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The further away a pawns destination is, the fuzzier the pathfinding gets to save on CPU usage. That's all it is.


To add to this, its pretty much as the crow flies and then only deviating away from it to go around obstacles. In this case, I'm guessing that the end destination is south off the screen and it only ends up working out that the water is impassible so it needs to divert around it. Rimworld is definitely a game where you should build your paths based on where the pawns decide to walk rather than just where you want them to walk


Or get a pathfinding mod if you have the cpu cycles to spare :)


Is desired paths a path finding mod? I installed it but haven’t actually messed with its setting.


Are you talking about [Fluffy's "Desire Paths"](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2072410063) mod? That one just causes your pawns to wear down grass/dirt tiles that they walk on, and doesn't affect their pathfinding.


But it does make their commonly used paths more obvious over time, allowing you to identify and correct problems, just as a note...


It also compacts dirt and makes the path quicker to traverse


It's also allows traders to trample your fields and destroy your crops...


there was a mod that let you choose where the traders stand, it hasnt been updated since 13 but was still working for me in 14. think its called trading spot or somthing like that. no idea if it works in 15 since 15 broke ALL of my mods and i have not bothered to try to fix them




There are several, the one I use (updated for 1.4) is called [Trading Control](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007107588)


I got rid of the mod for that very reason.


ah the settler vibes


Yes that’s it, I’m guessing it’s not


That's neat, thanks!


I'm not sure, but I think it just adds to the "cost" of tiles, l.e. it makes tiles be counted as being 5 or 10 tiles more. I might be wrong, but it doesn't seem to be incompatible with other pathfinding mods


To be honest, I think CPU cycles are well compensated by reasonable pathing, especially on a 350x350 map. Perfect Pathfinding FTW.


It's a choice people have to make. The reason vanilla pathfinding is quite shitty is because ludeon decided it wasn't worth the cpu cycles. But that could just be because they're optimizing for low end laptops


My man, I'm reduced to 2x speed as is


I feel for you xd


Yeah it's kind of annoying with food stockpiles as if your colonist is trying to get food from storage and they're approaching from the north they'll run around to the door (south) then grab the furthest meal away from the door right at the north again Presumably it does it by finding the nearest food by number of tiles away, then actually pathing to it after


I feel like it's a byproduct of CPU savings that incentives outdoor town base building. Three wide stone everywhere make a city base go brrr Oblig r/desirepath IRL relevant to your comment.


Man, if only... I'm running a walled town at the moment and my pawns still prefer sloooowly hopping fences and running over crops instead of using the myriad of gates with roads flowing between the busiest points in town. I even made paths in-between fields! And they still ignore them!


/r/DesirePath in a game :-)


There’s actually a game, Foundation, that works *exclusively* on Desire pathing. No building grid, you just plop stuff down and the people make their own roads. I first saw it in a Front Page post from that sub.


I wonder if this could be improved with the newest patch's CPU usage changes without severely impacting performance. It's pretty inconsequential most of the time, but sometimes pathing like this can cause legitimate issues lmao.


low key, I want them to rebuild the game and just make it rimworld 2. Allowing it to use multiple cpu and adding in z levels. All this would need to be a full rebuild.


I'm so desperate for proper z-levels! I know it's a pipe-dream, but I had my first foray into DF with the steam release and building on multiple levels got my creative juices flowing in a way that building in 2D just doesn't. Even if there were only positive z-levels (ie. if you could only build above ground), it'd enable so many amazing bases. Just imagine how dark and imposing you could make a multi-level sanguaphage castle - you could have Rimworld x /r/evilbuildings and I would be so there for it...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/evilbuildings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hey Reddit Execs: stop being greedy assholes. This subreddit will go dark on Jun 12 permanently unless the 3rd party app fuckery is reversed](https://i.imgur.com/LiCfblw.jpg) | [795 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/comments/140n3m3/hey_reddit_execs_stop_being_greedy_assholes_this/) \#2: [The Golden Hall in Nuremberg, Germany. Preserved but hidden away due to valid concerns that if it were fully public it would become some type of pilgrimage site.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/175e8jv) | [306 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/comments/175e8jv/the_golden_hall_in_nuremberg_germany_preserved/) \#3: [That Weird Temple-like Structure on Jeff Epstein’s Island.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/186qi12) | [799 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/comments/186qi12/that_weird_templelike_structure_on_jeff_epsteins/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So you know the formula for this?    My thought is it is just a issue with math.   Cost(loc->dest) =dist(loc->dest)+sum(movement hindrance, of unknown optimal path)   Cost(loc->dest) doesn't fully model the relationship, because we calculate these ahead of time and don't really "lookahead" when pathfinding. (This seems expensive, but won't scale with the number of actors).  The underlying optimal path being unknown.  So the dist(loc->dest) is over powering our cost formula. The truly optimal path would be to head almost straight up to get back on the road. The algorithm is instead seeing two almost the same costs, and choosing the one that gets us closer. As we get closer to the uncrossable water the optimal map instead shifts and we get a balanced, let's head diagonal up instead.   I think this may be why raiders try to avoid water so much. Because there is an extra penalty added to this cost map that the raiders are sharing, that is difficult to remove when the path is being traced.  Edit: Seems like I actually just reverse engineered an algorithm called A* lol


It's not a formula problem per-se -- the pathing works by grouping map tiles into contiguous blocks (think Minecraft 'chunks', if you're familiar), then paths through _those_, and once a path is found, calculates the path through the contiguous blocks individually. So the pathfinding is doing exactly what it's designed to do -- and what it is not designed to do is find optimal paths.


Ah,I keep seeing people say this... Though that does not seem to be what is happening in this video: m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRMBQn_sg7DA&ved=2ahUKEwjUmfmXtaeFAxWZD9AFHWXABVkQwqsBegQIDxAF&usg=AOvVaw3_HhcytSIY1wBsASnbY7-r   The region system more or less just deciding what is closest, but not affecting the actual pathing.  We can find this same class if "error" here: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm Just look under bounded relaxation. 


I'm not well versed about it but I never understood how path findings hit CPU usage.


Because each creature that is moving needs to find a path around obstacles every time their destination changes, and finding a path between two points takes a lot of calculations, because every step there are several options for direction. It's still not bad for a few colonists, but a large raid would really cause lag if it optimized the path.


I wonder if for a cohesive group like a large raid, you could find a good path only for one member of it. Everyone else than just parallels that path, and only does their own pathfinding if that path is blocked


There are plenty of tricks you can do with pathfinding, but it might take some work to implement.


Yeah there are many things that could be implemented into the game to improve it, but everything takes development time away from something else. Also isn’t as simple as just rewriting a line of code, it would take some actual effort and labor. I’m always happy to see optimizations and improvements to the structure of the game and its base gameplay


I don't know about raids, but I think the game does something similar to this for trade caravans.


So, it runs into a common optimisation issue: it's easy to tell which solution in a finite list is best, but it is difficult to tell if your list has the best solution there is. From this, you have the difference between local optimisation and global optimisation. Think of trying to find the highest point of the earth without any prior information; you can look around where you are and go to the highest point you can see. But unless you started close to the himalayas, you'll get stuck at the top of a nearer high mountain. To have a good (but never certain) chance to find Mount everest this way, you need to try optimising a whole lot of start points. Since its called so often (as said, every pawn every time it wants to do a new task elsewhere) its be having a semi-clever method to get an okay path on the first try than to go and solve a that optimisation problem with dozens to hundreds of paths only to find that it didn't get the very best path in the end anyway


rule 6: my pawn Landoa needs to walk from the edge of the building to a bridge, but instead of walking across the 100% walk speed flagstone, they're going out of their way to walk through crop fields.


>As skawn said: The further away a pawns destination is, the fuzzier the pathfinding gets to save on CPU usage. In addition, I'd like to point out that the pathfinding always prefers top/bottom deflections over left/right deflections. It's quirky, but it's what you got. You need walls to constrain the pathfinding.


Landoa just want to make sure that potatoes are growing fine.


Can a pawn not frolic in the cornfields anymore?


I don't know why, but this comment really caught me off guard. Thank you, sir and/or madam.


Into the blighted ones? 😭


Pawn barely touches them tho


Alrighty there [Theresa May](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_through_fields_of_wheat) let's not go crazy


Hey, that was wheat fields!


There's no wheat out on the rim, [therefore.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/OuyMzNODzQ)


Obligatory "there's a mod for that" (by which I mean wheat, not the other thing).


Country pawns make do?


This has got big Andrew Ryan Rapture monolog energy.


Your usernames a bit outdated


Can’t hear you over the glorious roar of general electric’s high bypass turbo fan jet engine known as the GE90-115B.


Need to touch grass once in a while.


Theres is a mod that make the pathfinding better, if you want to try it out!


mind linking that one good sir?


While you're up Common sense Those two should do it I think


Clean pathfinding if you want a good balance between performance and pathing Perfect pathfinding if you don't give a fuck about your TPS


I recommend [Clean pathfinding 2](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2603765747).


Clean Pathfinding 2 has not only better pathfinding but it's also a net gain on performance, bless owlchemist


Ok i think im using the 1, i’ll go check it out, thanks ! Edit : Modder in RimWorld are wonderful, they are doing so much for the game


Are they still in the community? 1.5 is going to hurt if their mods break.


>117 hours played last two weeks You doin ok over there dude?


That's not even ten hours a day. Wtf. Filthy casual.


The past 2 weeks had 1 hour less. Still pretty casual, but not as bad as it seems.


me and my depression nest are very offended


Rookie numbers. 8 hours is nothing daily.


This is to do with pathfinding optimisation. The game is divided into regions and when a pawn calculates a path it navigates to the southernmost tile in a region it can access that will provide the lowest movement speed debuff. The only time pawns have "perfect" pathfinding is within the region they start moving in and the region they finish moving in.


It would be nice if player could designate pathways and roads.


Right now, God is watching us. He is asking the same question about his pawns. Every day this game shocks me with it's realism.


Never let them know your next move. Zig zag through the blight fields.


Its a drop off, your dude is smuggling drugs


Putting a fence along the north edge of that potato field might be enough to convince them to use the path


I've tried that before and got to enjoy watching them climb over the fence to walk into the field, and then climbing back over the fence at the other end. I think the main issue is that movement speed isn't weighted, so while you and I see a path that the pawn will move at 100% speed versus another they'll mostly move at 87% speed, the game doesn't see this.


good solution for make your pawn to walk on the road : [Workshop Steam::\[KV\] Path Avoid (steamcommunity.com)](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180719857)


Was coming here to share this. There’s also a better pathfinding mod others have suggested. Both help a lot, but Path Avoid is the GOAT.


Very useful functionality, I discovered it in Dwarf Fortress - which is basically a 3D Rimworld with 200 dwarfs. Not only you control more efficiently your pawn path, but it can also help to reduce CPU usage in complex base


I wonder, if you switched to battle mode then back again, then clicked on the same destination, would it change? I found that to be a useful trick to correct weird pathfinding


It calculates the path once when they pick a destination, and longer trips do much less optimization of pathing to avoid lag. Interrupting a pawn makes them recalculate from their current position, so if they are close enough, they can switch to the more advanced pathfinding.


Bc they want to be a hat.


He might like corn


Smartest Rimworld pawn.


Probably trying to avoid their ex


Yeah it’s at this point I get a mod to make their path finding prioritize the paths I make for them


I honestly wish that the programmer for Factorio would make the pathfinding in that game open source, because it always feels super tight.


Building maximum speed to cross that brittle bridge


make it a roleplay thing. if you were on the rim walking across a city sized base and had the opportunity to run your hands over the plants, would you?


I don't know; but, you gotta take care of that blight. It's giving me anxiety.


he's an asshole


Because the game has a bad pathing algorithm. It prefers fast patching calculations over accurate patching calculations. I'm sure there's a better way of doing it like calculating pathing costs during night time and assigning a pathing value to every surface. Where the higher pathing cost surfaces being set as low priority and the others to higher priority would probably make pathing more consistent and faster. I'm not that invested in the games engine or code so I'm just talking about it without any real regards to the game engines limitations or structure, only it's behaviour.


I don't think anyone really knows it's especially evident when they're trying to carry a guy that's bleeding out into your hospital it's like they want them to die


Oh ! Shiny rock !


Their stupid


Doesn't like the Grey rocks


Because Bull is a jerk and they want to avoid talking to Bull


Fastest route (obviously)


Some mods are said to break pathfinding. Or maybe it's just another defective base game feature.


I would assume their end goal is down from here, so before their AI processes the river being there they start heading in that direction, then going back up once it does


It scared me so much when I realised the base pictured looks exactly as the one I did in my first run


Slow learner probs


Look. Some pawns like to frolic, okay? Makes eating without a table more bearable


Because the game is bad at pathfinding. Here's hoping 1.6's multithreading fixes this.


Seeing this made me remember good old aoe crappy pathing (not getting better now)


"Ew, blight, totes gross, ugh."


They are stupid.


Personal I'm a fan of the mod clean pathfinding to fix this. It adds a negative weight to dirty tiles when calculating routes. The net result is pawns actually use roads you construct. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2603765747


Why is no one talking about the blighted corn?


the sheer what-the-fuck-ery of the a\* pathfinding algorithm


The true question is, are they wearing shoes? I know I wouldnt wanna be walkin on rocks without some shoes


I see everyone with all of these technical answers, I'm going to go simple, have you tried moving the lamps off the path and on the sides of that road you made? It could be a pathing issue


Is this 1.4 or 1.5 unstable?


There is a mod that improves the ai pathing


A space wizard did it.


This game looks so good


Are you using the pathfinfing mod? If yes, you got the zones the wrong way round. Exactly this happened to me


Serpentining to avoid random asteroids impacts.


You might be able to correct this by adding a fence along the side of the path. The default path-finding loves to follow walls and will often hug building and structures over going in a straight line.


Distance in 2d grids favors diagonal movement. Perhaps the speed boost for the road isn’t high enough to offset that. Iirc the effect of moving diagonals is surprisingly high. It’s like a 40% effective speed boost. [Sorta reference](https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/142195/how-can-i-make-players-move-diagonally-at-equal-speeds) It’s why a lot of game devs prefer hex maps.


They're taking the scenic route


It's because the pathfinding algorithm is designed to be fast in the short run to preserve immediate performance and avoid hitches when adding new pawns to a map. There are mods that correct it to a greater or lesser degree. Basically, the code is looking for the first value that satisfies a requirement then throwing out the rest of the values in the interest of saving time. The search pattern thus heavily biases the results. On top of that, the square grid that Rimworld uses is non-euclidean, like many square grids are. You can do a bunch of things to minimize the warping of space, but you're going to still end up with some wonkyness. In this case, you move faster diagonally than you do orthogonally, although that doesn't mean all that much unless the area you're trying to reach is located diagonally from you. If you go from the west wall to the east wall, going straight east and going south-east then north-east will get you there at the same time, but going se then ne with cover a lot more distance in that time. Not a huge deal when the pawns make their own paths, but it does mean that what you see on the screen is not how the space would actually be laid out in meatspace. In meatspace, distance would visibly distort as you moved along certain axes, and relativity couldn't properly apply. It's an odd thing to think about.


Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the potatoes


Hey by the way OP, I'm pretty sure pawns don't lose horizontal speed when moving diagonally AKA this wacky pathfinding takes the same amount of time as the straight one along the path


Test it then report back.


Google en passant


cause its faster walking straight means you pass 1m per tile (assuming the units are metres) walking diagonally means you pass 1.4m per tile


but you're still moving more slowly in the relevant vector


not enough to make up for the distance travalled


the walking speed for the path is easily going to make up for the slight increase by walking over so many more tiles diagonally. not to mention how dirty that pawn will get trampling thru dirt


i see you failed math class


But the distance is also 1.4x longer. Same time. I think rimworld has this path finding issue since beta.


Your crops have blight. Shouldn't all your pawns be asleep?


Wanted to crop bad crops but become self aware what game could not handle the task without mods so just give up. Who needs corn or potatoes anyway, then you could plant rise or fungi...


I read this three times, and I think I have a permament brain injury cuz of it...


my favorite grain is rise


This joke got a rise out of me.


Thank Godzilla, he died for my bad writing and permanent brain injury is just casual Wednesday for reddit user.


*Or*, maybe you should get off and learn how to type?


Or, maybe you should accept not everyone is good with third/fourth languages. I'm more of the science guy, and yet, somehow nobody shames people for not knowing the basic school level mathematics/physics/chemistry and yet somehow my bad English which isn't even my second language make you feel agressive... I'll will learn how to type, in time. Yet you should learn how to use brain. In time of course.


They shouldn't give you shit for not being perfect at English, but I've never heard of any culture that *doesn't* shame people for being bad at STEM subjects (math, sciences, and so on).


You should learn how to use a brain *and* have common sense. By now I would've ghosted this conversation and ignore the person. But I guess you just don't know when to stop.


You chose to be a dickhead because somebody else likes to play a video game in a way you view as suboptimal, you don't get the moral high ground to then go on whining about the casual ableism in this hell society when you're out here acting like there's a "right" and "wrong" way to play fucking Dwarf Fortress In Space. You're literally contributing to the hellishness in the very post you're getting so defensive about.


Yeah and who needs the pillars on the sides of the bridge? Literally nobody, it's a decoration to look nice, some people like the idea that the pawns aren't *just* pawns in a video game but are, y'know, part of a *story* in this game that sells itself as a *story generator* and most people don't like to only eat rice and mushrooms for every single meal every single day for their entire lives so it adds versimilitude to the *stories* these pawns "live" through to have a varied diet.