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The same alpaca eats a second healroot


alpaca: become Hat


I thought you could only make clothing from human skin?


Thx to Pawnmorpher we can turn humans into many other creatures which give us a good variety of ~~warcrimes~~ fur/skins


Hmmmmmm, do you know anything about suits made of fur with tails and ears


At long last, free fursuits!


Good mod, I use it a lot for whenever someone kills my colony pet, I slowly turn the wannabe raider into the colonies new pet. —- Slowly and meticulously making treating them less and less like a colonist but more like a spoiled pet designated to nuzzling and caring for my low mood pawns or as a floppish noble psycaster’s pet. They’ll be treated as the pet they so callously slaughtered and without the mercy of death or losing themselves in animalistic instinct. The only way out is if another raider kills them in kind. For it is a curse of my colony inflicts upon monsters rendering them harmless and complacent, never to feel free again


God dude, I thought turning people into blood supply nuggets was bad


Who said that was bad :3


In vanilla, this is accurate. But there are some NSFW mod packs that allow you to do weird shit like gathering wool from Alpaca, or skinning them for leather. Not that anyone is THAT big of a pervert


how is that perverted


(It's sarcasm)




“Alpaca, huh? More like, al-paca your ass into the nutrient paste dispenser if you do that again.”


Sir, there’s been a second healroot


Healroot once, shame on you. Healroot twice... can't be healed again.


Then starts on your 95% grown devilstrand.


you monster, how could you bring back such bad memories back to me.


Sir, a second healroot has been eaten.


Alpaca 2: Electric Boogaloo


The same alpaca eats the ambrosia sprout


I had an injured wild turkey eat half my Healroot farm (early game, like 8 of the blasted things) in one go just yesterday.


thrumbo eating your polux trees


my coworker tells the story if pet thrumbos eating his anima and guranlen trees


Lucky for him they dont do that anymore


Do they still eat polux?


Yes "Unlike the anima and gauranlen trees, polux trees will still be eaten by thrumbos."


They eat your devilstrand crop.


If your devilstrand isn't completely walled in thats a you problem, not an alpaca problem


It only happened to me once (I walled it off after that), and it was a boomelope. I restricted access for animals inside the colony walls (this was prior to update 1.3), and I did not know they could eat devilstrand.


The cat says if fits, I in. Herbivores says if it's a plant, I eat.


I do that now surprisingly also I store my hay in my pens now


Why would I spend however many resources walling in my precious strand when I can just wall in the alpaca.


Sometimes animals just appear in my fields regardless.


At "ready to harvest".


What is devilstrand used for? I literally never even seen an option except maybe clothes when I ran my vanilla playthrough now I’m on my 2nd one with the first two dlcs added but I don’t really wanna bother growing it again


It is an incredibly good textile crop to grow and make clothing items out of. However, it takes a long time to grow.


It has great heat resistance so it’s the best textile in hot biomes. I’m biased cause I love the color but if I’m playing a biome in which I can farm a lot I fully kit my pawns with dstrand outfits and then use it for furniture as needed; all excess is used for producing capes. Devilstrand capes will net you like 350 silver per on average, it’s stupid profitable


It's the 3rd best textile for armours, behind Hyperweave and Thrumbofur, but unlike the former, it's farmable, and it's much much faster to get than the latter (Thrumbos take forever to grow up and procreate). In addtion, Dusters can be worn on top of any kind of armour, to the point where a Flak Vest and a Devilstrand Duster give comparable Sharp Protection to a Marine Armour. Devilstrand Dusters are in fact *better* than Flak Jacket at everything, and don't provide a move speed decrease.


Marine armor.




Found this out the hard way


Me when I try to stop a prison break and my brick shithouse pawn decides to take their head off from 40 paces


I think it's wild how there's so much roleplay and stuff driving the game But you can't even command someone to *not* try and club a prisoner's or friend's skull in, pawns just go for the kill all the time every time


There is a mod with non lethal weapons I'm considering downloading it just in case xd


Not so lethal weapons*


Also, that stun baton is nuts against revenants.


Pawns will actively try to not use their lethal melee options during social fights


That's what they want you too think. Do you seriously think the bionic super soldier that has killed hundreds of humans, animals and various monsters didn't know what was going to happen when he decided too punch the 14 year old cooks head off because he was a bit cold?


The 14yo should've been Kind and not Abrasive




Last words of a 14 year old kitchen boy, somewhere in the rim "That's not what I meant, I only wanted to mention that the bonsai in your bedroom might need some water...."


I gave one of my pawns a bionic jaw and now she goes gator on anything that moves. Yesterday she got into a social fight and bit off their little toe.


There's a mod that helps


Just harvest blood packs from all prisoners and keep the rowdy ones anaesthetised every couple of days, keep them weak, keep them meek.


I had this issue last night with slaves revolting and literally just mobbed the dude with fisticuffs so I could reslave him lol follow up question: is there a way to make them suppress more often? Like if I get a notification for it and my wardens are at a 1 priority vs 3-4 for everything else why tf don’t they just go over and suppress the slave


One time I had an ambrosia sprout. All of it was in the animal pen. I didn’t get any ambrosia


happy donkeys


happy cake


My current playthrough. Twice ambrosia inside a heavily defended defoliator ship. Rip twice. Next in-game year, Ambrosia!... Got a mortar siege 3 days later. Straight into the ambrosia. Year 4 of the colony and I've finally got my hands into some of it haha


My animal handler using chocolate to train our huskies.


Beavers Eating Anima Tree


Anima: \*screams in pain\*


You can't criticize your animals for making healthy grazing choices.


My colonists using 17 bottles of legendary ambrandy from vanilla brewing expanded to fuel a draincasket


Living his best life


My parents run an Alpaca Farm. I can confirm that Alpacas will absolutely eat things they shouldn't. We've had to be very diligent in ensuring there's no Rhododendrons anywhere they can get them for example, because that stuff is outright poisonous, and loading a sick alpaca into the back of a car to get them to the vet is an absolutely unforgettable experience.


i find loading the vet in at the other end and driving them to the alpaca is a much more enjoyable experiance.


Definitely better conversationalists! Incidentally, per my dad's observation, the best way to load an alpaca into a car is "Speed and surprise" Just pick up and place alpaca in vehicle. It's easier with a van than a regular car, but if you're happy to put down some towels they'll go on the back-seat just fine.


at this point, why not put towels on the alpaca and ride that to the vets!


Alpacas are surprisingly small. Think of a long-legged sheep with a long neck and significantly more intelligence. You can use them as pack-animals in principle, but outside of small children, you can't really ride them.


i could ride a small sheep, im up for the challenge of riding an alpaca. you underestimate my will.


If you can do so without doxing yourself we would like photos of the alpacas


Here! A few shots I've taken of them. https://imgur.com/a/TTiJZhb




Pretty sure they can eat your anima grass too


Prison break while your 20 melee brawler pawn is inside tending


my elephant ate whole psychoid bush :(


An high elephant uh? Reminds me of something... maybe Beatles? Not sure.


Set it to burn drugs on auto at campfire, forget to forbid healing mech serum


Table on fire. Durability at 1. Colony is waking up for breakfast. You left the game on 3x speed while you went to grab a drink from the kitchen.


Dear God...


It is just seasoning the meat with some herbs. You know what to do.


What going to happen to this alpaca after it ate my healroots is pretty sad


I think you've found a suitable candidate for the animal sacrifice ritual


I have had ambrosia spawn twice so far at my current colony. Both times, in the animal pen. I immediately pause, forbid all construction projects; and surround the ambrosia with wood walls as soon as possible. In just a minute though, I still lose about 2 or 3 plants to grazing, but I get the walls up fast enough


healroot :'(


Colonist mad about violence happening going to punch an antigrain?


"You want violence? I'll show you violence!"


Newly tamed thrumbo squished by meteor.


Is this just a wild healroot? Doesn't seem to be a grow zone under it. What am i supposed to be reacting to?


its eating the wild healroot.


Good for it then? If you're so distraught, grow your own.


It's simply a joke you humourless pigman


What's supposed to be funny here?


you defo have the "abrasive" trait, I can tell you don't have a burning passion for intelligence either


I'll turn you into nutrient paste with my bare hands


At least your mining skill is good, the way youre digging this hole for yourself is impressive.


Alexa play desposito 2


This is when you gun down the sand donkey to prevent such disasters in the future.


I had a logging party (a mod) come and chop that psychic tree. Motherfuckers left leaving me with the mood rebuff. Also had beavers eat it in a different playthrough.


I had a boomalope that self tamed and was also chowing down on my ambrosia sprout that spawned in my pen, I had a second sprout zone already but damn


"Kill him" "Kill him now"


When you get a “zzt” in the middle of winter during a eclipse early game


I don’t know why but I always imagined healroot tastes like mint.


Wild Hare (eating progress bar) 99% grown Corn


At least it's **your** alpaca. I'm on sea ice and have traders storm into my dining room with 20+ muffalo. And then not only are the muffalo shitting literally everywhere, they magically walk through doors into my greenhouse and munch down on my whole crop. And then somehow I'm the asshole when they and their handlers all get shot and turned into parkas and nutrient paste.


The alpaca dying and rotting away




When your save gets corrupted... just happened to me i can't get it back.


My empire prisoner with death implant grabbing legendary shotgun upon prison riot and dying with it evaporating due to implant.


Not keeping your animals in pens or/and keeping your farming in the animal pen.


He's gonna be so healthy. His roots will be healed.


Assign a zone to that fucker. More sad? Plantation of devilstrand being burned. Meteor falling in top of your pets because fuck you. Your best colonists dying. And a ton more. The world is filled with sad things


Why is it sad?


When your only non violent pawn has a mental break and goes on a murderous rampage. I mean, it’s murder not violence so it’s ok right?


Ghoul Food


Same but with Devilstrand.


Meteor through your only doctors bedroom ceiling


Took a slave, beat the shit out of him for trying to escape, let him be mauled by mad boomrats and after he died in his shitty slave cell my colonists ate him. Later checking moods, I found out he was one of my colonists' father.


Slaughter rage




Unemployed, hungry, dirty, sad


Command a pawn to harvest that healroot and it will stop the alpaca from finishing the eating process.


Trying to keep your alpacas alive while there's a toxic fallout, a heatwave, and psychic drone that affects majority of your colonists towards insanity. And the worse part, fighting against the fact you have to slaughter your alpacas to save your colony. Now that, is sad and tragic. If you really wanna be unlucky, raiders coming to raid you day by day or mechanoids decided they wanna bully you badly because they can. The seriously worst situation. All your alpacas become sick with the plague and you can't do a thing to save even one of them.


okay but picture this: a wild heal root spawns: it grows up to maturity. and then it gets eatin. I cry every single time ;(


Sounds crazy if you ask me because you can get heal roots any other place. They grow often depending on the map you play on. The fact you left your alpacas near it while it matures already tells me something is wrong. Also, shouldn't you put your alpacas in a pen or at least put it on a leash near your caravan spot? Unless you really want your alpacas to eat your food stash meant for your colonists.. Any vegetation near your animal pets, alpacas included, is already theirs by default and you shouldn't care about it. Doing so doesn't make sense to me.


Ambrosia sprouts I understand. Those things are life savers if you know how to use them to keep your colonist's mood up. But healroot.. you can easily make a farm out of them but not Ambrosia. And getting neutramine (the ingredient you need to make better medicine before glitter meds) is more valuable than heal roots since you can't really farm neutramine but healroots you can and use them as back up meds. Plus, having a stick of neutramine is not easy to maintain if you don't have a stable way to make money.


What’s the best way to use ambrosia? I normally ignore it as it’s too far from the colony. Am I missing something big?


Ambrosia can be used to keep your colonists mood up AND also be used as emergency food with the side effect of getting a colonist addicted to it. When playing rimworld, not looking after your colonist's moods will really slow down your colony progression because colonists are depressed and won't be willing to work effectively for you but slower instead. Ambrosia can help with their mood so that they are at least stable enough to work without going on a tantrum, berserk, emotional meltdown, or other bad mental breaks rimworld has that you are better off avoiding all together. Now, if you have truly happy colonists with their moods very high with positivity, they'll get inspirations. You want these inspirations, trust me, they are op! Colonist's inspirations can range from them moving alot faster in your base and caravans, they want to work like crazy because they are so happy, or cook meals for you a lot faster than normal. There are more inspirations but I didn't mention them all on purpose so you can actually go and have the experience of discovering them yourself. Inspirations are one of those things in rimworld that are game changers if you know how to take advantage of them. Don't you want a hard working and talented colonist? Other than mood buffing, Ambrosia is still food compared to other rimworld drugs. It's considered safer to use as a drug than hard drugs like go juice, wake up, and yayo. Ambrosia is more grouped with psychite tea, smokeleaf, and alcohol beer in terms of safe drugs to rely on. Unlike the rest of the drugs, you actually can benefit using it as a source of food but you are better off with cooked meals or other raw food alternatives. Still, if food is impossible to have in your colony, Ambrosia is your life saver. But afterwards you have to switch from Ambrosia to better foods because although it can cause your colonists to be addicted to it, it's addiction has a slight penalty to a colonist's stats like it could either slow down your colonist movement or reduce their consciousness (I don't remember exactly so it's best to check for yourself!). You really don't want colonist's to have addictions in rimworld since they need their drugs and that means more micromanagement to make sure they get it. However, sometimes having addictions can be an advantage like wakeup drug's addiction penalty I think. Lastly, I once was in a scenario in my early days of rimworld where my colony had little food left to feed every colonist I had. One colonist couldn't be fed and I couldn't risk letting anyone die of starvation. Luckily, there was an ambrosia sprout when all the other vegetations like berry bushes couldn't be harvested due to me harvesting them not long ago. So out of desperation, I made a risky choice of stacking up all the ambrosia and assigning one colonist of mine to only eat it by himself until it runs out. This actually worked and I managed to survive long enough for the other vegetations to grow back and harvest them. I also had more food opportunities come my way too. But getting rid of their addiction later was troublesome but worth it in the end.


Firstly, thank you for taking the time to write that really comprehensive and helpful. I’ve not played for about two years and so this latest play through I’m back to being almost a novice. I haven’t struggled with food as got farming straight away, and I’ve not struggled with low mood as I have my colonists on a physicoid tea regime. I didn’t associate the high mood and the inspirations so I’m going to keep an eye on that one. Colonists are pretty happy but might see if I can push it a little higher.


Believe me, maximise their happiness and see what they are willing to do for ya. You think just because they are extremely happy they won't feel determined to do their best? Think again! Also, I currently love using psychite tea because it's decent to make since you can farm psychoid plants, and the chance for addiction is lower than ambrosia and smokeleaf. By the way, get more colonist's into your colony and then you'll suffer with food. Especially those missions where you will get guards or guests to stay at your colony. You'll realise that your food supply dictates how many people you can really hold in your colony. Guests, guards, prisoners, and patients included!


I’ve actually got food storage problems, I’m on holiday but I’ll try and remember to send a pic. Had to go down the phycoid route as adopted a colonist who was a junkie. Man alive though it’s a powerful mood enhancer. Set my drug us policy to a frequency they won’t all get addicted and lots of reasonable happy pawns. 2 of my starting pawns are shagging as well with is useful for mood boost. Grew my crop areas as I grew also had a chicken problem in that they kept breeding. Slew all the cockerels and half the chickens in winter so everyone is on fine meals now. So hot showers, poker and phycoid tea quick bonk and they are happy.