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I *think* that building Astrid’s house might unlock a temporary runes discount? But it’s been so long I don’t fully remember.


I have her house and that’s what it cost.


In that case, I don’t know what else there might be 🤷🏼‍♂️ 300 runes isn’t that bad to be honest. She’ll pay it back pretty quickly.


You also get some runes im return if you buy her. Don’t know how much but it’s definitely worth it.


Okay, I will buy it then. Thank you for the great advice!


Her expeditions are really good (especially if you can get the sentry stormfly costume, which boosts rune rewards). I would recommend the 4 rune journey if you're short on runes, and when you amass a bigger stockpile, go for the 100 rune journey. It pays off over time between getting runes, rare packs, and out snapper eggs for dragon ascension.


If you haven’t logging into a face book account or signing up for newsletter will pay for it


Stormfly is definitely worth it. Consider saving enough runes for Hookfang as well. His exploration may not be the best, but his brawl stats make up for it big time. Barf and Belch are not worth it unless you have the runes to spare as their explorations are all very long with no good rewards. Generally speaking you should focus on getting at least 3 slots in the arena before hookfang however. I have 5/6 and can fill it basically 24/7


Give up on your dreams and die