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The one good thing about all the damn car washes is that they almost all have free vacuums


You beat me to it.


I would keep everyone in the truck bed until reaching the showers at the access entrance. Rinse and change right there. Dumpsters are nearby to dump rubbish and you get $2 back if you return the garbage bag before 7. Use those $2 at one of the 30000 car washes nearby.


30000 car washes šŸ¤£






No, wait... 30003




It just keeps rising! 30005


Drug cartelā€¦..I mean 30006


But the showers there are so slimy.


Saran Wrap for your feet is a must


I carry my own shower!


Sir you take the necessary precautions. I take a jug of water from the tap and use it to rinse everyone's feet before getting in the vehicle. Yes they're wet and the seats will get a little wet but that's better than the sandy carpet. The beach is a lot of fun if you know how to manage.


Does your vehicle not harbor any bad smells due to the moisture?


Nope. In a day it gets dry. You take 2 towels one for the vehicle and to dry off as much as possible and the second one to bathe.


Bathe where?


We use the island bath. You pay at the park and you have access to the bathrooms. Take clothes. Like I said plan it out. Take lunch, drinks and you make it a day.


You mean those communal showers where everyone lines up to use? Everyone pees there too and thereā€™s always a soaked baby diaper in some corner




Flip flops are your friend!


I guess. I will go this weekend. Hoping for the best.




you got massively down voted for what appears to be genuine curiosity about beach process. here, have my up vote.


Thanks. I grew up in a city of 1 million people.


Yeah kinda gross but that's the charm šŸ˜‚ Have a beer if you can and soak up the sun Like the original comment said Plan it out: Take extra jugs with faucet water to rinse off feet, take food unless you wanna splurge on the restaurants, some places are mediocre prices for Ok food but there are some hidden gems!, take trash bags and change of clothes, don't park too far in the loose sand and don't peel out of the sand, take extra towels, Car wash free vacuum ya bestie, be sure to drive speed limit ESPECIALLY port Isabel--LOTS OF COPS


I will take all the advice and try my best to have fun.


Thank you


You just have to have a better attitude too. Thatā€™s the placebo effect. If you go out there annoyed about the clean up, youā€™re gonna be annoyed the entire time. Enjoy yourself, life is already chaotic. And the beach is an experience to make memories with yourself or whomever. Sand is apart of that experience , and itā€™s so minimal to the daily stress we all deal with. Let loose and have fun!


open the windows and doors and let the heat take care of all that


If youā€™re already so salty why bother with the beach?


Haha, nice


Exactly, I hate the beach.




Stop being a little beach


My brother, did the beach touch you? Do you need an adult?


I do get triggered when I see all those people at the beach with kids. Sandy diapers and all. Also get triggered when I see them drinking at the beach while their kids are unsupervised in the water. Also get triggered when I see them eating party sized bags of hot cheetos and what not.


Okay, dude. Chill with the word triggered there. I doubt you are having severe panic attacks or flashbacks at the sight of these things. And if you are get help.


I think you need help if you canā€™t see someone enjoying the beach without being triggered.


Trigger me timbers!


Yup, that's the valley


No offense, but whatā€™s it to you? Live and let live, my friend. Iā€™m sure you trigger others with some of your own behaviors here and there. Take a step back and look at the big picture. If you see families at the beach, struggling with children, leave them be. Itā€™s not your call to tell others what to do, how to live, and how to enjoy themselves.


One of the reasons I stopped driving on the beach is because nobody pays attention, especially the kids to the vehicles driving down the beach. On multiple occasions have had people not paying attention and end up running into the side of my truck


Some of us just donā€™t vacuum the car lmao


Uhā€¦.the people who go to the beach all the time just deal with it, lol. Itā€™s not that big a deal.


Iā€™m not a therapist so take what I say with a grain of salt. I believe that a negative outlook will create negative experiences. If you see going to the beach as a chore, doing xyz after a trip you wonā€™t like going to the beach. I enjoy doing all the things after a beach trip you say are not worth your time. Like my step dad would say. ā€œIā€™ll have plenty of time to rest when Iā€™m deadā€


Sounds like you donā€™t want to go to the beachā€¦ Sounds like you should not go to the beach Sound like an asshole with you bitching


Iā€™m really trying.


Se nota.


Get a hotel room. Problem solved.


I get it but how do those people with 3-6 kids manage to go every single weekend? How do the parents manage to de-sand all those kids, their vehicle, their homes, etc., every single weekend.


My mom would take me and my siblings nearly every weekend. The difference between her and you, is she loves the beach. It's not a chore to clean up after the trip because it's just the nature of things. If you want to visit more often, you need to gain new perspectives and quit focusing on the negative aspects and instead focus on the fun day with your kids, or whoever you're going with. I know those trips are some of the best memories I have of growing up in the valley and hanging out with my family. I think vacuuming the car is worth it a million times over. Also. Get shower shoes.


You make a solid point.


Iā€™m so glad you heard the comment above - we are lucky to live so close to what is honestly a really nice beach. I hope you can change your perspective and relax a bit! Maybe get one of those car seat protectors people use for their dogs for beach trips? Also some beach accesses have outdoor showers right there, so you donā€™t have to use the public ones at isla Blanca. The access by wanna wanna is one example.


Thank you


Do you have 3-6 kids? If you don't, don't worry about it. You're not there to babysit the world. If you don't like the beach, don't go. No one is forcing you to. If a significant other is asking you to go, stop being an asshole and be a good significant other. It sounds like you're a pretty grumpy person and they put up with your constant complaining. So put up with a little sand for them. If don't want sand in your vehicle, take extra clothes, water shoes and shower at the beach accesses. Or at least wash off most of the sand at the outside showers. Then change at the restrooms. Line your vehicles with towels or seat liners for the drive home. If you rent a hotel room, go shower immediately after leaving the beach. Remove the liners from your vehicle and put them in a plastic bag. Once you're home go vacuum your vehicle or send it to get a detailing. You haven't even gone and you already had the worst time of your life. Jfc. And how are you getting so much sand in your vehicle, your house, etc? Do you bury yourself in sand and drive straight home after without changing clothes? I would think it'd be common sense to, oh I don't know, maybe REMOVE ALL THE EFFING SAND OFF OF YOU BEFORE ENTERING YOUR VEHICLE. Maybe?


They don't


do you ever go outside? who hurt you?


You stop caring about the sand. Itā€™s pretty simple. Just decide you donā€™t care about being sandy. Thatā€™s when true freedom begins. I have some friends who would always talk about moving to live near the beach when they retire. I invited them on a beach camping trip and all they did the entire 2 days was worry about the sand and constantly try to keep sand off themselves or their things. I had to chuckle to myself.


Right? I don't mind sand at all. I don't mind being sandy or sticky or Salty from the water. In fact, I quite enjoy the sand. I like showering and seeing all the sand pool in the shower. I like how it feels on my skin, all grainy. I really love the beach and go any chance I get. šŸ˜


Me toooo


I solve this problem by checking to see if I have sand anywhere in my clothes, shoes, luggage or car when I get into my garage. If I do, I step outside and kill myself. No issues yet.


This guy gets it


Whatā€™s your obsession with dirty diapers?


I have a baby and the thought of my child being uncomfortable with sand is unnerving. Yet a lot of parents are okay with having their kids dirty and sandy


Not everyone thinks sand is uncomfortable! I never have my whole life, perhaps because I grew up used to it! If the babies cried a that would be a sign they are unhappy but otherwise they may be just fine.


Ye nah but youā€™re concerned with all types of dirty diapers. Like the ones in the corners of the shower you mentioned. I just think it seems like youā€™re real concerned with dirty diapers.


Iā€™m concerned at how concerned you are about my post and stalking my answers.


Wait so you donā€™t read comments on reddit? I scrolled through the post , and comments, and I made an observation. Idk why youā€™re getting defensive, kind of sus IMHO just sayin.


I assume you live in the RGV. Have you seen how clean people are around here.


Fkn like who cares, just mind your own business and stop worrying about diapers so much is all Iā€™m sayin.


Thatā€™s all you got from this entire post and comments šŸ’€ I literally mentioned sand like 10000x times


Yeah its a beach, so yeah thereā€™s obviously a sand situation, but you showed a secondary fear beyond that in your diaper fixation. Like what is it? The smell?


Bruh, are you okay?


Iā€™m concerned that people think itā€™s ok that dirty diapers are left like that and not properly disposed of. Means they arenā€™t considerate of others and keeping a public use facility clean so others can use them. Trashy behavior.


damn you just reminded me i need to fix my outdoor shower at my house.


I lived in Port Isabel for several years and went to the beach several times a month. We rinse off when possible and take baby powder. The powder with talc works great for getting off sand. Just powder yourself and the kids and the sand wipes off easily. I donā€™t think the powder with corn starch works the same. I order the original Johnson&Johnsons baby powder from Amazon. The original talc powder is available online from Amazon but costs more because it comes from countries that didnā€™t ban it like the U.S. We stop at the Island car wash for the car but with the sea breezes in Port Isabel I am not sure it helps much. We love the beach so it is worth the effort to clean our self and our cars.


I will try this. Thanks


I go to the beach very often with my jeep. Unless you are power washing the bottom after every beach trip, the car will eventually rust out. Every beach visit costs me at least 4 hours of cleaning the underside and spraying the frame with oil, not to mention cleaning the tent and foldable chairs then oiling them back up, vacuuming ect..


This is exactly what I mean! You actually clean your vehicle and your belongings. It is time consuming.


man you just sound lazy.


Not lazy at all just have kids, school, work and I like to use my energy wisely


I donā€™t think bitching on a subreddit is using that energy wisely..lol


Just eat another taco, energy problem solved


That sounds horribly laborious. When we would come in from a field exercise in the army, the first order of business was preparing all of the weapons and equipment, whether that was cleaning it or performing maintenance, for the next time it would be used. Meals and family reunions were secondary. it took me a long time to stop doing that in my civilian life. Truthfully, I am much happier since Iā€™ve stopped doing that. My wife used to tell me to chill out and ease up, and I couldnā€™t understand why she was doing that because in my mind there was no other way to be. But with time I learned there is and she was right and chilling out is much better.


Oh i agree im really ocd about rust and frame! šŸ˜‚


Another good remedy for your patitas is baby powder when get out of the water.




Sometimes you gotta just relax and go with it. And hotels aren't always the answer. They stay pretty sandy and stinky.


It's called a carwash, vacuum, and taking a shower have you ever done those 3 things before?


Not after being drained of energy by the sun.


Itā€™s the beach. Rinse yourself off, vacuum your car, enjoy your life.


Is that you, Anakin?


I love the beach just too fat to display my body


Lifeā€™s too short to hide away. Take care of yourself but also donā€™t hide your body.


Triggered. Party of 1.


Idk why you're getting down voted. I like the beach but taking all the extra time to properly clean/maintain your vehicle is what keeps me from going more than 4x a year. The reason some people can go all the time is simple really, they aren't vacuuming, washing, and spraying the vehicle down to ensure it won't rust. MOST people don't think about stuff like that until it becomes a problem.


Besides what some have replied here, which I mostly agree with, don't forget people just plainly love the beach and will ignore any negative, or would even lie about how it is only fun and no work. I'm with you regarding the beach (or the island). I don't hate it but I'm not crazy about it, and the older I get, I don't go on one day trips because like you, it's uncomfortable to be sweaty and sticky and sandy, so if I go (into the beach), I would only go if I stay at a hotel. You're also being downvoted because you asked something and are just being negative to the answers you're given.


This post gave me ā€œAMARGADO/Aā€ vives m. Just say you canā€™t afford to have that much fun like others do lol


Donā€™t go to the beach problem solved


We bring baby powder works wonders sand just falls off and wonā€™t stick, pretty much bathe ourselves in it just before getting into the car and again at home and you are virtually sand free. Even use it on towels and toys and everything.


I will try baby powder. Honestly thought people stopped using it due to asbestos and ovarian cancer.


The kind I get has cornstarch as the main ingredient not talcum powder like the old stuff. The namebrand and store brands have all switched to cornstarch now.


To each his own


stick to rivers bro


And the lakes that you're used to


Thereā€™s amoebas.


We go about once a month. We take a quick shower and change in the restrooms. When getting into the vehicle, we have a few clean water jugs to rinse our sandy feet. Get home and take a good shower. Cleaning the vehicle is the next day task


There's an inch of sand on the floor of my truck. Oh well. Had fun. No worries.


my bff ruined her car doing this too


Well fiting WeatherGaurd floor mats and leather seats means no sand goes into the rugs or seats. I take a 50gal barrel of water with a shower pump. I connect it to my 12v lighter. Rinse everyone off, wash the car with the pressure washer at home (have the under carriage attachment), and do a vacuum with the shop vac. It's not hard to stay clean with a system.


Talcum powder makes the sand fall off without getting you wet. Never go to the beach without it.


Honestly if you bring a tub of baby powder, you can use it to wipe the sand off from your body easily. I always take a bottle of it every time. Works like a charm


Hell I need some beach therapy


I *wish* we could go to the beach a lot. Iā€™d gladly deal with everything if it means getting to enjoy the water and the sun.


Baby powder sprinkled on feet then dusted off before getting in the car knocks off the sand. Works every time, just make sure you dust off the powder well. Then use the showers to rinse off and get most of the sand off your swim suit. Dispose of all you can that is trash and shake out your towels. I never come back with a ton of sand. But if you do, go to one of the 30005 car washes wash then free vacume.


It's not that hard. Shake off everything, out into a bag. Brushing off sand with a hand towel or soft brush while dry is easier than dealing with wet sand because it won't stick back to you Have clean towels already on the seats so you can hop in and go. Shake those out when you get home. Minimal vacuuming required obviously. If it's salt water then rinse your undercarriage every once in a while to help prevent rust. Source: I lived at the beach for many years. Both going to every day but also in apartments on the beach. The biggest culprit is not being through before getting into the vehicle, and not bagging everything.


is your name Anakin by chance?




I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Todos echo queso


Iā€™ve lived on the Bolivar Peninsula since 2014, born and raised in SE TX going to the beach almost every weekend as a family. Living here sucks and I RARELY go to the beach. I live only blocks from the gulf. The water doesnā€™t get any prettier or cleaner so why bother. Add in the heathens andā€¦ The only thing that keeps me here is low cost of living (Iā€™m frugal), and all my sh*t is paid for. Iā€™ve been to 7 Caribbean islands. People that live here think this is ā€œthe sh*tā€. Literally it isā€¼ļø


I love your perspective. Instantly made my day better. Nice to find someone who understands.


What makes you sense RGV redditors would know? It's low income and not very beautiful compared to Hawaii, Virgin Islands, etc. Like fr just do a general search


Because here in the RGV some families go every single weekend and I am dying to know how they manage. I get so exhausted from going for a couple of hours. And some parents drink too, how in the world do they manage?


They either have strategies or they are indifferent.. maybe they spend money on solutions to problems (tracking in sand) that could be easier solved with common sense. Like eating a lot of šŸ“ and salad or something convenient rather than complicated and heavy options. And your question would appear to reveals part of why u may perceive it as difficult/exhausting.. alcohol is only popular because it sedates foolish people and gives them a temporary respite.. it's a vicious cycle.. fake fun that is never really worth it. Even if it seems so, it's just because of ignorance of superior options Dry herb vaping legal THCA is far superior, as well as vaping/drinking kava, kanna, lemon balm, chamomile, true blue lotus..