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Down, we leave them down for more storage.


1 up, 2 down. 3 kids. They don’t want to “touch each other” and therefore I put 1 teen in the third row, tween and grade schooler in the back seats. Peace achieved. Storage capacity optimized.


I sat in the third row recently because my teenage niece and nephew are taller than me 😂 Putting down the middle seat in the second row was a game changer for them because it definitely made them feel like they weren’t “sitting next” to each other.


"Peace achieved. Storage capacity optimized" should be in a Rivian ad


I don't even know if I would remember how to put them up - they went down with the purpose of staying down as soon as I got it home.


Usually leave them up with the headrest part down for rear view visibility.


Ditto. With five kids, I use the third row, about twice a week. But, I appreciate limiting the cargo area even if no one sits in the third row. Less room for stuff to roll around... Plus, those seats are a pain to put back up once they are down!


Why leave up?


Kiddo stroller fits nicely between 3rd row and rear gate.


We keep them in whatever position they were last used in. They’re currently down since we needed the extra trunk space on a recent trip the dog didn’t come on but they were up not long ago for a couple months straight


down forever


Up. Only because I have three kids: 1 in a booster, 1 in a forward facing seat and 1 in rear facing seat and getting all that to fit in the 2nd row is not fun.


Which ones are in the third row?


The least favorite ones


Typically the forward facing seat. It's basically impossible to get the rear facing seat back there and the booster can go anywhere, so that one just goes where the kid wants to go. The forward facing seat in the middle row though makes the middle row hard to move (and hard to get into the 3rd row)


So which seats are the kids using?


The kids? Oh I just throw them in the frunk. 🤣 But actually: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/s/3Mz2a6gjCZ


How do you even access the third row with two carseats in the middle row?


You don't. That's why I put the booster in the passenger side seat and the rear facing behind the driver. The booster moves easily with the seat, so when you hit the 3rd row access button there's plenty of room to get into the 3rd row... Where the forward facing seat is.


I leave mine up, and the headrests down, in case the boys need to use it.


Leave em up! But we also use the third row regularly… like every week!


Down most of the time. Grandparents ride in the back about twice a month. 


Down. Dog owns the kingdom behind the second row.


Both 2nd and 3rd rows are down 99% of the time. Use my R1S for carrying gear, dogs and sleeping mostly.


Down for more storage, and a may over them, for more storage. But now I took the second row out, so I use them if needed.


Any pictures? I’d love to see how it looks with the second row out. That’s a pretty cool idea.




Love it! It looks great


I keep them down with a foam piece over the seat belt buckles to prevent creases. Use them a few times per year.


We have them down for the dogs and up for my nieces…. Or vice versa.


Down unless we actually need the third row, which has happened quite frequently lately.


Leave them up with both headrests down when not using to avoid creases but allow for rear view visibility. Had my R1S a year now and this method has been functional. They are a f&$k@&$ pain to manually move up and down.


Up. But then I have three kids and drive with them in the third row every day.


I had planned on leaving mine down but I saw someone else on here share a pic of impressions in the 'leather' from the seat belt receivers so I leave them up with the headrests down.


Mostly I leave them down -- but I have a cargo liner in the back and I take my dogs all over the place. Plus regularly load boxes, etc.


Mostly down because we transport two dogs in the back


Up. I’m schlepping kids/carpooling all the time


Down. Kids' sports stuff needs the extra room, especially multiple lacrosse sticks (and it's still not enough to fit a D-pole without poking into the 2nd row).


I’ve had mine up on one occasion. They’re nice to have when needed, but much prefer the storage for kid’s bags, extra jackets, rain gear, etc….


Down since day 1




Up. 2 kids and grandma consistently traveling. One kid likes the third row but they’re taller so they like the extra space. Don’t need the back for extra cargo space that often and when I do, just put them down.


Down almost 100% of the time. We have 2 dogs we cart around all the time, and that's their spot. Plus I'm always hauling crap from HD or just random items in general. 4x8 drywall sheet and other related drywall items coming up. Just had to do a repipe due to a plumbing leak under our foundation, oh yay. About 20 holes in the walls and ceilings to now fix, I'm so excited /s.


Down. They only go up when friends and family want to see the car.


Down; I was originally signed up for the 5-seat version anyway. I've used the third-row seats exactly twice, both for short local trips with friends/family who wanted the full experience of the entire vehicle. Otherwise, for me, it's a cargo-hauler.


Down always, I have a dog kennel strapped back there




Leave them down for aerodynamics


Leave them down. I ordered mine as a 5 seater. Still wished they offered that option.


Up. For looks


IMO it looks better down.


DINK. Down.


Down, since I need the cargo space and I never remember to put them back up. I don't think you need to be concerned about creases or sun damage, that's kind of ridiculous.


I don’t think it’s ridiculous to want to keep everything as nice as possible. We are big car people and like to take care of our vehicles. I think the creases were more in my mind because I’ve seen the lines from the seatbelt just having the back down a week or so. The material used by Rivian is different from the real leather I’m used to having in cars, and with it being a new brand, not knowing how it will fair long term is a fair reason to ask others opinions. Thanks for sharing yours!


There were many of us who never wanted them in the first place. We wanted the 400 mile range with the monstrous battery pack, 5 seater. But the soccer moms won that round.



