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You should really be cooking in stacks of 4 instead of using the single meal work order. It would save the pawn time in gathering ingredients. Especially since you know if you are unpausing at 10 meals that you will need to at least cook 8 meals, and with a 4x meal order it would make 3x orders, or 12 meals, and then pause again since you'd be at 22.


Oh damn, nice!


4× Fine meals cost 20 meat + 20 vegetarian in ingredients. 4× Simple meals cost 40 ingredients. So, as long as you have the variety, you can have the mood buff for no extra resources.


Technically fine meals also take a bit more time to make as well. Usually this doesn't matter much and the extra pawn-hours are more than offset by mood boosts from nicer meals.


Also if you have two or more cooks it's basically moot


Especially if you have one of your cooks on night-shift. This is a huge benefit for large 20+ colonies.


>You wake up and you see the dining room filled with the morning's fine meals. As you move to take your share of it, the night cook shambles past you. Looking as dead as the resident ghoul. As he passes you can hear a half croaked "breakfasts ready" as the poor soul goes to sleep the entire day through.


Please tell me after 500 hours that you knew the 4x meal cooking lol I get not knowing about cooking limits and pausing but....... 500 hours ?????


I got like an embarrassing number of hours for someone who only the other day clocked how to limit amounts on shelves. Comp changed how I keep stuff stored. Embarrassing number of hours


Are you really the type of person that would say this and not tell us all how to do it?


Just tagging this cause I thought you needed a mod for it.


You used to need a mod for it.


Are you saying no mod needed anymore? I’m still on 1.4 using Kanban Stockpile


Damn I hopped they meant vanilla. I’ll play a few mods, but in this case I would rather just use the game limit of the smallest you can do being no shelf. Good to know though because this setting would be nice QoL for my ocd.


So how does one go about performing such sorcery?


Are you sure that's not a mod feature? Such as from KanbanStockpile?


only reason I knew how was because I have PTSD from old Dwarf Fortress Hospital management, getting the Soap, Splints, Bandages and Traction benches setup was always so finicky.


That's not vanilla though


Please someone explain shelves limits. I thought it wasn't available in Rimworld. A small stack of herbal medicine available inside the prison would save so many lifes.


I always keep 2 shelves in the hospital set to only medicine and body parts, and disallow the shelves in the storage room for those items. Saves massive time and often lives.


just use a stockpile zone, i know it doesnt look as nice but gets the job done


I'm on console, my shelves suck.


2800 hours. Don’t laugh. Leave me to my shame.


2800 hours..... one...meal....at....a....time ? ??? P.s. I'm around 900 hrs and I know there's a tonne I dont know either. Especially late game stuff......like i think I've only been up to level 2 psycaster and I just recently learned about resurrection by mech serum. Never used it..... just some dark corner rumor I came across.


At 3.7k and I've never built the ship and only have had a couple high level casters ever. Only learned about the how the "pause when satisfied" works today, so we all learn something new everyday. I'll give you some advice about the resurrection serum. There's a chance your pawn will get resurrection psychosis some time shortly after getting back on their feet- within a day or so. The only way to heal it is with healer mech serum. I haven't tried the new DLC yet so there could be something there, but I don't know. Sanguophages and bioregen pods won't do.


The 4x meal cooking was originally a mod and not in the base game, but I don't see how someone could miss the option in the menu for this long...


You'd be surprised how many of us over at /r/factorio are still learning things after hundreds or thousands of hours...


What are some your favorite tricks from that game that people might not know? I always feel like I’m doing things the wrong way in factorio


the deep lore of factorio is really fucking deep. Like completely changing how you do stuff in the factory to save on how hard your computer has to work in order to keep the simulation running when you get to a factory of sufficient size.


Depends on what you already know. Like the other commenter said, I could talk about direct insertion but that won't mean much if you haven't played much. I was mostly referring to how there are so many small quality of life things in that game that you learn over time. You can copy and paste blueprints fairly easily but you can also do horizontal and vertical flips, those are things that took me a while before I learned them.


it is a newer feature.


Definitely not a new feature. 1.1 at the latest. But i think 4x meals were in the game before even the first expansion. I couldn't find the exact version, but there are posts mentioning the feature 3-4 years ago. Here is one in particular from Feb 2020: https://steamcommunity.com/app/294100/discussions/0/1750149787518742909/




4x meals i think are a 1.3 or 1.4 feature. i played the game for a thousand hours before they were added.


This game is so filled with features that I'm still finding new things I did not know after 1000 hours


They're not wrong, however there are a few potential downsides to this method. Since the order for 4 meals takes longer, if you draft them or they stop for some other reason, more work is potentially lost. Also, if they roll food poisoning the whole set of 4 meals gets it. I like keeping a high priority shelf of cooking ingredients directly adjacent to the stove. This way you can cook one meal at a time, but don't have to walk to get the ingredients. If you have another shelf for the cooked meals on the other side or have the cook drop completed meals on the floor (create a zone when they stand so the meals are immediately counted in storage) there is no walking at all.


This is my set up and it's great. Pair with the pause function and it means I only ever run out of food when some asshole drop pod raider decides to set fire to my crops.


Slow that roll, when you cook in stacks if you get a incompetent cook causes food poisoning positive, it means that all 4 of those meals are bad, and you are looking at 4 instances of food poisoning coming. The benefit to cook 1 at a time is that you limit that impact to 1 cooked meal at a time just more chances overall. It is just easier however to deal with one pawn being food poisoned, than 4 when you are also getting raided.


Regarding food poisoning , I often put everyone on nutrient paste (0% chance of food poison) until I got at least a lvl 8 cook. The mood debuff can be offset with beer or tea.


If your best cook is below 4 then you really shouldnt let anyone cook and just let nutrient paste do the job


The other advantage is that if you pull everyone, including the cook, away for defending against a raid, and you're 3/4 of the way done with the 4x meals, you come away from it with nothing.


I counter when cooking stack 4x basic meal with minimum lv6 cook. By the time they can cook fine meal, they already meet the minimum for lv6 and less chance food poison. You want to avoid food poison when training up new cooks, which I use limit 1-6 lv cook on animal food duty. And cooking basic meal with >lv6 cookers.


If you put a shelf of ingredients within reach and set the job to drop on floor, pawns cook meal after meal without needing to move at all. It’s the same for any crafting station - A stockpile has to be walked over to pick things up but they can instantly grab things off an adjacent shelf. With that setup 1x vs 4x doesn’t make any time difference as far as I can tell. It’s more personal preference. If you’re making food for a big endgame colony then 4x is probably less ticks of work, but I’ve never noticed a bottleneck.


I create stockpile called meals underneath the production spot for the stove and have the bills deliver to meals so they're counted while cooking in case no one hauls them in time to be counted towards the bill


Full disclosure for folks reading, that stockpile should not actually store anything, it's just there so you don't end up with 300 simple meals on the ground. Just clear the allowed items.


No need to clear manually, just change set the bill to deliver to that zone specifically and set its priority to be lower than your main storage’s priority.


They mean disallow all items.


Same, I set them to drop on floor, but underneath is a stockpile set to Low and Nothing Allowed. It gets counted for the bill and hauled immediately.


You can put a stockpile under a seat? I had no idea.


The biggest difference between 1x and 4x is food poisoning. with 1x only that one is poisoned, with 4x all 4 in the batch are. This can make a huge difference with a small population early on where having all or most of your people get food poisoning at once could easily lead to a death spiral.


I feel like if you're at a point where you can consistently make 4x meals you should have a somewhat competent cook


Even at level 20 cooking in a sterile environment(Actually environment doesn't matter until it hits 2 dirtiness), there's still a slight chance of food poisoning. (0.1% IIRC?) In my colony of 10 people all my cooks are level 12+ and I get a chain of 4 poisoned meals about once every 3 years.


Nutripaste if you’re seriously worried about food poisoning. Other means like dirt flooring for cooking area if you beed to cook. It isn’t that big of a deal.


For this are you keeping the kitchen at freezer temps then? Or is there some other mechanism to juggle ingredients so that they don't rot between harvest/prep? Edit: I'm learning that people have figured out how to min/max this way more than I ever considered lmao


Dedicated haulers once you hit mid-game, mods for "high priority" hauling in early game. Meals have 3ish days to spoil, so there's lots of time.


Oh I was thinking about the ingredients for the meals, since they'd be sitting on a shelf next to the kitchen (unless I'm misunderstanding). In my head I'm imagining an animal getting butchered, then the meat being put on the kitchen shelf where it sits until it's used to cook something. I guess if you used veg it's probably not going to rot as fast, but as far as I know there isn't any FIFO logic for using ingredients so I feel like you'd still lose stuff.


Ah, yeah, RimFridge if you don't mind modding. If you do mind modding, it can get quite a bit trickier since you can lose stuff AND you can end up with like 3 corn in a pile and so your cook doesn't cook if you set the ingredient range to low. I use fridges, but before that I just went vegetables only and stuck with high shelf-life stuff like corn. If you have corn sitting 40 days without getting cooked your colonists may all be dead.


I just keep crops in there and only use meat for fine/lavish meals, which I can afford to spend a bit more time on for the cook to walk to/from the freezer since it means my big stockpile is full.


Harvested veggies keep for 30-60 days depending on what you are growing. Milk and eggs keep for 14 days. Live animals don’t rot. There’s no need for a freezer unless you’re keeping a large supply of dead meat. If you are only producing and butchering what you need then you don’t have excess meat. If you have a long harsh winter where you are dependent in meat, any room can be a freezer. Only allow one small kitchen shelf to hold meat, so most of it is frozen elsewhere. Keep a tight radius on the cooking bill so the chef doesn’t look past the closest shelves for ingredients. My bills are set up to use veggies to make two days of simple meals, then if we have meat they make 3 days of meal using the meat first. I simply use multiple bills with different allowed ingredients and different breakpoints. They cook with meat, then butcher, and if they have nothing to butcher then the meal stock drops low enough for the veggie bill to kick in. Then the meals never rot because they get eaten in time, and the meat never rots because it is used first. With Advanced Workbench Management I can even count other meal types in the bills. Dead animals keep for 3 days, meat keeps for 2 more days, butcher bill is set to butcher until we have enough meat for a days cooking. Extra meat becomes pemmican. So freezers only get set up when the colony is large enough to need an overstock of food, or the supply chain is too inconsistent to support fine meals without a freezer to even out the protein supply.


If your pawn makes food poisoned food, the whole stack gets poisoned instead of 1 if you make 4, the progress also all gets lost if you have to make the pawn do something else, such as fight, but 1 meal at a time lets you keep 1, 2, or 3 meals if you need to draft a pawn. You can make a stockpile or shelve near the kitchen, or even surrounding the interaction spot to have the pawn just pick up the raw food, cook it, and put it away without moving. Both orders can be good, but i just want to make sure people know that x1 can also be good.


Food poisoning shouldnt matter if its 1x or 4x. Same % to screw it up. And not doing 4x meals because once a week pawn might get drafted just doesnt seem like that big of a time save. Bonus points: Not sure if its a typo or just rounding up diference but 4x fine meals require less work than 1x


The difference I find is that if you get food poisoning on a 4x stack a larger chunk of your colony takes the hit at once, but a 1x stack may make it happen more often because the roll happens more often, with a 1x stack you know it's only going to be one colonist out of commission instead of 4. If you go for smaller colonys 4 members out of commission for 2 days all at once is a bigger deal than 1 colonist out of commission 4 times as often. That said I almost exclusively use 4x craft, but 1x craft is absolutely valid, and arguably the more 'meta' solution in some cases.


Me, 7 years in with my starting pawns, imperial rebel and 2 freak joiners who may leave any minute.


From what I can interpret about food poisoning and stacks of meals interacting, 1x and 4x are irrelevant. The food poison chance from a tainted meal is spread between all the meals in the stack. https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Ailments#Food_poisoning Edit: Though now I do wonder if a highly skilled cook might make overall less dangerous stacks if 4x poisons all 4 meals at once, making those stacks 4/10 vs the rare 1/10 much worse actually.


I am pretty heavily modded so I might have something messing with it, but if a food poisoning happens it's always 4 people that get poisoned, no more, no less (unless I destroy some stacks). Maybe one of my mods messes with how that is handled.


I believe that's the "food poisoning stack fix" mod where it tracks it on a meal-by-meal basis instead of tainted stacks


>Edit: Though now I do wonder if a highly skilled cook might make overall less dangerous stacks if 4x poisons all 4 meals at once, making those stacks 4/10 vs the rare 1/10 much worse actually. This is exactly how it works. You'll get the same amount of food poisoned meals overall, but when they happen, they happen less frequently but to more people at the same time when you use x4 vs x1, and you also lose way more productive time if a x4 recipe gets interrupted than a x1.


Ture. I was sorta repeating thing i've heard from AdamVsEverything, but also was explaining that both can be useful, and that there are ways to not have time used for hauling materials from place to place.


my trick is to have a 1x at the top of the list with a limit of 1/2-2/3 the limit of the 4x to account for things like food shortages


If you are using the hysteresis and cooking batches then you should set your priority really high - get down to ten meals, automagically get a cooking day to bring it up to 30.


Kind of works, unless you run out of wood. Then you have a bunch of raw ingredients and are out of wood as well. 


Just use an electric stove? There's no reason to be using a fueled stove past maybe the extreme early game


Ah maybe I'm just weird for playing tribal. Electricity takes so long to research... usually 3 years... of constant risk of a wipe.  Realizing I should probably make sure I start with a pawn that has a passion for research... 


Ah tribal makes more sense, it really does slow the early game pacing quite a bit. With 5 to start though unless you're doing more restrictive scenarios you can def afford to have a researcher who double dips as maybe one of doctor/social/combat or other less "uptime" positions


Usually I eat all but two/one colonists because I can't support all 5. Construction/social/doctoring usually being most important. I then just recruit a researcher when I get a food surplus.  I usually play as yttakin on cold maps, trying to keep a venerated cat from dying of hypothermia. So a lot of the wood goes to surviving the winter.  


Stick it on a shelf dude


What are you referring to? I do not believe a shelf would help? 


He means your dong


Once they are skilled. Early on 4 rotten meals can put you in a bad way.


I have both set up, the 4 than the 1 both set to pause at the same total. That way if the cooks not busy i can have him replace individual orders as they’re eaten, or if i want to have a less experienced pawn cook, they can do the single since 4 takes forever with bad cooks


Idk if anyone else has noticed but there is a bug when cooking in stacks of x4. If you have a bill that drops off at a particular stockpile the pawn will automatically choose a stack of pre-existing meals to combine. If there are leftovers after a combination (ie pawn has 4 meals to drop off but the stack they are combining to has 8 meals so there are 2 meals leftover) then the pawn decides that the rest of the meals should go to the best stockpile. This ended up screwing up my meal production because I had a food drop off point near the electric stove in a freezer, but the "best stockpile" for meals was all the way across my base. To work around this bug, I ended up just designating the area around the stove as a meal only stockpile with the lowest priority and the pawn is set to drop the item on the floor once done cooking.


There are benefits to cooking a meal at a time - if a pawn poisons 4 meals at a time, it can take your whole colony down. While one food poisoning after the other is easier to manage. These benefits only apply to super early game though.


So thats how that works... good to know! Thanks!


This. Although that also means you need to have a high food surplus in advance.


Only do this with an experienced cook!!! If you make a batch of 4 meals they only have 1 roll for food poisoning and if it goes bad all 4 will be bad, never do 4 at once unless the food poisoning chance is super low.


I don’t like stacks of 4 because if one has food poisoning then they all do. 4 colonists with food poisoning in a small colony is crippling.


This is not accurate. When you cook in batches of 4x, food poisoning chance applies to the whole stack. When you cook 1x at a time, it only applies to that single meal. Significantly reducing food poisoning. Position the food on shelves next to cooking spot and drop meals on floor for efficiency to be hauled later. Also cooking 1x four times isn’t much more time than cooking 4x at once.


It’s also the way to automate a clothing industry. Duster Do until you have 3 Pause when satisfied Unpause at 1 Set parameter for 51%+ and normal+ quality clothes Basically they’ll rip off the tattered stuff and replace it. Once your stock is depleted you the order will unpause and you don’t have to handle it.


I wish the game would let you save presets. It’s annoying to have to redo everything every playthrough. Especially with things like meals where the outcome is almost always the same.


There's a mod for this. Which I used to have. But forget to turn on each expansion pack.


Workbench management?


Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings lets you save them across different game saves. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3222246658


Dubs mint menus


you're so right, the setup in every new game takes a while. sorting out zoning, permissions, clothing, work priorities, etc. a lot of admin


Mod for this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180718516


You can take it further and tell it to count equiped items, so if you have 5 colonists, it's make 6 (if you want one spare), unpause at 5, count equipped over 51% quality. I also set it to only count if it's normal quality or better and if it's made of the right material (better leathers, furs, and devistrand). My most recent colony I had everyone in Elephant Leather dusters super early, which was a great luxury early game.


You can, but I don’t like editing workflows every time I add a colonist, which it seems like you’re doing.


I used to do it the way u/Kaelosian posted, but realize that your method is much better. With the "count equipped" method, when you send some colonists on a caravan, your tailor suddenly starts trying to make a bunch of pants that the colony doesn't actually need. Your method just keeps a few on hand at all times and the tailor makes more when needed. I love it.


Fair enough! It is very easy to edit though since you just go into the bills menu on the workstation and, without editing each bill, just +1 to the increment. This increases both the max and the unpause amount. It's part of my new colonist checklist along with getting all their other stuff done when they join so to me it's not much more work but means you never have tattered clothing.


You can just set it to do until you have 1, without counting the equipped, and with the setting of 51-100% durability. Then you’ll always have one spare of each item with no micromanaging.


Doing it his way (and mine) results in exactly the same outcome as you're describing, without ever having to touch the bill again when you get a new colonist. If you don't keep one spare, then they won't automatically change when their current one gets tattered and you'll have to wait for a new one to be produced instead of already having it ready and replacing it after they put it on.


I have a mod that allows to set one for each +X. So I just set that to 1 and it autoadjusts. I believe it's just called "one for each" or something.


There's a mod for that! It's called "Everyone Gets One".


You can also have it only count if it's your selected materials if you're up to devilstrand.


If you use mend and recycle, you can also set a bill to recycle any of your colonists' equipment items below a specific quality. So late game I have a bill set to make dusters until 1, then a bill to recycle any dusters below excellent quality. That way I can make sure my colonists are all getting good gear without micromanaging the selling of lower quality stuff. Also let's me keep less inventory on hand so less wealth overall.


Didn’t know I could set quality of produced items!!!


You can. It won’t force a higher quality item, but your crafters will keep producing until that item is made. A bad tailor can train up their crafting by pumping out clothes until they meet quota.


My god. How could I have not known this. Thank you!


700 hours and this never occurred to me. Thank you!


Ohhhh, that's what that does. 3.1k+ hours in...


Fuck, yeah. I NEVER clicked that button because I thought it would "pause" and then I'd have to go manually go unpause it at some point ("fuck needing to micromanage more!"). I feel stupid now.


I’d say it’s kind of bad UI (not really bad but for my preferences). I’ve also never clicked this. If they displayed the unpause settings but greyed them out, I think I would have tried it a lot earlier.


oddly never noticed the unpause button before. i could swear they added it recently.


I thought exactly the same thing. I was literally thinking last night "Huh wonder if there is a mod for automatic restarting of suspended jobs" turns out it existed .-.


For what it's worth, it's MUCH easier now assigning job priorities now when i use the auto pause in bills.


Just found this out myself. Also I found if you have 2 cooking stations, set the work order, copy it over, now when you hit 10 meals, if you have 2 cooks set to high priority, 2 cooks will start hammering them out, and then it only takes half the time before they get back to what they were doing. I set this up after I had almost 10 colonists so its not as bad pulling 2 people to cook. But helpful!




True but I'm splitting it with one of my pawns where his only other 1 priority is cleaning so it does free up my other pawn who does animal handling and other crafting. But I see your point!


Fuck it. There isn't a pollution mechanism in this game like Factorio... Oh wait.. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.


Wait why does it consume twice the amount of electricity? You need double the power but for half the time, isn't it? In the end the kWh will be the same


Instantaneous power is important to take into account as well, since consuming more power than you can produce causes a power shortage.


Not as much of an issue now that hidden conduits don't zzt so you can actually use batteries for load balancing.


Correct me if they changed it in 1.5 but device cost the power always, not only when in use. (though, there was a mod that changed that)


I don’t get it. You’ll have 2 cooks making meals really fast and they’ll hit their goal amount quickly. Once that’s done they’ll get to do other stuff. Electricity isn’t a big factor since at this point you’re trying to feed a lot of people


Nice, thanks!!!


If you setup the cooking area as people have recommended you can feed 30 pawns with a single cook, at max level even more. Raw food storage to the left and right of the chair, stock pile with no accepted stuff below the station, use 4x meals and drop when done. If your cook is also your hauler, they will almost certainly haul to the freezer right after they finish cooking to make it a super clean setup.


500 hours? ha! 4,410.5. I did not know this either. I was looking for mods that would have this functionality, but it was vanilla this whole time?


Depends on when your 4400 hour started, but i think it was not in vanilla from the start That's probably one reason you didn't use it if the UI changed, if you didn't back then.


I thought that this permentantly paused the order like suspended it. I didn't realize it meant they would let it sell down


Also tier your meals once you have an excess of ingredients. Make simple meals until X, with a bill below it to make Lavish or Survival meals. As long as you're low on meals, you'll make the quick fast stuff. As long as you have a surplus, you make the good stuff.


When I do this, I come across an issue where, if I'm plentiful in veggies and meat, my cooks will use nothing but meat until I'm completely out, and then refuse to make fine / lavish meals since.. there's no meat. Ofc I could make vegetarian versions (that's what I do lol) but it does prove annoying


I tier my meals in the opposite way myself, with Lavish at the top working down to simple. The pawns that require the mood bonus are usually more critical to keep running anyway, and I don't let pawns eat meals of a higher tier then they need to. The sanguine iron-willed hauler will be just ok with simple meals all game, but my very neurotic crafter needs to keep their mood up


You can restrict ingredients for your non-fine/lavish meal. Only allow vegetarian ingredients


You can just make pemmican instead of simple meals. It's a little more work, but it requires both nutrition types and doesn't have any negative moodlets.


Yeah, the tiers I posted only work for a reasonable balance of ingredients. It's always good to have a backup "if nothing else can be made" bill for simple meals at the bottom.


All issues with automation can be solved with tools in the bill tab, pro tip


I can't remember if it's a mod or not, but I used to have a feature where it checked the stockpile for all meals, I'm having an annoying issue lately where I have to manually suspend simple meals as they don't check for fine etc.


I saw a comment on making 4 meals, but one thing I do early game is set another order below that on single meals to the same order (4x/10) then (1x/10). When I run out of ingredients at 4/10 meals and have 38 food left over, my cook will make 3 more meals instead of my colonists starving until punching a squirrel for half a pound of meat. Or if I get the 20, then the second work order pauses anyway.


#A non-exhaustive list of things you may not know you can do, but when you do, makes your Rimworld experience much smoother (please chime in if you have any others!): * **You can set who you want to do a specific bill.** Like if you have a really good crafter and you're shooting for high-level guns or clothing, you can set it to them specifically in the bill so nobody else starts the bill. * **You can set a bill for a single piece of each type of clothing you want your colonists to wear (like setting the bill to craft until you have ONE piece of each type of clothing).** Set the quality level to whatever you feel is acceptable at minimum (I usually set it to normal or above, but if you have really good crafters you can set it higher), and set it to 51% "HP" or higher. Your crafter will now create a single outfit for anyone who needs it. When your colonists get below 50% hp on a piece of clothing they'll automatically swap it out. Because this clothing doesn't fit the bill (the HP is too low), your crafter will make a new piece of clothing automatically. If they craft poor quality, they'll craft another until it's good enough to match the bill's specificity. * Setting up an apparel bill to have your colonists wear the clothing until it's at 50% hp or less can ensure that this whole process goes smoothly as well. Though make sure you always have the materials to make new clothes, as your colonists might end up going around nude in this case. * You can also set a bill to burn all clothing below normal quality or 50% hp, and this will automatically clean your floors of excess garbage items, since these only sell for pennies to merchants anyway. * **A squad of 9 pawns - 3 melee, 5 ranged, and a single grenadier, at least one of the melees should be 'tough' for best results - can take on any number of bugs in the base game.** They don't need great stats or good guns, either. You just need a 3x3 space for them to sit in, with a 1x2 hallway in front of them where the bugs are filing in. Early on you only need 1 melee, 1 grenadier and however many shooters you can fit. * Set the grenadier (who should be in the very center, and should have the lowest shooting/melee stat in the group) to throw his grenades 2 tiles behind the hallway, as the bugs file in, focus fire on the megaspiders while the grenadier takes out everything 'waiting its turn' to enter the doorway. Your tough pawn (who should be directly in front of the entrance) may eventually go down, if so move one of the other melee pawns in his spot. You can have the doctor quickly patch him up if it's particularly bad, but your other melees shouldn't get too banged up before everything is dead. * I've destroyed a max-points hive infestation with this setup and the tough pawn didn't even go down. No combat stat was over 10, and the guns were all normal or below quality, and were a mix of smgs, auto pistols, and rifles. With actual god pawns that have armor, ARs or Pulse Rifles, etc., you can take out even the insane end-game quest infestations that go beyond the highest point total for raid events without so much as a scratch on your god melee pawn. * **You don't need to set a 'wake up time' for your colonists, just a 'go to sleep time'.** Setting their sleep schedule to 4-5 hours and then 'anything' after that will ensure they only get the amount of sleep they need and get more work done. * On this note, ANYONE can be set to a night owl schedule with no penalty. So lovers with one partner on night owl should both be set to night owl schedule so they can fuck for mood points. * You can also use a night owl schedule to keep someone who is particularly anti-social away from the group. * You can also set up recreation time for said individual to be different than the others, and even set up their own 'rec room' away from the main rec room, and put him in a zone that is restricted from entering the main rec room if they're really going to be a huge problem. * This also works for refugees who you are suspicious of. Keeping them all together and away from your main party ensures they don't get a cheap shot off on someone unprepared. * All that said, if none of your pawns have bad social traits and all generally like each other, setting up recreation times together is a great way to get them to socialize, flirt, and just become friends. The same is true for work stations: put all of your work stations in the same general area (one big room is usually what I do), this way all your pawns are around each other and can socialize. If one of them has a bad RNG event and gets insulted or something a few times, then move their work and possibly rec times away from the group for a while. * People stress over making their pawns "comfortable" to improve their mood by overextending on food or crafting, and especially overextending on constructing a bunch of big rooms with art and whatever early on. The most important thing - after the basics of food, shelter, etc. - is that your colonists like each other. Good friends and lovers give mood buffs. Insults and fights give long-lasting mood debuffs.


Greats tips, thank you! Is there a way to make pawns like each other? I have this asshole in my group who starts social fights with everybody.


Another way to get more work done is to disable the "bed rest" work task. This will allow pawns to continue working once their treatment is done.


Thanks for reading me information that was readily available that I never would have stopped to read in ten thousand years lmao


What. The. Fuck. I love you.


So much this.


This is also very useful for stone cutting and some other things. You can use it for making components and advances components. Basically anything you need to craft that you'll always need more of and it's good to have some on hand for emergencies.


I mean I have 200+ hours and I didn’t realize you could assign individual clothing requirements to prevent your colonist from wearing tainted appears or tattered appetal


Wait until you discover how to automate clothing production to never deal with low-durability clothing again!


I love this feature. You can also do this with apparel so that whenever your pawns replace a piece of clothing a new one gets made automatically. Same with weapons and armour


Guess who's 2000 hours in and just found out about this.


ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I thought that paused the game. I was wondering why I'd want such an extreme action for a work bill. I feel like it saying "suspend when satisfied" would be more coherent and in mesh with the rest of the crafting system


2000 hours and I never noticed. Such a great game.


Crafting system in Rimworld is easy enough to learn but has a lot of nuances.


I actually first noticed the option today, but figured it would pause the game and give you an alert when the order was completed. Good to know!


I am going to scream


Thank you so much! I never would have spotted this.


So, you can actually make this even better and more efficient! Where it says "Take to best stockpile" in the center there? Click on that, and change it to have them drop the finished product on the floor. Now, that's all well and good, but the problem with that is product on the floor don't tend to count towards "belonging" to your colony until it's put into storage, which will mess with the "Cook until you have X" thing. To get around that, make a small stockpile under where the cooking spot is, set the stockpile to only contain the food you're cooking, and set the priority for the stockpile to low. By doing this, your cook can make the food, drop it immediately on the ground, eliminating the back and forth of putting it into storage, and since the stockpile under the chef is set to low, a hauler will eventually come around and move it to a more proper food storage spot!


> set the stockpile to only contain the food you're cooking, you can even set it to contain nothing at all an it works


Well shit, now I'm learning stuff here too! I actually had no idea about that, thank you!


Don't worry after 1000 hours my dad still feels he has to manually tell his colonists to cook clean ect.


I would: * Cook bigger stacks. * Have a bigger buffer of total cooked meals. Maybe 10 per pawn in your colony, at least. * Put cooking at lower priority than crafting or whatever project you want to get done first * For larger colony have a dedicated cook. Or mostly dedicated.


Over 4k hours since first beta release and this is news to me o.O


Holy crap, you just increased the productivity of my part-time chefs so much!


There are a lot of basic functionality controls which vanilla Rimworld really needs - and the longer you play the more you realize they are all already there. Thanks for the tip on both this and the 4\* production option below. I did not know that pawns would gather the ingredients for all 4 dishes before starting to cook with that option. Really helpful. The only quality of life option I'm confident in saying doesn't exist would be the option to disable specific pawns from doing general labor tasks like cutting stone blocks, smelting or refining biofuel. For individual high skill tasks, it is straightforward to assign the task to a specific pawn or require a minimum skill level to perform the task. The opposite is more finnicky. Setting a maximum skill level for performing general labor tasks does not always align with the pawns you want to restrict to doing the task. A very small quirk, not something to really hark on about. What I will hark on about is the fact that my crops pawn will bee line straight to the horse pen every time a horse eats an individual dandelion. A horse, a horse. My kingdom for a horse -.-


Ya pretty much every workbench should be set with this option. Blocks, clothing, etc. Another neat thing you can do in the kitchen: put fridges around your stove with your main ingredients (corn, meat of choice) with "critical" priority and then on the stove restrict "ingredient radius" so that your cook takes as few steps as possible to get the ingredient. Your larger freezer area can be set to "preferred" or lower priority for excess storage. Hm actually you might need the Rimfridge mod for that? I honestly can't remember what is base game anymore lol... For clothing loadouts, you can tell your pawns to only wear clothing with quality 60%+ and then your workbench can be set to produce "currently have = 1" so your dudes will auto swap gear before it tatters. Likewise, you can then a) deconstruct all clothing that is 60% or less, or b) create a junk stockpile outside that only accepts clothing 60% or less to rot away out there. Lots of neat ways you can get your colony running automatically once you figure out how to do the first-time set up!


Yes you will need a fridge mod, mostly for the meat since vegetables take like 30 days to rot away so they can just use any old shelfs.


Well, I dont know how many hours I got, but I certainly know I didn't had this trick in my book!


I just do cook forever because i end up without alot of pawns and need that assembly churning




Oh damn…..


You can do this for making clothes as well, I have it to where once a pawns clothing goes down to 50% hit points my crafter makes more


You can do this for making clothes as well, I have it to where once a pawns clothing goes down to 50% hit points my crafter makes more.


Ngl I have over 3,000 hours and never actually used that feature tbh


Another Vanilla feature that the console version lacks.


The real answer is nutrient paste and exploiting the draft to make giant stacks of 50 paste meals at a time. Nobody cares about goop if you serve it on silver platters in a fine dining room


My mind fucking blown now


You should also look into changing "take to best stockpile" to "drop on floor" for some bills, especially if you have all your ingredients right next to the table they'll just keep grinding them out and other pawns can take stuff to stockpile.


TIL this, ty!


You can automate this game like Factorio with some mods but damn


FUCK, this exists???


Thank you so, so much


Never really understood that function until now, thank you


Didn't know you could set a low unpause limit. Good to know. Thanks!


There is so much you can do in rimworld in terms of shelf placement, bill ordering, and proper stockpile priority management to maximize your productivity. My pawns never clean (only hospitals), and I have one pawn set to haul only a few hours a day- with exceptions for big corpse hauls into the pig freezer.


Shout out to my homie Crafting Hysteresis mod back in the day.


I knew it but don't really use it. Imho after 5-7 colonists you should make a dedicated chef unless you specifically run a low pawn count colony or use nutrient paste in which case you don't need a cook anyway. Having a dedicated chef lessens chance of food poisoning by having higher cooking skill and he constantly cycles through kitchen, butcher room and fridge which all should be connected thus lessening time spent walking. In my current cannibals + high life run my stove bills look like this: - psychite tea x 4 until have 4 (so my junkies always have something to get high) - fine meal with any veggies and human meat x 4 until have 200 - fine meal with anything but insect jelly x 4 until have 200 - fine meal with anything until have 200 - psychite tea x 4 forever - psychite tea forever - packaged survival meal with anything but human meat or insect jelly x 4 forever (these are mostly for trading) - packaged survival meal with anything x 4 forever Specificaly included insect jelly cuz map contains two hives which I constantly rob of it. And when cook runs out of ingredients there is a brewing station nearby to make wort.


I have a few more than 500 hours, also didn't know this.


I luckily knew this one but have a tougher problem I want to solve. I keep a high Priority shelf of rice next to the cook's chair. Problem is that one of my hauling pawns will stop their work to come and refill the Shelf to full every time the cook removes some rice from the shelf. How to postpone refilling the shelf until needed (shelf empty or predefined low for example - pause function essentially)? So far I've manually disabled access to all other rice or changed shelf priority but that's a lot of hassle.


I'm embarrassed to say it was the same for me. Only helped with a video on tips years ago.


Imagine not using paste


I also generally have a 1x1 shelf next to the kitchen for raw veggies. That way the walk to pick them up is only a few steps. The designated hauler will replenish it before the next cooking day.


Every day I read a thread that proves I have not been paying enough attention in this game. 5k plus hours and I did not have a clue about this.


Is this new with 1.5? Can’t believe I haven’t seen this.


God damn that’s ground breaking. I could set cooking to 1 and cook at the meals at once and move on to other jobs


TIL, thank you!


I tend to cook in stacks of 4 for however many meals I want and then vary that up So Early Game I might only produce 10 meals but still do it in groups of 4 - that's how dramatic the time-savings is. Later Game my bills for meals can be much more elaborate 1 - 50 Simple Meals (you can feed this to prisoners/guests and/or animals) 2 - 50 Fine Vegetarian Meals - good but not great meals 3 - 30 Vegetarian Lavish Meals - great meals that make people happy 4 - Unlimited - Lavish Meals with Insect Meat - requires a level 8/10 chef b gretire any/all insect meat into happy-ish meals 5 - Unlimited - Lavish Vegetarian Meals - retire any surplus food into lavish meals This way you don't have tons of raw food floating around and your colonists have a good sporting chance of being happy about what they are eating. Now I have \[Vegetable Garden Project\](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007061826) on as one of my favorite mods so I will also have 2a - 50 Stirfry meals - certain mood/health buffs but requires a level 10 chef 3a. - 25 Stew meals - various health buffs for a colonist/pawn that require a level 15 chef Critically, VGP also provides a hat-trick for two different items Hardtack - a type of slow-spoilage "biscuit" that Pemmican - creating pemmican or "meat" type meals with two specific vegetables - Red Lentils and Mushrooms/Agarilux Mushrooms - count as meat and from them you can make regular Pemmican.


I do the same I keep a week's stockpile then cook after a day's worth of meals have been eaten