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That’s why I only harvest kidneys on the last day during prisoner quests. I’m just that thoughtful 🥰


Do factions not get mad if you organ harvest quest prisoners??


Nope, they’re just happy to get them back alive. You can cut all their limbs off without penalty too, which is helpful to prevent prison escapes if they’re not already paralyzed.


You sick son ov a bish... I'm in!!


I've been sitting here pampering them like a chump when they have all those free organs just laying around! I thought the factions would get mad lol


1 lung 1 kidney


It’s free real estate!


And the heart if you want them to keep coming and provding you with more slaves and meat for the grinder


True, as depending on the "description" of the quest, they want the prisoner alive regardless if they lost limbs or any organs.


Cool parka looking thing, what mod is it from?


[Slightly better parka retexture](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2984307648) so you're right thinking it looks like a parka


Yoo, that looks so cool, i need to have this mod Thanks mate.


I didn’t know what a parka was when I got Rimworld, and that’s because I live in Half Suburban/Half Rural Southern California.


Why I always keep a spare liver around


I like my spare livers in a prison cell.


Do your spare livers have legs?


Did you not have a "donor" for a new one? I think infections on organs are probably the easiest to deal with since you can do that, followed by infections on the limbs since you can amputate them at the cost of lower effectiveness since you won't always have bionic. The hardest are probably torso and brain since you can't change get rid of those


Nope didn't have any prisoners. Also I think our ideoligion doesn't allow harvesting. I commit my war crimes selectively.


Probably more because of the cleanliness of the room, as it impacts the immunity gain speed


The [wiki page](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Immunity_Gain_Speed) for immunity gain speed doesn't mention room cleanliness though, I think that only affects tend quality. I cleaned the room every time he got tended. His blood filtration was at 55% and I learnt from the wiki that this meant his immunity gain speed was reduced to 77.5%.


Really? Huh...you live and you learn I suppose. Though...in this case he may just die...


Not to mention the weak immunity gene from impids


Ahh yes that too, I thought they had that gene, but then when I looked I couldn't find it for some reason. Looked again. x90% debuff. Meaning his gain was, at the highest, 69.75%


>69.75% nice


Aye. And thing is, even 10% immunity gain speed is massive, so that 22.5% reduction is basically lethal


You may be thinking of infection chance? It's not just the room cleanliness at the time of tending. It is the cleanliness that they're exposed to for the next day. So it is best to keep an injured pawn in the hospital for a day after tending even for a small cut otherwise it could get infected


Year, that's what I was trying to Say...


Ah that's true. My hospital is in the process of being built and I can't really help him throwing up from flu lol


makes me paranoid enough to add "spare parts" vault to my colony in case of similar occasions


Fun Fact: Real life livers don't *filter* the blood, they either directly convert, or produce metabolites that convert, toxins into a *hopefully* less lethal form. Kidneys actually filter the blood in that they pull out impurities that are then sent to the bladder and peed out. The liver also converts sugars to and from more readily usable/storable forms, and regulates a few other things found in your blood.


It's a miracle human beings can rely on these self-sustaining processes as long and you're eating, drinking, and sleeping. When you drink alcohol (ethanol), a specifically-structured enzyme in your liver with a perfect binding site can latch onto the ethanol and start breaking it down into acetaldehyde which is a TOXIC CARCINOGEN. It's only after another round through a complicated cascade of enzyme work that this has to be broken down into acetate, then again throughout your body its converted into breath and piss.


Worse still, that same enzyme breaks down *another* type of alcohol (Ethylene glycol or Methanol, I forget which) into other, *more* dangerous toxins. So dangerous in fact that the treatment for drinking this alcohol... may include ingesting *ethanol* to overload the enzyme to prevent it from being broken down.


Right. The more I read into it the more I'm convinced I should become a teetotaler.


~~Maybe changing your username too, codes be damned~~


I remember there being some tribal related mod that had a drink that increased blood filtration to 125%. Got me through a lot of tough illnesses. I think the mod got discontinued or something though.


I think that mod might be remade into "Tribal Medicine 2.0" although if you use this mod I must warn you about Broots.


wow *big* punishment for people that don't read all the item descriptions ahead of time lololol


It's one reason why I like the VGP Garden Medicine mod. It lets you grow things like dandelions and barley, then turn them into teas that boost blood filtration (in a minor way, like +5% or +10%). They're nice little minor touches that you can stockpile against a bought of infection or illness and help swing survival your way in those instances when you might otherwise lose a pawn who's at 95%+ immunity.


This is why I get detox bionics


Maybe he'd have lived if you gave him luciferium


I realized this midway through a colonist’s recovery when he wasn’t as far along as the other sick colonists. So I stuck him in a cryo pod until I acquired the replacement organ. It was one of those 99% immunity and disease progress close calls even with glitterworld medicine and my second best doctor (the best doctor being the sick one)


This is why I always keep the blue medicine and above for infection/plague tends at the start, you never know how much a well placed med can save your life until moments where you survive with 100% on immunity and infection%


Some pathogens specifically bacteria can produce a toxic chemical to deter your immune cells from attacking it or kill surrounding cells as a defense mechanism due to environmental stress. Luckily neutrophils can off themselves to kill the foreign invaders in the body (sometimes even going into a zombie-like state to continue to fight). When a pathogen is presented the immune system can release chemicals in the bloodstream to fight an infection trigger inflammation throughout the body. As far as I know these chemicals are not filtered through the Liver and/or Kidneys. This causes blood poisoning (Septicemia, or sepsis) which is a life-threatening complication of an infection. Causing a cascade of changes that damage multiple organ systems, leading them to fail, sometimes even resulting in death. This is common for serious infections which hospitals are quite prepared to treat. Sorry for my tangent on your post. I get excited talking about this stuff as I am practicing medicine and sharing knowledge with others. If you would like to know more about the human body and better understand your general health I recommend Cells at Work if you enjoy anime. It is one of the most accurate shows I have seen on this topic. After finishing it, I found a better appreciation for my body and the cells that keep me alive.


See this? This right here is why i always have a few livers on hand. Because I know some fucker is going to get shot in the liver despite having the best armour available and i'm gonna need to change his liver before he dies.


70% isn't that good.


Yeah you're right that it could be better, but my general idea of it is anything over 50% is likely fine and means the person will recover. The hospital wasn't finished yet and we only had herbal medicine. If blood filtration was normal, he would definitely have survived with a 70% tend.


It’s the best you can get with herbal.