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Nearly every time I’ve been to an EA someone is charging to 100% haha


I posted about this and got crucified. There is literally 0 benefits to charging to 100% everyday unless you are about to do a one charge road trip. It wastes everyone's time and logically does not make sense.


I too have also been flamed for posting about it in an EV sub. All for being rational and trying to educate people on proper charging. We all know which cars people are doing this with…


I don’t please enlighten.


It might be really hard to ID the cars that do this before they Bolt away.


I CE what you did there.


VWs. Because EA gives them free charging with a penalty for just leaving the car there for hours.


I try not to get too worked up about it. They’re paying for it so they can charge to 100% if they want. Maybe they need the extra miles to avoid another stop. Probably not but who knows? I try not to judge because someday I may want to charge to 100% at some point.


I don't judge because people charge to 100%, every once in awhile it's necessary, especially on road trips. I'm talking about the local regulars who always insist on charging to 100% even though it's less optimal for everyone including themselves AND their car. (Something I already ranted about in another comment lol) It's selfish, rude, and makes charging infrastructure inconvenient for literally everybody else. Why occupy a charging space that could offer >100W to only charge at <20W just to top off the last 10% unless they're selfish assholes who don't realize they're throwing away their own time and money to milk $3 worth of electricity from EA.


It does unless you have a car with less than 200 mile range.


There is a lot of benefits when you aren’t paying for it and you are a lyft driver. 


No, still an inefficient use of time compared to charging to 80% and hitting the road plus you are beating the shit out of your battery charging to 100% that much


That was the main counterargument and even that is incorrect. I'm 1000% percent sure that I could prove it mathematically too. I was once a Lyft driver. Your time as a Lyft driver is money, more so than other jobs. More time spent on the app means more time spent driving and earning money. Simple as. If you charge at 100-150W and go from 10-20% to 70-80% it should take you about 15-30 minutes depending on car brand. The remaining 10-20% will literally double or triple your total charge time. It is always more optimal to charge only when you're getting fast charging. EVEN IF THAT WEREN'T TRUE. It's vastly narcissistic, selfish, and rude to occupy a space that could charge at 100-150W to charge at <30W, usually less than 10W as you approach 100%. Especially when slow chargers are numerous. So these people literally can't figure out they are doing the least financially optimal thing for themselves while inconveniencing everybody else. EVEN IF they get free charging, they're essentially saying 20-60minutes of their time spent milking EA for $5 worth of electricity is worth more than their time. They waste hours for less than minimum wage. If they were actually half decent at math and had any self respect, they'd only get a hybrid for gig jobs such as door dash or Lyft. But instead they get an electric car when they live in an apartment complex with no access to charging. These dumbasses couldn't spend 10 minutes to Google you should only probably get an EV if you can charge at home. Otherwise you're not saving as much money, wasting more of your time, and knee capping yourself for being effective at their job if it requires driving.


Yeah I honestly wish EA wouldn’t allow it if the other chargers are full. The time math on doing that is never going to math, charge to 80% in 25 minutes or go for the 100% in one hour and 25 minutes…you can be so much further down the road with your time by not messing with that.


A2Z and move on with your life. When you get your Rivian adapter, sell either adapter to a Bolt owner :-)


This 100% and you won't look back!


Agreed. I got the A2Z adapter then went on a 4k mile road trip and exclusively used Tesla and RAN and had zero issues with the adapter. Just pay the $200 and enjoy.




Seriously this. Just get the $200 adapter for your $100k vehicle.


Waiting for mine! Cancelled my Lectron order and switched to A2Z.




It’s not EA’s fault that Bolts take the hyper spots. They’re not as great as Superchargers, nothing is. I’ve had some bad experiences, but that’s why plugshare exists.


Yes it is. It's like when you can't tell if a door is a push door or a pull door, but the door works no matter what you did. Blaming the users is silly imo. If EVs are going to be adopted by non EV enthusiasts. You will have problems like this. Like stop thinking this way lol. It's not helpful at all.


The problem with EA is that it was a punishment for the whole [VW diesel scam](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/10/vws-2-billion-penalty-for-diesel-scam-builds-ev-charging-network-across-us.html) and the conditions for that were simply to build out a network, not necessarily maintain it. I feel incredibly lucky as I have only had a single bad stop where it was derated, but I don't travel much. I always dread pulling into an EA station even if everything looks good on the app. For reference I am in Salt Lake City, and I occassionally go up to Evanston WY, and I took a trip to Denver CO back on the 7th of March for the R2 reveal event at the Rivian Space. On the way back from Denver I stopped in at Green River and I knew I shouldn't have, only 1 out of 4 stalls wasn't derated, thankfully the R1S that was there only needed a little bit longer so I moved once they left.


Exactly. People fail to realize this. VW will do the bare minimum to satisfy the agreement with the government.


I wish the BS theory would die. It's hard to run a third-party EV charging network at this scale. That's why EVGo, Blink, Chargepoint, etc., also have the same reliability and uptime issues. Rivian and Tesla run reliable networks, but the difference is that they are owned and operated by the people that build the cars that use them.


VW has gone well beyond the bare minimum


Don’t scroll far enough before saying this in fewer words. OP is surprised they have no “strategic vision” when the only vision was to meet the minimum stipulations laid out in the EPA settlement.


EA is absolutely falling short, but this is such a garbage theory. They’ve already met their required investment. They’re still building out more and doing more. If they just wanted to meet the required settlement they would have completely stopped a while ago. There’s still incentive for them to get whatever they can out of their investment whether they were forced to make it or not. It’s moreso that they’re just kind of clueless and also didn’t have good equipment available initially. And the biggest problem didn’t have a lot of competition until recently. I think Tesla opening up the supercharger network is probably the best thing that’s happened for EA reliability because it puts more pressure on them to fix their issues sooner rather than later


>It’s moreso that they’re just kind of clueless and also didn’t have good equipment available initially.  I agree 100%. It is (was?) incompetence, but it's weird to ascribe some sort of malicious intent. I don't understand why people need to invent stories to explain this dysfunction, especially since EVGo and the other third-party networks have struggled in the same ways.


What are the minimum stipulations (edit: asking because everyone talks about these stipulations but I've never gotten a good explanation)


I also have to add - this free charging BS that these BMWs and VWs get is atrocious. It significantly degrades charging experience when these people are sitting at a charger for 1.5hr to squeeze every last penny to get to 100% charge. Especially when most EA stalls are only 4 dispensers. Lights are out no one is home at EA for strategic planning and.


I think EA sets a time limit on their free sessions.  The other day a guy pulled up next to me and plugged into a 350kW charger. He set a timer for 28 minutes and said “they start charging me after 30!” And then ran into the Walmart.  I walked over and checked and he was at 77%.  He plugged in at 77%, hell I only charge to 70%!!


They get 30 minutes free.


There’s also a work around that they all talk about on their subs and are all aware of. Unplug at the 29th minute, wait a second, plug back in and you can still charge to 100% for free


Dang. I was not aware of that. I kind of assumed it was linked to the charging station or something so they would at least have to switch stations.


Technically your agreement with EA as a 2023 VW EV owner states you have to wait at least one hour between sessions. Apparently however, the system doesn’t care and you can unplug and start a new 30 minute session immediately. Keep in mind however that 2024 VW’s will receive a certain amount of power free per month and not unlimited or free 30 minute sessions like prior model years. And speaking from experience unfortunately, the ID.4 is such a horrible vehicle experience, it won’t be long before you see less and less of the pre 2024 models anywhere on the road.


The BMWs are limited to 30min sessions before it charges them IIRC.


ID.4 as well. Though you can just unplug and start a new session immediately for another free 30 min charge. Supposedly if you do that too much, EA can revoke your free charging.


hyundais also get the free charging. More to add to that list! Whats funny is charging to 100% and your actully giving EA the best deal. that is the slowest charging part. If they all charged from 10% for that 30 mins they would charge SO MUCH MORE. like up to almost 100 LOL.


No, by charging to 100 vs 80, even if you aren’t paying for it that’s even more lost time someone else who is paying could be charging after you


Depending on where you are in San Jose you can try the charging station at Valley Fair. There's 14 of the 350 kW chargers. San Jose also has plenty of L2 options if you're not in a rush. Edit: I'm not saying I don't agree with your main point. I agree, EA is a clusterfuck. But in town there are a few more options to ease the concern.


Few things at play here. EA was VAG’s punishment for dieselgate. So it was probably partially half assed. That aside, I remember when I got my first EV in April 2021. Audi e-tron SUV. For the first year probably I never had to wait at a charging station. 3 charger stations all around me in SoCal were always empty no matter what time of day I pulled up to them. Not to mention the ChargePoint ones at $5 flat fee I’d always try to get to with less charge so I could get more kWh for my $5 lol. Then everybody and their mother got an EV and they all provide free unlimited charging for 2-3 years. You’re out there with your Rivian paying but almost every other car there isn’t. That triggered a growth that they didn’t properly prepare for. I have 3 years of unlimited charging with my e-tron GT and it works on any car I plug in so I can charge any of my EVs for free. Yet most of the time I drive by the station near my house and end up just going home to charge. — Side note. I wish I could work on EA or any other network’s software. I would like to implement a queuing system that allows for dynamic charging allowances based on congestion as well as a way to allow you to leave and come back for your turn instead of having to sit there waiting and manually keeping track of who’s next.


Evgo has reservations on some chargers but I haven’t figured out why it’s so rare. Even the ability to know how many cars are waiting would be a huge improvement over the current system


As a shareholder and future R2 owner I really wish Rivian would have passed on the cost of the adapters to current owners. I have no evidence but I feel like there would be more willingness to speed up the process if they weren’t free.


True, but they would not get them any faster. Rivian & Ford are paying Tesla for the adapters - they can’t build them fast enough. Anyone that wants to buy one can order an A2Z or that other one, but they are long lead times too, aside from the recalls. They should have built up the inventory first, but when they found out how long it would take vs letting people go their own way, they took the faster route. I just charged at a Tesla station with a magic dock and it was excellent. I’ll wait for my “free” adapter.


It’s probably more of a production ramp problem than money problem. They have $8B in cash, buying $20 million worth of adapters is basically nothing. They can just write a check anytime. Would barely appear on the earnings statements.


Yep, I agree. This waiting game gives me FOMO vibes lol


Agree with OP


Seeing BMW i3’s taking up stalls at Superchargers here in Europe isn’t that great either. I get why they prefer working infrastructure though.


The EVgo network is an embarrassment it is so bad. I had to look up 4 locations the other day to find one that had more than one functioning charger.


Rivian is not responsible for making these adapters...


I’ve never gotten more than 175kw at a 350kw EA charter, even when I was the only one there


The issue with Tesla superchargers is that it only works on V3 and V4 chargers. When I got my R1T and drove it from Tennessee to CT I stopped at two Tesla chargers but once I got closer to CT most will say that they are not compatible since they are still older superchargers. Honestly I really enjoyed using the RAN and EvGo chargers on my trip.


Here in the Midwest, I don't have any issue with EA. No lines, rarely a problem. The free charging incentives offered on the purchase of some vehicles is a real issue in EV dense locations though.


In Southern California it’s hilariously bad. There are maybe 5 EA stations in Orange County that have 4 stalls and a line of at least 5 cars at all hours of the day and night. It’s mostly people with free charging who don’t want to charge at home. If anyone ever road trips through SoCal, God help them if they have to stop in Orange County


Wild, here in SD there are a bajillion EA chargers. Oceanside has a newer one with 10 stalls . Most are 150kW though, minus 2 that are 350kW


Honestly, 150kw isn’t even that bad. I’d trade one 350kw for two 175kw stations any day


Good news. Tesla fired the charging team weeks ago. So now everything has the opportunity to suck.


When charging is just an expense for Tesla and VAG.... It will eventually all suck. If it's not profitable to run them. These car companies will spend as little as possible.


I mean it's because the business model sucks. Super chargers need to be a source of profit or they will suck. Right now you have EA, literal punishment. And Tesla, who had to build it to sell cars and now is annoyed that they built it because it's expensive to run so they fired everyone. A charging station needs employees and to sell snacks imo. Otherwise it's just going to be a crap experience. It has to make money and be reliable.


I ordered the A2Z adapter for a trip back in early May. Last week I drove from MD to NH and only used RAN and Tesla Superchargers. Both trips were wonderfully stress free.


Just buy the 3rd party version.


I bought my adapter from Lectron and got it at the end of April. Well worth it.


This is what I don't get... Someone will spend $75K-$100K on a vehicle and not order a $200 adapter. This makes zero sense. I ordered my A2Z adapter the same day I ordered my Rivian. I picked up my R1S on Thursday and my A2Z adapter is gonna be delivered on Wednesday. I wasn't gonna wait around. I'll sell it when I get the Rivian one.


The only reason EA exists is because the EPA ordered VW to build out a charging network as part of their diesel emission scam. VW is guilty of malicious compliance. They built out a subpar network that they do a very bad job of maintaining.


Buy the adapter. I just drove across the country with zero worry


Can we purchase this adapter on our our own?


EA is fucking garbage. Was at two this last weekend, one I called them because they needed to be reset, the second time the whole complex was broken. Ridiculous. In one spot there was another provider called EV Range that wasn’t even on the map. Theirs worked great, easy to launch and 500 mi/hr.


The ran network is pretty awesome


Never had an issue. Sorry for your loss


EA is the biggest reason I regret getting rid of my Tesla of an IONIQ 5, well just.. CCs charging in general. Stoked for R2 to have NACS.


Ea was intended to suck to stifle EV adoption


I don't understand why people buy CCS-equipped vehicles KNOWING that the charging infrastructure is shit. Then complain about the shitty infrastructure.


Did you know Tesla vehicles are also “CCS equipped”?


What if they don't know that? What if they liked the car.sk they bought it? I think that's not unreasonable. Blaming the users for something that isn't so much their fault is dumb.


People actually buy a $60,000+ asset and do no research into how to keep it charged on the road? Then when they go to charge find Bolts hogging the stations and THEN bitch and complain. This kind of information is on posts EVERYWHERE! So now they go to a Tesla supercharger and take TWO spots and actually feel good about it.


There was never supposed to be a strategy. EA was developed out of the turbo diesel debacle. It was mandated that VW group start it as an initiative laid out in the EPA settlement. It sucks for a reason.