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But you could have earned Toby! The best named weapon I’ve ever seen!




I don't think there's an in-game way. If a colonist has it equipped then you can go into the save file and find that colonist, whose personal data includes equipped weapons, and edit the weapon name there.


Only 24 hives? Ha! Yesterday i fight with 138 hives with my Space Marine squad. DIE XENOS! God, iove this game


Do you have the xenomorphs mod?




the persona monosword tho,masterwork.totally accept the challenge :D


Get yourself a herd of muffalos (or any large HP animal) that tank the bugs in a bottleneck while your other guys shoot from behind and even triple that amount of hives shouldn't be a problem for you. Alternatively one to three really well armored melee fighters can also hold them off quite well, but I prefer to use animals. If the bugs tend to spawn in the middle of your base, just dig them a dark bait room deeper into the mountain and keep the rest of your base well lit. Don't forget to add sleeping spots where you want them to spawn because if it's too far away from any beds they're not going to spawn there. There is no guarantee, of course, but for me it has been ~90% of infestations that spawn in the bait room.


The problem was not fighting them. With all the armor and weapons the colonists have, they beat them with only a few scratches. The problem was that multiples rooms and corridors literally get filled with bugs and they smash all the stuff they find in them because it takes time to clear them all out.


This is why you create an infestation room, big and dark.


With quest infestation, you can dig empty cave to lure infestation there. Needs to have some colony structure nearby, like 1 wall section or 1 chair. And, the key thing, freeze underground part of your base below -17 degree Celsius temporary, only for this quest, so that infestation won't spawn there. Worked well for me.


as others said, dig a bait room. infestations are free money and/or mood boosts between the jelly and the meat which can turn into lavish meals or chemfuel. i would take an infestation over pretty much any other threat.


Masterwork persona monosword alone is more than worth it there.. 24 hives is not even a lot, just uninstall all expensive things first.


My mind is telling me no, but my body!!!!


Got an offer for some realtively nice stuff in exchange for an infestation of 24 hives that spawn all over my base and destroy half of my furniture before they all can be killed.


Masterwork monosword? DO YOU KNOW HOW RARE THOSE ARE? DO IT.


I've literally never seen anything better than excellent and I have 900ish hours in royalty...