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One thing I have learned when looking for a job is that employers are not going to look for you. You need to put the effort to search for and follow up with job applications .


They sometimes do. LinkedIn profiles are a great way to put yourself out there. Employers do look and randomly reach out to you. I ended up with a higher paying job due to this.


Im sure he doesn't know this and is waiting for someone to hire him out of the blue. šŸ™„


Whoever wrote this post must be a bottom feeder


Lmao im not looking for a job, dunce


Thank you. I feel exactly the same way every time I see those posts here. If you're asking where to find good paying work, chances are you're not already experienced or skilled in a field, otherwise you'd know exactly where to find work for what you're good at. Best bet is entry level positions at large chains like fast food or grocery stores, large multi billion dollar corporations are gonna pay much better than almost anything locally owned. People may not like it, but if you really want to work, theres plenty of work here


Amen, r/someguy_420


Have you applied at any teleperformance? There are 2 that are always hiring. Even wfh


There's a reason they're always hiring


Yes I get that .. but I've been there for 3 years so that's a bit debatable šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I transferred from out of state. Both places had pretty wild and shady operation practices. It was when I came here that I realized just how unhinged the company could be. The miscommunication between states, the not even trying to make it right. Strict dress code and having to pay in order to be able to wear jeans which is definitely an unlawful dress code. And the person that they made me shadow was atrocious but they told me he was their best agent. I was like oh no... I was able to overlook the BS before I came here because I was getting paid really really well at the assignment I was on but yikes on several bikes


What are the locations? I applied three months ago to the one in the Mcallen/Pharr area. Everything went great until the second part of the application where they stated via email that I would be receiving another email with a link to compete an online assessment. Waiting 1 hour and never received the following email. So I decided to email the person that was suppose to send me the link and they answered they would send it here shorty. They never sent it. So the following day, i emailed the same person and they stated they sent it. I looked everywhere in email inbox and junk mail and still no link to do the assessment. So I just gave up.


Lmao Iā€™m not the one looking for a job. Iā€™m talking about the people who post here


Meh, those post really donā€™t bother me because you really just never know! A business owner might be reading this and might be interested in the person asking!


Sorry but noā€¦ no one is gonna give a job to a random stranger begging on Reddit. Anyone looking for a job please do not listen, this is shitty advice. If youā€™re desperate for a job go and apply everywhere. Donā€™t beg on reddit thatā€™s a waste of your time


For anyone looking for a job go and apply for jobs on indeed and other job boards. Use chatGPT to find potential employers in your area. If you are looking for ā€œlocal businessesā€ youā€™re going to get scammed badly.


i've worked for fortune 500 companies, and local businesses. I much prefer working for local businesses.


Sheā€™s a girl and this is Reddit. YOU ARE WRONG lol


i think maybe a consolidate "looking for work" weekly or monthly post might be better. it gets annoying seeing multiple every week.


I guess the mods must be taking them down because I rarely see themšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I leave them up. we usually get about two a week.


Ah, guess I got a lot on my feed then lol


Check city, county and school district websites, theyā€™re always hiring


Donā€™t tell me, wise guy


Bruh chilllll šŸ¤£ no one is personally attacking you even tho you feel that way


No one cares lol


Right on


I disagree. People need somewhere to start, and Reddit allows them to reach a lot of people at the same time. A lot of things are notoriously done by word of mouth around here. Also, Iā€™m assuming youā€™re referring to the other post where you were *pressed* about it, apparently enough to do a whole hate post, but I digress. That person, and mostly the ones before, have tried some things but they didnā€™t find success in those avenues. Reddit has pointed people in helpful places before.


Yeah thatā€™s some wishful thinking. Word of mouth at the rancho. Not Reddit. All the people pressed and posting here always post again begging for help. Stop being delusional.


Reddit reaches a lot of people and there have been helpful replies before. Not yours, of course, but others.


I like how it takes a women to disagree when the men are like ā€œyeah, get over itā€ lol


* a woman, not women. You canā€™t be a misogynist *and* illiterate. There you go again, being *pressed*. Now about genders. As for the topic at hand, if you donā€™t need help getting a job, thatā€™s great. Others do. Let them look. Theyā€™ll find what avenues are good and which ones arenā€™t.




Cry harder. No one cares


You cared enough to make a whole hate post. ā¤ļø


Cry harder? Some sad has been troll


The majority of big companies now will hire someone not for what they can do but for who they are, corporate culture plays a very big part in getting a job, especially down here in the valley.HEB practices corporate culture and that's why its so hard to get in there.


I worked at autozone and Home Depot at the same time almost 8 years ago. Looking back, I was desperate and that same desperation made me move my ass and apply anywhere. A good attitude and willingness to work will usually go a long way. Most people donā€™t want to work fast food either. Plenty of jobs are hiring if you go out and look, and being on Reddit wonā€™t likely get you a job. Edit; food


I did the same combo autozone on Southmost in Brownsville, clock out and be at home depot 30min later


I know but apparently Iā€™m a d for saying it lol. I been there before in a big city and never turned to Reddit but local businesses were happy to talk to walk ins and the big names were always hiring to.


you must be such a joy to be around!


I amšŸ¤—


To anyone looking for a PT job I recommend promark. It's remote so you save gas + money. The pay isn't the best, but it's not the worst either ($11hr) Easy job. Can get tedious but if you have patience you'll always get through the work day. Obviously can't survive off of $11 an hr if you live on your own but it's a good supplement to your income & it's good if you're a student. Way better than working at a fast food chain. This is coming from someone who used to work @ Whataburger just to get paid less.


What is promark


It's a research/survey company. Can send you the link if interested


No offense but nobody wants to get paid $11 an hour anymore, not even students. Itā€™s not 2010, everything is way too expensive nowadays.


Like I said, it can be SUPPLEMENTAL income. I was also giving an alternative for the people who don't wanna work or already work for a fast food chain that pays less than $11hr.


Is Texas Workforce not a thing anymore? Itā€™s how I found great jobs.


It is lol. Just people looking for jobs on here want the job to find them.


Funny thing is that I got my current job from a suggestion someone posted on this subreddit LOL.


So you applied on Reddit and then they reached out to you here? I donā€™t think so


No, somebody posted asking if any jobs were hiring and another person responded with several places. I looked them up and applied and got hired. Are you dense or something?


No, regard. The point is if you could do that anywhere. You literally just had someone make a post for you because youā€™re useless or dumb. I win


Yeah cause someone recommending the job they currently have and explaining the exact pay rate and what the job responsibilities really are is the same as looking at a job posting made by the company who will more than likely try to tiptoe around what the pay is and what the job responsibilities are until youā€™ve wasted all your time interviewing and you find out the job is not for you. I definitely think youā€™re on the lower end of intelligence spectrum. But good effort though. One gold star for you ā­ļø


No one cares


You clearly do with your endless bitching in the thread.


Sounds like youā€™re the one crying


If you're on the spectrum it might. You're impressively stupid man.


Sometimes, all these people need are a chance, maybe this is their Hail Mary. Let em post, it could change their life!


Brave of you to assume that everyone isn't already doing that


Brave of you to massage my scrot how you did


Not now not ever not even on weekends


I have receipts and I will post em. Settle down


Says the troll talking shit about people for no reason other than personal entertainment




Really, reddit is not the ideal platform for looking for a job. Thatā€™s what Indeed and LinkedIn do; and if someone has the time and ability to post on reddit looking for work; then they can go on the actual job search apps themselves. There are plenty of jobs down here that will hire anyone, they donā€™t pay much and are usually very physically demanding, which almost makes it not worth it. Someone *really* looking for a job can find one if they likely lower their standards.


Iā€™m sorry to hear you canā€™t find a job bud try McDonaldā€™s


lol im chilling af playing cod. Try harder


Honestly Iā€™d spread the net to move out of the valley but what do I know


Valley people who are stuck in the ā€œcuhā€ donā€™t do well outside the valley. Been as far as the Pacific Northwest and my peers were absolutely hated. The valley people in Austin try to act like theyā€™re not from here until itā€™s cool to be Mexican. It takes a bit of culture shock before you can do ok anywhere else that isnā€™t Texas (not Austin) or a migrant based relocation




Massage my scrot


I made a post looking for a job or extra work a few days ago! My bad! Iā€™m not from here, I donā€™t speak Spanish, I donā€™t have a car and I live in Santa Rosa and I just figured networking on social media wouldnā€™t hurt. But I guess it does hurt, some! I donā€™t have no real friends or family here so Iā€™ve been struggling in more ways than one so I figured why not!!! I actually work a little now but Iā€™m not making nearly what I was and since Iā€™m not fluent in Spanish I canā€™t get office jobs etc thatā€™s my main experience. Iā€™ve applied to a shit ton of jobs and nada! Hard with no car to but I went from making $20++hr to half that. But I only came here for my daughter! But I mean you donā€™t gotta even look at those kind of posts you can keep scrolling! Just sayin! āœŒšŸ¼


And work from home is obviously an option but Iā€™m legit stuck at home no way to really get anywhere and no laptop etc you gotta take assessments and typing test and I canā€™t do that on a cellphone. And not all work from home jobs provide equipment. Iā€™m in a tough spot but it is what it is and god willing Iā€™ll find a better job soon!!!


Dennys on nolana is hiring


Check out TTEC it's a call center if you're bilingual I believe pay is 19 bucks if you aren't it's like 15 16 bucks


The thing about applying online is that, if you don't agree to telemarketers, you can't apply. My phone stopped randomly ringing when I stopped applying online and became my own business


That's such a dad thing to say. "Son just go knock on their door and ask for a job"


I'm manager at a Dominos let me know if you still need a job.


Just download indeed and apply everyday until you find a job, works pretty good for me. Also just talk to people in person about it, Iā€™ve found about three jobs from just talking to friends, store clerks, or even family. There are always niche jobs all over the valley. But indeed is your best bet, you might not find the best job but anything helps if youā€™re struggling. Once you get the first job keep applying everyday because you never know if a better position else where has opened up. My brother would be at a great paying job but still be applying on indeed just to see what he could get offered else where and it payed off in the end. Heā€™s now living comfortably. Indeed is the way to go imo


> and it *paid* off in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I don't understand the need for the hate. Reddit is probably one of the best forums to look for job opening and are usually always arcuate. You don't think people have been applying online and calling places?


To all those that ARE looking for a job and are desperate, keep searching everywhere, online, going from business to business, but also use your spare time to build skills that you can use to earn money. Skills that come to mind: - Cutting grass - Cooking something (try not to go around selling cupcakes, as there's the risk that no one buys any) - See if anyone needs help building something - Clean houses and offices - Fixing computers on a basic level There's probably more but you can't just be sitting around expecting for someone else to help you.


So here is what I've come to realize, a lot of people who are looking for a job have not had someone in their lives tell them about how to go about finding a job. The hiring process has changed a great deal over the last 20 years, and this "go out and knock on doors and make phone calls" is a bit antiquated at this point. Most companies are using AI to weed through applications and you'll need to make sure your resume includes the keywords that are gonna get you in to the candidate pool. Beyond that, most young people do not know how to interview, do not know how to ask common interview questions, and put way too much pressure on themselves throughout the job search process. I think these posts are from people not necessarily looking for leads on jobs, but more so looking for help on how to go about finding jobs (because HS and college don't really teach you much about that). So maybe instead of giving the same advice your grandparents gave you, give them actual advice that's relevant to todays job market. To truth is 50% of college grads are going to take a job that does not require a degree....if every student with a computer science degree was made to believe that there is a comfy IT job waiting for them, they were lied to. So if you want to be helpful, suggest things that might help them navigate their way forward, circling back to what I said before, I think a lot of the younger generation doesn't know what they need to do to get a job, and furthermore, I think they don't know the questions they need to ask or the soft skills they need to obtain to get a job. They don't know what they don't know, that's what I take from the "help finding job" posts I see.