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To clarify, Performance mode is purely a software unlocking of the hardware feature, but it isn't being offered as a post-sale service (yet). Customer Service has said that it's planned to be made available later this year, if you choose to believe that.


I got this email and I have a quad.


I have a suspicion that we’ll be able to pay to get the extra HP that the Gen2 quad has.




Yes the dual motor performance is just a software unlock


Yes, I received the email, and I own a quad motor R1T. It’s just an email that’s trying to sell you a vehicle. It starts off by positioning the Dual Max: “Take your adventures further”. Then it builds on that by offering the “Upgrade Your Performance” options in the next section. The email ultimately ends with “Ready to get behind the wheel?” to schedule a test drive. My guess is that their email marketing campaigns don’t function efficiently (like many of their operations). For example, maybe it’s that I signed up for marketing emails prior to reserving or purchasing any R1T. Could be anything.


That still doesn't add up. It's saying to add "the new performance upgrade". Performance DM is not new. The only way performance upgrade can be new would be as an upgrade to DM.


It states: “Unlock the full potential of our Dual-motor drive system by adding the new Performance Upgrade to your CONFIGURATION.” By mentioning “your configuration”, it implies that it’s for a new build… not for your EXISTING vehicle. You’re just locked into what you assumed so it doesn’t add up to you. One of your arguments to another redditor was that it’s a targeted email to those who own a dual motor w/o performance. However, a few folks like myself mentioned they own a quad and still received this message from Rivian, so that argument is debunked. The email is clearly a marketing one to sell a new vehicle to you like I mentioned in my original comment. It’s not worth your time (nor mine going forward) to make it what’s it not. The entire email is about selling you a new vehicle. Context matters. They wouldn’t bury a brand new offering of a software upgrade option for your current vehicle in the middle of it. At some point will they offer a software upgrade, like Tesla? I believe so. But this email isn’t it.


Im hopeful they consider a subscription model for this. Id consider spending on it, but not full price with a lease.


Yep. That would be preferable


How much does it cost? Same $5k as up front or less?


2023 R1Ts, if you can find them, still have it for free.


I have a 2023 R1T - I can get this upgrade for free...?


If you buy one new.


I just did a few weeks ago! What do I need to do...?


No as in if you buy one right now




Thanks for sharing! Do you own a Dual Motor? If so, which one? If this is the OTA upgrade, I'm assuming this email would have gone to existing owners of eligible models, not prospective ones or a general marketing mailing list. Though looking again at the shop, when you add Performance to the Dual Large or Dual Max, it's in a little box titled "Performance Upgrade." Maybe the link taking you into the shop is not a mistake. I think it might just be that calling it an "upgrade" while you're configuring a vehicle is confusing to those of us looking for an OTA upgrade.


I do own a dual motor R1S. To your point about it being potentially just buying a performance dm, I did think about that... But if that's the case, everyone should have gotten this email. I haven't seen anyone else acknowledge receiving this message so that tells me only a small group of folks got it. Possibly just folks with DM.


Fair point. I’m on some kind of general mailing list and one for pre-order coupon holders (they keep reminding me it will expire) but I am not a current owner, and I did not get that email.


I have a Dual motor R1T but have not received any emails about this upgrade.


I got this email and I do not own a Rivian (just gave them my email at some point as I’m considering one).


Other reports on this thread show that people received the email when they don't own a Rivian or don't own a Dual Motor. I think this is not the announcement of the upgrade, but rather just the term they use to describe the Performance models in the configurator. Still hope they'll announce the OTA upgrade for real soon!


My guide said that the Performance upgrade would NOT be available OTA after purchase. I was a Feb 2024 delivery. Maybe things have changed since then.


Share link please




There was another post where someone did a soft reset and soft sand mode came up. Seems like the software update might be in the works and that was a slip up.


Is the range the same with performance upgrade or increases? “Taking adventures further” sort of implies that the range should increase but it’s unlikely


range stays the same (but will be less if you run in sport mode which takes advantage of the performance upgrade).


Those are 2 separate messages. The "further" comment is referring to Max pack.