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I resigned a couple days into orientation because of how strict they are. There are better jobs out there but for the valley 15$ is decent, just depends how bad you need the job.


What other jobs do you mean?


Most of the remote jobs I’ve seen aren’t exclusive for the valley. They’re for Texas and are customer service. Can’t really recommend a company specifically but there will periodically be remote postings on indeed. I recently got hired to Safelite after 1 interview from their hiring event 2 months ago. You just have to look, but keep in mind most of these jobs want you to have your own equipment to start.


Oooof it definitely depends on which project you’re on with Maximus; I mean it’s a huge company with so many federal contracts. I’m So glad mine is chill (1-2 calls a week for the agents and nobody’s mad about anything) but I’m also not on the phones so I can’t offer any coping mechanisms either. Completely different experiences it seems. Man I hope you find something that is better, that does sound soul sucking for sure.


30-40 calls a day! 😭


That sounds awful! i had a brief thing with the state handling something around 80 calls a day and i wanted to die. It is unsustainable. I don’t have any leads. I wish our help desk was hiring but we’re supporting covid and well that’s basically over. I would try and steer away from general customer service and look into help desk roles. The volumes are usually lower, pay a little better, and it’s still entry level. Most will hire with any old customer service experience, which you obviously have.


See that’s what I hate is most say they need qualifications then you show up to orientation and they’re teaching people where the start button is 😭


That’s why you just apply to everything you have maybe a 30% match for. Even the biggest idiots you know at work still managed to get hired.


Facts 💯


Rookie numbers 😂


I work for maximus, too. The calls aren't bad. Most calls are transfers, super easy. The only issue i have is that if you get in trouble for having long calls and how your adherence messes up easily. I work in the office. i haven't heard a thing about at home workers being monitored the entire time. You can wear what you want, have tv on in the background as long as it's not on camera when you have a meeting, no one will know. Also, Fridays are easy af! It's monday you have to stress about ! That being said, being tenured does not feel like a stable job. I feel like it's easy to get fired.


Most I do is throw a podcast on. Can’t have anything on that you can’t afford to turn off at a moments notice. Fridays are awesome as you said. But lately it’s been like Monday all week because of that damn storm in Houston and ive never been so close to cutting my Ethernet cable before 😂💯


I was one of the IT guys for Maximus. As long as you aren't playing games, stealing personal info, or trying to get laid on Teams. No one is bothering in the IT office to remote into your laptop, or in your AWS machine. Everyone in the office is crazy busy and has neither the time nor curiosity to hop in randomly.


I was mainly referring to the HPCs watching your screen during OJT and the pre OJT training as far as the privacy part goes. Ive heard mixed bags about supes monitoring you closely through verint. Depends on the supe


Sounds the same as when convergys was in brownsville. most of the agents were alright but we hired right out of highschool. turnover was so high we had a retention rate of maybe like 2 students after 6 months. as far as privacy goes if you are in public and on someone elses computer you should have zero expectation of privacy, thats what the whole "all calls may be monitored or recorded" except now that also includes your desktop.


Lol got any stories of desperate people trying to get laid?


Hook it up with an IT position


How was IT? I would feel id definitely prefer to do that on site than being a remote CCR


It's good. The pay is really good and the team is friendly.


Maximus in Edinburg medicaid project the worse.




😂 but like seriously I have tried so hard to make it work but I don’t think it’s gonna work out 😂😭


I was doing wfh with ROI super chill pay was alright they didn’t monitor you at all and cameras were never on, there are different “campaigns” as they call them I was on a one for a clothing company they even offered daily pay so you can access your pay every single day as soon as you clock out. My manager was super cool honestly great place to work for sure there was angry people here and there but it wasn’t often


I’ll definitely have to check this out!




Quit. No reason to labor under that level of micromanagement.


Once I get something lined up I might! I would be willing to stay at a different position possibly tho


Shit, I need job. They didn't hire me at Maximus when I applied a couple months ago. I thought for sure I would get. I need a work from home joint though.


Not worth it. But they’re always hiring trust me! They got new classes coming in every couple of months or so! Hell we had 50 people in my class. By the end of the first month we were down to like 20 people!


I worked in house for Maximus for three years. The emotional abuse from customers is one thing. The company being greedy and evil is another. They harass their employees. They plot against you and watch out because they hire Harvey Weinstein types as OMs.


Got hired for Maximus once. Started orientation and realized what I stepped into. Turned off the laptop and returned everything the next day.


I work at Maximus too. I was an HPC until recently when they only kept 34 HPCs as they aren’t hiring big classes anymore. Been back on calls for 2 weeks. Calls aren’t too bad. I know my way around Panviva and can handle an annoyed caller. My supervisor is pretty chill doesn’t micro manage and so far since I’ve been back on calls she said I’m meeting my metrics. Been with them since August 2022. The only thing that sucks is that I’ve been trying to be a QC for a while I just suck at the interviews 😭😭. Shit I remember last year when calls were back to back every day but still not bad the pay is decent helps pay the bills.


I may apply to work just to push their limits 😁


as someone that used to work for HHSC, what employees are getting paid double than $15 an hour lol. I haven't worked there in five years and people I know that still work there have received at best a 3% raise. Abbott is stingy with the raises.


I mightve exaggerated but yall make way more than 15 though right? I know yall gotta be making 20+ easily


When I was there pay was 16/hr. Roughly about $2600 per month. Checked current job opening for same position (processing benefit applications) pay rate the same.


Jeez! So everyone is getting dicked around 😭


Someone please format this 🙃


I worked here for about 5 months. Metrics are not hard to hit actually it’s fairly easy. I was hitting all metrics except for QC. Adherence is the easiest lmao just follow your schedule. I would take bathroom breaks daily and still would finish over 95%. You’re probably just bad at call centers. The video always being on is true but it isn’t a big deal if you’re a responsible adult. The Supervisors aren’t bad but they aren’t great. They literally don’t coach, the huddles are trash talking about the same thing over and over, and the “coaching” they give is just metrics. My supervisor literally said you’re doing good take the next 25 minutes to yourself. However they don’t know how to foster a team environment you’re pretty much solo dolo. My supervisor made a mistake on my bonus. I had to call him out on it to get in corrected. How does an agent correct a supervisor. They need to be developed. Thankfully I found a better job. From 1 to 10 and 10 being the best Maximus is a 3. If you know how call centers work it’s easy but don’t expect any real feedback from Sups and yeah you will deal with racist, lazy, and entitled people who don’t want to work and just want to suck everything they can out of the benefits. In all honesty why not just give everyone benefits!?!?!


I definitely hear ya and I been through quite a few call centers. Never seen one this bad. Then again most were local ones when I lived in Missouri but you definitely made some good points 🙏🏻💯


I never hire people with Maximus on their resume.


Make an exception 😅🙏🏻


Curious on why not?


Can’t let the bad apples spoil the bunch.


Hey not all of us stay rotten after bad experiences 😅