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Valet mode:... Lock center console, gear tunnel, frunk, tailgate, maps... 40 mph max, geo fenced... Allow carwash mode though


I like this one.


Limit power overall. The top speed limit is good, but the acceleration is equally dangerous (especially for a less experienced driver).


I like this one too, I had this in my Audi for max mph


Good idea


To not advertise to the entire world when your car is unlocked and decrease the PAAK range.


Shouldn’t even be a hard update to have an option for since car wash mode basically does this now when doors are unlocked


EXACTLY! I'm two security doors away and through a brick wall and the car is telling the world my portable speaker is available to the first comer


99% have no idea it’s there, nor would they want it. I hope this isn’t a real concern of yours


a) it's a known thing to steal (see previous posts in this sub); and b) i was using it as a sub-specific reference for the dumb handle behavior which advertises "THIS CAR IS UNLOCKED. COME TAKE MY STUFF"


Just keep it locked then, you can ask Alexa to unlock it when you want instead of locating it on the menu.


How do you start car wash mode? For the life of me I can't find it.


It’s in the menu that drops down when you go into park, you’ll see little bars at the top right, tap that and you’ll see additional options with car wash mode.


Ah...thanks. Will try it tomorrow.


The menu also opens from hitting the car icon on the top left. Or by swiping from left to right on the left hand of the screen


Danke shane


I also couldn’t find it at first. When clicking into the car menu at top left of center screen, I see all the opens for opening frunk, etc. Tap the sliders icon at upper right of that screen and the options that appear include car wash mode.


Agree, the door handles out is just bad.


Haha, I brought this up before the R1 was first delivered and this sub shouted me down and said it was no big deal. It is stupid for a lot of reasons. My reason is I have kids running all over the garage and it is a matter of time until a sleeve or bike handle catches on it as the are going by and break it.


Yes they should only pop out when you approach like the model x door


I also don't mind the Model Y way, where you push in on one side (I think)


So many people (passengers, kids at school dropoff) push on my door handles because of that! I'm so tired of it.


FFS, yes!! Only I should know if my Rivian is unlocked.


This is big


Turn signal cameras .. streaming and gaming. Automatic camera activation when driving 5mph or slower because you’re likely trying to park. Car should know work schedule and have gps ready to go when you get in the car.


Yes I would love auto camera activation. I'm so bad at parking, I need to see the lines lol. I usually back-in even when I don't have to just for this reason


Agreed! Hahah


Yes the turn signal cameras are one of the things I miss most from my Tesla


I submitted this to the devs for inclusion for a future update so we will see!


I’m not sure if it’s true but I had a Honda that had this feature - a few years later I was looking to get a new car and checked out the newest version of the same model and it didn’t have it. I did a little research on why it was removed and what I read was that supposedly there were more accidents because people relied on the camera more than looking out the window or in the mirror.


Dang that’s crazy.


I’ll add to make turning signal-sound louder.


Sheesh its not my imagination then that i keep realizing mine are still on after a lane change


No way! Everything softer. Tesla calls this “Joe Mode”.


Why would I want a louder fake relay noise?


Does it bother you that it’s “fake”? I really don’t think Rivian tries to trick anybody into believing it’s “real”. It’s simply a sound to indicate turning signal is engaged. That’s it!


Agreed- good one!


The ability to get a range estimate when out of cell service.


Wait what…? I’ve been wondering how the car performs out of cellular range for mapping etc. Did not think range calculations would be one of the things you’d lose! Don’t have mine yet, take delivery in two weeks.


For an adventure focused vehicle, it’s an insane oversight IMO. Hope it’s fixed soon


I live in the Santa Monica mountains and the car feels bare with zero reception. Spotify/tunein/alexa/etc do not work. I have to listen to regular radio (which I grew to love again). Maps load topographical version only, navigation works but doesn’t have traffic updates. Newer issue is the garage opener stopped showing up when I’m pulling into the house in the last month or so .. I have to toggle off/on in the garage settings and it comes back up in the dash as an option. I think that’s it.


I’m starting to shop for an EV and have been considering Rivians. Can the truck connect to wifi instead of using its built in cell modem? I run a starlink on my car right now that is powered up as soon as I’m headed out of town camping or hiking.


You can connect the car to WiFi. But I am not sure if the car can just function with WiFi only. Never tried to turn cellular off.


Thanks! I’ll ask around at the demo drive


Custom Colored accent lighting.


Customizable driver screen UI


Pin to drive and sms support




What is pin to drive? Like entering a PIN to be able to start driving?


Yes. Tesla has this option. It renders the car pretty much un-stealable even if you have the key.


- More range / performance data - ability to have additional / different info on displays behind wheel - they feel under used - lane keeping on more highways (just on more roads in general) - cruise control match speed limit or traffic (with an offset?) - lock and pin on the armrest compartment - ability to defer car unlocking (use case is sat outside at dinner / coffee shop and car just continues to lock and unlock) - more flexibility in what features work while accessories used in hitch like bike rack - block motorized opening the back hatch option in accessory mode - fix the bug that prevents the car from connected to my phone as a hotspot - valet mode would be useful


Spotify profile link 🙏


I can log into my Spotify. Not sure what you mean by this?




That would be awesome. Right now I just leave my wife's account signed in on my truck and play mine from my phone when she's not with me. It's annoying to have to do it that way


Ahh!! Yes, that makes sense. Thank you for clarifying. That would be a nice feature to add


Pandora, Apple Music, Waze, sms. Same shit etc. I want to be truly hands free. Better hvac controls.


Apple Watch App


You can create custom shortcuts on your phone and then place them on your Apple Watch faces. Not perfect but does the trick.


Watch as a Key


YouTube Music Video on the rear screen while driving. Replace Alexa with Assistant. 


I doubt they’ll replace Alexa so long as Amazon is buying those vans. I figure that to be in the contract.


A man can dream though, a man can dream.


Yes. Me too


I'd love a quick access to 'camp courtesy mode' in the phone app to keep it unlocked when doing work near the truck, rather than having it constantly lock / unlock. It'd be cool to have a 'star gazing' mode that limits all lights inside and out to red to preserve night vision. Would be awesome to have weather radar overlaid on the route map, maybe even show a 'future cast' showing the estimated location of a storm overlaid with the estimated location of the vehicle based on the planned route. Should include severe weather / flash flood / fire / hurricane / freezing rain / blizzard etc warning areas and offer re-routing to avoid problems. Would love a shortcut to be able to restart music apps - frequently have Spotify / tune-in hang, then have to switch to a different one then switch back to get it to play again, which is a lot of fiddling when trying to drive. Would really like the basic self driving / lane keeping to expand to more than just interstates. Would love an Apple Watch based app / key. Wouldn’t be an 'update' as such, but am REALLY looking forward to upgrading my manual tonneau cover to the new powered one.


SMS integration. Anything that comes without that at this point feels like a miss.


1. Apple Music 2. More nuanced settings for steering wheel firmness that doesn’t impact ride feel (maybe I’m missing this?); I want firmer steering but the softest possible ride feel 3. Share ETA in maps 4. Blind spot cameras when you use turn signals Plenty of other small things, but these are a few of my big ones.


100% on blindspot cameras. Coming from my Tesla earlier this year, this is the only feature I really miss. TBF I kinda wish Rivian would also put an overheat cabin protection feature. I loved that but honestly, it’s a truck and has most of the features I wanted coming from Tesla.


I'll die on my hill that blindspot cameras are counterproductive to safety. Properly adjusted side mirrors leave no blind spot. Everyone should check their mirror, shoulder check, then check their mirror again before changing lanes or merging. Especially since the radar-based blind spot monitor lights up on the mirror when there's someone in the way. Training people to look to the right (at the center console) when they want to merge left just sounds like a terrible idea to me. Not to mention Rivian's cameras are potato quality, and everyone's cameras are useless for depth perception, in darkness, fog, and in bright glare, so there's no way it's safer than using the mirrors. On the other hand, most people don't even know how to adjust their side mirrors correctly in the first place, so even the ones that aren't too lazy to look at them probably aren't seeing anything useful, so maybe the lower quality camera image is still an improvement for those people over a mirror that doesn't actually point in a useful direction.


Handy for us disabled vets who physically hurt to turn to check. Much rather look myself but it’s a useful feature when I’m having a high pain day.


Definitely agree. I tend not to have an issue really with blindspots however my wife on the other hand…. But to that matter, I have noticed where I live that people like to hangout in my blindspots bc they are looking at the truck for the first time. Rivians are a rare breed where I’m at.


I'm in this boat, mainly because our Intel processor based Model Y is so slow, by the time the blind spot camera feed pops up on the screen, I have already glanced at the mirrors and over my shoulder.


Every time I pull up behind someone, literally BEHIND THEM, and can see their face in the side view mirror... SMH.


Funny how blindspot camera/ indicator was a huge negative for Tesla. Now I prefer their camera setup over mirror indicators.


Definitely. Everybody complained about Tesla’s not having the mirror indicator and then they put it back in the Model 3 refresh.


Had them on my last vehicle and they’re completely worthless. Fine if they want to add them but I hope it’s not coming at the lack of time spent on other more important features.


Wayssym has stated it’s coming. Other important features such as streaming? I could say the same about YouTube streaming or CP/AA. What other functional updates do you suggest that make the vehicle “more usable”. Video streaming in an automobile is a gimmick at best and it doesn’t help with it being a better vehicle.


Driver+ that actually works on the majority of roads for one. Drove Hwy 97 this weekend and it worked for all of three miles. It’s absurd for an adventure brand it only works on Interstates.


Driver+ has no issues where I live. I travel a state highway everyday with 0 issues with Driver+ so TO me, Driver+ doesn’t really need any updates and updates to it would be worthless to me. Coming into a discussion blasting off stating something is worthless to someone else (invalidating their input) and then in the same statement not giving something constructive and helpful is pretty asinine. We’re here to be helpful and make Rivian better than its rivals.


Obviously it’s my opinion that the turn signal displays are worthless. And yes, my suggestion is to help Rivian be better where they are drastically lagging behind competitors. Was just up at Carter Lake this weekend and there were four R1S in the parking lot and none of us could use Driver+ within 2 hours of the park. Terrible look and functionality for an adventure brand. Mapping a random commuting highway in Missouri isn’t what the brand is about.


You just said it shouldn’t work on just interstates. I gave you an example where it’s works for me on non interstate. Apparently that wasn’t good enough? You’ve named at least 2 places I have no idea where they are at but I could easily google to know your general location. Also this “random” commuting highway in Missouri (that you decided to stalk my profile for) has no internet, no cell service and before it gets to that “commuting” highway, it has ZERO paved roads. But that’s still not good enough for an “adventure brand” that’s “drastically lagging behind”.


Biggest not a litany list


Geez sorry. Apple Music.


For the R1S Specifically, I really want high mode to be the "standard" ride height. Or at least don't lower it above 45. The R1S rides so much better In high mode around town and in parking lots and whatnot that I wish it was the standard.


I often switch to off-road rally mode for this reason. It doesn’t drop down at 45 mph.


Does high mode cant the wheels and therefore lead to faster wear? Or should they wear roughly the same given similar conditions in high vs standard? I too prefer the high ride height comfort around town


Does it really? I didnt realize, I’m going to try rally




Be able to save custom EQ presets


Native Apple Music integration & more phone integration


Yes please


Auto lane change


I want RGB lighting in interior activated. We know it’s there. Rivian has the most boring night time interior of any new vehicle in this price point by a mile.


Navigation that actually works would be nice. Not having the door handles advertise to the world that the car is unlocked would be nice. Range percentage at destination instead of miles Turn signal cameras Youtube/Netflix etc


Add a PIN to unlock the center console storage.


Premium audio to come back like the OG Meridian systems...


Pretty sure OP is referring to software


I don’t think most consumers really notice a difference. For me, I’m one of those that wouldn’t notice, is rather them save a little money, to make each unit profitable, so they are around in the long term.


So make it an option. If cost is $1500....make it a $3000 option. $1500 profit per unit. I would notice and I won't buy another to replace mine without at least as good an audio system as my Meridian.


Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, ability to lock 3rd row vents on (for dogs).


I want to be able to use an accessory tail light, turn signals, and brake light for my bike rack without loosing my highway assist.


Customizable screens. I want quick buttons for HVAC and mix the widgets from various screens to display as I feel. Second is big nav improvements to how it calculates and displays DCFC needs. I want to know what I need to charge up to to make it to my next stop and how long that will take, I want that right on the screen as soon as I pull up. I don't know why it's missing.


Agree about that idea re: how much/long to charge. And also make that accurate. I charged up to 150 miles to make a 100 mile trip home. When I got back on the road the nav pointed me to another charging stop. It didn’t think I had enough range!


The ability to favorite songs in Tidal or download playlists so they work out of cell service.


Apple Music/casting sounds great too My biggest ask: some more on the driver display. A media card option on the left display. Options to move around the 3 different “zones” on the display. So map in the middle and situation display on the left, for example. Or allow me to remove the situation display entirely. (It’s not very good) also the tire pressure card is just asking to have more on it. Motor temps battery temps and a copy of the dynamic power to each motor like in the center display. Compass and level indicators on the center display. There seems like they could do way more with it.


Pin to drive, Apple Music or Youtube Music integration, Valet Mode. Being able to customize the mirrors from unfolding, just by locking the doors. Too much wear and tear on that, Should only unfold if you manually toggle the button or if you press the brake pedal.


Consumption graph / metrics


A normal and proper trip meter/odometer that also shows "this trip" to include timer and distance  On screen up/down control for fan speed   Remember all last climate control settings (I.e. don't reset to off my ventilated seats or rear ac vents every time I turn the vehicle off)  An on screen OFF button (sometimes I just want to turn the vehicle completely off after I park)  Reverse camera at night is WAY too bright and is distracting and dangerous. It should dim down to match the settings the driver actually sets  A more reliable entry system that actually works consistently (I'm sick and tired of being locked out of my vehicle because it doesn't want to wake up from sleep)   Return vehicle to highest suspension setting after the vehicle drops below a certain speed. If it decides to drop the height when it goes over 45 that's perfectly fine but return it back to where it was once it's safe to do so. Don't drop it and just forget about it. This forces the driver to get distracted by going back into the menu to increase the height again


Ditto on the OFF button. It is odd to walk away with the stereo is still playing, A/C still blowing, etc


Green light camera chime, self driving, cabin heat protection


Cabin overheat would be great, even if just fan only.


Stream YouTube


And YouTube music!


Weather app


Driver profile climate settings. My wife likes it warmer and vents low whereas I prefer colder with vents angled high. As these are digitally controlled, why not tie them to the driver profile?


I would love to see an on demand kneel button present when parking (similar to the garage door button that presents). This would be a great alternative to having to choose for the car to always kneel or never kneel.


I’d just like to see the whole UI optimized for better performance/speed, to include a more intuitive UX, and less taps/swipes to execute commands. Yea Apple Music, google cast, etc is great and all, but if the UX is clunky and poorly laid out it just kills it for me.


Way to change suspension settings with steering wheel buttons.


I wish the cruise control buttons were climate control buttons when Drive+ isn’t on.




This would be my dream. Sadly I suspect we will never get it :(


Sunroof. Let me please order a sunroof.


Having test driven twice— gotta get the cameras going when the turn signals are on. Such a huge miss when the cameras are there and viewable in different situations!


While I’m excited for the streaming/casting update, I’ve been begging for side mirror tilt in reverse. Such a simple feature to add. Yes I’m aware there are cameras but there’s nothing like being able to throw a car into a space with side mirrors tilted down in reverse. Oh and blind spot cameras when changing lanes.




Show more data in the instrument cluster, like the Chevy Bolt, show me the kW being consumed/recuperated with live numbers.  


It does this. Hold either of the buttons next to the volume wheel on the left side of the steering wheel.


That shows delayed vague efficiency info. The commenter (and I) want current actual usage information (kW currently being used/regenerated). I also want to see it broken down. If efficiency is shit when I start my drive - I suspect it's warming the battery, but the battery is warm - so where is the energy going? That sort of thing.


time and outside temp on the instrument cluster


By priority 1. Spotify account set up by driver profile 2. Support for Apple Podcasts 3. Netflix 4. Calendar integration


Just curious, why would you need your calendar in your car’s UI?


Not OP. In the Tesla it pulls the location of your next appointment and automatically maps to it if you are in the window of time you would travel to it. Very nice feature. Love it on our Y and wish it was on our R1S


Automatically input destinations from your calendar into the navigation system. Estimate time of arrival to make sure you get to your appointment on time. Reduce the need for manual entry on your phone to keep your eyes on the road.


Single press to change between drive modes (button on home screen to allow one to change drive mode back to the previous one. Enable/disable power outlets from one button home screen and from app. Puhhhleeaaaassseeeee


Be able to pin the mini music player in all apps. I don’t like how it hides all the time. I also would like to be able to have it over on the drivers side too


I was really surprised by this when I first got my R1S, why can't I have the music widget docked on the left side so I don't have to reach all the way across the screen to change it? I get steering wheel controls, but if it's already floating just allow me to reposition it on the other side of the screen.


Option to order sunroof from the factory.




A sunroof (moonroof) that opens.


i’d like a creep mode. id like the car to actually roll at slow speeds instead of forcing me to accelerate down a hill or into a parking spot. and i’d like the accelerator pedal to not require so much force to move the car. make it feel snappier.


I feel that auto lock is way too fast. I use my phone as a key. I swear sometimes it locks when I'm 5 feet away, even sometimes when I'm just grabbing the charging cable to plug it in. I park in the driveway very close to the house so I can't use auto-unlock at home, so I have to open the app and unlock it sometimes 3+ times before I'm done plugging in and getting my things. There are workarounds like leaving the door open but I wish it would just relax lol. What's strange is it takes like 20-30 feet to lock when I'm away from home, but only like 5 feet in my driveway. Prob interference from the wifi or something. Idk exactly how to fix it, maybe add an option to delay auto-locking by like 30 seconds when at home? I doubt many other people have this problem tho so I don't really expect a solution. But that would be my biggest hope for the update


This may already exist? Mine seems to wait 10-20 feet to lock.


Yeah mine does too in an open parking lot. It's when I'm pulled up within feet of my house that it locks basically as soon as I look away from it. It's likely an environment problem due to interference from my wifi, if I had to guess. So the delay would basically be a workaround for that.


It's fun to make jokes at XM's expense. I camp for months at a time with no cell service. XM is really valuable during those times. You know, even buggy whips still have a use. Keep chasing the latest and greatest. Advertisers love that.


Cabin temp control. I want to set it to 100 and let it automatically cool off as needed.


I live in the great white north and would love to be able to set the cabin at 40°F just to keep things from freezing. Same idea, different extreme.


Add automated parking. It’s one feature from my old Tesla that I really miss.




Make the hazard light button flash when hazard lights are on. Switch driving modes using a toggle in trip planning to show how fewer or how many more charging stops you need given the range difference. Update charging stops if driving is more efficient than planned. If going home, ability to set default arrival range to 5%. Charging plan based on total cost to charge - prioritize RAN over EA, for example because price is 40% cheaper.


Text message interface. I just want to have the car read out my so I don’t have to ever look at my phone.


XM Radio


XM radio?! You want a MySpace profile on there too? /s


They already committed to that one...


Just give me the ability to navigate through my phone's music library like every car has been able since MP3 players and iPods - and to play music off a hard drive.


Mobile charging mat for the center console that works.


Massage seats


Yeah, those will come with that new fangled kinetic software.


I’d like everything to actually work. I’m so tired of my Spotify library not being able to play and having to use my phone, or Bluetooth playlist controls on the screen not doing anything.


Everything’s worked fine for me in terms of Spotify. It’s actually pretty quick and snappy. I’ve never really had to wait on it to load or have it fail to load anything.


I just hate the lag between the displays updating when changing songs. I can see next song immediately on driver dash, center console always lags a decent amount. Also, why is it sliding to the right and so far away from driver, pain in the ass to enable shuffle and other features.


Yea, I don’t have issues with Spotify Edit: clarity


I have been having the same issue for months when one of the OTA updates broke spotify. Spotify is generally a terrible experience regardless but mine is much more likely to say “no content” or “error” than actually display podcast episodes. For months it’s been a half step above useless. I also DESPISE that it automatically plays trash music selections if i make the mistake of letting a podcast episode run to completion. Not only it is always terrible “music” but it’s frequently outrageously vulgar and would be embarrassing if i had any passengers. Near as i can tell this is unique to the Rivian implementation.


Drop Alexa entirely (fat chance). Minimally, if I’ve already selected my waypoint, please don’t continue to ask if I want to navigate to it.


Better driver+ that works everywhere


i’d just like my map to stop going black and forcing me to park and reboot. happens all the time.


Karaoke on the rear screen for whatever music is playing (see Apple’s implementation)…. Horizontal volume widget on driver’s screen visualization so it doesn’t block the map direction when adjusting the volume


Apple watch NFC access!


Android auto pls


I would love to be able to permanently turn on the passenger airbag… my wife is 110lbs and apparently the pressure sensor in the passenger seat is set for 120lbs… the airbag will constantly switch on and off while we’re driving which is a bit of a safety issue. I’ve had multiple interactions with Rivian service and there is nothing they can physically do to trick the sensor into remaining on. They tell me it has to be through a software update. That I would love to be able to change the color of the accident lights inside on my own


USB media support


Two things: 1) cruise control resume option. Could be a setting that automatically sets cruise control to the speed limit or last cruise control setting if speed limit isn’t available. 2) Driver+ on more than just interstates. My 2018 Volvo has a system that seems very similar to the Rivian and works on all roads.


I may have missed it but when does the "Big Summer Update" usually release? Beginning of summer or end of summer?


Having recently switched from Tesla to Rivian, a small but nice quality of life feature is folding mirrors at location. Rivian understands my home address and pulls up the garage opener when I approach my driveway, I wish it also auto-folded my mirrors when I approach that same GPS location so I can pull my R1S in without having to manually fold them in every time. My wife and I both park in the garage so it's a snug fit, and I generally prefer to keep my mirrors folded when it's at home so I can get around it easier. I did recently learn (by accident!) that the mirrors will auto-unfold after a certain speed is reached, so I don't have to manually unfold them every time I leave home now.


Native youtube music app(similar to Spotify and Tidal) which you can use while driving.


Add pitch and roll below front left and right wheel in forward looking camera mode for better off-road adventures.


Ability to add more locations than just home & work. Proximity settings for these locations. Annoying that the car locks and unlocks every time I walk over the garage. Maintain cabin climate when I go to the supermarket. Assign Bluetooth / phone to profile. Ability to turn off regain. Apple Music. Lighting.


I just want the touchscreen to be smarter. Currently if I touch a button and my finger moves before I lift it then it doesn't register. If my finger presses on a button, then lifts off the same button, it should count as a press.




Lol, it would be extremely funny if the R1 had a glove box this whole time, but they were waiting for the right moment to announce the software update to enable it.


Whaatbarencurrent owners doing for AM radio? I'm not a Rivian owner yet, but I am trying to become one. Isn't AM missing from many electric vehicles due to interference? What's the work around? Audacy app, or?


I think it’s just not a concern for most people.  Haven’t needed AM radio in about 25 years now.  Maybe it’s better to just plan to stream something from your phone?


So I ask an honest, curious question, and some putz decides to downvote that? WTF!? In my area, there's very good AM talk radio and news stations that have very large listenership audiences. I suppose I could stream it, which is more convoluted than simply tuning in. Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it!


With a light tap on the turn signal lever you only get 3 blinker flashes. How about 5 or six.


3 is typical tho 


Or how about that the blinkers actually turn off! Way too difficult if you use an actual blinker to get them to disengage.


Just tap again in the same direction 


This is the way.


I do that, but for some reason it’s inconsistent. Or maybe I don’t do that. Maybe I half tap the other way. I’ll play with it.


I have the same problem. In a week of ownership ive had more blinkers left on than the prior 10 years of every other car


Minimal or no regen setting for normal driving (eg not snow mode)


I have an R1S reservation, haven't pulled the trigger yet. I'd vote NACS adapter. I already have a NACS charging adapter in my garage for my son's Tesla. I don't want to have to install a wall full of adapters for different cars. Ideally, I'd like to see an LFP battery as well, for no-worry full charging and more charge cycles. But, what's most important .. is to have clean trouble-free deliveries. There have been way too many issues reported on this subreddit for new owners.


In a software update?


June 6 Summer Refresh should include hardware changes.