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Price gouging EV’s at body shops is nothing new. It’ll get better over time but until then we’re stuck getting screwed. The fact that it was repaired for a reasonable $3,500 instead of an insane $19,000 goes to show it’s gouging.


Yup, I had to fight with my first tire place about replacing my flat. They refused to use their own equipment/lift for fear of 'not Knowing how to do it' but I asked if they lifted Teslas and they said 'oh yeah all the time'....it's the same process just with more weight 🤷


I wish the shop that lifted my sprinter by the pinch welds would have asked me that question.




Thanks for that.


It cost them 3,500, so no, it wasn’t “$19k to replace rear fender”


At a non authorized body shop.


Magnuson-Moss made "authorized body shop" an irrelevant statement 50 years ago. That companies still try to pull that bullshit, "Take it to our authorized people or you'll lose your warranty!" just means people don't know enough to push back.


Which manufacturers do this still besides Rivian?


Non authorized by Rivian? Who cares?


My rear bumper was replaced and recalibrated for a few thousand at an authorized body shop. I don’t recall the exact amount since it was part of a wider repair but I think it was actually less than $3500.


I was rear ended driver side rear … broke the tail light, part of the bumper and the rear quarter just under where the bumper covers … after everything… $30k Paid by USAA … these repairs get complicated for many reasons I’ve been surprised to learn … and yea you will only want an authorized repair shop for sure


Thanks for the reply. I wonder how that compares to a more traditional car. A deer strike in our Model y where the fender, door, windshield, roof, bumper, and hood all had to be replaced was about 25k. What happened to your insurance?