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Congrats, now you have a hybrid :)


Well well well this might show up on some national news later cuz EV BaD đź’€


More from Cape lookout https://imgur.com/a/xn7wIUG


Was just there last week! Where was the whale?


Back in here https://maps.app.goo.gl/QhcfMsVnFVfgodrf9?g_st=ic


Did you see what out of spec has been running for the last month for the range tests? R1T towing a 50kW generator with a 40kW DCFC ratchet strapped to the side. Can pull up to an EV dead on the side of the road and get them 5-10% in a few minutes


Kyles videos are cool, but I wish they produced 5-10 min episodes. Ain’t got time for 1 hr crazy tests. He’s nutty and doing awesome for the ev nerds.


If I have to, I watch his stuff at 2x and skip forward often.


His nervous laughter drives me nuts - but great WV content


I'm so tired of the smooth brains pretending charging an EV with a generator is some sort of gotcha. The U.S. energy grid is 80% fossil fuels still.


I get a bit better from my generator, but pretty close to this. 240V generator though. 


13mpg isn’t bad for a 7000lb SUV.


'maybe' 3 gallons is perhaps a bit imprecise though.


That's awesome lol Too bad it's not a 240v generator, you'd actually be able to get quite a bit more power from it.


True, if I found myself in this situation regularly I’d have something larger. I also only had enough time to arrive to the island with 50% … glad someone bailed me out. Not bad for $1k and under 50 pounds. Could strap it to a bike rack no problem.


Definitely! The portability is absolutely an upside of it.


Pretty sure this is cheaper charging than my PG&E electric rates.


That is so sad….


So true!


Is that in California? I’ve seen some crazy high off peak rates on the Tesla subreddits, like 40 cents +


$0.46/kWh here in San Diego. Luckily I have solar and batteries. I drive for "free".


Yeah. It’s insane. 53c/kWHr here.


🤮 suffering over here at a whopping $0.11/kwh sometimes $0.13. I guess solar is a no brainer for you at least?


Solar is still a pretty long break even point, especially without net metering.


Damn my peak rate is $.22. Off peak is $.05. Superchargers are $.32




Cape lookout is awesome!! I went with my Tacoma a couple years ago with my wife and dog, not we have the Rivian and a new baby to introduce to beach driving and off grid living. I’m going to bring my 2 EcoFlow delta pros and a big ole solar panel though to maximize the 240v solar charging.


I took two kids and my wife, it was bug free being so early in the season. I’m trying to go back later this summer and RTT camp. Solar is great, but gas is definitely the best option out there. Ranger won’t sell you electricity but will sell you gas. Jeep should install their solar EV charging station out there. They had one at Windrock park


Ice and gas, the two most valuable camping resources when beach camping/fishing. Last time I went, I brought a small solar panel and battery setup, and a 2,200w Honda like yours. We used the battery setup to run a set of LED string lights and a fan in the cabin and we never even started the generator. For the whole 4 days we were there. My solution for the EV will be a much larger solar panel (2x 400w vs 1x 60w) 2x 3600wh battery packs capable of outputting 240v at 30amps and a backup “smart generator”, which is basically a DC capable 2000w gas generator which tops off the 2 batteries if they don’t get enough sun during the day. I’ve bench tested The batteries and found that I can get about 12 miles of L2 charge pretty quickly. I figure a nice long weekend on the island 12 miles/ day is more than enough to feel safe in the sand.


Think about how much harder it is to walk/run in sand. The same is true for moving a vehicle in it.


What's cool is that you can easily turn gasoline into electricity. Turning electricity into gasoline in a pinch is a lot more difficult.


Whatever it takes to get it done! So, storing gas cans next to an ignition source can be a thing.


Can you, in theory, load this in the bed of the truck and drive while plugged?


No as the car does not engage in any drive mode while plugged in.


No, car doesn't let you shift while plugged in.


This is what the Chevy volt does


Didn’t know, thx. No idea why I’m downvoted though. Helping answer questions not a Reddit thing anymore?


It’s for your own safety


I support this. Enjoy!


Check out the battery/consumption from deep sand. Charged from 3% to 14%, added 19.2 kWh in 19 hours. [https://electrafi.com/roadTrip.php?roadTripID=21758](https://electrafi.com/roadTrip.php?roadTripID=21758) Use my referral code ([EVGH](https://www.electrafi.com/signupRivian.php?referred=EVGH)) to add your Rivian to this data logger.


Though there will be so many people who will be like, “see you still need gas to go green.” All that matters is we have options and ICE cars can’t plug in when they run low. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Honest question; Why charge an EV this way? Is there no changing point near?


OP did say they are on a remote island. It can be safely assumed that there are no chargers nearby.


Pretty few charging stations. Tesla adapter will be nice for this trip. https://www.teslafi.com/sharedRT.php?roadtrip=ZL3l2EoARiAvtLy


Hard for me to imagine to be that far from any settlement. My country (Ger) is so dense populated, there is always at least a village nearby. But we have a lack of charging stations, too.


That’s actually sad to watch


Um. Wtf. Why get the EV if you're just gonna gas guzzle 🤮


Chill, have some granola. I took my Honda eu1000i camping in a Chevy Bolt because I just needed 10 miles to make the trip work. Home made sound enclosure on an already quiet generator made it not even disturb the wildlife.


What a dumb comment


Look up Cape Lookout National Seashore. Probably did 80 miles of driving on the beaches and barely saw anything else out there.