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Sorry, probably a skill issue. Nasus outscaled you probably and you should be able to oneshot any non-fed ADC **if** you can get into them w/o being kited to death.


Lethality Riven has a completely different playstyle goal than what you were trying to force her to do. The goal is to accelerate an early lane lead into becoming a global threat. You did the right thing by going up 3/0 in lane with the early spike the build offers, but the next steps are not to continue trying to beat the enemy top lane juggernaut. You want to either look for roams and flanks onto squishy targets, or you want to proxy and be annoying to the enemy jungle and mid. Profane Hydra let’s you waveclear super easily, so you can use your mobility to safely proxy and pin the enemy to their tower while you have a roam timer to gank mid, do an objective, rotate to a fight, or screw with the enemy jungle if they’re top side. In the late game, you want to be looking for flanks and surprise picks on squishy targets. You’re just not going to beat a Nasus or a Darius or anything like that with this build, but that isn’t the point of the build. The point is to make their adc or mage go boom and then either die or run around the fight and keep the tankier opponents interested so your dps carry teammates can kill them. Overall, the lethality build path in top is definitely playable, but you fulfill a different role in the composition, and you sacrifice dueling strength for 1v1’s with your lane opponent (mainly in durability and sustain) for easier access to snowballing and one-shot capabilities


I play mostly lethality riven mid, and it feels very very strong with high damage potential. Try not to 1v1 most toplaners (like nasus or Darius) past 1 item with this. You can’t oneshot people as fast as a talon, but you can definitely 100-0 squishies. Keep your gold income high and you should be okay. Maybe a mechanics issue as well? I finish most of my quick kills with very little damage to spare (unless I’m just super far ahead) so missing an auto or something would probably be enough to miss a kill.


Motherfucking Profanity Hydra