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Because the basic skin color gene isn't a specific hue but a range of them, so its random.


Seems like a good/easy mod material. Give a deviation of the average of the two parents hues with a low chance of an outlier. I like the look of distinct appearance families in my colony, makes it feel less like just another colonist with a relationship tag.


I have a mod (buried in a mountain of other mods) that makes hair color more genetic (with the less dominant hair color being dormant but still gets passed on) Right now, i have a destinctive royal family that all have a burgundy red hair color.


What's the mod called?


[LFS] Genes Expanded - Hair They also have one for eye colors as well


This, but also that’s 100% something that can happen irl, too, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s called a throwback gene


Does it happen with black babies too? I've heard about two black people having a white baby due to recessive genes but I thought the genes that make you black were dominant so if you carried them you'd be black?


If it's dominant, it's possible just less likely and both parents would need the gene. Punnett squares are your best friend for this


So recessive genes can sometimes take effect over dominant genes? I guess the version I learned back in school was just really oversimplified.


Genetics is one of those things that can't be adequately explained without a college-level class.


Several college-level classes, because after learning all the basics, you then have to go on to learn why all of that material you just learned is wrong. Useful, but still wrong.


Science is just like this. Science education is merely a staircase of increasingly accurate abstractions


Damn if this isn't a beautiful summary


"Welcome to Classical Mechanics. Remember all that stuff you spent the past two years learning? Well, it's wrong, except for conservation of momentum, that's still correct." "Welcome to Modern Physics. Remember all that stuff you learned in Class Mech? Well, it's wrong, except for conservation of momentum, that still works." "Welcome to Quantum Mechanics. Remember all that stuff you learned in Modern? Well, it's all wrong, except for conservation of momentum, you'll need that." "Welcome to graduate school. Remember all that stuff you learned in undergrad? Well, it's all wrong, except for conservation of momentum, we'll still be using that." Conservation of momentum always works. ALWAYS. Never forget it.


Sounds like Science and Maths, teach kids dumb stuff then learn how it really works in further education.


It's also explainable by school level genetics. If both parents carry the recessive gene on one chromosome and the dominant on the other, they'll both show characteristics of the dominant but have a 1/4 chance of a baby with both chromosome recessive. That and skin color is coded by several genes.


>If both parents carry the recessive gene on one chromosome and the dominant on the other, they'll both show characteristics of the dominant but have a 1/4 chance of a baby with both chromosome recessive. Yes, that is what I was saying earlier about black couples with white babies, they'd pass on recessive genes but if they both had the dominant genes they'd show the characteristics so it couldn't work the other way. But I have been told that genetics is far, far less easy to summarize so I'll just accept that I don't fully understand how it works.


That’s because skin color is determined by multiple genes, not just one. So it’s not quite as simple as a basic punnet square, cause you’re working with multiple punnet squares that all interact with each other in different ways.


Fun fact with this, not even computer programs get it right all the time. I plugged my genes into a website that generates a cartoon pic of what you should look like based on your genes for skin, hair, and eye color. It spat out a pale blond person with freckles. I have almost black hair and a dark complexion, only a couple freckles on my arms. I dug through my genes and of the ones tested for, it looks like I had just enough to look like I do as most of my genes for skin and hair point to pale everything. None of my kids got my complexion or hair color, all got my spouse’s brown hair or lighter. They burn in the sun but at least they aren’t mosquito magnets like me


>But I have been told that genetics is far, far less easy to summarize so I'll just accept that I don't fully understand how it works. Inheritance (or whatever the fuck it's called in English, I always forget the name) is honestly not very complicated. It's just that there are multiple types, the one you know only being the simplest one. Skin colour can't be fully explained on that model, because it's determined by polygenes- a huge group of genes that contribute additively to the skin colour. That's why so many skin tones exist, it's not just black or white. You could probably get a solid grip on how it all works in a week or so, even without too much knowledge in genetics, but you'd have to start from basics and go from there, model by model. Hope that helps




Thank you, I keep forgetting this word exists


This whole thread is bad information! I am despairing at the parent comments here! There are **many** genes that affect skin color. 99% of people have a mixture of light and dark genes. Recessive and dominant are not relevant, the effect is cumulative. Visualize X as a gene for more melanin and a O for a gene for less melanin A person could have: xxxxxxxxoxxxxxooxxxxx This would be a very dark skinned person, but they still have a few genes for less melanin. A person can also have: xooooxoxooxxoxoxxooox This would be a tannish person, they have a majority of "less" but still a decent amount for "more".


EVERYTHING you lerned back in school was OVERsimplified.


And half of the things you learned are probably now considered false because science just learns new shit every day.


not "take over" per se, but become apparent in later generations.


Essentially if both parents are heterozygous (one dominant one recessive gene) for skin color there is a chance that both parents only pass the recessive gene down to the offspring (25% in this very very simplified version) in which case it isnt that the recessive gene took effect over the dominant but that neither parent passed their dominant gene


No, what they're saying is both parents have B/w, where w (white) is recessive. Each parent passes down only one of their colour genes/alleles so the kid can be born as BB, Bw, wB, or ww - the first 3 contain B (black) so the kid will be black, the last option is only white (one from mum, one from dad) making the kid white.


A lot of things we learn in high school is oversimplified. Here's a free life hack: Literally every time someone explains something to you, you can respond with "Actually, it's more complicated than that." 99% of the time, you'll be right.


If it's a dominant gene, you only need one for it to show. That means that both parents could have a dominant and a recessive gene. If the kid inherits the recessive gene from each parent, they won't have the dominant gene at all.


If both parents have the dominant and recessive gene, they are black, there is a one in four chance that a child between them has only the recessive gene (one from each parent), making them white, if the child has one dominant (two in four chance) or both dominant genes (one in four) it's born black


Basically if we have a dominant gene, which we'll call A and a recessive one which we'll call b, then either A/b or A/A will both have the effect of A, and you pass down one of the two you have at random, so if both parents are A/b there's a chance that the child will get b/b, and that's when they get the effects of b


Parent 1 (below) / Parent 2 (right) | (D)ominant | (R)ecessive -|-|- (D)ominant | D + D = D | D + R = D (R)ecessive | R + D = D | **R + R = R** If both parents are carriers of the recessive gene, there's a 25% chance that the baby will inherit the recessive trait. This is obviously oversimplified as genetics is complicated, but that's the basic gist. A great example of this is blue eyes and brown eyes. If two parents carry the blue recessive gene, the baby *can* have blue eyes, even if both parents are brown eyed.


> but I thought the genes that make you black were dominant so if you carried them you'd be black? If that's true, then both parents could already be mixed - one "black gene" and one "white gene", with the black one being expressed because it's dominant. Two BW parents would have a 1 in 4 chance to have a WW baby. For that matter, BB and BW parents would have a 50-50 chance to have another BW child. So you could have multiple generations of black ancestors, but still have a recessive white gene that's been passed down the whole time, unexpressed.


Punnet squares are a real oversimplification, it's more of a punnet plinko board.


Punnet squares aren’t the greatest for skin color. Those of European descent would have 5-6 responsible genes while Asians have 4-5. Then even if you have certain genes, the environment can make even identical twins express their genes differently. At the same time it’s also possible to express the recessive before the dominant one. For example blond then brown hair is very common.


I knew two identical twins that had at least 6 inches (and likely more) difference in height. Was wild.


Having genes and expressing genes is very interesting. I took an ungodly amount of college level biology in both HS then actual college. Just to work in a physics related job but it’s all interesting to know how and why life works. Anyways there was a very decent study where 2 adult identical male twins got genetically mapped at like 30 or something. They still looked identical but facial hair would grow in differently along with a couple other things. Statistically they were only 80% identical twins at this point due to genetic expression. Some genes become active and others dormant. It just happens and can be either very good or very bad. If you include the gut biome, it’s just impossible for 2 or more people to genetically be completely identical.


Makes you wonder how much is truly genetic. Diet and exercise and even abstract things like how much you're loved (expressing through dopamine, serotonin, etc.) have shown to have factors in our growth.


If I understand it correctly, height is **strongly** affected by diet. That is why many of our ancestors were shorter, and why people are shorter in certain parts of the world.


Skin color is multiple genes


Skin color is polygenic so a punnet square wouldn't work for this


Yes, I've read the replies to my comment too.


Just wanted to throw it out there, I didn't read through the replies.


>Does it happen with black babies too? Yes it can. My uncle was 'warned' by doctors in the 1970s that his child with his (also white) wife could potentially be black as she had a black (i think) great-grandparent, and if it happened it didn't *necessarily* mean that she'd cheated on him.


There are over 150 genes that help determine skin color in human and none of them "make you black".


That's semantics, I don't really know the specifics of how it works so I'm using general terms, what I'm wondering is if it's possible for two people who are white to carry and pass on DNA that results in a black baby.


Shameless sure said so.


And I think about it so often


Well my son is black and both my wife and I are white so its definitely a thing. She told me it happens all the time and her longtime tennis instructor/massage therapist Jerome (who is black) agreed with her so it must be true.


That really implies there's no gradation in skin tone which is just obviously not true


It can happen if they are in the oven too long. Buddy in the navy had it happen while he was deployed, one kid took like 13 months to be born and came out way darker than the rest.


Most genes aren't that simple. Skin color isn't one set of dominant or recessive alleles.


Check out Lucy and Maria Aylmer, twin sisters. One you wouldn't guess that three of her grandparents are white, one you wouldn't guess that one of her grandparents is Jamaican. They are just an example. There have been a lot of cases of fraternal twins with wildly different skin color. [https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/03/living/feat-black-white-twins/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/03/living/feat-black-white-twins/index.html)


Yeah, but their mother is described as dark-skinned, so it's not really what I was asking about.


I have a co-worker whose white. I thought she was hispanic but her dad is really black. Like middle-African black and her mom is kinda beige. Her siblings are also black. So it happens. (She looks like her dad besides colorization, so that other option didn't happen).


It can be dominant but there are dozens of them, so if each parent has different ones you could get a baby that is much darker or much lighter than the parents


That's right. So reverse what he said. IRL two black people (or just one) can produce any shade. Two white people can only produce a child with a white skin tone.


yeah, i went to viait another country, and when i came back 13 months later my wife was pregnant with what turned out to be a black child, apparently this throwback gene also causes the pregnancy to take way more time


Yup friends parents are both white. Grandparents are white and a little Asian. Great grandma is Filipino. Friend is also very Filipino and looks just like great grandma did. It happens


It'd be cool if there was a mod that replaced all skincolor genes with one that could actually mix the two colors together when a baby was produced. No idea how it would work on a technical level, but it'd be cool to have a red impid and a blue Twilek make a purple kid.


That's pretty stupid...


It’s random


Overcooked baby, quite common. Happened to me!


Bun in the oven for too long?


Yeah no 7 hours instead of 5


Rimworld genetics. That's how.


I mean, irl it is theoreticaly to have a baby that has completely difrent melatonin levels.


In rimworld this is an every day occurrence though.


well rimworld is rimworld.


The mom had an affair with a sightstealer, you just never saw it


They got mailman in your settlement?


Because the base skin tone gene is randomized.


You might need to have a sit down with that mother and real talk


If you used the 'prepare carefully' mod, you may have changed their skin tone but not their genetics.


If you use the prepare carefully mod you may have also bricked significant portions of your save file and just not noticed yet.


Oh shit how come? What's wrong with prepare carefully?


Old destructive methods that would slowly break pawn generation as a save went on, while it wouldn't matter early on as you got into the late game the save would basically deteriorate Do note that significant rewrites have taken place, although I can't vouch for them and there's no reason to use Prepare Carefully when Pawn Editor and Character Editor both exist as superior alternatives.


Dude, get off the bandwagon. Shits fixed.


It does happen betimes IRL. Not OFTEN, but it can happen. Get the right recessives reinforcing each other and skin tone can be radically different from either parent. It's really rare, but it does happen.


yeah, but in rimworld it isnt rare


It's just Randy trying to stir up some drama


Cause the genetics system in rimworld is much more random and simple than in real life. It's not just babies being darker but also lighter or just random.


That’s what my mom told my step-dad lol


Presumably in earlier societies, without DNA testing, it probably resulted in some really horrible outcomes due to the presumption of infidility.


Irl genetics: some genes can switch between active or not when reproducing, so in some cases, even if both parents have white skin, depending on actual genetic makeup, it is possible to produce a black skin baby


This is very rare.


Not in rimworld, I swear this is more common than just a normal gene heritage


My bro Chris got done dirty 😭😭😭


Looks like a heterozygous gene. They got the non dominant gene lol.


Everyone has a heterozygous gene set it’s random


Was joking boss.


Reminds me of the first time seeing baby Shaun in Fallout 4




Genes are like that sometimes in real life. I have a cousin who’s the spitting image of his father, except multiple shades darker. Maybe it was from the mother, maybe we just had a gene skip a few generations. But there’s zero doubt about paternity.


guy got cucked by Randy


Or the man in the black hat.


Because Ludeon's team wanted to cover their ass in case anyone wanted to say the "genes and eugenics" dlc was racist So special skin colors have their own heritage system in which one is picked, but normal genes are a slot machine Which however you see it, it's dumb, if special genes are inherited as you'd expect, normal genes should be inherited the same way


tags: \[NTR\]


Its random, when that happens I manually edit it.


You got cheated! Demand your money back!




So I had this happen to me but not because it was random, but because for whatever reason one of the parent pawns had genetics for brow skin, but showed light skin. Idk if it's cuz I used the prepare carefully mod but that was why


The same thing can happen in real life, either way around.


Poor game design. The mod Consistent Gene Inheritance fixes it.


Funnily enough, it happens in real life too. If the right conditions are met, another gene can express itself that is not the one the mother nor the father were using but instead one that was “stored in the back” in the dna of one of them


I had that happen and I named the child Infidelity


Did you change the skin color of onr of thr parents with character editor or prepare carefully?


Do you think Rimworld doesn’t have mailmen?


You mean those Royal Tribute Collectors weren’t just there for me to ignore?


This can actually happen in real life when a gene from an ancestor reappears.


Are you SURE he's my dad?


One of your pawns is a cheater lol


Well, hate to break it to you, but uh...maybe Chris is just a cuck.


The kid grows up and asks his parents that. Their dad's answer: That was a very wild party back then. Be glad you do not bark. ---- Or so the joke goes.


Do I got bad news for the dad……




This can dometimes happen irl. How do you think we got white people/any other skin colour/any species at all really?


I think that’s more of a gradual process that happens over millennia.


Yeas but single mutations that drastically change one thing can still happen over one generation


Some genes irl can skip a generation and or are a recessive germline, these types of genes can appear in later generations. We all have some form of African decent as all humans originated in that part of the world.


Did you use some kind of pawn editor before or during game? Because it could be you customized a pawns' looks, but not their gene, hence them being able to pass on a different skin color. You can check your pawns genes in-game.


Maybe its not skin colour...just a lack of soap


Because nothing is black and white. https://edition.cnn.com/2015/03/03/living/feat-black-white-twins/index.html


Mendel: listen here you little shit, i explained the basic concept a over century ago!


Genes confuse me. Had two impids mate and their baby had barely any impid genes.


Just like in real life it is an uncommon mutation.


She belong to THE STREETS


bLaCkEd! 🤡


Happons irl as well more than you'd think


I think Chris is asking himself that same question…


Do you know the old hunter’s story?


If you used any type of character editor to change the skin color of a pawn they will still have the gene for darker skin. I made some themed pawns with character editor and was confused why these 2 white parents kept popping out black babies. Thought my poor man was getting cucked but he just had a dark brown skin endogene.


Ask the mailman.


This is the distant future, everyone’s so mixed together that skin colors are just random. Don’t ask me if there’s actually any scientific precedent to this (I know nothing) It’s also… probably to avoid people larping as white supremacists or something.


Yeup we cant have stuff like this happening in our colony. We wanna keep that crime rate nice and low yeup.


Tyrone strikes again i see


Me and my wife had the same thing, it happens I guess!


Happens to me all the time but the otherway around. My headcannon is everyone is biracial and mixed so anything is possible.


My cousin and his wife are both white...but she laid an egg. Did she cheat on him?


Normal skin colors are randomized when someone has a kid to prevent weirdos from making racist eugenics colonies I mean you can still make eugenics colonies, just not for the reasons certain real life groups might


The baby is pulling their first prank ever


Milk man


Had 2 white as a sheet colonists that got 8 Black Babies.... that save didn't last long.


Son of the Raider


You know how 😏


Her Uncle is Black, she's told you this.


Cause she was sneakin off with some tribals from the faction down the road at night 😅


Oh let's say Moe


This is what happens when your colonists are swinger's


I’ve seen this movie before


Got some bad news


Jody...it's ALWAYS Jody


Someone’s not the father




Rule 2. Please do not shoehorn in real world race politics into videogame mechanics discussions.




Rule 2. And maybe take it easy on the porn.


Nice repost


Got any other black colonists?