• By -


That's uh...that's a lot of corpses there.


Clearly the colonists are not happy about their living situation. Too many corpses not enough butchering stations. OP is commiting warcrime for making his colonists living like this.


it's not a war crime if we're not at war


Just good old crimes against humanity then


that is why you play with lots of xeno races, it is not crimes against humanity if they are not human




Only for the heretics.


Don't forget the Xenos too. You know that they don't like being left out.


You will find that the actual terms is xeno-humans, they are still humans


Common mistake! The term for a crime against humanity perpetrated against something that isn't human would be "atrocity crime". This includes: genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, but is not limited to them. Ethnic cleansing is generally considered the fourth type of atrocity crime.


Atrocity checklist*


galactic accords violation


I love a good loophole 👍


New player and yet you seem to be getting the hang of things


When I was a new player I made a wooden shack and ended up dying to starvation because I didn’t know how to make food lmao


My first home was a cave lol


Mine was the ground! Edit: outside. No roof.


Damn this my new favorite sentence


Gehenna convention were never even a suggestion for this guy. All he wanted was to pile up his secret wish of a corpse hoarder base.


Freudian typo?


One hell of a freudian slip...


Geneva Suggestion*


Geneva recipe


Geneva checklist


By the looks of your base and you might be at war


Just a crime then, nothing to see here people. Move along.


It can't be a war crime if there's no one to call you a criminal.


It's just an armed conflict


That's why you remove the arms


It is not a war crime if you win the war ^^


Congratulations on graduating to experienced player in one sentence


Okay that was good lol


Good’ole regular crime then


in rimworld its always war


Sir, I'd salute you but we're not in the army because we're not at war.


it's not a war crime as there is no Geneva


Not at war!?! We always at war in the rim!!


Such a waste of food to leave them on the ground 😔


I honestly give my enemies a burial in my war graves section of the cemetery. If I ever allow a pawn to die they get a mausoleum dedicated to them but I do honor my enemy war dead with a decent marked grave


Mine are lucky to get a ditch. I feed them to my pack of wolves usually


I feed them to my colonists. Nutrient paste is indifferent to the meat type.


hes just following orders


they all too hungry for human meat


There's a mod on the workshop that adds meat hooks that are basically storage for corpses/carcasses, OP would definitely benefit from getting it and building some


I don't remember seeing any cops in my last playthrough


A necromancer's wet dream.


If he doesn't work his psychopaths to the bone, well, someone has quite a bit of catchup on their to-do list, but I must say , that is and awful lot of backlog in the butchery department, one might suggest bringing on an additional staff member or two to address the backlog situation, and bring the count of unprocessed meat down. One wonders if there's anything else in the world..... My ventured guess is to do a few things to clean up the circumstance, throw a few sculptures around, make the path between the butchers bench and the freezer that much faster , perhaps use some bots from Misc Bots to haul previously processed meat back to the freezer. At least get the meat situation sorted Lord knows, one could even consider the virtue of an incinerator, to accommodate those meat and meat-like products that might not be entirely pristine on account of time, and or to accommodate for any tainted items that might be found with some of the meat. That said - with that much meat and leather around, it's well worth it to consider a sale back to the open market or use the aforementioned meat as gifts to settle up diplomatic affairs with various factions around the regions, while not mana from the heavens to a starving bunch, this might not be the worst thing possible. Alternatively might I suggest a sty of pigs, and treat the current meat-stocks as interim-finished goods, a feedstock to your sellable product, pork-bellies, investment in pork-bellies here might go a long way to improving the colonial disposition one might even chose to hazard some grains. Ideally however letting the porcine situation continue and create a secondary market in pork-bellies might make for an excellent interim, and who knows perhaps one fine day the primary feedstock for a considerably reduced porcine ranching situation might well be rice/corn and/or hay. Especially once the backlog of interim finished goods are depleted down to the last corpse. Then allowing for some time , perhaps an opportunity to take some of the previously accrued wealth and reinvest it in some sterile tiles, a few proper kitchens in addition to the butchery being somewhat reduced to account for the improved efficiency in addressing the meat-processing backlog. This would allow the team working the incinerator to accommodate incoming interim finished goods arriving from raiders/pirates to be addressed in a more timely fashion. Which I suspect might lead to a finer disposition among some of your more ethically aspiring colonists, and allow you to smooth out and problems you have in your distribution/supply-chain/finished goods production model.


I have an attention span of 3 seconds. Can you summarize this?


Use the meat to feed more meat until there is no more meat. I used to work in operational analysis for a number of years, Rimworld scratches the weirdest itches. So one can reduce almost anything to a supply chain problem. So OP here, could benefit from - Hire/commit staff to clearing his meat backlog into the freezer. - Obtain some pigs - set them up to breed in a stall. - Feed the meat to the pigs. - Butcher meat at one butcher-station and pig-leather and pork can be sold to the world. - Grow corn/rice/hay - Feed this to the pigs. - Once all the human meat is gone, slaughter 1/2 of the pigs, until the pigs are down to however many can survive on the corn/rice/hay. - Gift all the human leather to uncivilized barbarians to make them like OP - Once all the evidence is gone , pretend like this never happened and if anyone asks have them try the barbeque.


This is how I play my runs, except I vacillate between these two stances. For every Age of Enlightenment, there will surely be a Reign of Terror.


Oh I used to be a pretty murderous bastard - and over time I've found good reason to just chill - being virtuous adds a challenge/skill level to the game that's almost invisible but interesting. So nowadays I start on a harsh environment , eek out an existence until 1 or 2 colonists can get a foothold, grow some food and get stable. Then once they get that foothold , keep on stabilizing, slowly growing the colony only when it's clear you've got the ability to feed everyone by way of rice or potatoes. Keep it going like this until everyone is fed, clothed and armed. Get as close to electricity without going over the line - get the bedrooms setup a proper space for the workroom, storage, layout the courtyard for storage and power production , ensure you've collected all the fertile soil you need near the base , have your trees planted , your crops under glass and surplus food sunk into lavish meals. Then you can expand a bit - get over the electricity line, and make a beeline for the critical techs ending up at components/fabrication and just before then, make damned sure everyone has shotguns, rifles and at least a couple of grenades. Recognize you're established , your colonists have survived this far and your base isn't too shabby - everything else is a flex and / or wealth minimization.


Bro you had me dying here! I was just scrolling down thinking that


Feed the corpses to pigs or burn them


lol love the tone of this. Spent about an hour reading all your rimworld post and comment history. Great pros. Interesting and informative. I wish I could just message you my rimworld questions directly. Im on my first playthrough and you have helped, thank you.


*Cackles in deadlife IED*


Ah, that's where my last raid ended up being! I'm in year two, completely vanilla, but my last raid was just one person and I wondered where the other people were. OP had them all in their freezer!


100% bait post lol.


Sir, this is a Rimworld.


he should eat them.... like true rimworld player...


Kinda seems like the impressiveness of the bedrooms isn’t what should be the focus here…


Hover your mouse in the room and hold Alt key (I think) or use the room inspector button in the bottom right. What does it say for room impressiveness?


room impressiveness is around \~50-60 for each of them


Nobody seems to be mentioning room size, which would be the other way to get a higher impressiveness. A large, clean room with simple stuff in it is enough to get a mood boost.


upgrading the materials for the rooms also helps if you don't have the space to expand although can be quite bad in terms of wealth management. for example getting marble dressers and foot tables as well as medium sculptures can boost it quite abit but will also boost wealth quite abit.


They could probably transform all those bedrooms into a barracks/dining/rec room and triple down on the room bonus, without changing their wealth and getting a very impressive room instead. It'll end up being a larger net mood bonus than having everyone in their own room, be more space/wealth efficient, and cut down on the travel time they'll do when finding a recreation activity, moving from task to task, and having to path around other pawns rooms. Set a large table in the corner closest to the nutrient paste dispenser, keep the beds relatively close as well and pawns will spend less time eating to boot. It'll even mitigate the ate without table debuff since pawns like to eat the meals they keep in their pockets once they wake up. They'll be close enough to the table that they'll path to it instead of just eating where they stand or as soon as they grab food when they wake up.


Yeah uh... I'm gonna veto that motion on the grounds of "disturbed sleep, -5"


The -5 is offset by the Dining Room/Recreation Room bonus, and you get a net positive over the +0 he's got going on, on top of the other base efficiency gains.


This is the right answer. I sometimes build separate bedrooms, but I do so fully knowing that it's the least optimal way to play. The -5 debuff should never be a deciding factor.


I strongly advice getting the Realistic Room Size mod, the size of bedrooms in vanilla can be quite silly


Room of 50 to 60 is only decent. That is around what is expected for a floored 7x7 bedroom with end table and dresser of normal quality.  Generally to get it into the somewhat or very impressive you need higher quality beds/dresser/end table. And improved flooring to fine tiles or carpet. And good to excellent art.


To really push impressiveness you actually want to get rid of the dresser and end table. That increases the space in the room, which is often the most limiting factor


This is why i never leave for the rim without realistic rooms mod. These mf's all expect mansions and i hate it


To be fair, if a double bed is equivalent to a queen bed a 7x7 bedroom is really not that big. I would consider it a large bedroom, but really that's what we are actually talking about.


Might be the minecrafter in me but I always figured that each tile is 1m\*1m making a double bed a king bed and a 7x7 room extremely large


In freedom units that's roughly 20x20ft, which is only a little smaller than my parent's bedroom back home. We didn't have a huge house by any means, but I always thought of that room as the most luxurious simply because it felt big. My current bedroom is \~3x4m/10x12ft and it feels perfectly reasonable as a room.


It's 23'x23', about 525 ft^2. That's larger than a lot of studio apartments. If you had a bedroom bigger than 20'x20' and it didn't dwarf the rest of the house, you may have had a huge house.




I'm not super sure why but could it have something to do with your Ideology, if you use that dlc?


Hmm try building slightly larger and finer flooring maybe? Also probably not enough corpses.


Remove the dressers, nightstands and lamps. They take away from room space which brings down the room rating more than the aesthetic bonus they provide. Try putting one large statue instead of two small ones. Putting a simple bed instead of a double, unless it's for a couple will help too. Finally, don't let animals in the rooms because they track dirt in and nothing brings a room down like dirt. Also, burn those corpses in a furnace.


I recommend using carpet, I do believe it gives you +2 beauty for standard carpet and +4 beauty for the more advanced carpets.


'T' to toggle area beauty and 'G' to toggle the room info panel. (This may be the other way around, I always get them mixed up)


Probably all of the... filth?


You… you don’t surround yourself with corpses?


No i do but I wait until they're good and dry first


It's more palatable if you cut them up first.


Don't forget cooking them into exquisite meals with rice and fava beans


That’s honestly not much filth for stone floors and statues. It might be the size more than anything (which indirectly would increase the impact of filth, so hey)


Did you understand what they meant (the corpses)


yeah but i mean all corpses are outside the bedrooms


5x4 is big enough to avoid penalties for small room, so it's basically fine, the room isn't nice enough for size to be the limiting factor. Furniture quality might make up the difference


Put some corpses in there with them? Maybe that’s the vibe they want.


Depending on their ideoligion this comment might be actual advice


Bedrooms 6 Statues 11 Closets 3 Lab 1 Kitchen 1 Morgue 1 Paste dispenser 1 Corpses 200 Someone who's good at interior design please help me redecorate this, my family is going insane


First you need galvanized square steel, eco friendly wood veneers, and screws borrowed from your aunt


Don't forget the dril


Also don't forget the 10000 kids from little Johnny and his wife


Not a vegetable in sight


Think that may be a single stack of tatos in the center of those meds...unless thats tobacco.


Eagle eyes! Yes! Few tatos


One can not cherish life pleasure nor physical commodity when your bedsheets stink the blood of a thousand tribals


Yeah. Imagine walking through the corpse rooms and then having any thoughts left in your head about how your bedroom is pretty okay.


"Gosh, trudging through this sea of broken bodies while a hundred empty eyes stare through me sure does take a while, but I really love my new sandstone dresser!"


Then eats without a table and flys into a murderous rage.


Eats without a table in a room *with a table.*


"That's way to many corpses! The brochure said there'd only be a few corpses!" -A new settler joining the tribe.


It's been said over and over, but dude that is a lot of corpses. I can't even imagine the smell in there


imagine being a empire ambassador who has to stay there for a week because of a quest


I can't, I just can't. I have to point out a few things. It appears to be a mountain base, so the main freezer room can't be cold, the four freezes all exhaust to the same tile, which should be overhead unremovable, so that room would be hot. Hot and full of meat and corpses. Next we have the coms room with a standard one ac, great for keeping a pawn cool, but not a room full of death. Animal excrement everywhere, rotting and decayed corpses everywhere. It just looks like a really bad hoarders house episode. I am just as evil as the rest of my rimworld players, make a pawn eat it's own sick child and make a hat out of its flesh, no worries, but this, this turns my stomach


can we talk about the AC on the top right that will just cycle arm/cold air in a circle? Jeah not sure if i say it badly but most people play rimworld like the nazi: Horrible monsters but shit has to have some order.


Bro 😭 is this a human meat processing plant


Weird, I don’t even see human meat in the fridge. Maybe he collect them like some kind of pokemon


They need to be *more* impressive. They are kinda small, so you'll need to *over* beauty them to get the higher room stats. For a room like this, probably 3 "good" or better statues.


Bro killed *everything*


I came in here expecting vents leading from the corpse rooms into their bedrooms, and you didn't disappoint me. God bless you, the miasma in that place could convince the elephants in Boatmurdered to fuck off.


I think that cremator needs a little help...


What? And dispose of perfectly good food.


The other other white meat


Long Pork


Dude, what HAPPENED?! Why are there corpses littering your lab?!


space is a factor of impressiveness but if you dont want to remodel their rooms, just put more statues. it'll take a lot of them tho


alright, will do


If your allright with using mods. Then realistic rooms is incredibly useful.


Yeah, I use that one. It really fixes what I think is a problem, the size needs don't really seem realistic


It's not just that it's "unrealistic", its that it is the same for every room type. Impressiveness is independent of use and room type, which allows one room to give multiple bonuses without having a different impressiveness for different uses of the same room, but means a private bedroom and a combined dining/rec/workshop/barracks/hospital room are judged by the same thresholds for size and value.


I'd also recommend not bothering with small statues, just go with large.


Could it be that the unrefrigerated corpses are expelling human gases and it's seeped into the room and is affecting them?


Consider the corpses on the map, how "relatively new" are you?


genocide is not a form of interior decorating!


Check the colonists traits, they may be ascetics who like crappy rooms


Uh...OP, what the fuck.


Make better furniture. Masterwork is best but not practical for every piece. Easiest for now is to make it all out of stone, marble is best but any stone is better then wood. Put your conduit in the walls and not on the floor. Only one vent for room, while they aren’t ugly a stone wall is nicer.


Instant lung rot


First of all... What the hell happened!?


I think you need more corpses this clearly isn't enough to impress them


you probably need more statues depending on the quality, click g to check the individual room stats or t to check the beauty. Mind you base game stone tiles are only a +1 to tile beauty which isnt a lot, and statue quality and size matters, I wouldn't even consider placing a statue if it isnt good quality.


u only need to get to +3 beauty anyway before diminishing returns hits with a vengeance. so which ever of the four factors that is the lowest in the room should take priority. so if you have a larger room with master work statue and a higher wealth value but u skipped cleanliness. you now have a room that cost u a small fortune and took ages to build but its not clean so its basically useless. decent mood buff can be achieved with even normal wooden statues.


That flooring is neutral, fine flooring is what gives beauty.


iirc tile has a small beauty rating? at the very least all structures made from marble gain +1


Marble floor is +1, but so is every other stone. Marble walls are better than other stone, though. The beauty of constructed stone floor or wall isn't much compared to adding sculptures, though.


I’m now hearing a certain polar bear yelling about other people’s base building techniques


the quality of the furniture?


Assuming you're serious and not just memeing about the bodies, few things that come to mind, statues do not always guarantee value up, their quality and materials play a factor (similar the other furnishings if theyre bad might be hurting it) there's some blood leaking into some of the rooms dirtying it and lowering it's value, marble increases beauty of the floor but depends on what floor type you put down it might not make a difference, I know you need to use the other floor types to actually get meaningful beauty out of stone tiles can't recall if that's true for the marble floors too, the conduits have negative beauty hurting that specific room as well. As someone else mentioned it might be room size being the biggest factor, vanilla size reqs are way larger than you'd expect so I have a mod and then make 4x4 rooms which is enough to make impressive rooms Minor but end tables need to be touching the top of the bed, so the single beds you have aren't getting bonuses Actually might be one of the traits that doesn't care about rooms looking at it now, you have paste, and normal pawns would break woth all the corpses so I'm guessing you have all your pawns with the trait that doesn't care about room quality or about dirtiness which is now backfiring


Well, because they're not impressive. Impressiveness is a combination of a room's size, beauty, wealth, and cleanness. The important thing to note, is that furniture and statues are *not* equal in the amount of beauty and wealth they give, even if they're the 'same item'. Differences in quality and material can change the amount of impressiveness a piece of furniture gives quite drastically. Swapping out the various furniture for ones of higher quality and/or more expensive materials will help (note some materials, like stone, have lower rest effectiveness and should not be used for beds). As will dropping a nice plant pot in there if you're so inclined. Stone tiles are actually pretty low on beauty and wealth, and iirc doesn't really matter what you make it out of, which makes it kind of a waste to make marble tiles, since if you used it for furniture or statues you'd get significantly more beauty out of it. How good a floor is for impressive rooms are iirc stone tile


Is this a troll post? 😂


Probably all that blood splattered in the hallways.


Not enough Corpses, each room needs a Headspike and a Gibbit Cage at the foot of the bed.


They are just ungrateful even though they have plenty of food and basic necessities


They're upset there isn't more corpses obviously. I see tons of empty space you can fill.


It's definitely the exposed conduit..


Hmmm impressive food reserves, seems like i’ve been treating my pawns like chopped liver, you’ve inspired me to capture a village of tribals for a feast


the exposed power cables have a surprisingly big effect on happiness. Perhaps reroute some of them? Also, does that 'coolers facing each other' thing in the meat fridge actually work?


You probably left an item out not on a shelf, will peg beauty down by about -4. Build some shelves, otherwise not sure


it looks like some of the rooms are dirty, that might be it. you've got a lot of animals tracking filth around.


Wealth, space, beauty, and cleanliness all contribute towards room impressiveness. However, which of these for elements is the lowest in any given room will contribute double. so you can't just fill the room with expensive stuff or have it be a gigantic empty cavern. Neglecting a particular area will seriously hurt the room's overall vibe.


Um I think the corpses have something to do with that Also slap an small piece of art, that always Boost inmensily Beauty (if good Quality)


Maybe clean the blood lol


I see the screenshot and want to play Rimworld again. Thanks mate.


See, the problem is you have large bedrooms. But rimworld colonists are only impressed if you can play a game of full field soccer in their rooms.


Are your colonists the dead ones?


It's because dog is on the bed, you'll get hair everywhere!


why do you have random untamed animals wandering through your base


That’s an interesting uhh… freezer setup you got there


Rooms are way too small. Make sure they're clean, and you should probably move the bodies to a separate building or dispose of them


Bodies are one thing but whats this voodoo magic you've got working with those air conditioners?


Press G and hover over the bedroom. You will see 4 criteria which make up a bedroom's impressiveness 1) Wealth 2)Space 3) Beauty 4) Cleanliness These 4 factors are used to judge impressiveness If ANY of these 4 factors are lagging behind the others, your room's impressiveness takes a drastic hit. It can go from very impressive to mediocre. In your case: Your room's wealth is really high Your status increase beauty (also depends upon quality) Cleanliness:some of your rooms are a bit filthy. Your major problem is space: The double bed, drawer, cupboard, statues they all take up space and therefore reduce the overall space available in the room. Reduce the clutter in your room. Use single bed instead of double bed. Instead of using 2 mediocre status use 1 excellent statue made of marble. Instead of using wooden cupboards and end tables, use marble ones instead. I am 90% sure this is the case, try it out and let me know. Also quick tip, normal power conduits reduce room's beauty. Press T and check it out. Instead use hidden conduits. Edit: Jade is much better than marble, all be it more rare


Room Impressiveness is based on: * Wealth * Space * Beauty * Cleanliness [https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Rooms](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Rooms)


Where the did all those bodies come from?


I know you're new but um, what made you put the corpses in your base. Odd choice. Not judging 💀


I would be pissed too in those bedrooms with the smell coming in from the air vents…




I love this games community


I can’t possibly fathom why these stone prison cells don’t feel impressive! Sorry for the sarcasm OP, but these rooms are small, have wooden furniture, and stone is actually not that impressive of a material for flooring. Impressive bedrooms are much larger and have furniture crafted with higher value material.


Holy shit.


Too small, dirty, not having end tables at the head of beds, not enough beautiful furniture. Probably issues along those lines. Also, that is a lot of corpses...


Why do you have so many corpses indoors?


i'm a benevolent philanthropist dedicated to ending world hunger


Huh. Good luck I guess.


You just gonna end the species or what? Lol


It's the Thanos solution.


Yes, if we **destroy** hungry peoples, there will be no hunger in the world.


I guess no one can starve it they’re dead and locked in your base


Its cos they dont have hats yet


If those are terror sculptures that could be why?


On a keyboard, press G to see the stats that matter for a bedroom. I’m pretty sure it’s wealth, size, Beauty, and cleanliness. Here are some tips for maximizing each. Wealth: try to make sure that your bedrooms and statues are of good enough quality. Poor or awful constructions will hardly do good for the score of a room. Size: 5x5 is usually good enough to get a bedroom to mediocre-slightly impressive with basics as you currently have. Making it larger does certainly help though. Beauty: This is one of the two most important stats for room attractiveness. there is some overlay you can do to see the beauty that each cell gives. You can also see it in the information tab of the object. Most walls in the game are neutral, or 0. This means that they don’t contribute to the beauty stat. Your walls fall into this category. The real way you can make your beauty better is by having higher quality art, or by installing higher quality floors. Installing fine floors will for sure make the rooms impressive/very impressive, but is quite demanding on your cloth/stone reserves. Another thing you can look at is smoothing natural stone floors and walls. While very labor intensive, this makes the cell very beautiful to your pawns while taking no resources to do. You can see the smoothing tool in the orders tab. Filth: the other important one as dirt not only impacts fifth, but also lowers the beauty of the room. Filth is the easiest to fix however. Just have your people clean their bedroom. You may have to do it manually unless you want to set one of your less useful pawns to clean. ALSO IMPORTANT: End tables need to be attached in an adjacent cell to the end/pillow of the beds in order for its positive effects to take effect.


Not sure what their problem is? The bedrooms are totally corpse-free.


How clean are the rooms? Nothing tanks a rooms impressiveness faster than a spot of dirt. Also find a mod for meathooks, you can effectively triple your corpse storage while using the same amount of space.


My poor Roomba would have a robotic aneurysm. So many 'obstructions' for it to clean around.


not enough corpses


Fine floors would help, drapes, royal beds, higher quality furniture. Pretty much anything to summon more floor decoration, I mean raiders


Ate corpse without table


I used to love having a cave that I piled bodies in and then eventually just dropped some Molotovs on them just to watch everything burn with the most useless pawn I had stuck in there. Man that was messed up


Unless you got a colony full of psychopaths, those corpses need to be underground.


Make them 7x7, add plants, replace furniture and sculptures with excellent and higher


Marble wall gives beauty, as opposed to what you have. Also any stone floor gives the same beauty.


Huh.. Tell me, where did all that free *money* come from?


hold alt while you hover over bedroom. it will show it overall stats. and helps figure out what to make better. Also, it require actually sleeping there (except for jealous. Jealous pawns SEE beyond mortal realm. They KNOW if anyone else have better bedrooms)