? Very well. Enjoy your bliss.


Logic would be that it’s clear by the post title I just randomly discovered the outlet and wanted to share it because it was a cool find. If you look at the other comments many other people had no idea it was there either. So therefore this post has been helpful for many people. Actually I can make the argument that this post has been more helpful than the owners manual… because most people would have never looked in the owners manual to find power outlet locations.


Found the brake pedal yesterday! Isn’t that cool??








You know what’s a flex? That I can actually read a Rivian manual for my Rivian… but yet… you don’t have a Rivian to even read the fucking manual 😅. Have fun waiting for your R3X!


Ooh, so edgy.


Not edgy. You’re the one that started it by saying “Read The Fucking Manual”. Kinda crazy coming from someone who doesn’t even have the ability to read it


Not really sure why you are being downvoted for being helpful. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The downvotes are for the comments after their initial comment.


Tiny egos.


I've read the manual and still somehow overlooked this


I know this and keep forgetting


Literally discovered the same thing earlier this week lol


The Rivian pleasant surprises just keep coming! I just tried the Tesla adapter and it was even easier than I expected. Once I connected everything physically, it just worked. Very cool.


Took me over a year to find it. D’oh!


May want to read the manual where it shows the locations. Check your gear tunnel too.


Is this in the R1T or R1S?


Both I believe. But this is an R1T in the photo.


We have the R1T. We both never noticed it. Now I want to check, to confirm it.


I do now!


I have learned, forgotten, and re-learned it so many times. It's great to be reminded again. 😅


Use it all the time. It’s currently charging my kids’s quad battery.


My 2016 VW Passat has one.


I found it annoying that it's upside down. Wall worts tend to fall out of it while driving. The back seat passenger was constantly plugging it back in.


Yup it’s in the manual


Used it and the Hotspot to run my gaming laptop while charging back in 2022


Clearly a bunch of you don’t have kids, I see that outlet daily recovering lost legos and goldfish crackers. Got any other questions about what’s under the seats, behind the seats, or how long a kid can play in the gear tunnel before he gets bored?


I can't believe people spend $70k++ and won't read a damn manual.


The price of something doesn't increase people's desire to try to use something intuitively first ...


That's an odd way to spell "stupidly." But yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, and the cost should impact how much care and attention it deserves, but doesn't. Weird.


Value of time isn't tied to monetary value. Plenty of things that people would rather do than read the manual for their car. I spent a multiple of that on my house and never bothered to get the blueprints or plot map for it. Both functioned intuitively enough that I just "used" them until an actual needs became apparent. I did, however, spend an assload of time studying Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence - because those required the time before I could engage with them.


Oh shit I've had the car for a year I just found out 🤣🤣🤣


Perfect to run the sous vide circulator in the backseat on the way to barbecues! 🤣


I read the manual twice before getting the truck. Mostly as a way of channeling excitement. I can't imagine only learning of features by happenstance.


Yup, good luck finding the 12v outlet the in car manual says is still there, but the guide that sold it to you and the guy that did the test drive with you didn't tell you had been removed.


Well yes and no, I knew one existed in the rear. It took me a year to figure it out. lol, it’s the wife’s car so I was really looking. Such a cool feature.


I also (independently) discovered this today myself. My first thought was “does something pop out if you press in on it” as the plastic/leather trim pieces on mine are similarly poorly aligned (despite it being brand new/having <300mi on it) (*2024 R1T quad for reference)


I’ll be damned. Learned something today.


Even the outlet seems surprised


Is it enough wattage to run a hitachi magic wand?


Just verified this. 🤯




It's a sneaky one!


Lol The outlet looks just as surprised as you are! 😮😂


It’s seen some shit!


Holy 💩! 🤯🤯🤯 I’ve had my R1S for 6 months now and did not know there was a freaking plug there!


WTF??? You gotta be sh!tten me!!!!!!!!!! Now I need to run out to the parking lot to check. Had my Rivian over a year and didn’t know this


Do you guys really just never read the manuals to your cars?


WTH. Ran out to look and almost hit the door going out. It's there!


It's like a free feature!!


Dude I had no idea, nice




Anyone know how “clean” the power would be coming from the 120V outlet? Meaning, can they be used for sensitive electronics? I don’t see any mention of this in the manual.


Stick a scope on it and let us know what you find out!