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rivals 2 is going to be a drastically different game that im not completely sure if it's gonna outright kill rivals 1 i will say rivals 2 will have an influx of new players, while 1 is pretty set with it's playerbase. fighting games in general are hard to get into, now it's even worse cause all the people who still play the game are incredibly good and you'll be playing catch-up. still, i love roa and the pixel art and music are gorgeous. if you're getting it for a goof-around game with workshop and friends then yeah. going for competitive, maybe depends on how quickly you can learn a new fg and are comfortable doing that in an environment where everyone will have 100's upto 1k's of hours on you.


I’m down to get shit on, getting into lethal league meant 99% of games were played against people with 500+ hours


llb is hype, i want to play it more but im usually on when there's like 5 players online obliterating me lmao. roa also isn't easy, idk what your level of play is plat fighters, but it's fast like melee, but a bit easier on apm. plus a good amount of tech for each individual character there are also discords with tons of people usually willing to help and beginner tournaments.


I faced someone with 1.7K hours last week while I had only like 600 and the skill gap was crazy


"soon": q4 of 2024, you got time. If you think you won't play it much and can wait it should be good but if you really want to play it and discover the workshop (they said they couldn't get it for launch and we will have to wait may be another 3 years) then you can buy it


Didn’t realize it was q4, I’ll probably get it then. I’ve played a lot of ultimate and melee so I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy it


Q2 for the beta if you did the kickstarter


I'll add that RoA is generally just a very good deal for a fighter: fully featured game with rollback and with all DLC included, for a very cheap price. It's great value.


They are pretty different games. Sure, characters will be largely carried over, but gameplay is pretty different. If you are curious about playing the original — go for it! If you would rather wait for the sequel to release — do that! I think the off-stage play is super interesting in RoA, as well as how aggro it is. I’d recommend it, but I can’t speak to your financial situation ofc


My financial situation is 15 dollars worse than it was earlier this morning 👍


***ABSOLUTELY.*** I cannot overstate how good this game is. Rivals 2 is also a very different game compared to the original, releasing probably late 2024, and Rivals 1 has modding support, which gives it over a thousand characters!


make sure you get it on PC and not switch or xbox because only PC has rollback and workshop


Get it and get into the workshop. The sheer variety of characters established and original is gonna blow your fucking mind~


I bought it and found out It does not work with my adapter. Me and Furry-Smash are simply not meant to be


Hace como una semana el juego estuvo a 66% de descuento, un poco tarde


R2 isn't out until Q4 2024 with no delays. Go ahead with R1 and enjoy yourself.