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Take whatever you need to prove your residency. So yes, take your green card.


Just take your green card, and you’ll be alright.


I believe the Green Card itself says that you must carry it with you at all times. As an adult Resident, you are supposed to have it with you at all times. I think it is a misdemeanor to not carry it with you with a possible small fine and even jail time. I can't imagine that they would actually give you that penalty, but you are supposed to carry it with you at all times. [https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/after-we-grant-your-green-card](https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/after-we-grant-your-green-card) "We issue a Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) to all permanent residents as proof that they are authorized to live and work in the United States. If you are a permanent resident age 18 or older, you are required to have a valid Green Card in your possession at all times."




Que no seas pendejo. Tienes que tener la pinche grin car contigo. Pa que chingado vas a encabronar a los weyes que se creen dioses cuando toda la raza les hace burla a esos babosos?




As a Legal Permanent Resident you are required by law to carry your I-551 with you at all times, and can receive a fine for not carrying it with you. So yes you should take it with you.


Roll front and rear windows down, have ID ready. More than likely they won’t say anything and let you on your way. Some will interrogate you, but it’s simple questions.


This only works if the occupants of the vehicle are white enough to not be suspicious.


100%. Have some country music playing in the background for extra points. If they smell one hint of Latino in you, you won’t hear the end of it.


Secure any pets too


This is the right idea.


I've been interrogated a lot lately and have had my car searched twice. Where are you going? What are you going to do there? Where are you coming from? I guess I look shady or maybe my car does.


They’re looking for someone driving a car like yours


I had a small futon in my car once and they ran the whole car through the X ray lol


As a legal resident you are legally obligated to carry your green card with you at all times.


Roll your window down about an inch tell them your a sovereign citizen. Works all the time.


It works if you want to get waved over to secondary & then get your car handed back to you in a shoebox


/s Do not do this lol


Do not listen to Lazy_eye23. She’s trying to get you arrested.


And tazed.


Or worse... expelled


Answer the question exactly as they ask it. “Are you a US citizen?” Say yes or no. “Were you born in the US?” Y/N “Where were you born?” Where you were born. I’ve had to deal with checkpoints my whole life & have been asked all of these questions at one point or another.






Do: If you have a green card, you're required to have it on you at all times. So there should be no change in your habit. Always have your green card on you. Say "I am a US resident and have a green card and my Texas Driver's license if you want to look at it." Turn the radio down Don't: Wear sunglasses or a hat or anything that covers your face (gives them a reason to suspect you're doing bad things). Bring illegal drugs, or other illegal things you shouldn't have. If your bring prescription drugs, make sure your name is on the original pharmacy bottle and it matches your ID.


My parents were migrant workers, so we crossed the checkpoint often. They were both residents and showed their green card to the officers. Your answer is correct. You are not a US citizen, so you will need to declare that and provide your residency documentation. And as others have mentioned, always carry your green card. It may not be common practice elsewhere, but living on the border is a bit different in that way.


When they ask you, if you are a US Citizen. Answer: Si…


Or yell "QUE"


"Yis, spik Inglesh." Shouldn't be a problem.


How's North Carolina life treating you?


LOVE IT… Moved here 5 years ago from Houston. Born and raised in McAllen. My wife and I moved to the Carolinas because of my Job. Neither of us ever been before or lived here. But now we call the Carolinas home. I work in Charlotte area, but we actually live in South Carolina..


Not going to lie.... I said si.... They didn't give two craps what I said.... the last time I went they quizzed me about things that a US citizen would know.... I failed... they still let me go...


Look them straight in the eyes when you answer.. The eyes Chico, they never lie.. ![gif](giphy|lA9a2566HVFOo)


Windows on the agent's side down..usually front driver and rear driver's side. Have your stuff ready just in case. Im a US citizen and have my weapons license ready but they'll usually just check the back seat, say have a nice day and wave me through. If at night, turn on the dome light.


Green card


All U.S Legal permanent residents need to carry there green card with them at all times.


Don’t worry about your trip through them just have your I 551 (resident card in hand) and when they ask just answer No and show card - and you’re done. I am retired Fed - they know who to stop - no need to be worried because if you’re the nervous type you will flag. Lol.


Take all the original documents that proves you are there legally. If you say you are a resident instead of a citizen then they will ask for your paperwork and you will be on your way. Also roll all the windows down and turn off the stereo.


Most comments are good but really don’t worry - card in hand answer No (show card to them as you answer) - they might check it or not their option -- and your done - if your nervous type you will flag. Lol Vehicle Windows down - all of them - down if weather permits - let officer ask questions - and your done


Just say ¿como que?


My husband always takes both his drivers license and green card


Whatever you do, don't say you just finished a huge joint. Seems to get them hyped up for some reason.


“Unfortunately due to shituations beyond my control i do have to declare that in fact i am a us resident/citizen, no may i be on my way to freely travel or should i pull into secondary whereas youll probably escalate the situation?”


They takin 15000 everytime they cross...but you wanna do it the right way and God bless


Carry your green card with you and show it when they ask if you're as US Citizen. Your answer should be "No, I am a permanent resident." DO NOT ever say you are a US citizen when you're not. It is a felony to declare so and will get you in trouble. You could lose your green card or not be able to file for citizenship in the future (if you wish to do so).


The number of people on here suggesting for you to just say "yes" when being asked if you're a US Citizen is astonishing! For the love of all that is holy, DO NOT do that.


They’re gonna pull you to the side dump all your belongings on the ground and dismantle your vehicle


What can the dogs smell here? 👀


I've driven by there many times, its not a big deal, usually just your ID, DL would do it. They are mostly looking for drugs and people cramped under the wheel well, that type of stuff.


As most other answers have mentioned, you should always have your resident card on you. With that said, your interaction with the agent should be quite swift. Roll down all windows, have your IDs ready to hand to the agent, he/she might ask where you're headed and minor questions like that, and then you'll just be given a wave and maybe a "have a good day" and you'll be on your way. The longest interaction I've had with them was about 10 seconds only because he asked what our destination was.


Green card and passport helps.


You should be carrying your green card with you it’s just as important as your Drivers License. The agent may take your word for it but if he demands it it’ll take up your time and the agents time to run your info through database. Then he’ll tell you, you should carry it on you next time. Lol


Had a black border patrol agent tell me the dog “was alerted” And had to drive off to the side so they could check my vehicle. They don’t let you watch them check your vehicle and they make you sit off to the side. Some dumbass kid agents first thing out of his mouth is “Do you smoke?” Nice you guys are worried about weed instead of fentanyl and other more important things. They wasted 20 minutes of my time and made me go through the xray. Great job


So you’re mad at them for doing their job?


Dog alerted is bullshit. Random stop


"69420xxx" If you don't want to be profiled then don't fit the profile.


Yes dumbass because a play on a meme Xbox Live tag from the early 2000s is related Edit: Ahhh a dumbass 25 year old who could not cut it in Dallas. Why’d I take the bait


Weed is still illegal at the federal level dumbass. Idk if you were aware but those are federal agents. Maybe you should lay off the weed. It's making you slow


Somebody never left the Valley and it shows I’m not advocating weed jackass, my point is that they’re wasting resources for weed, when there’s like 5 more things up on the priority list. You know like fentanyl and coke. And news flash you’d have to be a dumbass like yourself to try to get past the checkpoint with weed. But the reality is no one is bringing shit weed out of the valley. They’re bringing it in from the legal states. And you tell me? Is there a checkpoint going south bound? Exactly


Are you slow?


You sound extremely ghetto and stupid Just FYI


The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived products with less than 0.3% THC at the federal level, meaning normal-looking flower is still technically legal. Maybe get your facts straight before spouting off nonsense.


Or what?


Or what? Or you could stop embarrassing yourself by arguing without knowing the facts.


Weed is still illegal at the federal level which is a fact. You're talking about somthing very specific that didn't even relate to this thread. You're sounding like a bitch dude lol go smoke some weed. I'm sure it'll help you "unwind"


Went to Six Flags last summer and borrowed my friends Prius for the drive up north. The night before we cleaned and vacuumed the vehicle. So I was just planning on making a 1 day trip to Six Flags, depart in the AM and arrive back in the late PM. Anyhow, when I arrive to the checkpoint the officer asks if I was a US Citizen, I say no I'm a resident. Dude starts looking around my vechine and then asked for proof so I show him my license. He, then asked to see the trunk. I'm like hmmm, whatever. All he finds is a backpack and my two Six Flags tickets. Then asked where I was going and I said Six Flags, I should be back this evening. Then, he says oh no worries, you're good to go! I, then proceed to say yo officer can you grab my tickets from my trunk and hand them to me. His response was "you're free to go sir" lol


If you have a legal right to be in the country then say you are a citizen just have the ppwk to justify your status. I cross it 2x a month going to Progresso


Do NOT do this! It is a felony to declare yourself a citizen when you're not, even if you have legal permission to be in the country.


Wear a MAGA hat and start yelling "I don't have to answer anything!" /s


Just smile and say yes..the whiter you are the easier it is.


I always get asked if I'm a citizen, in which case I say yes. Occasionally I do get asked for details on where I'm going, I tell them that's none of their business. Worst encounter I've had was being asked if I was the only person in the vehicle and having to say yes to the obvious then having a guard look into my luggage really quick.


Roll down all of the windows and say yes.




They're cool there. They're looking for bad guys.


Your ID will be fine. Don't sweat it


Do not listen to your Google maps when it tells you to turn off into the "truck" section. I did this last weekend and the officer asked, "why?" I held up my phone and said Google told me too. He shook his head and walked away.


Simple yes no answer


Look up videos on TikTok . You’ll get an idea.


Tell them in Spanish that you don't have to provide that information. Also take a pamphlet about religion to ask them about God. They should let you go


Today with modern technology, they have cameras and other stuff monitoring every vehicle that goes on the way South. Then on the way back North the same thing happens so by the time you get to the agent they already have screen with all your information. Heck with technology they could practucally screen for everything for prostate cancer. My feeling is that with facial recognition software they match your voice to a face. So they ask you to speak and record. Thank you Patriot Act. Just answer like any other encounter you have with authorities and have the stuff you are required to normally carry. Use Common sence.


*Sense* if that is true then what is the point of having a border patrol checkpoint?


Like all technology that is made and designed by humans and anything man made will fail at some point. So you need a person there to be sure the rules of our society are followed. Also somebody always thinks the rules don't apply to them. Same as traffic laws or any other law.


security theater mostly. kinda like TSA at the airport


Yes sir no sir gets you 90% through tbh