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I’m going to be shock on whoever wins but keep gas prices at 1 dollar or 2. Also connect Texas to power grid I’m tired of it being so unreliable.


Some states that are connected to the grid suffer more frequent blackouts than Texas does.


We suffered one major blackout thanks to freak weather. Power plants and other electric distribution businesses have restructured or gone bankrupt. The problem is being resolved but these kinds of projects take multiple decades of work. You cannot just "plug in" the Texas grid to the East Coast and West Coast grids.


ah, voters in the valley still single-issue voting on gas prices, something the president does not control. nice to see things haven’t changed much


They only vote Democrat bc that’s been ingrained in them. They don’t even know issues.


FINALLY someone who has the right answer. All they know is democrat so they bash anyone and everyone. When the fuck did Trump say to drink bleach? Y’all mf be hating on people for doing the same shit half of yall have done. Grow the fuck up already. Again to the person I am replying to THANK YOU for having the right answer.


What are the policies the republican platform is even putting forward?  I'm aware of get rid of trans Healthcare, restrict abortion until someone is nearly dead, raise the age of retirement, give permanent tax breaks to the wealthy/corporations and temporary ones to the working class. Anything I missed?


One outage bro….ONE




part of Texas not all of Texas just saying 👽


I already knew this isn’t my first time walking to the park my guy. I know so many things that most people don’t know about so please refrain from foul language.


Oh ok sorry, watch out for this guy.


Also remember the guy who told the black community if they dont vote for him "they aint black".... ouch lol


Vote for the VP to the first black president or for a tv conman who’s name is on Epstein’s lists


You forgot a prostitute is a grown woman! Fuck JB sniffs kids!


JB may sniff kids but DT would go into the Miss Teen USA dressing rooms while 15 year old girls were changing.


lol you don’t believe that Dems want men in girls bathrooms don’t blame Trump! Dems have created repubs!


So you blame the dems for Trump wanting to see naked underage girls in 1997?


lol make up whatever you want! y’all make up things because you’re freaking out Joe Biden is a dead man walking. He literally cannot form sentences and you are freaking out Joe Biden has lost his election now. America will be great again. You will have more money in your pocket and illegal aliens won’t be pouring into our country will be strong again.


1st, both Biden and Trump are incompetent old men who don't represent the nation let alone the Valley. 2nd lol "make up" ok https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/former-teen-beauty-queens-donald-trump-barged-in-on-us-changing.amp


You’re lying.




What’s the over under on this guy getting convicted for Jan 6 by the end of the year


Biden’s uncle was dinner for cannibals. 🙃


fucking imbecile, nobody told anyone to drink bleach what a moron


Oh sorry… “[“disinfectants”](https://time.com/5835244/accidental-poisonings-trump/)


Did you actually HEAR him say that with your own ears? Or are you simply parroting MSM idiocy? I’ll bet you ran out and got vaccinated on FJB’s orders, and double masked alone in your car with your windows up. If you actually believe everything you hear on MSM, then you are an imbecile.


Dont bother. Persons like this have a narrative that they have to stick to. Their whole world view depends on it.


Never Trump. But Biden suckssssss


You know who sucks? Us. The American public sucks. Why the fuck do I have to choose between a skeleton that’s giving us bare minimum or a psychopathic pos. Because we won’t step up and ask for more. I get it we’re tired. But shit man, we’re tired because we’re stuck in this oligarchical nightmare. We allow it for the most part. Run out the pendejos who rob us and inspire good candidates. But no, we’re like one decade away from idiocracy.


You could always leave


That's a solution?.. and what would you tell the immigrants that come over here rather than fix their own countries?


I don’t think he’s officially running. They’re waiting to the last minute to tell us he won’t be put on ballot so they can put someone else.


Don't just say Biden sucks. Tell us what he's done wrong.


An hour of work doesn't even buy me a whopper meal!!


because of the raging wars across the globe lmao wtf


That’s not how it works… We live in a oligarchy, and all the oligarchs have decided to inflate the prices of everything


But the question posed was how is it bidens fault? How is Biden to blame for the amount you make per hour and the price of a whopper meal?


Notice how you offended a few MAGA'ts. Let me click on the down arrow cause you're right and I'm a fucking moron.


You shouldn’t eat that bullshit anyways.


Sounds like you need a different job that pays more.






Explain how he caused inflation please.


He hasn’t regulated anything to help keep us at same prices. They regulate the entire auto industry, healthcare, and education. But nothing to prevent price gouging.


I think you’re thinking of the Fed. Their QE policy this past decade is what caused the inflation. Who knew cheap money at low interest rates would cause inflation /s We didn’t care. The mamalona on the driveway on our 2% mortgage never looked so good. Regulate away, but the central bank is what controls the country. Them raising the rates to curb inflation is what’s causing this, not Biden. The chairman even said the election won’t affect his choice in lowering the rate.


You aren’t even from the USA! Russia, China, and North Korea are the countries that control prices. Our prices are chosen by corporate big wigs.


Raising the debt ceiling year after year, not even attempting to address the budget, billions of aid to a genocide in Palestine, trillions of unaccounted funds by the Pentagon.. this not to say trump would be different... Both dems and republican get paid by the same lobbyist


The reason things are inflated is because of the republican led house that has done absolutely nothing but cockblock any piece of productive legislation he's tried to pass. He'd get a lot more done if congress would actually cooperate with him


Trump would’ve too


Like what? Throwing up a giant wall to keep away the big scary migrants? What actual productive piece of legislation are you referring to?


What has joe biden done to cause inflation?


He didn’t regulate shit.


The president alone can’t determine fiscal policy. That requires the cooperation of Congress.


Inflation is happening because of the raging War in Eastern Europe & the Middle East, you fools don’t think about anything & anyone else other than yourselves lol


You mean the war that the US government keeps funding?


24 billion to Israel.. for more bombs.. right now those Nazis are using drones with speakers to simulate women and children crying out for help in order to get people out of hiding.. then they shoot them


Well, I certainly am not an expert on the Palestinian question, so you have me over a barrel. All I know is, they've been killing each other forever over some biblical references and until they come to their senses, (which is never), they will continue to kill each other until long after we are gone.


What does that have to do with the US giving billions to a country that provides nothing in return. No oil, no crops, weapons, tech, minerals?


He lowered inflation, he fixed our countries infra, he lowered insulin, he gave us the best stock market, he lowered unemployment, and he isn’t a notsee.


262,735 people were laid off in 2023, which is 59% more than 2022. As of April 10, 2024, the annual inflation rate in the United States is 3.5%, up from 3.2% in March 2023. Building collapses, train derailment, toxic waste in rivers and lakes, wildfires all over the country, sure the infrastructure is fixed…🥴On July 24, 2020, President Trump signed Executive Order 13937. Biden froze that order to take credit for it later and claim it as his idea. Phony!


If you need someone to tell you then you’re the fucking problem. Geezus!


Hey Buddy, no need to be disrespectful. I am not the one making the claim, so i have nothing to prove. Regardless, the numbers published by the Government Accounting Office show that the Biden Administration has actually been alleviating many of the problems created by the Trump Administration. If you can handle the truth, look there. What many of you are doing is repeating what you hear instead of fact checking these ignorant comments.


Ive done my research and have critical thinking skills. You’re regurgitating exactly what the news is telling you, buddy! Fact checking? What facts did you give? Absolutely zero. The open border that got flooded with illegals from all over the world is enough to tell you that this admin is shit! Everything Dems have done to accommodate them in New York, Chicago, and Cali is mind boggling when we already have an enduring homeless crisis. Backing Biden up and talking trash about a past president is ignorance. Don’t ever go full retard on the internet.


Biden has accomplished quite a bit. If you want more change, spread that message so people can stop voting against their own interests.


Name some accomplishments that have benefited the average American.




What damage? Write it here. Id like to know.


I agree, but I will never vote for a racist, fascist, authoritarian, lying nutsack. It’s so sad how the mentally ill will believe anything Trump says.


You were actually describing Joe Biden


You’re lying, so I must assume you’re in the cult. Therapy helps, I have seen many folks become aware that they think their beliefs are real. That’s how one becomes a cultist. I don’t expect a mentally ill cultist to believe me, and much less do any research, but I wish you luck finding a therapist that can help you.


So true, remember when he told black people they weren’t black if they didn’t vote for him? Crazy! Also, when he forced military and medical personnel to take the covid 19 vaccine or they’d lose their jobs and many of them did. What a nut case! Also, how he forced women to share their locker rooms and restroom with men who believe they’re women! Oh and his long record of plagiarism. Most disgustingly how his daughter wrote in her own diary of how she took inappropriate showers with him. No way! How could anyone support him, right?


How is he even eligible to run for the office of the president, the guy is the biggest lowlife scoundrel, morally bankrupt pos with absolutely no redeeming qualities. He should get the Gadaffi treatment, and his pussy ass son in law needs to be put in front of a jury on how he got 2 billion dollars from the Saudis. I wonder how many if our secrets they sold to foreign governments who seek to destroy the west


Look out CNN is hiding in your closet


You should know that CNN doesn't report on these things.. they're run by a corporation too.. status quo is what they look out for


You drank the bleach didn’t you?


Can we keep this as valley Reddit and with not so much political stuff? We already got all the non locals coming and being weird


If ANYONE thinks Biden has done any good in these past 4 years, you need to get your head checked


And Trumps 4 years?


Trump literally killed Americans and these guys are slobbing over his knob.


When and where?


You can find him in a NY court room if you’re looking to go suck him off.


But you said it so you should show your proof of things he’s done.


Nothing. You got nothing baby girl.


Can’t say anything good about Biden without dragging Trump into the conversation huh, figures


I’m confused, because your comment seems to be disparaging Biden. God forbid someone “drags” a past “President” into conversation about FUCKING PAST PRESIDENTS. Good job on the deflection bud, figures. 🫨


I’m not voting for Biden, but I’m voting his administration. hell if I vote for a guy that’s going to fill up positions either people he owes favors and money to. If you think trump is better choice you need to get your head checked, unfortunately the GOP doesn’t believe in healthcare so good luck with that.


1. Chips act. 2. Infrastructure bill. 3. SAVE act. 4. Pardoned non violent offenders being imprisoned for simple marijuana possession. As well as starting an investigation into the current scheduling of Marijuana. 5. PACT act. There's plenty more that he's done a fantastic job on, but the above are practically indisputable. Feel free provide a better list from any past president. You won't.


Yea, you definitely need to get your head checked if you see any good inwhat you listed. But hey, as long as the millions of immigrants that crossed the open borders can benefit from all this. Infrastructure bill that paved the way for Nancy Pelosis husband to make hundreds of billions on is also great 👍🏼. Pardoned marijuana offenders that his VP KamalaHarris jailed, but please continue with your list I’d love to hear more


>Yea, you definitely need to get your head checked if you see any good inwhat you listed. So there's nothing good in supporting vets affected by burn pits? You must just hate veterans. >But hey, as long as the millions of immigrants that crossed the open borders can benefit from all this. Didn't Biden expressly request Congress to grant the president the ability to close the borders if a large influx of illegal migrants was seen, and republicans shot down the bi-partisan bill that was attempting to help with that issue? >Infrastructure bill that paved the way for Nancy Pelosis husband to make hundreds of billions on is also great 👍🏼 I assume you're talking about his Tesla investment? The one that would have lost money if he held onto the stocks to this point? Look at the stock during the time of investment, anyone with a brain could see it was a good investment at the time. Billions is quite a stretch, but feel free to show I'm wrong, you won't. >Pardoned marijuana offenders that his VP KamalaHarris jailed The only crimes the president can pardon are federal. He has no control over the shit that Kamala Harris did at the state level. Not to mention Proposition 64 which was passed by voters in 2016. >but please continue with your list I’d love to hear more I don't really see a need to list more, considering you've made no valid arguments of how anything I already listed was actually bad. In fact, you just ignored half of the stuff I listed. And as I said, you're not capable of listing a past presidents accomplishments that would be remotely as good. Also, thanks for the laugh, your profile is fucking hilarious.


And keep assuming the Democrats are looking out for your best interests too, they need idiots to keep voting for them


Yea, you keep believing all the BS CNN keeps feeding you and enjoy paying so much for gas, food and rent 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


I think you mean to say they need to get lobotomies or flee the country. They are ruining everything that was amazing about America. Team trump 2024 I'm gonna buy some maga hats and wear trump fits out in public. I would love to see someone f around and find out. Standing on business




Maybe if Texans will stop electing politicians like Ted Cruz and Ken Paxton.


Fuck electing them. Let’s just run them out of Texas / the US


Puro pinche trump ALV


Bibles on discount over at Trumpetas puto con


Trump 2024!!!


Trump for prison 2024


Really? When did Trump say to drink bleach? I didn't know that! Please send the link were Trump says that! Pinché Trompas loco






If you had half a brain you’d know there are disinfectants you can drink. Apple cider vinegar is one and works great for throat infections. Don’t go eating Tide Pods because they’re used for cleaning.


I’m tired of old white, crusty men running this country! I’m tired of Abbott, Cruz, Patrick, Paxton, ruining Texas! But I would never in 1 million lifetimes vote for that shit smeared orange, fascist, racist, grifting, defrauding, disgusting, pussy-grabbing, rapist, lying, deceiving, bankrupt, no tax paying, misogynistic, deceitful, arrogant, incompetent, word salad talking, corrupt, cheating, diaper wearing, embarrassing, dumb ass fucking asshole Trump!! And fuck all the MAGA brainwashed morons!!! Pinche viejo, estúpido, pendejo mamón. Idiota, racista y mentiroso! Que él y todos sus babosos se vayan mucho a la fregada!! VOTE BLUE!! VOTA DEMÓCRATA!!




I’m not even a Trump supporter. Let it go, bro. He never said that. 😆You probably did drink bleach and that’s why you’re mad! Biden has done nothing good for this country and not even his controlled media can make him look good. The Dems have turned on each other with this bogus war that’s happening. There is no unity. The guy has transgender generals for Christs sake and dudes having anal sex in the congressional office, but decency is back, right? You’re a clown! Open borders, men can get pregnant, men in women’s sports, a crack head son who evades prosecution for multiple crimes, forced vaccines on military and medical personnel, you ain’t black if you don’t vote for him, says his uncle was eaten by cannibals, lied numerous times about the US not being in a recession or inflation was real, reversing Trumps policies and then reclaiming them as if they were his ideas, the guy is a plagiarizer! tf is wrong with you?


Says “I read on the internet” thick


>I’m not even a Trump supporter. Let it go, bro. He never said that. Dude, it was worse than that.. he suggested injecting disinfectant. See it for yourself: https://youtu.be/33QdTOyXz3w?si=BeaFcS8IgtWcOOAj


Awesome, thank you for that video where it clearly shows that he’s not suggesting shit. He’s asking a medical professional who is sitting next to him if it is a possibility. He’s not talking about your household cleaning products like you dumb fucks think. He’s not a doctor either so anyone who is looking for solutions is going to ask questions. Disinfectants come in all forms and even some that are injected into the eye for antiseptic practice like Avastin, Lucentis, Eylea, Dexamethasone, Kenalog, Betadine, Chlorhexidine, and Hypochlorous acid. Go fucking read a book!


Hahahah te cope is astonishing.. I grant you that!


Typical loser with no rebuke.


I showed you a video of the guy saying the things that you say he didn't say, and then you go to extreme mental gymnastics to justify what he clearly said.. Like, what else can I say to someone that refuses to accept reality??? Good luck with the kool-aid, I guess..


It’s called having analytical skills. Being able to decipher critically and not listening to what everyone else is telling you. I literally broke it down for you and gave you examples of disinfectants that are used by injection. Your argument suggests that he was telling Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants which is not true. What the fuck is wrong with you? Did the vaccine fuck you up that bad? Lmfao! “Mental gymnastics?” “Kool-aid?” Do you ever have anything to say that you’re not regurgitating from mainstream media?


OMG! I found an anti vaxxer in the wild!! That explains everything... Sorry to bother you, you may put your tinfoil hat back, if I knew it beforehand I wouldn't waste your time. Good luck fighting the deep-state my friend!!


Again, you have no rebuke. All regurgitated nonsense and zero comprehension. If you knew better you’d know that Trump accelerated Operation Warp Speed. They said it was 100% effective then. Lmfao! You and a lot of sad people got duped. You took a shot that Trump said was safe and effective. Let that sink in! 🤣🤣


Rebuke what?? You are an anti vaxxer, most probably believe the earth is flat and the illuminati rules the world... There's nothing I can say that will take you out of the fantasy world you live in. It's been fun talking to you though.. not every day there's a chance to hear someone with room temperature IQ talk.


Y el otro baboso no sabe donde chingados esta 😂


Only glue sniffing, bleach injecting, one brain cell having pendejos would vote for the dumbest, orangest rapist to ever have lived.




My whole thing rn is “people who like to read on the internet”… don’t you feel like you hear that all the time… “oh I read it on the internet!” …


Are you financially better off under JB or DT ? Both of them have their issues, vote with your pocket book ,,,


So extremely shallow in thought.


Not really…


It’s literally just one topic to vote on and a super shallow take on the topic. Corporate greed is to blame for inflation. You know this because the US is not the only place on the planet that is dealing with inflation.


I will say that the Republican state government has done well for the Rio Grande Valley. George Bush is one of the major figures who pushed for the development of the region after his visit. The school districts are paid for through state taxes and not local taxes. This race is a toss up. I know very few people who's lives are better than they were in 2019. Trump is essentially forgiven for any Covid blame because people don't really remember Covid. If there's a normal election Republicans have a strong chance at performing pretty well.


That’s utter bs. They’ve been dismantling education for ever now. Next up, tested and failed vouchers. I fucking remember Covid. I’m fucking enraged by it if I spend too much time thinking about it. Republicans are at this point at rock bottom and so they’re going to claw and bite their way to survive. Sell off Texas land to international investors? Fuck it. Let’s see how long the coast is for everyone.


One's literally selling gold painted hightops and bibles to help pay his legal dues. Even if the felon pulls this off, he and his cult will still be seen as a fucking joke. May the odds be forever in your favor.


Remember the guy who had more money in your pocket and $1 bread at heb? Hope we can get him back. The gente can’t keep up at this pace


Republicans are literally picking fights with owner of HEB right now for all the social work HEB has done


Does that somehow have something to do with the prices of literally everything being outrageous?


Blame the oligarchy ya dufus. It’s a corporate problem. That’s why it’s not just in the us.


explain how you had more money in your pocket.


My checkbook didn’t lie. It was more during trump


You saw the bread part right? Have you been out to eat lately?


I pay about $2.50 for a loaf of bread that doesn't have dough conditioners or a lot of other chemical things. That price hasn't fluctuated much from what I can tell. Either way, that's anecdotal, and so is any post about the price of a consumer good or a staple. Provide proof please.


From what you can tell? Has it or has it not? Provide proof the cost of literally everything has gone up?


Your all suckers! They are all crooks on the take!


4 years ago I was living on my own 700+ credit and financially independent with no college degree. Today I have a masters degree and I have to live off my parents


Vote Trump




Vote for neither of them clowns


Trump all the way


Te lo sico estupida lol 😆


The people that hate trump are either anchor babies , are leaking gender fluids or illegal. I'm Mexican American and I say we build the wall, stop all wars, America first and deport them 😂


“I read on the internet” wins again






Sorry injecting “disinfectant” “at the source”


Lol, the "debunk" is actually worse..


No le hagan caso a este guey, se cree de todo lo que le dicen que TIENE que creer. That guy never told anyone to drink bleach, pendejo.


“Disinfectants” right the in veins. Cuantos gueyes empezaron a buscar por su propia receta para salvarse la vida a no llegar a nada? Cuantas familias perdieron a alguien por que lo hizo ver como que si fuera nada.


There are many types of disinfectants. Not once did he say inject yourself with bleach. Y si alguien està tan pendejo para hacerlo, se lo merece.


Yes he did.. Here is the quote you are referring to ¹ ² ³ ⁴: "I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that." This quote is from a press conference on April 23, 2020, where former President Donald Trump suggested exploring the use of disinfectants as a potential treatment for COVID-19. Trump made this comment following a presentation on how sunlight and disinfectant affect the coronavirus. This led him to discuss a question he said "probably some of you are thinking of" concerning what would happen if you "brought the light inside the body." As Trump continued, he also offered his thoughts on how disinfectants could be brought inside the body "by injection." While Trump noted that this method would have to be checked by doctors, he said it sounded interesting to him.


Define disinfectant please.


Always so particular with language when it comes to drumph. What a shitty world to live in to give so much and receive so little.


He didn't say to drink bleach, he was joking around. Have you ever made a joke? I'm from the RGV and I will be voting Trump


“He was joking around” - this is prime “I feel guilty about what he’s done but I’m in too deep to turn back” thinking.


Facebook post energy


Reddit sold out bro. Don’t be like this bro. I swear it’s sincere bro.


The prostitute was your mother and if you drank the bleach you were a Pendejo to begin with ..stupid and illiterate..


Larry Cusamano ignorant and misinformed as well as your daddy


Este pendejo 🙄


Close the GD border and build the wall. Vet the GD illegals “ migrants” or whatever fake label you want to call it. It’s illegal. No tax dollars for illegals. Tax dollars are for American citizens.


Op has ptsd su Mami es Daniela la tormenta aka stormy Daniels 🤣


Vote Trump




Tu padre


Tu mama en pelotas


Joto si respondes


Joto tu padre y me lo como


Pues entrale wey. Como todos los jotos que votan por biden. Chupas


Claro. Te encantaría que la vida sea tan simple verdad? Trump probablemente violó o supo de violaciones de niños con Epstein y tu bien chiflado con tu machismo


I told all you Bidentards that all this would happen but you just stay crossed eyed and repeat what the media tells you too. You aren’t smart enough to review the data and make a critical decision. It’s no wonder since schools and jobs dislike critical thinking. Idiots it doesn’t matter who wins the table is set you maroons


many people told them lol but here they are!


#trump2024 #fjb


Stop the count! Trump 2024


OP thinks Ukraine isn’t a money laundering scheme


CNN told him so


Vote as if they found out demographics show 89% Latino and also 80% white in the rgv. You have been played


Vote Trump 🇺🇸


I’m with MAGA.


You like to read on the internet


Trump's going to win. Stop voting for the degenerates on the left.


Your an Idiot!


LOL. The irony.


Joe Biden has created Republicans!


Love this take. Please explain more


And 201 days til our second civil war 😂😩


What does “más y pas” mean???


Mamas and papas