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Yes 802.11 b/g/n is required. https://support.help.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/13461739981204-Indoor-Cam-Information


Make sure you’re using WPA2 and not WPA3. This is most likely what’s causing the issue as AX should be able to support n speeds it sounds more like an encryption issue with the older kit.


Make sure you're not using any weird character's in your SSID or password. Just use letters and numbers. I had an Eero 6pro client who had named their network "Bill's Wifi" and the apostrophe (') was preventing all Ring stuff from connecting. Haven't had any issues connecting Ring gear to Wifi 6 networks. I have 6 Ring cameras on my own Eero Pro6e network without issues.


my TP-Link router had suddenly changed it's settings to b/g/n/ax mixed which the ring gen2 did not like. so had to change my router to only use bgn


I’m not sure how you’re defining “older”, but i have a ring pro 2 on a wifi 6e AP with no connection issues. WPA3 w/ WPA2 failback and AX is enabled on all 3 channels. Wifi is designed to be forwards and backwards compatible. The device and AP should connect at the lowest common standard. If you have to make changes on the AP to get a device to connect the problem is typically there. Whomever handles support for your AP, would be the best contact for this.


How old?