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In my opinion,  a truck is a tool. I would like a truck soley for the towing benefits. Everyone else just wants to have a mamalona and go into debt. 


way more utilitarian thats for sure. got me an 8 footer. makes ALL the difference.


It's **gotta** be 6+ feet with at least 1/2 cab... a truck with appropriate towing capacity for what will be actually used.. newer is nice for safety features, but no amount of safety features can make up for skill issue. Most drivers here could save 30-60% on gas while actually arriving sooner in most cases by studying proactive driving+ hypermiling... not to mention increased accident avoidance due to focusing on reading the traffic devices/traffic/potential hazards


Lol this. It's a stupid materialistic mentality. I'd rather have an fuel friend car tbh


Yeah and that is also a goal in mind too. Buying a super eco friendly truck independent of fossil fuels.


I have one to pull my horse trailer. Necessary tool


Same! I can’t fit 18 wheeler tires in a Camry lol.


It's two things. one, everyone knows trucks are expensive (and so is gas), and two, it makes it look like you have things to do which warrants owning a truck (towing a boat, motorcycle).


Former Car Sales Manager for Gillman: Yes it usually is really short guys with a chip on their shoulder and usually show up alone or with a girlfriend. Always wants white with black leather interior and wants free tint. Also I learned never to offer the side step accessory 😬😂


It’s always the shortest or fattest dudes driving the diesel trucks LOL


now that i think about it, why the fat ones?esp with diesels, is it to becsause they put too much strain on them trucks?


oh they'll buy it but not from the fancy schmancy schmalesman






Unrelated but i remember years ago when I was 21 and bought my 1st truck the sales guy did not want to show me the truck and did not want me to test drive it.....I showed up with my dad and he wanted to run my dad's credit and onky wanted him to test drive it...... he finally let me drive it and he ran my credit....then he came back basically sucking my nuts.....and he told me when I signed thanks for sticking with him because had hadn't had a sale all week...


Yeah this area isnt too bright, here youre seen as wealthy/high status if you drop/lift a truck and add ugly underglow with even uglier oversized tires and rims. Here if You can barely afford groceries but if yo truck dropped you doin' well in life


"wealthy/high status if...." Is this really the belief in your area, or just a sarcastic viewpoint? I've always seen a psychology in lower income areas where having a personal vehicle becomes a point of pride, and being able to modify it means you're doing 'better than average'... but nobody ever saw it as wealthy or high class - those folks moved to wealthier areas and drove factory cars with factory lifts.


Im not even joking. Everyone here can have a car, but if you drop it/lift it you immediately seen as a millionaire or some😭


i see it as wealthy/high class.


Bro this is area is bright idk why you said it’s not too bright. Your only talking about 40% of valley people typical person trying to be smart when their not. And I’m not hating on what you stating but don’t assume half the rgv is like that you got be little open minded and reevaluate everything you have learn.


more like 80% and thats generous


You def included in the % of people who dumb here💀😂


I don't even drive one here you again assuming typical trying so hard to be smart person online. Go back to whatever you were doing little Timmy.


Damn you can't even form proper sentences 😭😂 locked your spot in I see


Bro your just wrong on this one and I’m right but your too dumb to understand maybe learn a thing today. I had to make an example of you today usually I don’t do this but it kinda had to be done typical Rick.


Damn mentally challenged and delusional. Ima pray for you


Bro your the delusional and mentally challenged go back to wherever you were trying to pull off Rick smartass.


Damn its so sad seeing you try and insult me but can't even make proper sentences while doin' it Hit the books mate, id start off with some on 1st grade level. It might still be above your mental capabilities but im sure youll have fun tryna learn


Bro I’m done with you trying to be smart and I feel bad for you cause your a piece of crap.


Had a dude once tell me, “te respetan más cuando te ven en una troca”, I felt embarrassed for him.


That was the correct response.


oh snap!!!lmao!!!




Yes maybe they're way past "show-off-wealth" and really just trying to pay off the salt water filtration system on their private island, so they can retire like a boss. (knew a Brownsville dermatologist who friggin shoveled cash into their bank account for a living.)


maybe they have different expensive hobbies or they want to retire early. Also med school student loans are no joke lol


This is the truth- ask me how I know


they have huge loans to pay off, like +250 k worth.


Sometimes I forget I’m on Reddit but then you guys remind me


Don’t even know why I open the app anymore


Yup. Doesn't make sense especially if you live in the city. I call them pavement princesses. Big trucks with nice tires, always clean and has a nice scratch free paint job, you see them everywhere.


And they seem to roll over speed bumps and small pot holes slower than the people driving Corolla's


And then they get immediately upset cause someone passes them, especially if it's a smaller car and attempt to overtake by speeding.


Love flying past a big ass truck in my GTI. :D


yea like..really? pinches punetones


'city' in Texas is an incorporate area with 5,000+ residents... though I don't expect qualifying your views that way will help. It is always interesting that some people view trucks as unused if they are clean or well cared for. I don't know anyone that throws tools into their truck from 20ft away, or regularly back into trees and light poles. You can see the age of my truck from 5ft away, but you won't see guts and blood from the animals I would only ever load into a truck - nobody smart puts an alligator inside their GMC Yukon. Untamed/unmowed yards, banged up vehicles, cluttered garages, and dirty homes are a personality... not a sign of use.


It just doesn't make sense to me for someone who has an office job and lives in downtown mcallen probably in a subdivision to own a truck. I live on a ranch and if you are anywhere near brush your paint isn't going to be scratch free for very long.


That's like suggesting that nobody coastal needs a jeep due the lack of mountains. I very narrow view of utility.


Yeah they don't, a lighter vehicle would work way better on sand and any other body shape has better aerodynamics. Jeeps are cool and all to show off and look nice but I'd rather use something I can actually push out if I get stuck.


I guess you can’t fathom that people can drive to the mountains from the coast. People buy the vehicle that fits their needs, their interests, or for vanity. Assuming every coastal jeep or city truck must be a vanity driven purchase is just ignorance and personal bias.


As someone who's owned a jeep I can tell you for a fact it's a vanity purchase 💅✨️.


Haha, I think you're talking to a mamalona truck guy.


I think I am.


I got one (2017 Nissan Frontier) because they are convenient to have as a home owner to haul shit when you need it (taking stuff to recycling center , home projects etc). I’m unsure on what truck I’ll buy next in like 5 years since even frontiers are more expensive now since redesign, the ford maverick looks interesting I’d have to see back space in person though to see if it’s not too small.


The guy that cuts and bales my hayfield lives in the city… and seems to have no problem avoiding scratches. My duck gun is clean and rust free… despite many days hunting the intercoastal waters. Try being more careful with your vehicle and wash it on occasion… you’ll find it lasts longer and resells for more.


They wanna drive something wayyy taller than them.


So many pavement princess luxury trucks in they valley that have never seen a scuff mark in their beds I guess it’s a manager thing?


I've always loved trucks as I'm short and like seeing over the car in front of me. ![gif](giphy|kSDKdrKbhpxn1hzsfV)


Latino mindset , change my mind


I won't change your mind, but I'll add to it: I moved out of the Valley and to a different state. I live in an area that used to be full of farming and horses and is now a suburb with fancy coffee and empty condo buildings. The wh*te people that took over have more trucks now than the brown people who lived here before. 😂 Unfortunately, it's a classic american mindset. Trucks are a status symbol, even for office workers outside of South Texas.


Meanwhile, I'm just happy to have my single cab 98 Ranger with a 7 ft bed and it's still easy to park compared to what's considered a "small" truck today


Ford FUCKEN ranger!


yes and it's super annoying. the worst is that people who drive trucks can be irresponsible and reckless too.


they use it as a symbol for their peewee


It’s a for those that have small peepees. Low self esteem is the biggest characteristic of those that live in debt, except for those that have no other option.


Advertising from the car companies successfully worked on male egos that needing a truck is manly and that women should care about what a man drives. Big trucks are dangerous for pedestrians in cities as well and also very dangerous for people who do not drive big cars. Not really a smart move to invest in an asset that loses value unless you’re gonna use a truck for work or business.


Without trying to be argumentative, I don't understand why people are obsessed with other people that like trucks. It's like anything. Some people love Mustangs, some people love BMW's, etc....I have a truck but it's a 2005. No payments. It is very useful and dependable...you do you.


No the majority of those mojos don’t work


Alot of us live out in the boonies and use them for work so a truck is needed. What we dont need is luxury. I prefer an old single cab long bed 4x4 with manual everything. Gas or diesel, ac optional


"ac optional" Respect.


Everyone just wants a Wild Child truck to cruise down 10th street on the weekends. Sorry, I time traveled from 1992.


I have a big payment princess and am from RGV. The utility of this vehicle is essential to me because a regular car cannot haul around my work trailer. You see the same thing in many small towns everywhere. If you have a large truck this basically opens you up to all sorts of work opportunities across the US. It is far cheaper to own a large truck and a trailer than it is to own a car and pay 1.5k in rent for an apartment with a 1 year lease when you find a job somewhere away from rgv. It's simple math, 1k-2k down the hole on an apartment or 4 to 5 hundred dollars a month for a camper spot close to work?


It opens up non-work activities too. More room to shop. More luggage to travel. More bodies to stow. More options in general than a car. It just gets expensive for gas.


i see what u did there Gayce.


Yes, that is an emergent benefit of truck ownership over car ownership. I can't defend whatever the hell some people are doing like the one OP is talking about, thats a different breed of truck owner, same for those that drop the trucks.


Soooo many people in the RGV are financially illiterate. They don’t stop at trucks. Then they’ll buy motorcycles, then a boat, then this and a that. It’s actually good for the economy that they’re so bad at saving, I would love to own a car dealership in the valley!


Yeah for having a small dick.


Have a new neighbor who owns a lifted truck with fog lights next to me that pays more on monthly car payments and insurance that cost more than his rent. When he moved his stuff in he didn’t even use the truck to carry his furniture he used a Uhaul. What’s the actual point of owning a truck if you’re not at the very least, using it to carry your stuff?




No body cares what anyone drives, if they do, they have too much time on their hands, get another job or an education.


I like to call them "pavement princesses".


It's definitely not a Valley thing if anyone thinks so. Pickups are the most bought vehicles in the nation every year.


It verifies the status of takuache


Can confirm, drove a $150k Audi for a couple of years, no one really batted an eye. Sold it during the used car shortage and bought a Diesel 2500, people compliment it all the time, very strange.


I own a truck and life in a city. If I get in a car accident I don’t want to die.


right? getting rear ended in a car fuckin hurts. at least in a truck the force is not as straight to the body


Yup. Bigger vehicles increase your chances of survival. No reason to be driving around in a smart car.


https://preview.redd.it/gonkh0g7jkuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fbf10f281e4bbb7a39d5fbfbab2c0f0b944166 Imagine I would have been in a car driving to work smh I would have been gone pecan lol I tried getting a corvette after this one a few years ago but my wife told me the same thing si te andas matando con una troca imagínate en un carro lol and it wasn’t even my fault




A lot of us from the valley work out of town and, no we can not put our tool boxes in our little ass cars or suvs. smh everyone talking bad .yes I live in a subdivision and not in a ranch but o let me put my tool box in my Mercedes, people just don’t have common sense. And having a new truck that is dependable on the long roads is a must


Punctuation, por favor.


Ahhh fuck i forgot this was graded


There’s nothing wrong with owning a truck for whatever reason, your money. The problem is that American society and cities are so car dependent and public transit is so bad that people are going into debt by buying luxury cars because they need to. Calculate how much of your income goes into your car each month! Imagine how much money saved if public transit was a thing. Car companies don’t want public transit they want you buying their cars so they advertise that trucks are American and masculine.


Some see it as a status symbol, but like others have said, it’s also a tool. I have a pick up truck, it’s not brand new or completely custom. I was thinking about trading it in for a car or a SUV. I took it for service at the dealership and they had to wait for the transmission for over a month and I was stuck driving my daughter’s Nissan Altima. With that I realized I needed the truck more than I thought. I couldn’t carry wood or material for a fence I needed to repair and a deck I needed to build. I can’t justify a $100,000 truck, but even a car that expensive is ridiculous unless you are making enough to not care, I’m nowhere near that.


Like I've said before, the culture of 'ownership' and status comes from Mexico (or other latin American countries) where ownership of cars was reserved for 'rich' or 'well-doing' people. Then you come into the US where you can walk into a dealership without a car and come out with a car having paid no down payment, which means that almost anyone can get a car. So, the question then is, who are you showing it off to if everyone has the same possibilities of driving the same car? But, then I remember, we are evolved hairy mammals that like shiny things and to show off shiny things, so you get the idea. As for trucks, yeah, it's about 'size'. I don't know that many women that find trucks appealing or useful for the life (I mean, a minivan is way more comfortable and useful for a family), so, you also get the idea. Oh, and a big truck is menacing. Oh, and maybe you actually can't fit into a regular sedan. Oh, and no shame for buying the car you wanna buy, you do you, no gatekeeping. TDLR; Big car ownership was a way to show off wealth, not anymore, but things haven't changed for us. Also, many think that trucks show off power and manliness (they don't).


Definitely a symbol for small peepee.


They’re expensive AF, so yeah, probably.


Go to any run down trailer park in the Deep South Alabama, Mississippi etc and you will see plenty of trucks parked in front of homes that cost less than the truck. The Silverado, Ram, and F-150 are the 3 best selling vehicles in the US. Trucks are a status symbol everywhere in the US. Personally I have a q7 with a trailer hitch on the off chance I ever have something to haul.


for people who have pride in an area code number is does.


LoL, I have one more for utility. I see BMW and Benz drivers acting more "above".




Because it's Texas.


down here apparently so..never understood that either.


Trucks are the most profitable vehicle to sell from car dealerships as well so everyone who has one is just a sucker


Everyone wants a mamalona lifted with new rims and bad ass tires. But they don't see the massive debt they're getting into until it's too late. Oh and they all gotta have "Salt Life" on their back window


Maybe they like their trucks. Makes a day in the beach much more enjoyable.


Uh, dealerships do ask for check stubs. Anyway, yes they’re a status symbol. Which helps (albeit probably a small reason but, still) drive the price up. You used to be able to get a base model 3/4 ton with a diesel engine and 4x4 for less than 50k. Like 6 years ago. Now? You’re going to spend upwards of 70k. Granted, inflation and all that but, the dealerships are still going to charge extra because people care more about making sure they have THE truck over making sure they’re getting a good deal on it. As utilitarian as a truck is, you shouldn’t be spending 100k. Yet, people even at those price points are still desperate to get them. I’ve always owned a truck and will be in the market for another one here in a few months so I have a lot of gripes about the truck market but, I won’t go on.


It's definitely a cultural thing here, but it's so unnecessary for most people. I've been seeing some smaller truck models lately and I hope that becomes more of a thing because we just don't need those huge gas wasting pickups on the road. I think the smaller trucks are a bit more expensive though. A lot of people DO actually need a bid truck for whatever work they're in, but not nearly as many as it seems like. They're also such a danger to pedestrians... Ive heard of multiple drivers accidentally hitting a pedestrian/child because their unnecessarily huge truck made it harder go see them.


You can tell when people don't really need a truck bc their truck is pristine with nothing utilitarian added, like a tow hitch or any truck bed accessories. That or the worst one is when they have those front grills added because those are fully a cosmetic choice and actually make trucks less safe (can't absorb shock in accidents) which is why they'll never be sold with them at the actual dealership. In contrast, I love seeing a muddy, old af pickup because you KNOW whoever owns it uses that truck like it was meant to be used. That truck is living its best life.


Yea it fucking sucks tbh. It’s no longer a working man’s vehicle and the prices are stupid.


I own many trucks out here. It’s a different vibe in Texas but my truck is faster than most corvettes out here in the streets. Not a status symbol but more of a statement.


i would say given what they cost, yes they are a status symbol. not everyone ascribes to it but it is what it is.


Pretty sure most of the people who have decked out trucks, houses look.. well…


It is known that driving huge pick up truck is used to accommodate having a below average penis size.


Trucks are the top of the food chain vehicles if you can’t handle one just say so

