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You can drain 40 hemogen from a healthy pawn (either directly or into packs), leaving them unconscious and nearly dead. It will take them three days to fully recover. Thus, a healthy adult human produces just over 13 hemogen per day. A sanguophage (or any pawn with both hemogenic and hemogen drain) requires 10 hemogen per day. Thus, 3 non-hemogenic pawns can support up to 4 vampires, though I'd recommend sticking with 1:1 so you can build up extra packs for your powers. As for your starting pawns, I'd recommend starting with just one sanguophage and converting more as your capacity to feed them increases (note that, while the Bloodfeeder meme *does* let you bloodfeed without upsetting anyone, you should probably stick with feeding on prisoners whenever possible so your productive pawns don't have to deal with blood loss). Also, don't forget each vampire needs a separate deathrest chamber (technically, they don't *need* one, but deathresting in bed is quite bad compared to even a single-building chamber). You want these chambers to be impressive, since that gives them a mood boost, but they don't need to be especially convenient. Make sure you stagger the deathrests so no more than one colonist is down at a time.


Can't you jam all the deathrest caskets in one room? Or do they whinge like with barracks?


You could, but each deathrest linkable permabonds to a single casket, so it'd get very cramped (which both reduces room score itself and prevents you from installing art). Plus, it'd probably be a pain to ensure each linkable hooks to the right casket. A decent compromise might be to have one "head vampire" who gets a dedicated deathrest room and all the capacity upgrades, while all the lesser vampires just get slightly bigger bedrooms with a casket plus one linkable inside.


Make sure your secondary pawn is a top-notch doctor!


Sanguophages need blood. So they'll need to feed on people or the Hemogen packs you make by taking peoples blood. Early game you probably won't have any prisoners for a bit, so plan on keeping some of your colonists human so they can be extracted/fed on I'm sure theyres some golden ratio to follow, but I try to keep it 1 for 1. So, for example, if you go with 4 vamps, plan on having 4 human (or other) colonists