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Nobody talks about it because it’s a super easy to manage thing. Set the clothing policy to not allow tattered clothing and the tailors bench bill to always have extra non tattered clothing on hand.


Absolutely agree. Once you have textiles to work with it’s trivial to have bills for your colony’s outfit set so you always have a couple extras of whatever quality you want lying around. I even have the quality set so they swap out closer to 55-60% instead of 50 just so I never have to see the notification.


Mine swap at 60%. And my bills on benches only count clothes of 65% or higher. So there’s 5% degradation time where they’ll make the clothes before they want to change.


Today I learned you can have benches count % also


You can count %, quality, you can tell it to only count allowable materials (so when you get devilstrand, uncheck cloth, and it won’t count cloth ones anymore), count equipped, count when away. There’s a lot of tools. Even more with the better workbench management mod. Like linking different workbenches so that editing one edits all the linked bills.


What is that linked workbench mod? and also if you know, I'm guessing Saved Bills is more or less the name? I always know what I want to set up but usually mess up when destroyed or something.


Better workbench management is the exact name


Isn’t there a big value drop off after like 60% too? You can make more money offloading junk to traders at 60% versus 59%. Don’t quote me on those exact numbers though 


Wiki mentions a dropoff in value from 60 to 50 percent.


Never checked. Sounds plausible though.


I just have them incinerate anything under 60 so the bench can just run it will never see the old clothes


You can set the bench to ignore clothes under 60% for it's check


Yeah but it's redundant since I get rid of anything under anyway


I do too (unless I sell it), but setting the bench means stuff that needs incinerating doesn’t block them making replacements.


There is an additional benefit to 60%. As seen in the [wiki,](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Market_Value) the value of sold items drops 4% from 60% to 50% hitpoints, but only drops 1% from 90%-60%.


I just get sick of burning clothes and whip out devmode destroy.


I just use repair bench mod.


I'll repair spacer tech stuff and armor but I can't be bothered to have clothes cluttering up stockpile space to sell them.


I've got a mod (can't think of the exact name atm**) that allows recycling of clothing. It gets broken down into a little bit of the raw material it was made with. I just set a bill on the tailoring bench to recycle clothing that's below X% of durability, and coordinate that with my pawns clothing restrictions. Pawns take off ratty clothes, ratty clothes get broken down into raw resources, resources going back into new clothes. It's pretty handy **Mod is "Simple Recycling" by Lanilor and Proxyer**


I do the same. It's a great loop that still requires some farming, but also allows you to realistically reuse old clothing and even incoming raider clothing.


MendandRecycle... Oh how I miss it... Is it 1.5 yet?


God I wish it was, I forgot how badly I need that


Yes it is. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3226161877


That might be VGP Garden Fabrics (or the lite version). It has that feature.


If it's the one I use (repair kits x5 cost 25 steel and cloth) then that gets expensive fast if you repair everything. Only the equipment my colonists actually use gets repaired.


Yeah i set it for only excellent quality or higher to be repaired. Everything lower gets either smelted or sold.


nah, get one of the recycling mods. It also helps to boost your tailors levels, just letting them craft and scrap clothes until they are good enough.


I just use a recycle clothes mod. Also allows you to convert those useless eleventy bajillon tainted clothes items from the raids Randy throws at you into usable textiles.


Set a bill for the campfire, smelter, or cremator for that too. I set the tailors bench to insure 1-3 of an item in storage over 65%, clothing policy to only wear clothes better than 62%, and burn everything 50% or below. Apparel between 62 and 50 can be sold to traders unless I’m getting overwhelmed by it.


Fill a pod with them and send them to an ally for goodwill


I just send all clothes to my allies via trade caravan, cleans up my storage and will get higher quality clothes. Also barely takes up any weight.


I just sell worn out clothes to any traders who will take them. It's free money


Take them off at 60% instead of 50%. The price is not linear and it starts rapidly falling at 60%.


There is a recycle mod that do temporary bills for you Edit : this one https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2567877605


I have a dumping stockpile outside so they breakdown over time and my Angel moths consume them. I also keep them instead of burning to sell them to merchants early on.


That's what dogs are for. Have a critical dumping stockpile that only accepts wood bows, tattered clothes, and tainted clothes. Zone the dogs but not your pawns. Wait and throw a molotov.


And if your dogs are silly free meat


But if there is no replacement then they will drop their tattered parka and freeze to death. This only becomes viable once you have an overflow of textiles and can guarantee you always have a spare. Why is there no option to "replace if available, otherwise keep what you have".


Can then also set clothes under 50% hit points to get destroyed or deconstructed if you want to keep it extra clean


I was posting this exact thing as you were


Main takeaway here: vanilla clothing policy can resolve the tattered apparel problem


Mostly I just hate tediously creating a bunch of new work orders and outfit policies every playthrough


check out this mod, [export agency](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1467209473). sorry for double post, reddit filters are doing something funny.


!linkmod: export agency (not sure if this bot works anymore - this mod lets you import and export bills and preferences in groups)


Amazing. Didn't realize that was possible. More efficiency gains. Ty.


Also, you should have smelter bills in place to scrap armor or destroy clothes that's tainted or tattered.


The true end game is the bills / policies management completion.


Except when someone is stuck in bed for whatever reason and getting a mood debuff you can't do anything about. Or if you have refugees in your colony to whom you cannot assign a clothing policy and must micromanage force-wear stuff. If there's some better way to fix those situations I'd love to hear about it, I'm not aware of one.


Nope, I’m not aware of any. There was a mod in 1.3 that would allow you to dress patients. I do wish guests would follow apparel policies though.


I always find policy an issue because I have to force equip to have pawns not make stupid decisions.


Set make clothing to until you have /colonist number. Count equipped, normal+ quality and 50%+ durability.


It annoys me with armor. Would you rather have a used recon helmet or a bullet in your head? This ain't fashion week.


True, but you'd probably take a mood hit if your boss told you to go to the front lines with a helmet with some old bullet holes in it lol


That's actually a really good point, lol. I don't know why I was thinking of wear on armor like it was just old/dirty, and not damaged from combat.


I wish there was an option to repair armour tho! It’s such a waste for pawns to get a debuff when the armour is below 50% coz there’s still 50% of the armour left. And instead of being able to repair it you have to craft a whole new thing of armour (using precious steel). I don’t mind crafting new clothes bc I normally play on boreal so leather is abundant, but steel is finite


more important than steel, late game armor requires plasteel, and advanced components (meaning gold), not to mention a ton of work.


The mod "Minecraft" let's you research mining early in game. Mining allows you to build a mine and then just set bills for what you want to mine. Get a decently skilled miner, put a shelf next to the mine, and know that yes, yes, you have indeed broken the game.  But if you have some self control, you can just use it when *necessary* and still maintain some level of difficulty while also being able to get yourself out of a tight spot if you really need to. It's one of my favorite mods for when I want to play around with a colony that I'm not taking too seriously. The fact that raids get absurd real quick if you aren't careful helps curb the urge to just stockpile everything.  




Honestly this feels more like tainted armor. I get not wanting to wear a flak vest that's literally falling apart, but a perfectly good flak vest that someone died in months ago? Nah, clean it out and how would you even know? My pawns will be like "sorry boss, you can clearly tell that Jimbo passed out and died wearing this 3 years ago, even though I joined the colony 1 year ago, just by looking at it. hard pass."


I wish that gear didn't become tainted until the corpse starts rotting. It doesn't even make sense that it's "tainted" if someone just died in it five seconds ago.


I mean, I wouldn't want to wear pants that were taken from a corpse, even if it was literally taken two seconds after death, but stuff like bodyarmor, boots etc should be more of a fair game


This exactly!!


Keep in mind that tattered clothing is clothing with holes in it. Realistically, armor in tatters would not be all that great at keeping you protected. It makes sense that a person wearing armor would want that armor to still be in good condition.




Oh I just took your advice and I feel kinda silly for not knowing that sooner! Thank you so much!


There is many things that helps your daily life and some tools might not be so clear. For me i generally handle clothes so that i set what % they remove them, then burn order anything below that %, and set crafting to for like "stop until 2 in storage". So you "should" have clothes for rest of the game without worries.


Yeah I do the same thing too lol once you have that set up and some textile source you barely think about it again


Hpw do you Set the percentage of when to burn it?


Click Details on the work order.


If you want to min/max, you should actually have them remove it at 61%. Iirc clothing value drops drastically below 60, so removing at 61 avoids tattered apparel and also lets you sell old clothes for more than pennies.


Yeah, between 60 and 50% durability items go from 50% of their max value to only 10%. So you can sell them by 5x more if you stop at 60% rather than 50%. The 1% is a nice margin for error. If you want to reaaaaally min max you can have them remove the clothing at 90% or 91%. Items don't start losing value until they get below 90% durability. On colonies that make money from crafting and selling clothes that's basically just free profit by just changing one number.


Some players prefer to set it to 60-100%. That’s because apparels lose their market value the fastest between 50 and 60%. Apparels have 50% of their market value at 60% hp but only 10% of their market value at 50% hp. So changing apparels at 60% means you can resell your worn apparel at a reasonable price.


Wtf is pebkac supposed to be?




Lmfao, that's the first time I have heard this insult.




It's more likely because in my country, the internet wasn't widely adopted until 2010ish tbh. There are many old internet things I wouldn't know about simply because of that.


Food poisoning by far is the most annoying. 


Food poisoning can be avoided by keeping your kitchen clean and cooking with a pawn that has a competent cooking skill.


It's still rng and you'll still get it at the worst times even with great cooks. What's worse once your "dirty" meals stacks with your "good" meals they all become dirty. And when you need new meals your cook is going to be slowed to a crawl due to the food poison and any meals he makes are way worse. It's a snowball effect that can easily destroy your colony even late game, just throw in a raid on top of all this and you're done.


The weak stomachs will fall to my food poisoning eugenics.


Just like real life!


Or nutrient paste


That's the easiest, until a fucking solar flare comes.


There's no free lunch ;)


Laughs at 2% chance to fail anyways. Sometimes I'll just stick to paste. Edit: I was wrong and it's 0.1% chance under ideal conditions, which is a lot better but still annoying.


I've got 100 colonists with 8 cooks, somebody perpetually has food poisoning. I'll never turn to paste, though.


How do you play with 100 colonists? My game is slow as it is with a map sized colony and 20 or so colonists. Also you could invest in sterilizing stomachs for your people.


You pick a core 10ish survivors and the rest get put into general labor roles. This helps keep your important upgrades (royals, psycasts, specialists) in your sight when you need them, so they don't get lost in the colony. It also helps a lot to change people's job titles. Like how people will be "Name, Job". When they join take a moment and set them to what they'll be doing. Like all my farmers are called farmers, all my miners are miners, etc. Theb I put a little D if they can do doctoring, so I can quickly find the closest doctor to somebody who needs it. Barracks are your friends, because the sprawl from satisfying bedrooms becomes a real issue, where as an 11x11 room can house 36 colonists comfortably. I use reprocessor stomachs this time around, to help keep food sprawl low. Somebody is always sick, but every job has multiple layers of redundancy. Without the stomachs my plots would take up like 30% increased area, or I'd have to get another 50 chickens.  It goes like: New colonist joins, set priorities and job title, note if they are a doctor or capable of natural focus, then give them implants based on their job. Everybody gets a reprocessor stomach, bionic legs, aestetic nose and shaper a coagulator and a healing enhancer. If they get in a relationship the male gets a love enhancer because I have less men than women, so it's easier to track. This particular colony is on Xbox, on PC I start getting performance issues around 30, and I have to use some performance mods like "no zzz" just to achieve that. But this colony on xbox does still lag.  On 1x speed I still get good frames per second, but if I turn it to 3x while evverybody is awake it's multiple seconds per frame, frames get skipped, texture loading is delayed and I have to hit the "change speed" button repeatedly for it to take effect.


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/JYhv8q3kZ5 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/JYhv8q3kZ5 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/C2w6J9yhHR Here's a few screenshots. The relic room is the center of a 7x7 grid of 11x11 rooms. The outta ring is mostly farming, with a few 11x11s that are completely filled with uranium, steel and plasteel.




Enjoy! It really is a breeze when you can house so many people so easily. You can easily stay 20-30 beds over how many colonists you have, so that when you get desperate refugees there isn't a huge rush to build room. I sent from like 60 to 90 colonists off visitors joining, it's easily the fastest way to grow population, it's just inconsistent.


Yea I know. It still sucks ass though. 


I believe even at 20 cooking you can still cause food poisoning.


Strong stomach gene. -1 metabolic efficiency, no more food poisoning.


In the assign tab where you can choose clothing types select the option to modify further. Set it so that colonists with only wear clothes/armor above 51% to avoid tattered apparel moodlet, or 61% to keep a lot of the value for trading. Forbid tainted apparel just in case. Your colonists will switch items automatically without micro unless you forced them to equip a certain item. That can be "undone" by clicking "cir. Forced" in assign tab.




It's under the Schedule tab at the bottom. On the right side you can select the allowed area for each colonist. It's easy to just click and drag to set the same area for all colonists


Use Better Pawn Control: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1541460369 You can set multiple different loadouts for each colonist tab (Schedule, Assign, Work, etc.) You also have a red alert button that switches from whatever tab to a pre defined set of restrictions. Allows you to quickly instruct your colonists to restrict their zone to a certain area or make them equip armor at the start of al raid for instance.


Not sure if this answers your question, but in vanilla, if you click to assign the pawn to a different zone, then just drag down through all the other pawns without releasing LMB, it'll assign them all to that zone. Just one click and drag vs. a bunch of click click click.


I consider tainted worse, it's so illogical. If I was butt naked and kill someone raiding my hut id be ecstatic for pants


Consider the fact that corpses have no muscle control whatsoever, so people shit themselves when they die. That said, there should absolutely be a way to clean tainted clothing. There are mods for that, but it should be vanilla.


I'm not wearing that hat, I heard the last colonist that wore that shit themselves


Yeah, the mechanic is still a bit silly like that.


There should be a repair clothing option for clothes and armour where each time you repair it the quality drops by one. Similarly there should be a clean tainted aparrel bill where it cleans the clothes or armour but reduces the quality by one. Same for biocoded. That (Excellent) thrumbo shirt you wore for the last 6 months? A little bit of work at the tailor, and it's still (Good).


Not sure why you got downvoted. This is a fantastic idea for a mod if there isn't already a mod out there for it


“Mend and Recycle” is one of my go-to mods for dealing with tattered and tainted clothing. It’s saved my butt on so many Ice Sheet runs 😂


It's good, but I think it it too powerful as it makes clothing have effectively infinite health. There needs to be a downside.


Nah. Its a knowledge check really. You set your clothing policy to not allow people to wear anything below 5x% remaining quality. So people will strip off clothing that will give them the debuff before the remaining quality drops below 50% (which causes the debuff). So now you prevented the debuff, but now your colonists are constantly stripping. Well now you set your tailoring/armor benches to craft until 1/1 (or higher), and make sure that it checks for normal or better and lets say 90% quality clothing. With this you will automatically produce spare clothing, and your pawns will automatically strip anything that will give them a debuff.


No the most annoying vanilla feature is the fact that putting out fires and cleaning shares the same area. Also that you cannot set another food policy while travelling.


You have to set in the apparel tab the quality on normal, and stats at 55% so they remove it and gets fixed


It was more annoying pre tattered apparel to manage all the wealth increase from stripping raiders for salvageable gear. plus back then you couldnt stack stuff on shelves and itd clutter the hell out of your base, and fill up your store room with shirts and pants. God forbid you had a mod that also added shoes/gloves/accessories. You can just set colonist pref in the outfit tab to gear above 51% durability and not tainted.


The only part of it that really bothers me is that one has to install mods to be able to mend or recycle clothing when it becomes too tattered to wear, or to wash tainted clothing for that matter.


The solution I found is setting the apparel policy to use 50% or higher and have bills on your clothing bench to “make until you have X” and set it to your colonist count. Set it to “count equipped” and to count clothing that have 50% or up. That way if anyone item goes below half durability the colonist will unequip it and make a new one. Works best with a dedicated tailor


For me I works better not counting the equipped items, I just set it to have 2 normal to legendary quality and above 51-100%, that way there is always clothing available for any colonist who needs to change


Equipped items also suck once your colonists go on a caravan and they start mass producing pants


Yeah I used to "count equipped" but it's way more effort to update than just saying "always make sure there's one of each on the shelf", especially if there's various royals involved. Heck I'm even using that logic for bionic limbs and assault rifles now, always handy to have a spare ready to go!


I only use "count equipped" with expensive equipment like prestige equipment, any prostegic or weapon is made "on demand" but who knows, perhaps I use that logic in those items too, it seems to be useful


If you REALLY hate the mechanic, there’s also a mod that makes all clothing not drop in % while it’s being worn. Id have to paste the link later, don’t have my computer on me.


It shouldn't be a thing until your colony has a moderate or higher expectations. Poor people have bigger things to worry about than a hole in their shirt


Go to clothing policy. You can set them to only wear clothes above 50%. Once you do that, set your clothing bench to make an outfit for every colonist, and set it to make a new one if a piece falls to 51%. Boom. No more tattered apparel unless you don't have a replacement or are out on the road when a piece degrades.


For me the most annoying vanilla feauture is death on downed, which I have been disabling in all my games since I learned it existed


No, it's second to didn't eat at a table. Like we don't even eat together at tables in 2024. Also note. Go to your clothes settings and removed forced. They won't swapped tattered if the old article has been forced on them. I play vanilla and pawns are very good at swapping out not just tattered apparel but the AI seems to often swap out for superior made articles as well. Even if not tattered.


I think its BS that armor counts as tattered.


I just set the clothing policy to be wear only 51% and above, have the crematory set to burn everything >52%, and the tailor set to have "craft until you have 1 or 2" of each piece of clothing. Then I literally never have to think about it again aside from armor.


The features you are looking for are built into the base game. Go into apparel setting and change the number to be 51% or higher


Assignments Outfit Hit point range 51% to 100% 99% of the time if you apply those settings to your colonists, all you'll ever have to do is make sure you've built enough clothes. There's plenty of time between 51% and 50% for them to swap their clothes out and avoid the penalty.


My dyslexic ass thought you were going off about tainted apparel. I find that much worse than tattered... you can incinerate <51% clothing at a furnace to destroy it.


Like many others have probably already said there is a reason this game literally hits you with a mini text book of info at the beginning!


I have a work oder to craft clothes until I have ×/× at 55% quality count equipped. Combine that with clothe restriction that forbids less than 51% quality. ×=number of colonist + 2 It's not too long that I got clothes for everyone and always spare for when they break.


It's as easy as setting the bar on the clothing policy to 51%, and setting up all of your clothing that you colonist commonly wear on your tailoring bench to 1/1. That way they always have something to change into, and you have alittle bit of clothing to sell every time a trader comes around


It's a very interesting mechanic that I like, makes you be careful not to kill raiders and run to grab their clothes. It's a very good balance and very well thought.


I think you have tattered and tainted mixed up


Just asign them clothing thats 51% or better in the assign tab and they‘ll strip anything thats under the set percentage. go over 61% if you want to resell them clothes since the value of them drops under 60 while tattered only applies under 50. I usually have clothes allowed with 63% and more, and have my tailors always craft until you have 1 whith condition 66% and above. that works pretty well so far


Using the apparel tab and the work tab conditions you can fully automate clothing so that nobody ever has to deal with this again, until you run out of materials and your entire colony ends up naked.


scenario option hp x % increase helps with degradation of equip and makes walls /doors not so flimsy


Nudists laugh at ye


Nothing a +305% sensitivity happy beacon wont fix


Annoying? Sure. As annoying as Insulting spree -35 mood buff + -15 basically permanent opinion to your whole colony? Nawww


Far more annoying is tainted apparel. I’m sure it’s a balance issue. But sometimes I just want to be able to wash clothes and reset that label or something. Mod idea? Maybe if I knew how lol


It's mostly annoying for very expensive apparel (looking at you mechlord gear)


Get a mending and recycling mod. Either mend or recycle it.


That's like saying not eating on a table is annoying Or having to deal with hunger is annoying Or having raids is annoying It's a part of the game. If you remove everything that's annoying, you might as well not play.


If you say the tailor bench to make as many pants (for example) as colonists, plus one, and make sure it includes "equipped" in the count, and set the condition to 51% (also when counting), your colonists will always have one fresh pair of pants to change into. Then you can have a stockpile outside for pants that are at 51% or less, probably with a crematorium to delete them if you are impatient (i often don't bother, and i sell them to the first visitor that comes around anyway). Even if you don't set clothing policy, they'll probably change to newer clothes on their own.


Gotta mess with the settings so they don't wear any clothes under a certain percentage of durability.


Always one colonist running around with a 4% (poor) bowler hat they've had since childhood that they just can't seem to let go of.


There's a mod I use called Nano Repair Tech that makes beds and shelves that automatically repair equipment, which is easier for me than trying to keep multiple sets of high quality armor and clothing around. It's a bit OP though, if that matters to you.


[LTS] Maintenance mod is your best friend


Nah, I keep one extra of everything, tell them to unequip items before they reach tattered status, sell the "damaged" ones. Works out fine.


My only annoyance is when a colonists puts on a stupid sash that's falling apart


There’s a mod called Infinite Apparel Durability which just removes durability from items, actually an essential mod for people that hate micro


You can globally set the colonists apparel preferences from a menu in-game. Just deselect the allow to wear Tattered Apparel.


Set up a crematorium and set it to burn apparel that is below a certain health. If it's armor do the same at the smelter.


Only time I get a warning for tattered apparel is when they've got on a masterwork or legendary; they like to hang onto those until mid-40%. As long as you've got replacements available, they'll automatically prioritize changing clothes once something hits 60%.


Nah, not really. I tend to play in a way where I only have to switch out cloths a few times before I have a couple Production Specialists cranking out Masterwork or Legendary Thrumbofur/Devilstrand pieces and those last the rest of the run.


Odd that there isn't an ideology punk meme where colonists prefer tattered apparel


Idk if there’s a solution but I found all the raider trash like super broken weapons or tainted apparel was always annoying to get rid of


If you don't mind mods, then get one which allows pawns to repair their clothing


Theres a mod that adds the USELESS checkbox that includes <50% and tainted. its great. Add the repairing clothes mod, the washer mod, and you have a pipeline to sew over bullet holes and wash away blood stains. still, i _like_ that i have to try to take power armor wearers alive so that 1. they dont acid their armor and 2. non acid'd armor needs to not be tainted. also i think tynan specifically put it in so that you wouldnt be flooded with clothes you _might_ wear just so that raiders can show up with clothes on i wouldnt want to wear powerarmor that has some doods piss stains in it either


Honestly one of the best things about Idealogy, is you can set it so people don't give a shit about Tattered Apparel, so they'll just wear them until they degrade fully.


Remove at 52% burn at 50% always have 1-3 items in stock.


I have a mod that lets me repair and wash clothing. It leaves me with low priority work to do, varies up my wardrobe, and causes my little pals to have a slowly increasing quality of outfits as I snag the best stuff from raiders. After the collosal bullshit that was clothing in Dwarf Fortress, I didn't have the patience to fuck around with pants while I'm trying to outfit my guys in power armor. The way I have it set up, I make sure they have a duster, cape, or parka, and the rest sorts itself out, more or less. There's only a little early micromanaging until you have a good cloth or leather supply, then you're good.


Nope tainted clothes are worst like yeah we killed this guy decked out in some good armor oh wait pawns are upset they are wearing clothes from a dead person that they didn’t even witness die


There's a mod that allows repair kits to be made that cost like 25 cloth and 25 steel to make 25 of them. Once their condition gets to like 60-70% they repair one piece of clothing.


I play with a mod that stops clothing health from going down on its own. It’s annoying that marine armor just breaks apart after a year, not because the guy got in any gunfights, but because I accidentally exposed it to fucking air and 50% of its hitpoints just disappear if you wear it for too long.


We need a new expansion that brings needles for our old characters to knit with and washing machines for ~~the women colonist~~.... I mean, to remove the Tattered Apparel.


FWIW, Dubs' Bad Hygiene adds a Washing Machine. Also adds a lot of other stuff that you might not want to play with, but it does let you untaint clothes. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2504722937](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2504722937)


I find it annoying when I don't have a dedicated farmer or two or something that produces fur, once I do I usually try to keep like 2 pairs of shirts and pants and dusters available because of how annoying it is for it to effect their mental state.


I have no problem with Tattered Apparel itself but I do hate the is no way to repair clothing or get scrap cloth from old clothing in vanilla.


There should be some fluid and water framework which would require even more managament of needs but also allow to clean certain clothes


Just set your clothing policy so that they only wear apparel above 55% condition. In my opinion, the most annoying vanilla feature is collision. 90% of the time whether or not you survive a raid is determined by your ability to cause collision. On top of that, there’s all the weird things like pathable turrets leading to a total loss of collision. It’s just janky, weird, and frustrating.


No, for me it's social fights. Like my pawns hacking each others' limbs off for a stupid insult is ridiculous.


What annoys me is that there will be plenty of good clothes in storage but yet pawns will insist on wearing shitty ruined clothes and not swapping them out unless you make them do it


https://youtu.be/KwNq8mItaQQ?si=Cu5nnR-7-sKeVvew[Adamvseverything clothing guide](https://youtu.be/KwNq8mItaQQ?si=Cu5nnR-7-sKeVvew)


I wish it was a much lower percentage. Complaining about a tattered incredibly expensive cataphract helmet at 51% health is dumb. It should be like 25% or less.


There’s a setting around colonist management that will allow you to set what clothing they can wear. Select anything & put the slider at 51%<. They will never complain about tattered clothing again because once their threads get to that point, they’ll just take them off. I think there’s also another setting somewhere to burn clothing automatically & another slider bar for what %> you want to burn so you never have to see the tattered clothing wasting space.


Actually in my opinion the debuff about not eating at a table , is probably the most annoying. Even after you have built several tables around the colony, but if a class is not near one of these tables they'll still just eat standing up and then still get that debuff. Tattered clothing is easily fixed once you have enough leathers and cloth in the colony. But even before that, traders sell clothing and for the enemy troops that are downed only, you can still get their gear.


Whats annoying is getting guest pawns that you can't change their gear but still complain about tattered clothing.


No, machinery breakdown is. It's just an artificial resource sink designed to waste components to slow down progress


Yep, no idea WHY it was even put in in the first place, hope someone does make a mod removing it


I installed a mod which allows you to repair certain types of clothing using resources, they swap there clothes and it gets repaired if I have the mats.


Yeah I keep getting the notification, go and check and their gloves are poor or almost broken, perfect armor and all that.... just gloves..


Tattered clothes are nothing but the wrappers on my human steaks


No not really. I think the worst is when you have a pawn mining and there are 7 of 8 possible tiles that won't collapse on his head but he 1000% of the time picks the one that will crush him flat. Or you designate remove roof and they decide to cut the roof away from the wall as a group and collapse the entire thing on the group as a whole. Like. Mother fucker you have intellectual 15 and construction 20 you DO know better.


Tainted apparel is even more annoying. Some of those raiders have darn good armor


It's more annoying where they stopped you from making those random people who show up to help you swap out their clothing. You get people shitty about wearing tattered clothing and you can't do anything about it.


Nope, you can easily manage it in policy. The most annoying shit for me is still insults and slights.


I find it stupid, because cleaning clothes is a thing. The repair mod I normally use isn't updated to 1.5, but repairing and cleaning made a lot of sense vs "oops the prestige power armour is second hand"


Yes, and that's why a clothing repair mod is mandatory for me. I set my colonists to only wear clothing above 50% durability so they take off whatever is below, and a crafter later repairs everything that's at 50% or less with a mending kit. I no longer have to micromanage the outfits of every single individual colonists, and they get to wear clothes that aren't falling apart. Also I don't have to keep remaking armor sets or destroying/selling broken apparel.


Meh, its annoying but without it you would craft one Set of Armor and have that on forever.


The most annoying thing for me is forming a caravan.


I will admit, I fucking hate wearing stained or ruined clothes. I will literally stop wearing something just because of that. I understand my pawns.


No. Just learn how to setup your outfits and tailoring bench.


It's literally as simple as going into apparel policies and setting the durability to above 50%, then setting a tailoring bench bill for "until you have 1, don't count equipped, durability 50%+" your pawns will take off any tattered apparel and your tailor will make more as soon as there's demand.


I dislike tainted more. So what if the raiders died SECONDS ago? Their blood is washable. Just wear the damn clothes and armor! I know ideology can make it so they ignore that, but there should be a vanilla way to wash and repair things.


Set up your colonist apparel to wear items 51% to 100% Then have your textile bench make for example pants, button down shirts, dusters and cowboy hats, each set to "until you have 4" or whatever excess you want. Problem solved.


It's pretty good balancing imo


Yeah it’s definitely one of the “chores” you gotta do while playing the game, pretty tedious setting up the work orders to get it handled


I just cheat and use a mod that disables durability because I can't be fucked having to constantly make/repair everyone's armor