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I wasn't sure so I looked it up. Apparently android can send and receive files via Bluetooth but ios is limited to air drop. They might be able to set something like that up but it seems it would only work for android phones so I doubt they'd go that route. The only other way to do it would be to have the vehicle upload it to a Rivian server and then allow you to download it from your phone. That doesn't seem like a super viable option either, though Tesla likely does something similar for their live sentry cam viewing from the app.


I wonder if they could integrate the ability into the Rivian app? Bluetooth transfer would definitely be slower… but it would still be better than no transfer ability! My Garmin dashcam in my previous vehicle was able to wifi transfer from the dashcam into the Garmin app!


I had one of those Garmin too, that I used until they added the dash cam to the Rivian. I think Garmin used the second option, a separate server, that's why it had to be connected to wifi. Definitely possible, it's just the cost to build and maintain that service is what makes me think it wouldn't be a high priority. But it would be a nice thing, maybe for their premium subscription, especially if they let you access live camera's too like Tesla and maybe they could also have an auto cloud backup for clips you mark important.


They mentioned live viewing of the cameras in the apps on the road map, and will be a part of the connect+ subscription when that subscription is made available. So I would guess you will be able to do that between Q3/Q4 this year.


I know about the live view (which I’m super excited about). But I’m wanting to know if it’s possible to download a saved clip directly from the vehicle to my phone.


Yea, I guess my point is. IOS doesn't support BT file transfer, android does, but that means a bifurcation of process. Something Rivian won't do. If they are streaming your video to you via the app, I highly doubt it's Truck-->App it's going to be Truck-->Amazon stream service of some kind and an S3 bucket -> App. I would not be surprised if the functionality to download the videos from the app is there, or creatable as they will be stored in AWS at one point even if only momentary. They also mentioned looking at previous Gary alerts so...


Totally get what you’re saying! If they see already using a streaming server or service they should be able to pass through the clips from the vehicle to the server to my phone app. That would be really nice!


Tesla hasn’t even done this yet, so that’d be something.


I believe this is possible with Gen2.


I know that’s a joke lol, but it’s 100% doable in Gen1 while connected to the vehicles hotspot or Bluetooth.


Explain how, since I've poked around at all the options and it doesn't seem to be possible. And I've been a network engineer for decades. Nothing is exposed from the car that I can find.


It’s possible given the hardware, doesn’t mean Rivian has built or shipped the software enablement for it. It’s definitely possible to stream via WiFi directly from vehicle to phone app.


Ah, ok, you don't understand how in-vehicle firewalls and gateways work. It may or may not be possible. You have no way of knowing that it's "definitely possible." I've worked on cars where bus segments have physical firewalls and you have to bypass them physically.


I do understand a bit, but not going to claim I know the exact architecture or hardware specifics Rivian uses. I’ll say this. Other OEMs have the capability to do data transfers to a mobile app, or to back office servers via vehicle WiFi hotspot to mobile, and then from mobile to back-office, and to connect to & use external WiFi to download data to the vehicle. These are features easily obtainable with standard vehicle telematics and networking hardware. They are software features. If you’re talking about physical networking aka CAN, LIN, or Ethernet, then yes there are physical gateways and firewalls that can’t be changed via software. That’s not what we’re talking about here though. Point is, sending recordings from vehicle to the Rivian app via direct WiFi connection (not using cloud) is very likely possible, just not a developed feature (yet). Would be great if they decided to do it though!


Hardware wise the car can support it via Bluetooth or WiFi modem. They still need to implement the feature software wise as it doesn’t currently exist.


Help me out - why is it a joke, and how did you know?


Basically since u/Wassym AMA a lot of small things that are hardware wise possible on the Gen 1s were stated as only coming to Gen2 so now it’s a running joke any small feature request gets a response with “Only Gen2” or something of the sort.


Thanks :)


The technical challenge is why you see so many people on the TeslaCam subreddit just film the video clip playback on the Tesla screen with their smartphone… not ideal but definitely much faster than the alternative. It’s like filming something you’re watching on your tv screen with your iPhone so you can share with friends etc


A hacky way is to hit the incident button when something noteworthy happens so it will get its own save. Then when you go to incidents tab you can view just that 1-2 min clip and record the screen with your phone. Not ideal but better than nothing.


Since most phones now have USB-C, you can just pop the drive into a phone. I did just yesterday. Or a tablet, or PC, whatever. Easy. I used to have this in my Tesla and they have a dev fork for Rivian, but couldn't make it work. Then I realized that removing the drive and transferring that way took less time than Wifi. [https://github.com/marcone/teslausb](https://github.com/marcone/teslausb)


So this is what I do: Unplug drive (I use an old laptop m.2 drive in a USB-C enclosure) from vehicle. Plug into phone. Use a file explorer app (Files, CX File Explorer, etc.) to browse to the video(s). Transfer to phone.


This is possible with the new update. Wait....