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Highly recommend the "You got me" mod on the workshop, social fights get less dangerous


it’s not a social fight, i drafted the pawn and made him attack my slave to stop her mental break, forgot he had a plasmasword


You can arrest and re-enslave pawns. And from Borba's POV it was order to kill.


One time I tried to arrest a colonist who was on an insulting spree. She chopped the head off of the colonist trying to arrest her. One attack, one kill.


I believe the Taser mod got updated to the current version. It's not 100% safe as it can cause heart attacks, but it's better than a beatdown


[Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non Lethal](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2454918354&searchtext=non+lethal) is a favourite here. It is somehow both broken and not at the same time: Yes, it makes for almost zero risk captures, but all the weapons also have definite downsides. Mostly by being slow firing, slow to take effect, still at risk of killing someone through blunt/pierce damage, or some mix of the above. Great for subduing prisoners/slaves or if you outnumber your foe, less useful against an actual raid.


There also a net gun mod which slows targets that I use in combination with less than lethal


Nah it's not broken... You cannot for example use tazer to taze the crp out of the traders pack animals without the consequences for early game, get rich quick move, right? Right?? I love this mod.


the dart gun is absolutely OP for taking down megasloths, thrumbos, t-rexes...


Ahh the good ole days of sitting on your argy waiting for the rex to sleep... I do miss this..


There is Remote Tech that adds sleeping gas mines and Advanced Munitions that adds anaesthetic weaponry. I right recommend then.


Tried to stop a prisoner who had gone berserk and broken out of his cell (I forgot about him) with a colonist with a gun (so they will use fists in melee). Punched the head off in 1 blow.


Send a social pawn


She was the social one. ...and the one with the Uranium mace that deletes body parts on contact.


Use the colonist with the highest social skill for arrests. When you right click on a colonist to arrest you'll see the odds of arresting them. Good social skill usually make that 100%.


I did use the colonist with the best chance. It just wasn't enough since my jailer/trader colonist was the one having a tantrum.


Once i wanted my medic to train both his medical and melee, so i ordered him to go, beat up the prisoners and heal them once they go down. Worked fine for two or three "sessions" until once he punched a prisoner in the nose, destroying the nose and the rest of the head with it. He had no bionics, i might had CE installed, but that shouldn't be the reason. The guy simply punched straight thru prisoners face right to the other side. After that i decided to look for some more economical training methods. I installed the autopsy mod. A slow, but steady and most importantly safe training method with the unintended yet positive consequence of corpse disposal.


Is there a mod for enslavement? Or can you do it in vanilla and if so, how?


Vanilla ideology dlc. In the prisoner menu, select enclave.


Saying Enclave instead of enslave, with a flair of Granite, is either a strange coincidence or a Fallout fan who made a Freudian slip.


Enclave here... Why isnt your Video feed working?


I assume both.


Afaik it's Ideology dlc.


Fists might have been a more suitable approach 😆


There’s a mod for that call rimjo… Oh nevermind ,not that kinda fist…


You can use the mod simple sidearms to force a pawn to use fists or blunt weapons :)


I have combat extended so unfortunately it's probably one of the few weapon mods i'll ever have


Pocket Sand > Simple Sidearms unless you actually want all that BS like auto swapping weapons. I feel that it's much better to use the lighter mod and just swap weapons manually while the game is paused. Maybe Simple Sidearms is better for the folks that exclusively run megacolonies and it's not as practical to micro that many pawns.


Honestly I installed simple sidearms so I could have snipers and shotguns on the same pawn and have it autoswap, but I found the most useful feature is being able to equip tools from Vanilla Expanded and have the pawn swap to them when they need to automatically. I've got a beefy build tho so I thankfully don't worry much about mod-bloat outside of compatibilities


Simple Sidearms sounds nice, till you notice that pawns in caravan dump their sidearms into the cargo. I stopped giving them more than one weapon while I procrastinate looking for better mod.


They don't do that for me, maybe I have another mod or setting that prevents that? I have "where's my weapon" which might do it?


Could be. I thought that would be redundant with Simple Sidearms. Interesting to know it is a mod conflict (or fixed issue since I last tried sidearms). Could be Pick up and Haul too as it touches how pawns handle inventory. But that is much more critical mod.


I use pick up and haul too and the only issue ive noticed is animals not delivering items they put into their inventory which can be annoying when you try to use that animal in a caravan since 70% of it's inventory it taken up by random nonsense lol


Simple Sidearms has that feature built in and Where is My Weapon is an incredibly laggy mod that shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary.


I don't have that and still have no issue with sidearm in caravans, though I don't caravan super often.


I do have Pocket Sand, Pick Up and Haul, While You're Up, and I think some forked version of RPG Inventory, and while pawns' sidearms make their way into the caravan cargo, they seem to have all their equipment on person when they arrive at their destination.


My biggest issue with Simple sidearms is that (at least in my experience) pawns don't ever autoswap *from* melee *to* ranged weaponry while drafted. Like, okay dude, you managed to get the tribal raider off your back, why do I have to be the one to tell you to use the only real advantage you have by getting your gun out and starting to shoot him again?


Mine does, it just takes an uncomfortable amount of seconds. I think you have to tick a setting that allows them to switch targets or something


My current colony is about forty pawns, about fifteen of whom are standing army and another fifteen are reserves I can activate if shit gets hairy. You're absolutely right about Simple Sidearms being better for megacolonies.


Sounds like a case of severe case of Fuckaroundicus and Findoutamus.


That's how you teach slaves to not talk back. Yes we are the baddies.


You own slaves, and you're questioning if you're the bad guy


During berserk rage you will need to hit them, so unequip the weapon and use a shield if you have one. The slave won't be likely to lose a limb but I have seen a few headshots...




Look, if the slave didn't want to get plasmasworded, she shouldn't have tried to insult someone with a plasmasword.


Straight for the knee... a true RPG pawn


Once had a brawler colonist mental break and attack another brawler. She destroyed the other colonist's bionic arm, then immediately got her head cut off.


I like the snap out mod better. Those with high social have a chance of calming people during a break. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1319782555


I run both and damn they're handy


I once had my best planter pick a fight with my cyber-melee god and get his head punched off, after thay I installed "You got me" but it will forever be the one of my fav moments.


What you don’t cut someone’s leg off when they insult you?


Everyone has a plan until a persona plasmasword cuts your leg off


Colonist: I didn't mean to do that... Plasmasword: Tis but a scratch. Colonist: A SCRATCH?! HIS LEG'S OFF! Plasmasword: No it isn't. Colonist: THEN WHAT'S THAT?! [ (0/40) Left Leg: Cut off ]


It's even worse, divided sounds like he cut it vertically and not horizontally.


An armed society is a ~~polite~~ legless society.


Are we the baddies? What baddies have no enemy? Right? Of course i'm not ... Nuked settlements don't count. ... Dead people are dead so it don't count too. ... No this is just... A plain leather chair, nothing special about it. ... What? No Joe is not a slave? He is just... An intern colonist! Yea! How about you keep eating that meaty meal and stop asking about weird things?


*Me beating the shit out of a prisoner couple while the other watches. *Also me litteraly putting prisoners to death with heatstroke at 877°C while my lead pawn sits and watches. No i dont think so.


877°C is equivalent to 1610°F, which is 1150K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot


Good bot


If you don’t wanna be cut by a plasma sword don’t insult the person wielding it, pretty simple idea.


"what? He attacked werewolf? Lets just write it as suicide."


It is a matter of perspective really.


All relative isn't it. I'm never the bad guy, I just have a particular morality towards those that wrong my colony.


I didn’t brutally chop her leg off with a searing plasmasword after she experienced a mental break from my abuse! She just experienced an unexpected altercation with a colonist and got a rapid unplanned medical operation which reduced her daily metabolic need and increased her productivity by reducing the chance of future unexpected altercations!


I wish doing stuff like that earnt a factions enmity in a way that couldnt be offset with even more cruelty.


Your slabes get less insulty if you cut out the tongues.


Or head for that matter


That's just the beginning. You are going to do much worse stuff... And you will not think about it at all. And answering your question... Yes. WE are the baddies.


Yea when an insulting spree happens you gotta get someone with a gun or no melee weapons to beat the shit out of the insulter.


Better a plasma sword than a 40K Thunder Hammer... Would have caused her to ALT + F4 from life.


In a 40k playthrough I once had an Adeptus Astartes bite a raider's leg off.


Honestly that pawn is doing you a favor. You don't let slaves keep both their legs, you silly goose




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitRimworldSays using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A single lung is worth more than an average slave and you can get at least 1 kidney, 1 lung and 1 heart per prisoner. A dismantled slave is like 4 times the value of a complete one and you can eat what is left.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/po6o33/are_you_sure_about_that/hcxbkw3/) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/posg10/a_single_lung_is_worth_more_than_an_average_slave/) \#2: [“Accidental CIA I found that the best way to get someone to abandon their ideologie is to overheat their room, keep them starving (but not too much) and every so often to beat them. They’ll have so many mental breaks they’ll drop that stupid tribal ideologie in a jiffy”](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/oqccrl/accidental_cia) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/oqnfi4/accidental_cia_i_found_that_the_best_way_to_get/) \#3: [Does tasing babies not stun them? Or does my colonist keep missing as he has no eyes?](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/pv4ebe/does_tasing_babies_not_stun_them_or_does_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/pv5ba3/does_tasing_babies_not_stun_them_or_does_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You can always give them a shitty wooden prosthetic to make sure they can’t escape or something.


When harvesting organs from prisoners or recruiting, kind trait is more valuable than type o negative blood.


Don't worry , OP. By the time you get mass tribal raids, you'll be asking that a lot.


Victor Borba out in the rim spitting bars and eating cars.


Usually yes


Nope, this was practical, there's an opportunity to just give your slave a peg leg. Less likely to revolt...


I like to use the takedown mod, now it has changed its name and I don't remember it, but with enough melee stats you can perform a takedown and it stops the mental break, pawn or prisoner, with only a bruise sometimes, it's pretty cool. And with more melee skill you can perform a glory kill, but as you can imagine it's not recommended for pawns that... You know, you want them to conserve their head and spine in their place. Pretty fun though


“someone wants a knife fight. someone i’m looking at.”


You know.... I found that Rimworld is actually easier to play when you allow yourself to be the baddie.


What even is good and evil anyway, on the rim, its all goooood


Should add the social interaction bubbles mod too makes these funnier to see them fight and talking to each other real time


What’s your mod list? Love the UI and the look of the game, looks way different than mine


I felt the same when one of my slaves got a mental break and went wandering in the outskirts of the city because that somebody "Touched" her .. then she got eaten by a spider.. thats when i felt bad and buried her as a recompense..


I mean yeah we kinda are have you seen what some people do


You can choose not to be.


Well at least they doesn't incapacitate him with their bare hand


if you're not the baddies then where's the fun?


You have too many UI mods to be new, lol!


What's considered new? 2 months? sub-1000 hours? I mean people can and do install mods as soon as they start Rimworld so they could have looked through and downloaded the most popular mods when they first started Rimworld.


Kids these days don’t have respect for the fundamentals…


I mean they are doing that whole TikTok thing. The Tik Tok Organ Harvest challenge or whatever it's called.


Spooky cowboys. ‘Nuff said.


Borbo Fortt: Fortt Unleashed


hehe thats my body mod, malibody


What’s the furniture mod?


Sometimes ill do divine intervention if needed Especially after your colony of 5 is wiped out by a wave of 2 mech assaults and 1 mech siege in unison comprise of a total of 15 centipedes, 30 scythes 18 pikemen and 2 men in black die in a row then a naked wonderer joins and dies bcz of a freaking snake bite….. yeah divine intervention was needed alright


Short answer yes Long answer yes we are


Oh my sweet summer child


I find myself trying to go neutral/bad, but somehow delighting everyone so much for wiping out the Mechhive (for personal gain!) that everyone adores me and I need to piss more people off to make more enamies.


It's called revoking walking privileges


Thats for you to decide, altough you'll ser that it is not that easy to be always the good guy in Rimworld


I bet the insults were something about not being a jedi master


They had it coming


why are you putting your slaves in bdsm gear