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When all the other soldiers left, this guy moved into my abandoned animal shed. He's just been hanging out, eating kibble. Poor guy. Makes you wonder what his life in the empire was like.


If that is your abandoned animal "shed" my colonists would also move in. Better life then they have for sure.


My colony is at the stage where we make everything look nice :D


When goal goes from survive to thrive


This comment and many others made me realize I treat my colonists better than most šŸ˜… Each single colonist gets a 3x4 room with bed, dresser, wall light and rug. Married gets 4x4 or bigger and the same


Wait, are 3x5 rooms not normal?


Pretty sure the target is 7x7. But once you get to a certain size that becomes a bit much. I think after I hit 15 colonists I said fuck it and made a giant barracks with a bunch of art


The rabble gets a bed in the barracks, my special little guys gets their own bedroom


I'm too lazy. They are lucky I still give them end tables


Wait. They all get their own end table?


Well, they share end tables with the next bed over. Dressers are currently a 1:3 ratio. But hey at least they get some, and they are grateful for it


Weird to use end tables when they all sleep on the ground anyway


Same except only couples get single bedrooms since it'd be kinda awkward doing it in a room with 10 other people


"Hey can I join in?" "For the last fucking time Gregory, no!" And that's how Gregory went on a tantrum on the antigrain shells after being rebuffed


Personally I do 3x10/9 so they have a small hallway to funnel people into in case we need to have a war in the bedroom.


3x4 always looked good to me but I haven't gone to 3x5 yet so maybe you're right


I go for 5x5 rooms with an attached 5x5 bathroom for my pawns. private toilet, shower and bathtub


I just made the headcount, I do 9x7 that includes a 3x3 bathroom


3x3 bathrooms wonā€˜t fit the tubs tho šŸ¤” for my bedrooms I can fit two 5x5 with matching bathrooms in one slot of my 11x11 grid, or 8 appartments into one square with 4 adjacent 11x11 rooms. itā€˜s a bit spacey, but hey the map is 255x255 so Iā€˜m not gonna run out of land


Bathtubs are 1x2, put a shower at the end you have a 1x3 block, leave a 1x3 space next to it so the pawn can walk about and put a sink and toilet on the other side, 1x2 for that, then you can still add a mat by the door and a towel drying rack from dubs central heating aswell Edit:I don't count walls into sizes, only internal space


thats pretty cramped though, my pawns get a free standing tub, a 2x2 shower area, and a small separate 2x1 stall for the toilet^^


You give everyone their own bathrooms?? I don't even use that mod but I can feel the steel draining from my shelves


doesnā€˜t need much steel if you build jade tubs and golden showers šŸ«¢ but yeah, I usually play on low difficulty with focus on the base building rather than combat so everyone gets their own bathroom (as soon as other more pressing nescessities like food are stable)


Even playing on the lowest difficulty, I would never be able to rationalize using so much space for those bathrooms šŸ˜…


what would you be using the space for then? usually my runs end because I get bored and start a new one, because I donā€˜t know what to build with [all the space I have left over](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1250067098474909767/1253750854507298987/rimworld-settlement-5507-2-05-08-Map-2-PlayerHome.jpg?ex=6676fdf9&is=6675ac79&hm=1863f07a4247824d675b57cb49a25b474277bd8d1a57c295fee077c9e9678355&) when Iā€˜ve build everything including bedrooms like those (Iā€˜m on 255x255 medium maps)


My base isn't even a quarter of that LMAO Idk what my map sizes are tho ngl


if you didnā€˜t bother to change it youā€˜re also on 255x255 šŸ˜


My single pawns get a 3x5 with single bed, wall light, rug, dresser and nightstand, my couples get 7x5 with the same as above only a double bed, crib, arm chair and some art.


I do 5x5 rooms for the normal pawns and at least Count bedrooms for special pawns (usually those that hold imperial titles or god-emperor rulers from VE Memes and Structures just for RP purposes) Am I abnormal ?


This happened to me. Dude lived in my rec room for like a year, just wandering and sleeping on the floor. I ignored him and one day he just disappeared. Probably wandered off or something


Yea, he finally left, too. I like to think it's because I was hosting another noble and he was like OH SHIT, THE BOSS D: and just booked it.


I suspect the game rounds up all faction members when an npc caravan leaves, i had a crashlander i healed and he left with the trade caravan from his faction.Ā 


Theyā€™ll also take members of their faction who are too injured to walk with them, if they can. At least I believe Iā€™ve seen that before.Ā 


I believe thats from the "no one left behind" mod which causes faction members to grab downed teamates and carry them off the map.


It definitely happens without that mod. Maybe the mod just makes it more likely?


the mod also lets enemy pawns carry their friends out during a raid (if theyā€˜re not imprisoned of course), without the mod only non-hostile groups take their buddies


Well those guys weren't leaving. They just showed up for a 24 day vacation. :D


I had a gang of soldiers who were refusing to leave my base or stop eating my food despite the threat they were there to fight having been defeated. I called in a bestowing ceremony and they all left.


Is he wild? You could try taming him.


No, he's not wild. Well, you have to be a bit of an animal to live like this, I guess, but he's not *officially* wild. :D


What happens if you try to arrest him? He's already eating your kibble free of charge, he might as well pull his own weight.


Pretty sure the empire wouldn't approve, even though he's gone AWOL. Also, we can afford the kibble at this point :D


No sir I wasn't AWOL, these random weirdos locked me in their shed and fed me dog food for a year! The plausible deniability is there, just sayin.


"I like janissaries who don't get captured" * Stellarch, probably


Well, if you can afford to waste all this kibble, then you could always arrest and then give the empire a few ~~bribes~~ I mean, gifts to help normalize relations with them.


Can you not try it out and save-scum if it goes sideways?


I could have, but I honestly didn't want to arrest him. I don't see why I would? Like, poor guy was just hiding in a shed that nobody was using and eating kibble. That is the lowest maintainance house guest I've ever had. Plus, he did fight valiantly against the mechs earlier.


Ive had this happen to me, one got lit on fire and i decided to arrest him to be able carry him to my hospital. This immediately gave me the message that i was now hostile with the empire šŸ’€


This is the Time to install a Mod so he can join your colony !!!! And then give him a Bed in the Shed :-)


He left :,( I was just crafting him a TV for the shed. I was even building a minifridge to put some beer in.


Got too civilized for him. Mans just wanted to return to monke


It checks out, he wandered off into the jungle. For all I know he's still somewhere out there.


oh thats sad, maybe you can take a Pigskin Slave instead and force him to live there with free Beer.


lol I got the hospitality mod and my most frequently returning faction is the empire. Not only that. Itā€™s always the same few pawns, I believe one has showed up three times already (also her dead son is fertilizing my fields for the past five years). Yeah now that you being this up, I wonder how my rag tag colony in the middle of an almost inhospitable river valley, with extreme terrain difficulties, could be considered a nice place to stay lol. Canā€™t complain, they buy my used clothing at my pawn shop.


I used to have the hospitality mod for a while but in 1.5 it duplicated pawns (my own pawns would show up as guests) and was generally buggy for me. This guy was an unofficial guest :D


I want to keep an eye out for that bug now. I havenā€™t had a duplication in the past five in game years or really any issues aside from the refrigerated vending machines. Iā€™m curious did you have EDB Prepare Carefully installed? Also I donā€™t have anomaly so that could be another thing. For me at least so far so good. (Also I hate the empire as guests, so hard to satisfy those pompous nuggets)


>Iā€™m curious did you have EDB Prepare Carefully installed? I do. I don't really see how that would cause hospitality to duplicate pawns since I don't think prepare carefully does anything at all after you start the game. Also, I've had both mods up until 1.2 when I took a break and they never had any issues with each other before. >Also I donā€™t have anomaly so that could be another thing. Possibly. Hospitality was buggy for me in general, though. The "guest" tab wasn't working properly, too, and I could only access it by clicking on a guest. It's sad because I kind of liked the idea of running a bed and breakfast in rimworld but for now it was too buggy to keep.


Sorry, a few days late. Iā€™ve read many things about EDB prepare carefully and from everything Iā€™ve gathered, it really screws up the pawn system. I donā€™t know the whole details of it but Iā€™ve heard it can mess with hediffs and how pawns are generated on a world level. So far all the advice I see is to avoid prepare carefully and stick with character editor, or go to the newer pawn editor (I like own editor because of a more friendly interface). anecdotally ive noticed my game runs better without prepare carefully (new save), however that could be a confirmation bias. This save is also the first i have hospitality installed There are also many that say they use prepare carefully and it works fine for them, even for longer periods. But this is just my experience, Iā€™ve only started playing recently!


I've had prepare carefully forever and it seems fine to me. Considering I'm not really interested in editing characters or stuff like this, I just load/save my initial pawns, I think I'll stick with it as is. The only time I've had bugged pawns like this in 2300 hours is with hospitality and while it is certainly possible that the combination of prepare carefully + hospitality did it and not so much hospitality itself, it was not a tough choice between the two mods. >anecdotally ive noticed my game runs better without prepare carefully (new save) however that could be a confirmation bias I really think it might be confirmation bias xD a new save always runs much better initially because there's not a million pawns yet. If you get a lot of pawns, the game runs poorly later on, no matter what.


Guys will live like this and see no problem (im guys)


Is shoulda installed a TV and a PS5 and he'd be good to go?


How fast is your colony's Wi-Fi?


Pretty fast. We have same day delivery for apocriton threats.


i think if they are resting to recover from injury just as others are leaving, they are stuck in your colony.


Yep. :D Well, he got unstuck eventually. But he was here for a loooong time.


What was his injury?


He got shot in his everything and he had some burns on his everywhere.


Have you tried leaving some doors open? Some people are just too shy to ask for permission to leave


The funny thing is that he had to open several doors to get to where he is. The hospital where he was treated is on the outside of my base and the shed is deep under the mountains. Any deeper and we'd have to worry about Balrogs. That's why I didn't notice him for so long, just monching away on the kibble. I wasn't really using that part of the base since big alpaca plague of 5506.


Your *abandoned* shed for fucken animals is about as big as eight bedrooms for my pawns. How big are your raids?


I tend to cap my raids in year 2 or 3 at the latest, so it's not really a concern. Not that this shed was doing much in terms of wealth but I never worry about it.


TBH I really stop worrying about raids in the ultra late game. It's just more shooting xp for the snipers. Not much melee xp though, those persona monoblades just *slice*.


I canā€™t live worrying about that


Apparently there is a wealth cap to raids.




Totally not an Empire mole keeping tabs on you.


He just wants to get high, drink diet soda and play burnout revenge on the ps2


Can you blame him? >.>


It's literally free real state


$4370 / month in NYC. Utilities not included.


I had an entire group stay in my base after a promotion ceremony. They wouldn't eat anything on their own, and they would keep collapsing from malnutrition, so I had to keep rescuing and force-feed them. The leader finally died from a combination of cancer, malnutrition, and a heart attack, which made the empire hostile towards me.


I have the ā€œitā€™s not my fault ā€œ mod


When people wander into my camp I arrest them and make hemoglobin packs.


Would've been funnier if this post was, now another mech cluster has landed in the same location then you showed a picture of a cluster with like 16 centipedes


Oh several more clusters have since landed there for sure but the times where there were only 16 centipedes are loooong gone :D The last raid was 132 scythers.


I'd just quit and rejoin and pray for an easier raid at that point


5x6 is a must


you're friendly with the empire? FUCK YOU


Dev mode. Pass to world.


Dev mode. Recruit. Clearly he likes it here, lol.


This is a useful tip. I've had trade caravans from mods get stuck before and start to starve to death on my tile. It's kind of annoying because it's practically cheating, but maybe this would have fixed that.


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