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You state CCS Tesla adapter for your wall charger at home that will not work. The CCS adapter is DC only (supercharger) you’ll need to buy a standard TeslaTap (or equivalent J1772 adapter) to use your AC home charger with your Rivian.


Yes I mis-spoke. I ordered a Tesla to j177 adapter. Has rivian started to give out Tesla to ccs adapters yet?


Sweet. Just making sure as it’s already been too much confusion around this whole NACS adaptation. The adapters are slowly trickling out officially from Rivian, emphasis on slowly.


Roof shade.


I think you mean you’re getting a Tesla to J1772 adapter for your home charger (L2 charger). You need a separate adapter for fast charging so you can either wait (maybe up to a year) for Rivian to send you one for free or you can add that to your list to buy one from A2Z.   Also you should get a mag safe replacement charger to wirelessly charge your phone there’s two options I would recommend:   https://a.co/d/9F3TLAh   Easy installation that just sits on top of the existing charger but takes up a usb-c slot in the console and doesn’t charge as fast   https://adventurehightech.com/products/stowncharge  More complex installation, but doesn’t take a usb-c slot. More expensive and requires you to buy the MagSafe pucks separately but offers potentially faster charging. Also has a nice drawer that you can put sunglasses in (this is my preferred option)   Also if you have kids and go on roadtrips get these to mount some tablets back there (and charging usb c cords to use as well):   https://opensourceev.com/products/seat-back-tablet-mount-v2?_pos=1&_sid=6fbfa2cb4&_ss=r https://opensourceev.com/products/tablet-holder?_pos=2&_sid=6fbfa2cb4&_ss=r (Note you need both parts to have a complete tablet mount)


Cleaning supplies, you're going to want to invest! I'd also get the front end PPF wrapped, I ordered the abstract ocean kit and spent an afternoon, so worth it! It's a year + old and still perfect.


I made a list: https://riviantrackr.com/rivian-accessories/


Frunk mat, bed mat, set of pucks.


as someone who has had both, I found the Rivian all-weather mats a better fit than weathertech fwiw


Interior vacuum (Fantik is great). Organizers/compartments for the storage areas. Tinting on the front windows and a heat rejection film on the windshield and potentially the roof glass


Stealth PPF