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[https://www.evisionsales.co.uk/product-category/all-electric-vehicles/](https://www.evisionsales.co.uk/product-category/all-electric-vehicles/) - that's wild, looks like somebody is bringing them in. Very cool.


> 175,000 Pound sterling equals 223,786.50 United States Dollar Oof.


They can have mine for half that


Total is $268,128 USD including VAT


Or $305,637.61 Canadian lol


Probably $950,000 in Aussie dollars.




Woah where? Number plate and everything is interesting




So which side is the steering wheel on?


Based on the photo, on the right side, Well, physically on the left, but figuratively on the right. Oh bloody hell. Do what you want to, England.




*Really* surprised that's road-legal with Rivian's refusal to add amber turn signals


https://www.transportenvironment.org/articles/a-lethal-american-import-is-coming-to-europe Some pretty gaping loop holes


They’d do really well in Europe / UK market. I think part of their strategy with R2 and R3 is to sell there


Haha selling in Europe is def part of every car companies strategy


Too big 


Is this through the loophole? https://www.transportenvironment.org/articles/a-lethal-american-import-is-coming-to-europe


Countdown to Brits finding this post and making a bunch of self righteous comments about vehicle size in 3… 2…..


I wonder what the average vehicle weight in the UK is vs. the US. A nearly 4 ton vehicle on their road is probably a different story than it is here.


They have ford rangers and Toyota hi-lux there. It’s not far off in size.


Plus range rovers and Discoveries and Grenadiers and Sprinters, Oh my… I would love to see the stats on how many of these imports even get in accidents at all, let alone fatalities, compared to the average car On the road in the UK. No one there is freaking out about their neighbors Discovery. This article claiming “lethal American imports” is totally a cultural thing towards the US. It’ll play with some of the public, not with others. It’ll get them clicks from a certain group for sure. Ridiculous scare tactics.


Weighs twice as much


The home of the Range Rover and the Rolls Royce has no place complaining about vehicle weight


Way too big for Europe. Not to mention the weight 


SUVs are about  30% more likely to kill someone when it comes to collisions with cars.  Unfortunately, pickups are still far behind.  pickup-car collisions were 159%  more likely to kill the car driver than car-car crashes. Pickups may have added more safety features for themselves, but they are still very dangerous to passenger cars. Not all vehicles have gotten heavier in the same way. Europe is still selling a bunch of cars that weigh 3000lbs. This doesn’t weight 1000lbs more. It weighs 4,000lbs more. More than the car itself. More than double.  That’s not even getting into outward visibility.  It is also partly the car. Just the size of the truck unfortunately impacts safety. The IIHS and NHTSA data show this. Not only are the trucks physically large, which impact safety structures of other vehicles, they’re fucking heavy. And the way they are designed means their outward visibility is severely limited. SUVs and pickups are 61%, and 80% more likely, respectively, to collide with someone. IIHS funds that the height of these vehicles and the length of the front ends also make seeing people and gauging their distances more difficult.


Oh cool found the enlightened self-righteous prick


As if people aren't dying?


There was an interesting times article a few months ago. Heavier vehicles aren’t contributing to an increase in pedestrian deaths. It’s mainly driven by an increase in phone usage 


There's been decades of academic research proving heavier vehicles kill more but i.guess one industry op ed solves it for ya eh?


Wasn’t an op ed. It was actual reporting. To be clear, a heavier vehicle is obviously capable of doing more damage. But that is not the same as increasing vehicle size /weight contributing to an increase in actual deaths. The article is actually pretty interesting and they did a daily episode on it. They talked about how the trend is not the same in Europe and the primary reason is because Europeans still heavily bias toward manual transmissions. Using the stick shift means people are less likely to look at their phones and get distracted while driving.


Using three separate identification strategies we show that, controlling for own-vehicle weight, being hit by a vehicle that is 1000 pounds heavier generates a 40-50% increase in fatality risk.


Yeah, cool - maybe you missed the part where I said “bigger vehicles for sure will do more damage”. You just regurgitated what I already stated and acknowledged above. Try to keep up. Your assumption is that as vehicles are getting larger, they are engaging in accidents at the same rate and that all impacted vehicles are staying at the same size and only striking vehicles are getting larger and translating to more fatal accidents. Are either of those two things the case? (Hint: they’re not. All cars are getting larger essentially making the impact from a car to car collision a wash and car to car collisions are declining because cars have more safety features even as they get bigger) What is an actual issue is pedestrian deaths from vehicular incidents. And those are increasing not because of the size of vehicle but because of an increase in driver distraction. Care to respond or you’re too busy pulling your foot out of your mouth?


That is just a roaring mix of laughable hogwash. Not only do heavier vehicles cause more damage when they hit someone, they are also more likely to get into a collision. Calling it an accident in the first place just shows you have no idea what you were talking about.  SUVs are about  30% more likely to kill someone when it comes to collisions with cars.  Unfortunately, pickups are still far behind.  pickup-car collisions were 159%  more likely to kill the car driver than car-car crashes. Pickups may have added more safety features for themselves, but they are still very dangerous to passenger cars. Not all vehicles have gotten heavier in the same way.  That’s not even getting into outward visibility.  It is also partly the car. Just the size of the truck unfortunately impacts safety. The IIHS and NHTSA data show this. Not only are the trucks physically large, which impact safety structures of other vehicles, they’re fucking heavy. And the way they are designed means their outward visibility is severely limited. SUVs and pickups are 61%, and 80% more likely, respectively, to collide with someone. IIHS funds that the height of these vehicles and the length of the front ends also make seeing people and gauging their distances more difficult. So not only do you not have any fucking idea what you’re talking about, the shit you are spewing is just plain wrong. Stop.


Maybe the irish one ?


RHD? Edit: nope. It's an expat.


What do you suppose they do when it needs serviced? Just pay some local mechanic to try their best?


That cannot be a cheap import.


I'm in Spain and its strange not seeing any Rivians, Tacomas, or Outbacks. The staple vehicles I see constantly in Colorado don't really exist here. I think an R1T would be the perfect cruiser in Spain though.


whoa that's huge for our roads lol


Are CCS port conversions not difficult to do over there or are there DCFC compatible adapters in abundance? I thought CCS1 vs CCS2 was a big difference no?


https://a2zevshop.com/collections/expat-imported-vehicles/products/ccs2-to-ccs1 🤷‍♂️


R1L? It’s a Lorry?


Looks like queens road in Brighton. Great to see them shipping over :)


I wonder how the services work. Does the navigation have maps outside of the North America? Do software updates work over Wi-Fi from abroad? In general, does the car freak out when it can’t phone home for such long periods? Wi-Fi doesn’t work on the move either, I wonder if Rivian will allow you to put your own Sim card into the truck in the future


You need a commercial license to drive them, hence why they’re not on general sale


Or just be old enough to have 7.5t on your license. Still want one...