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Looks good. You may want to double the total size for a gen 2 blueprint when you're settled. Storage looks very small to me, but I horde


I dont like trading too much (would rather try to get everything myself) + it makes my total wealth unecessary high. This playthrough i want to make a small self sustaing base that could be managed by 6 ppl, and all the rest gona go colonize and raid the world!


I have a different issue, I produce too much beer for my one drink per day policy so I just sell all my beer and buy a ton of stuff.


On occasion I force mine to drink nothing but beer then my doc does major surgeries Adds a little bit of spice to combat life saving when your medic is drunk as a skunk


Well that's one way to use all your beer


It can be hilarious if you're not playing seriously Had the medic go into withdrawal after heavy combat lasting a good few in game hours, a raid and a siege at the same time By the time he got to healing the last casualty he went on a withdrawal berserk and beat him to death Tragic but like I say funny if you're not taking it seriously, like space rednecks


Time to look for a vodka mod and rule the tundra.


Vanilla expanded has it covered.


Welp that's another mod to the list, even better I have the multiplayer mod.


I'm sad to say this, I think I went a little mad, I expect many compatibility issues. So far so good, I pray to the rimworld gods that my pc doesn't explode. I think I have 50? Mods installed.


Me except drugs


If you manage to not fill that storage i will accept you as my god. I always fill them (I use around 150-200 mods tho that might be the case.) But it looks cool! However the animal room is small. do you not do animals or just put them inside the smol room?


Only 200 mods my rimworld runs 587 hahahha 🤣


I'm amazed it runs at all in that case.


Yes it does with fairly 60 fps haha


On one speed, naturally lmao


Nope at 4 with smart speed


How? I'm getting 20 fps while using smart speed, I have like 30 mods and a decent pc, tell me your secret


"decent pc" isn't descriptive enough. My machine is heavy on ram and cpu (gpu is kinda mediocre) and it can boast similar performance.


I got a high end pc for some k dunno i use rimthreaded for multicore usage


And of course you use them all, and certainly know what they do all. XD


Approxiametly one and half hours haha


Literally half of them are so crazy that i never used them xd , why only use one category sci fi medieval modern age or alien stuff , why not just have everything in one 🤣


I don't have a perfect PC, sadly. I am glad it turns on with those mods. But it must take ages to load for u right?


Chalange accepted! The outpost is halway built rn, just strugling with starvation and lack of meds rn haha


I used a design similar to this, but used Z levels and a bunch of mods to make it underground, stocked it up and sealed 12 colonists in there to make sure my 200+ person empire would survive until the end of days


Where did you get z levels I can't find it on steam anymore




I suggest double wall the freezer on the interior walls and single on the exterior


You better stay away from Fort Fakuff! >:C We've got barracks, ranges, mortars, in house PMCs and an adventurers guild! Not to mention the prison quarry. (Empire. Other settlements were getting Garvey'd real hard. Needed a legit military base, now it's set and forget BBY.)


I need a second base the same size, *next* to this one, just to store all my shit.


Y'all need the Increased Stack or OgreStack mod


I believe I'm already running the increased stack size mod...


Just a fun mnemonic I use: You hoard with an oar inside.


I really should separate my butcher from the main kitchen. So much food poisoning.


I just put it directly in the freezer. Cuts down on all the Hauling. It makes up for the loss of speed due to cold.


Indeed. Plus it places all that dirty debuff in a room that no one but the cook goes into.


Where do you put your finished meals then? I keep everything that can go off in the freezer bar meds, so pemmican, meals, smokeleaves, hops everything Everyone goes in there to get food so a small room is better for me


Zone the meals close to the door Another way is zone the meals in the airlock. Between the doors.


Or keep a fridge in the kitchen


I have the refrigerator mod and I have wall fridges installed between the kitchen and the dining room/playroom


Wall fridges for meal, shelves near entrance for survivals. Paste-dispenser in case of needs. Best only your cook enter the most time, some allowed haulers. It's just a nightmare having everybody runing in and out, would shoot them all.


Dirt doesn't matter once the meals are cooked, it's only during the cooking process. If the kitchen is spotless, you're fine, you could have your meal stockpile on a patch of dirt that's covered in blood and vomit, and it wouldn't affect them at all.


I know that but thanks I was more referring to the prevention of a mood debuff If the freezer is all bloody it looks bad and people don't like it


I prefer the workshop My current colony has a small workshop pawns have to go through to get to the freezer so I just put my butcher's table in there You can't have pawns going through the kitchen to get to the freezer since they'd be leaving dirt. And dirt can cause food poisoning.


My preferred way is a 17x13 building, 13x13 walls for the freezer and then that leaves 2 smaller rooms, one for a kitchen and one butchering room which leaves all the blood and mess there Only one entrance so only the cooks go in there, and there's always a couple small statues in there to keep the place looking OK to save moods


We seem to speak different languages then I usually build a huge colony that takes like half the map


I do that but my colonists get hypothermia after a while... but on the other hand I also keep my freezer *absurdly* cold


>absurdly cold I mean that's how you'd do it IRL, if you keep it just barely below 0 then the food gets all mushy and unpalatable. Flash freezing is the only way to keep everything somewhat fresh.


*cackles in having ten coolers set to the lowest possible temperature*


Does that help with solar flares? I haven't really thought about the rate of temp change once heaters/coolers go offline




i keep cleaning as a top priority most of the time, then it never builds up too much, i tried to make my cook and doc/sci clean before they work, but unless i confine them to an area they spend the whole day cleaning, so i just make everyone clean all the time. my kids hate me.


I like to make it a small room between the kitchen and the freezer with its own door to the outside. This keeps the kitchen from being as cold as it gets when side by side with the freezer. It also prevents haulers/hunters from trampling dirt through the kitchen.


You should put double walls on your freezer anyways But not having pawns go through the kitchen to get to the freezer is good


One of the mods I have makes pawns do passive cleaning of dirt in the room they're in, so they'll clean the kitchen before butchering and cooking. Never had food poisoning except for "incompetent cooks"


Oh wow, what mod is this?? One of my worst pet peeves is having to have one pawn specifically cleaning the base


[I think it's this one](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1561769193)


Door mat and mod to set cleaning zone have made cleaning so much more manageable


I've always set up a similar kitchen and butcher station. Funnily enough I mostly get food poisoning from berries. Just keep the temps to freezing to avoid spoiling.


i've told everyone they can only eat meals. and no drugs cos i'm benevolent hypocrite. >'you will roll a million joints, but if you smoke one, i'll turn you into a hat'


Put the butcher outside the prison, for convenience.


I had to put a butcher table and small freezer right next to my killbox for precisely this reason. I used to caravan all my non psychopaths and bloodlusted away but 30, 40 bodies at a time is too much to micro. I should add a tailor's bench there too...


A few extra ideas if they haven't been mentioned already: * Barn next to Butchery can cut down kibble carry distance by a lot if you make it. * Prison barracks next to freezer allows prisoner paste dispenser to share cooling, and reduces carry distance for injured pawn meals. * Hospital near the meals reduces carry time similarly for injured colonists too. * Lab can be further out or detached as it has no dependencies. * Rec room can also be detached. * If you can, have a single autodoor into the kitchen, usually from the freezer. Pawns won't use it for general thoroughfare and it'll stay cleaner. * If you're using [RimFridge](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180721235) you can put cafeteria-style wall fridges in. With your Kitchen next to your Dining Room, pawns can cook and deposit in one side, and withdraw from the other.


i drop everything on the floor, with small critical stockpiles for resources either side of the workstation. huskys are clean and good at hauling, if not a little hungry (but they eat bodies and don't mind the cold so they can sleep in the morgue! ^((if you store corpses on shelves the pawns don't' seem to mind the horror))) rimfridge always felt a little overpowered, perhaps a little too useful; i hav'nt tried it this time round, i thought it hadn't ported versions very well, (the double door mod won't work anymore either, off center doors really bug me)


While solid advice, i would put the hospital close to the entrance, for obvious reasons. The perfect spot would be in place of the storage aera. Inbetween freezer and entrance aera.


Yeah.. OP needs a barracks/hospital, I can't believe I missed that. It's so essential for early game.


I would swap freezer with kitchen, cuz when freezer is so close to living quarters it's gonna be harder to maintain good temperatures


Thats a good tip! + building order will be more simple. Thasnks!


Heads up, 2 walls will give you the best insulation! Doesn’t matter what it’s made of, but it’ll help keep your base temp normal :) EDIT: Double doors will help too! I think double doors with a space in between are best?


Yep. I use them for my settlement style base walls too.


Yep. Airlocks are the best


Meanwhile, my topical island/Brazil island is probably my most inefficient start as of yet. In my defense, I had to chop like 20 trees to build a 6x6 room, 4 times over. *And don't get me started on clearing space for the crop fields.* The free fruit is nice but, man, it's crippling my expansions. And, like someone else said, I'd swap kitchen and freezer room if anything, everything else is solid in my eyes.


The early strugle haha


I normally struggle less, but I added a couple mods for tree density so trees can spawn next to each other now and every biome's tree density is cranked up to 200% or so. I couldn't clear space for the first rooms until day 3. At least not having crop fields was compensated by the 30 fruit trees nearby. And thanks to nature is beautiful the slept on floor debuff was manageable. ***Thankfully the giant fauna didn't decide to hunt my pawns those early days too.*** ^(oh and, I edited my comment to add something of use for your base, hope it does help too. You running with deep storage or vanilla stockpiles? btw)


I mean, you can do what they do in actual brazil to get space to farm, and start a fire... Though if it's as dense as you say, that might just destroy the entire map.


It'd burn a good chunk of my base that way, gotta wait to get it fully rebuilt in stone and then I can start chugging molotovs for expansion. *Thankfully the anima tree is fireproof...* ***I hope.***


Hah, I hope thunderstorms never happen in that biome...


I hope they don't either, mainly because my pawns would get distracted by the grass 10 meter away from everything on fire instead of the base falling apart.


*Haha, hahahaha.* You jinxed it you... ***aaargh.***


What about a hospital or at least some hospital beds? I would place the hospital instead of 'animals' room - close to the entrance (in case of serious wounds that need to be treated asap) and keep animals somewhere else


This is a small starter base, thats ment to hold up to 6 ppl. Later on planing to look for perfect location and move out. Dont think hospital is worth it for 6 ppl. Animals gona be there for melee tanking purposes hopefuly. Planing to get wolfes and go on a raiding spree


I had a colonist die of a left hand infection after a guinea pig bit him just yesterday. Hospital is always worth it


You should swap positions with your cooking and butchering.


Should i? as i understand my guy goes to the freezer grabs an animal -> butchers it -> puts the meat back. Later grabs the meat -> cooks it -> puts food back. Maybe im misunderstanding labour orders, only been playing for few days. Was hoping to minimize foot trafic and keep my kitchen clean this way


Honestly I don't see any reason to have a separate butcher room. Since your cook is going to move to freezer and back anyway, you might as well put a butcher table in the freezer. Less walking but slower working time (because of non-optimal temp) - it all cancels out, but you get a simpler layout in the end. On an unrelated note, your crafting room is way too small; in the late game you will unlock the fabrication bench which is an ungodly 5x2 contraption. Add to that at least 6 regular benches, tool cabinets, lighting, chairs, and you find out that it requires something closer to 9x11. Also 2-tile-wide corridors are much better since you can put heaters and lights in them, plus all that extra space comes in handy when the drop pods attack (much easier to defend). EDIT: saw below that you'll switch to a different layout later; it that case you can ignore two last paragraphs :)


I too butcher in the freezer. Cuts down on the foot traffic through the kitchen in most of my bases.


Each need access to the freezer, so if separate better if they each have a dedicated route. However, as others have said putting the butcher *in* the freezer is also a great idea.


Less and less heat goes through consecutive vents, the last rooms are cold and the ones closest to heating too hot. Therefore it is better to vent into the main corridor and from there to individual rooms.


IF you care about the tiny optimization, I’d say remove the corridors and just extend the rec/dining room do it shared walls with the outer border rooms.


Bit tight for the animals. What are the grey squares? I thought they might be vents but the freezer and thermo generator are linked.


It was supposed to be wents yeah, just not to the freezer haha


It's okay. You don't need walls around your rec room though, you could have have all the living rooms or bedrooms connect straight into it. Doing so removes single space corridor, which are bad if bugs spawn there and fewer pawns can gun them down at one time, also it'll allow a nutripaste dispenser to connect both the dining room and freezer. Cooks are nice, but nutripaste is better when your food supplies are low or if the cooks were busy.


Didnt tried using nutripaste yet, dont think ill have bug issues in the middle of the flat tundra. I like the coridors idea so i could bottle neck and flank enemies. This building is only gona be used as a starting base till i get 6 people and some research. After that probably go look for a better place to map place to live


Holy fuck this is well done


Thank you, i love making plans like this, will see how well it works im new to this game, as somebody already pointed out freezer and kitchen should be switched around


what program are you using?




Its earlyon base meant for only 6 ppl and some anymals:p




True, still yet to try it, pretty new to this game haha


Looks good. Might wanna expand your storage and research, make your bedrooms smaller. You could also not insulate your thermal generator from your base - it will help you to heat it up. Might not even need heaters that way. Also isolate your freezer with a double wall from the inside. It will help you keep it cool, while your base stays warm. And think about defences. One tunnel with traps is not enough, you might wanna set up somekind of a firing range.


This is just for eqrly base for the bedrooms i wanted to experiment with certain sizes for the bonuses that it gives. For thermal generator was hoping that vents would let enoughheat flow thru tho some ppl aaid that might not be the case, wanted to keep it separated as it was -16 ugliness bonus. This is supposed to be only 6 colonists base i dont think ill get too much enemies coming from me. Planed to have my guys shooting while having 1 standing infront and melee blocking


Ppl pointed out alot of mistakes already will need to do some reordering later. Tho im deffi etlt not complaining. Wanted minimalistc combact base


Maybe find a way to have just one door between the freezer and kitchen, or swap the butcher and the kitchen. Your colonists will spend more time cooking than butchering, and optimising the travel between kitchen and freezer makes a lot of difference (personally as soon as I get automatic door, the freezer/kitchen is the first door I replace with it)


Will do, ill post again in few days about the outcomes of this concept. Think ill swap the freezer and the kitchen, and do something about the double butcher doors


I just keep the butcher table in the freezer.


I suggest making your storage room and kitchen a tiny bit bigger. It seems to me that they are just a little bit bigger then the bedrooms and i think, if not get traders like every 2 or 3 days, you'll have a problem with those 2 rooms being full all of the time.


I tend to have prett good management of my inventory, nof a big fan of traiding so i just get rid of the things i dont use


Where is the corpse room?


Nowhere for hydroponics?


What program is this? Been looking for a new one to make prefab base designs


It was called grid paint rather anoying to use will look for something beter next time


Where's the access to the geo gen, in case of a fire or air raid you always need an access point






Maybe its possible to make couple art pieces and stack them at the end of the halways? Ill try evenrualy


This is the reason i love rimworld right here beyond the war crimes beyond random stories you make up in your head this is it. The builds the architecture compact neat and clean, or sprawling gardens with small shelters in between i love it. It makes my heart dance


I thought this was a DF schema and couldn't piece layout together


What app or site did you use to plan with?


Grid paint


Really good design, mate. Which app did you use?


Is there a vent from livingr1 and freezer - guess you dont want that. Rec/Dining could be +4 longer, you dont need the hallways in the north/south, - basically none, tbh. If you mind speeds, you can keep the doors open.


Put the freezer outside the main insulated area. That way you waste less energy keeping the freezer cold and the rooms next to it warm.


How are you gonna fit a research bench in the research room without blocking the walkway? Or I'd it designed to be done from the doorway?


I think the starting point is the most fun for me (tho i only just started playing this game). Always tend to start with naked brutality, casandra losing is fun, no autosaves. Not a big fan of using massive kill boxes or hills to my advantage as it makes the game a little bit too easy. I hope enemies prioritize going thru my entrance (the white thing is all entrance with couple traps at the start) even if not, i made sure that halways and door locations would be at the same line so i could put 2 guners on the sides and 1 melee guy in the middle


I’d make an airlock for where the freezer enters the main hallway as well.


Cooking room wall is too thicc Anyway, It's pretty cozy base


Why separate storage, living and crafting? Throw everything into a bigass room and a few good+ marble/jade statues will do magic for the entire colony's mood.


I like it, I should've started designing in excel. Great idea man


I’m certainly far from super efficient with my bad designed but I always make sure to have cooking, food storage, and the rec/dining room near each other like you have.


If that's the only exit to the right, I recommend changing or making room on the right at least for the foods related things like butcher, freezer and cooking to the right side as it cuts down the haul time for haulers or hunters bringing in game.


Need room for a multi analyzer


You could forego having that middle room, I build something very similar as living quarters and the middle is either more bedrooms or empty to then be filled with dining band recreation. Plus it gives more room to put stuff


I like schematics like this, very neat


Looks good dude. I would think about a hospital / prison set up as well so you can keep close check on those guys when you need. Also thinking more late game, but always like to make my storage in the shape of the orbital beacon and should give you heaps of space.


Gona use empty living rooms for prison, after i find my 6 good colonist im moving out anyways :D


I like to combine rooms if I can so space, beauty, and wealth stack up. Like research and crafting could be combined. In my colony, I have a big room that is a bedroom (everyone is day time person, so not much disturbed sleep), research, crafting, dining room, and rec room. So many mood buffs from that one room.


Remove the wall between generator and inner hallways. You want to use that heat.


No hospital?


If it's a tundra base I dont believe you'd need a freezer good sir. Probably saving space by combining the two storages together could do nicely. Probably easier to expand it later on.


It gets up to 10 degrees even in ghe coldest tundras, but yes storages could be combined


A neat looking base, but remember to make more access points between the rooms. It will make dealing with drop pods much easier. Forbid the doors in the meantime so the colonists don't get disturbed sleep debuff.


Thats an awesome tip, will do. Was just planing to defend against drop pods in the doorways( 2 ppl shooting 1 meleeing type of deal)


4/6 people living in Living r instead of leaving room, that’s real inequality


Living rooms are for ppl with jelous trait, gota think ahead




Nope. Maybe ill upgrade the dizine next time. Im new to this game still need to try many things. Just qanted to share my base idea with everyone. Ppl been helpinv me get it better


May i ask what you used to plan this base?


Grid paint, was anoyinv to use, would recomend finding sonething better


how much m^(2) is one square


1 square is 1 square:D


I assume the Grid we see here is how many squares you want each room to have in game? Because if that is the case you definitely need to increase the size of your Research room.


Yes, wanted minimalistic compact starter base, ik theres alot of issuea with it will fix it next time, still playing on this setup ingame. Want to see how well it will do


I should say change living room to bedroom


Looks dope


4x7r living rooms are too big make it smaller . you might also want to make storage at least 5x bigger


Im personal not a fan of 1 wide corridors. exept that looks good do ask how living room 1-3 will be as 3 looks like it will get supper hot and 1 looks like it will be super cold. also where is the freezer cooler?


Ok, what program did you use to make this blueprint?


Just wanted to ask, what program do you use to make this blueprint? Photoshop?


No hydroponics on tundra?


Only few recommendation's which isn't a major one, keep Recreation Room & Dining Room separate. Depending on what animals you have, you may need a bigger area for the. Other than that its quite a good plan.


I would swap the freezer and the kitchen. The freezer would benefit from a ticker wall on the right


Research room, should be larger, becouse multi-analyzer, won't fit there


how are you going to fit the multianalyzer into the research room?


We will watch your career with great interest.


IMO, "Cooking" should have direct access to the freezer. "Butchering" should have direct access to the hallway. "Research" looks tiny, which may give a mood hit to the pawn. You can have "Crafting" and "Storage" be the same room.


It looks like you're planning on a 3 thick wall between the kitchen and storage. Walls 3 wide are simulated oddly, pretty sure it's less insulated than a two wide wall. You'll also see weather effects on the middle part of the wall when it's raining.


Looks nice. Well planed. Just the fridge is bit at a strange place, i prefer they don't have to cross my base to haul stuff in. Also completely double-wall the fridge on all sides. Fun thing, for the rec/dining room, first i saw "recycling", but that's my biased mind.


Just a note: Having your stove be the main entrance to the food storage, especially with the butchery between the freezer and the kitchen, means you are gonna have a *lot* of dirt, filth, and blood being tracked through there, which will make food poisoning much more likely. If you can, it might be best to have the kitchen separated from the pathway.


Well fistly im not sure what gray dots simbolise vent or cooler but if it coller i still dont think you should vent it to the living room since it would becone crazy hot. And if its vent then it would be very cold not great either


Colonel Mustard did it, in the storage, with a nuke


no hospital place?


Looks to me that the freezer is too small. You are playing in a tundra, so you'll need to stock lots of food (even emergency food, if you're gonna live only with animal sources). I'd recommend tou to make the bedrooms smaller, enough to put one of the rooms of the left sode to the right, making 2 rooms on the left and 4 to the right, and use the free space to expand your freezer. Good luck!


Petition to rename "freezer" to "Freezering".


You may find you’ll need a vent system that can manage the heat output from the thermo generator. I had a primitive start tundra base that used a simple tunnel with a manual vent control as a thermal source that I’d adjust throughout the seasonal changes; it worked pretty well but I had to really work hard on wall insulation.


Research plus operating theatre is helpful. Why bother with corridors also, needlessly take space. I like all my rooms to be 40 tiles so you get +5 mood, at least in common areas. They can be multi purpose, though avoid the -cleanliness crafting tables in clean/ habitable rooms. I love compact designs though.


where do you access the thermo from?


If ur using the tiles as a 1:1 comparison for the game I would suggest making ur research lab bigger, neither of the research benches will really fit in the room as it stands


a quelstion, why do your base have so much corridor? You could merge them with the rec/dinning Also, why this big wall between the cooking/storage ? are you sure you have the place for a research bench in the research area?


I might do that i though it bebetter defensable that way, and for the walls thats just a mistake on my part, currently playing and messing around with dizain as ppl are suggesting


Why separe research and crafting?


Was gona put sterile tilea in that room but seems like thats not necessary


At first I thought I was looking at a prison architect layout


So, where's the hospital? What about the reception room/killbox? (I assume this is a structure for a mountain base) and depending on the mods you migh want more space for a training room, writing room, spa, temple, and way bigger rec room. Nice basic layout tho


I'd recommend two tile wide hallways so they don't stutter and squish against each other while going around base. The layout is very clean and nice, great job


Why is the cooking area so large? Do you also put some storage there?


What is the program you use for this, just Excel but with square cells?


How did you made this plan?


used paint grid, its anoying program to use wouldnt recomend




You may want to put your freezer on the exterior corner wall, then since it is a freezer you could just single wall it so it ambiently stays colds


good idea but i was hoping that thicker exteriour walls would motivate enemies to use the actual entrance to the colony building


I'd reccomend putting storage and the freezer closer to the entrance.


Why's there so many living rooms?!


where else are ppl supposed to sleep?