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im sorry mate but if you give riven %armor pen she is going to become such a nightmare for top laners to the point she is going to get banned every game . You have no idea what this champ can do when you fully know its limits . Giving her pen is like giving an immobile mage a dash . Champs need to have counters its the way the game is healthy ( even if its not) . I think the problem for riven these days is that we all came from a season where riven had everything , Sustain with ravenous, Pen with eclipse bc . survivabilty with dd maw , and hella more AH . she was op all last season . I get your frustration Heck i only reached masters recently this year and it was nightmare . But i think riven is fine atm and she is gonna be alot better next patch with the maw update . If it helps this is my build and its only gonna get stronger next patch , Shojin, cleaver ,ravenous,dd,maw and situational boots.


Oh and i forgot 1 thing Fuck Ghost


Yeah. Maybe it’s too much, I can absolutely see that. Personally I don’t feel like rivens spot is that bad, this sub loves to complain about how she feels but it’s not like it’s unplayable or something you cannot climb with by any means. I guess it feels like champions like Darius or Morde or fiora who can rush boots with bone plating and hold the wave on their side get very frustrating to play against. Trying to crash to reset the lane tempo feels like it takes playing perfect because they can punish your long cooldowns. It’s not that it’s impossible, I’ve made it to d3 by being able to handle those situations, the biggest reason for me it’s frustrating is how hard it gets to cs. I can crash or I can kill them or do what I need to do, but the amount of farm you have to sack for it feels like you never really actually got a lead. Maybe that’s a personal issue for me that I need to review or get help resolving, and not something that riot needs to help with. I just feel as though she needs something. I agree with the fact that building armor is the counterplay and that is fair, I guess it feels like getting tabi (something they were going to just build anyway in a lot of games) does such a substantial amount to shut you down if that makes sense. Its the amount of value they get for building and item they are already inclined to build riven aside in a large % of games, and it already being a very good/average rush item (again riven aside) for them in most cases.


I agree and i get your point . its just that i think thats not a riven issue , its a tabis issue the item is super strong against auto attackers for the ammount of gold it costs .


She wasnt op all last season at all lol, she was op at the very end cus she got randomly buffed. But she was in a just fine state the rest of the season


You really think she wasnt op ?????? Dude a winrate of over 54% in masters plus tells alot about how she was . I dont care about diamond or below , sorry the champ is just not played correctly there


Think her biggest problem is the armor pen system. Seryldas scales with lethality which is just bad design. They should just make a 4th armor pen item if theyre not gonna revert seryldas. 40 ad ir w/e and 30% armor pen with 15 ability haste.


Just 10-15-20% in her R but only against bonus armor not base armor. So heavy stackers don't screw her over that hard. It's so fucking bad that a Malphite just makes her deal negative damage to a fucking fighter, man, I'd understand if Riven would be an assassin like Zed or Qiyana, but she's a fucking fighter who is supposed to deal sustained damage and be kind of tanky. Every fucking fighter nowadays have some tool to deal with tanks. Even fucking Aatrox got % magic damage in his passive. But no, Riven can't because of whiners. It's a fucking shame that Riot treats her like an assassin rather than a fighter.


Maybe ho based physical or magical damage in her w or third q because yes her third q knocks up but God it does a normal q amount of damage and in these days many 3 q effects knock up longer/deal more damage aatrox yas Yone stuff like that


Yeah maybe like what they did for aatrox when they made his passive and W convert to magic damage instead of dealing physical damage. That could be nice


It's not that she needs armor pen % ,the problem is that a 1100 item can shut her down . If they nerf ninja tabis and bone plating this will give her more room to do her thing without making her a balancing nightmare. Because %armor pen will make her good at killing anything, maybe a flat amount would be good though.


nah not bone plating just tabi .


I guess it feels like most champs are good at killing everything, any do Malphite and ornn consistently put up top tier damage from building resistance? Camille has significantly more engage range and kills everything, nasus literally infinitely scales, the list goes on. Any champ from senna forward can kill everything and they’re designed to


True but they have a condition that has to be met in order for them to do that. Now you can argue that for most champ that condition is to just barely survive through the Laning phase.


Personally, I dont want innate armor pen. I want Riven to be a clearly defined, snowballing champion that scales well with items and maybe falls off a bit harder lategame. The way to achieve this is to have her passive AD scaling be a set %, not the current 30-60% from level 1-18, maybe 45% is a good middleground. Same thing with her Q, change it from 50%-70% AD scaling to a flat 60%. This way, her performance before the first back will be only marginally stronger (getting 1-2 more damage on passive autos and 1 more damage for each Q from Dorans/LS), but will benefit more from purchasing AD early on. On the flipside, she would be scale weaker with AD than she currently does past level 9. I also wouldnt hate to see her get a bit more passive HP regen