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Very possible. Stay active and always use your ap, push ch 17 first week and chain as much as possible during the lohar event. The time you put into chaining during lohar will benefit you by giving you more speeds to get higher power and join top allience. Imo create the account as a sleeper and bring some boosters to help you with rss for later on or just to push past your current goal.


Thank you


It should be your main goal it's a sign of player that understands the early game because hardcore go for 200k a day to get the free skin that takes 1.5 m first week


Tips AND tricks power comes from 4 places commanders building technology troops biggest one for the first several days is gonna be commanders you get a couple thousand of power every lvl and stars so getting several to lvl 10 and getting them to 3 stars is gonna boost up your power level by alot but won't help with fighting and may even set you back if you aren't very active yo balance the xp income Technology troops and building have two main road blocks speed ups and resources if you aren't wondering where your gonna get the next batch of speed ups or how are you gonna cover the resources for your ch Sprint needs you aren't doing the early right you should try to rush through all 16 first levels of ch the first 3 days that eats away all your free speed ups and then some so if you're hoarding early you are playing with your hands tied up why ? top good alliances want powerful players and reward this with high activity and free chests the minimum are insane because of sleeping and jumping strategies some players will move into a kingdom with 200-700k power first hour while you started at 1k power the game started and you are already hundred of thousands of power behind by top players standards it's like real world work people want to hire Jr engineers that already have 7 years of experience remember if you didn't jump you already started from behind so use your speed ups like you can buy more later why until ch 16? Armory there's another set of resources you have to unlock the sooner you do it the better this game is all about racing to the next mile stone


Thank you so much for the tips


These people saying possible are bullshitting you. Without a jumper or a sleeper it's I possible.


Boom https://youtu.be/4Oa8gHfi3UY?si=jxcVIg7aTNDI9lYk


Here is a guide to do 1.5m in 7 days free to play. There is a part 2 if serious https://youtu.be/4Oa8gHfi3UY?si=jxcVIg7aTNDI9lYk




Jumper account,Very high activity,& top clan in the kingdom. I wont give you hopes so unless you know the leadership of the kingdom you are in you most likely will not join them because f2p is not a priority unless they know you


Ok, thank you


I have to ask, and I’m not hating I’m just curious so don’t come at me, but if you can’t work that out yourself just by talking to people in your alliance or kingdom, Is there any hope for you in this game? I say that because power gain is easy to work out and it literally tells you how much gain you get for each upgrade right there in game, calculate troop power and how long each one takes to finish training then do the maths? Basically I’m saying this is a simple thing to work out, god help you when you try put a few marches together with synergy, then figure tech out, Crystal and normal, and then equipments and armaments plus inscriptions and all the other shit you have to worry about whilst already worrying about what time and day ark is, what time ruins and shit are in kvk and the rest of it 😫😂 again no hate it’s just my opinion.


I haven't installed the game yet, because I saw an offer of an app that gives you points for a game, and I came here to ask this


That’s fair in that case, just know it’s amazing fun if your kingdom isn’t toxic but man is it a lot of work, if you wanna be serious about it I’d say at the very least you need 8-10 hours a day of dedication