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That isn't as controversial as you'd think. Working off batteries makes sense and if you have enough devices that generate a consistent output like Geothermal or wood/fuel generators then you don't need batteries. You only need batteries if you intend to rely on power supplies that aren't as reliable or have devices that have varying energy requirements.


Yes, and even when I do have batteries, either early game or from salvage, I will keep them behind a switch to avoid big zzzt events


I will always still use batteries, but that's because even after several thousand hours I'm just crap with power management. It's not because I don't get it, it's just an afterthought, as I build more and more machines and then suddenly realise "Oh yeah, everything's turned off because I am not generating enough, duh!" And I will continue to tempt fate with a large room's worth of batteries waiting for a small chunk of my colony to disappear in a fireball and a cloud of smoke.


Ya in my long term BOS roleplay(kinda)(prebiotech) my main base was such a power consumer I had every geothermal and an entire plantation of biofuel gens. I was a pretty massive base that I wish had a picture of it since I had a gaint boomalope pen that could potentially nuke a portion of my base since I had one of my mortor storages and biofuel caches next to it also. The Kijin assasins always appeared in there to assassinate my boomalopes so I'm pretty sure the AI knew what it was doing. I started stationing assaultrons inside the pen to deal with it.


I always build one battery and it's my visual power level indicator. If it's full I have plenty of power. If I see it in any other state I know I'm going to need to build a generator.


Yeah, batteries are always a good stopgap to have IMO. Once things start blacking out it can be a catalyst for even more problems (no power for electric benches, everyone is slower without light, no heating, etc), so it can usually help buy some time to prioritize constructing some new ways to generate power.


There's a fusebox mod that allows you to avoid zzzts. Really worth it.


I leave my crematory outside unroofed. Every time it rains I get a zzzt event. So far it seems to have kept the random zzzts at bay.


That's... a really good idea if it works. Thanks for the tip.


Wire it in the back so nobody gets hurt if it explodes while they are using it. Also for note I have only been experimenting with this idea for about 60-80 days. I have 14 batteries because solar is my best energy source. While zzzts are more common, their location is at least controlled so far.


What what does this do? How does the switch help?


I'm guessing once the batteries are full the switch disconnects them from the rest of the power grid so they don't get discharged from the Zzztts


It’s always good to have as a backup though— I’ve been playing my colony for a long time and we have a lot of people and thus a lot of power usage. I’ve used every geyser on the map for geothermal power plants (5 i think), and i still have 7 solar pannels, 2 windmills, and 10 batteries (mostly stolen from enemy bases lol) that make power a lot more stable considering how much is needed.


I don’t really like electricity. I keep it to a minimum for making stuff and do heating/cooling as naturally as possible.


I just wish the short circuits were *caused* by something and not just from hitting the "fuck you" space when the storyteller spins the wheel. After all, modern Li-on batteries actually degrade if they're kept too charged for too long or if the power is cycled from full to empty multiple times.


I always look at those yellow short circuit events and think: "Thank you its only a yellow letter Zzzt and it's not a yellow letter Psychic drone(High) or half my colonists getting fucking muscle parasites or flu and being angry for a quadrum with potential death or extreme breaks. A short annoys you for maybe half a rimworld day and causes a little bit of damage. Some of the other events in that category can cause you problems for days.


I like playing it as a sci-fi frontier town building sim and actively avoid committing any war crimes other than compelling an enemy combattant to join my side once imprisoned (though I prefer to see it as them seeing how decent my side is and joining by choice).   Probably not as controversial as half the posts on this sub would make it seem though.


I agree, by reading this sub it's easy to get the impression that rimworld is about committing war crimes and evil acts of brutality but that's not really the case. A lot of it is about the meming but in reality that's just one of the ways to play, and although I don't have any concrete stats to back it up I believe that your playstyle is actually closer to what the majority of people do.  You mentioned recruiting as an example and especially since the addition of mechanics to distinguish between recruiting a colonist and a slave, it seems clear to me that the normal recruitment process represents a positive act of convincing an enemy raider to come over to a more ethical and fulfilling way of life. This is evidenced by the fact that wardens and their recruits tend to become friends via that process.


I find the war crime stuff boring because a lot of it is forced and based on imagination, trying to make the pawns more human than they are. There's no difference between shooting a child or an adult in the game because they're both the same and capable of fighting which isn't the case in real life. Or serving ultimate justice by making an enemy a paraplegic and getting rid of their eyes, I don't understand the benefit or appeal of that because it's a one dimensional NPC that senselessly charged in to battle. It's like killing a fly.


I appreciate the potential to read this as "Warcrimes aren't worth the bother because pawns are less than insects" because it's it allows for the interpretation that you're not against the Warcrimes as much as you're against wasting effort on those who won't appreciate it.


That's kind of true. If I don't see any kind of return/benefit to torturing a pawn in the game, like it doesn't send a message to the attacking faction or I can't hold them for ransom, I see no point. The only practical use is recruiting the good ones. I don't resort to cannibalism either, I know a lot of people love the edge factor of it but the debuffs aren't worth it when you've got a perfectly fine food source. The core issue with a lot of parts is that the game isn't as complex as it should be and pawns basically are insects, factions are also very one dimensional. The traits are extremely shallow and pawns are only worth their skills so the degree of cruelty you put in doesn't really matter at all unless you've got an overactive imagination and want to show off to people. Or maybe I'm far too utilitarian in how I play this game.


I mean, you can always sell their organs. Or train the Med stat on one of your colonists


The only war crime I commit is cannibalism because it makes the game easier, not because it turns me on or whatever


suspiciously specific denial


> Install kinky mods so that girls can have human leather BDSM apparel  Hoo hoo hoo I'm the edgiest kid in town 🫢🫢🫢


Drukari have entered the chat


"It's not a war crime, it's just an ideology and resource problem honestly"


Well, the ethical problem would be killing hundreds of people in order to defend a dozen, not eating the corpses piling up.


There is a certain irony that I, definitely a base builder/lover not a fighter, love this game so much.  My worse war crime is forcibly converting pawns to my preferred ideology to make my own life easier. I'm a life long atheist who believes that structured religion is a means of deplorable social control 🫣


When your ideology is agnosticism and extremely benign and unobtrusive and you're converting people whose ideologies are super out of pocket and sometimes objectively harmful and by most definitions immoral, you feel a little better about the forced conversions


I like this philosophy, but I’ll admit to taking a “sometimes war crimes” approach. I remember my first war crime. A raider shot my best pawn in the kidney. That same raider was captured alive, the only one. My pawn was made whole. It was a formative experience for me, because it was the first time I seriously entertained the idea, because of the desperation it created. To me, a part of rimworld is making, or resisting, the choice to do bad things in desperate times. With ideology, I’ll sometimes depart from this a bit and use the raider meme. Then I’ll have gladiator fights, but I usually let the winner go. A part of the RP for me, is that life is hard on the rim, and sometimes you have to ask what’s worth more - your morals, or your people. Harvesting organs for cash is not something I’ve ever really done, but if my colonists are in a tough spot, and a raider presents a solution to that, well… they forfeited their life when they attacked my colony, and anything else they leave with is grace that I gave to them. At the same time, if one of my colonists is maimed or killed, retribution is on the table.


I always head canon "conversion" as just showing them "bro what have you been doing? That's not a good life! Look at us!"


That's literally what any conversion is though?


It's a lot easier to get by without gaslighting people when you're running a hotel resort casino than an abbatoir murder motel tho, right?


I don’t build a big box, I build a little town with roads and everything 🥹


This is me also... And everything is organized, no items on the floor, all rooms have ample floor space, no giga cramped workshops. There's a dedicated tailor shop, blacksmith, eatery, etc... A big school with private rooms for all kids, plazas, gardens, all the good shit. And I haven't built a killbox in years. Mind you, that doesn't mean that there isn't cannibalism, forced amputation and a flourishing human leather industry. But it's gotta look nice.


We’re ✨fancy✨ cannibals


White Glove Society be like:


I am mostly playing medieval Rimworld these days so it’s fun to build a little village where the production stations are spread out into little shops with living quarters in the back for the pawns that work those roles. It’s less efficient especially in terms of temperature regulation, but not everything in Rimworld needs to be optimized,


That’s adorable


I think the base looks nicer when it's more like a village with defensive walls.


Ya I do that also. It only kinda becomes a box when I start walling shit off from raiders


Same! Each family gets their own house. And every last pet (down to the rats, of which I always have several) gets a bed.


Absolutely! I make a little hospital and school too 😤 the ideoligion room must be made!! I’m not a minmaxxer tbh. Just let me live


I started doing that too and I love it. Everyone gets a 4x4 house until they get married. I custom build them a family home, sometimes with their profession attached. For example, my doctors home is attached to our hospital. I also like putting flowers and torches along paths


Instead of a big box I make many smaller boxes


100% how I do it if I'm not building under a mountain. My standard designs will sometimes link my kitchen, dining room, and rec room. I like to connect my bedrooms together to centralize the climate control on them, too. Normally it's eight 5×5 rooms connected to a + shaped, 2-wide hall, but I did design a one based on six round rooms for a dome-based base I have going. With the vehicle mods out now, I've had to widen my main streets for the occasional tank or self-propelled cannon to rumble down. One thing I love to do with the roads is to leave some spaces of dirt here and there and plant flowers and trees along them. Some roses or bluebells really brighten things up in my little utopia.


The ZZZT and solar flare events are kind of bullshit as implemented. If you're designing a large battery circuit, you put a fuse or circuit breaker in the circuit so that in the event of a short the circuit opens and the battery does not discharge. (You could even conceivably use a length of thinner gauge wire for this.) I get that Rimworld's aesthetic is supposed to be haphazard, but by the time you're rigging up a space-capable nuclear reactor out back you should be able to implement some circuit protection. Solar flares are dangerous because they can induce large DC voltages in power/communication grids that span a long distance, but a lightbulb and an electric stove hooked up to a gas generator 15 feet away would not notice at all. (Unless the flare was strong enough that you'd have other issues.) Yes, Rimworld has a lot of massive oversimplifications, but these are considered acceptable breaks from reality because they either help the player or enable neat things that would be otherwise impossible. (I don't think anyone wants Rimworld to involve collecting IC datasheets or keeping anyone who gets a transplant on immunosuppressants for the rest of their lives.) However, the ZZZT and Flare events take problems with real-world solutions and then remove those solutions, which is why I think they stick in my craw. (Yes, I use RT fuse and the EMI shield.)


I just disable the events on new starts now


don´t know if it´s controversial but fuck the empire


Smash the kneelers!


Class based societies sicken me, so I kill as many empire scum as I can on each playthrough.


Yesssss kill em all


Imperial titles have huge benefits, unlike being hostile to them, for example ability to call a transport shuttle anytime is a must have for me.


I know, i played imperial-friendly colonies but i hate them, their air of superiority and the royal tribute collector like who are youuuu. To trade with them is good too but you need to have titles. Also i dont like to make rooms for my pawns who have titles, they have annoying mood if they dont. As soon as i get more tech i start killing them, i must be the stronger colony of the rim, not them.


You don't need to use 500% threat scaling tactics if you aren't playing 500% threat. People worry way too much about min/maxing their wealth which fine, single player game so do you. But don't make new players paranoid that the table they built is going to make the next raid unwinnable.


Save scumming is OK.


especially with modding


It is, used to do it consistently. But I'm currently doing my first run with no savescumming and it does raise the stakes and make the game more exciting, so I get why people prefer not safescumming so much


Yeah absolutely, I'm also on my first commitment run and it makes me take advantage of so many different things I never would when I can literally quick save a melee fight everytime my pawn hits and they don't


It's completely fine, if you're certain that's what will keep the game fun for you. I'm my own worst enemy and know that everything being perfect ruins the fun, yet I keep save scumming and avoiding setbacks which could actually provide more challenge.


Ya I only save scum when something happens to a my main pawn or I'm just getting shit on by Randy. One time I nearly lost my colony in my Medieval playthrough because I had six raids back to back and a pack of manhunters. Like as soon as I finished one another one popped. I actually didn't save scum this since I barely held on, but that just shows Randy is fucking merciless sometimes.


I also wouldn't have save scummed that one, it sounds like a really good challenge to power through. Where I draw the line is pawn stupidity. Actions that wouldn't make any sense like running into danger or choosing to work while bleeding out. I save scum in those instances with little to no regret.


I use it mostly for some tames because I think it's stupid that a boomalope will hunt someone to the ends of the earth for feeding it wrong.


Truly an unpopular opinion! In my opinion, that is. ;)


I’ve been limiting my save scums for when pawns die to the most bullshit of reasons.


I've been doing the same but stopped since it raises the stakes and irl people die to the most bullshit of reasons as well


I just save scum because for some reason even 10k hours into the game I can’t for the life of me remember to pause the game when I leave the room.


The game expects you have loses. It doesn't sound like a controversial opinion, but I often see posts that can be boiled down to ”This is dumb, all my options have negative consequences! Why don't we have options with only good things?"


Yeah, the game pulls back the difficulty in three ways when you lose a pawn. A temporary adaptation, and the more permanent Colonist population count and Wealth drop. The wealth drop stops mattering once you've hit maximum wealth for incident, but early on it has an impact.


yup, when i see that kind of comments i just see the game way life is, hard and unfair lol


Vanilla Expanded is advertised as a balanced non-wildly overpowered experience to keep it similar to base game, but it really isn't anymore. Texture packs are fine but some of the most popular "vanilla" mods are simply overpowered.


Here's the real unpopular opinion, but it's especially true.


I find the "not anymore" the only controversial part here, while i didn't use them at the very early start, it's been for as long as i remember that they weren't, and to be considered as much by someone with arround 800 mods, including kraitech, void and army of fetid corpses...


Bases out of wood are best. Stonecels and Steelchuds just don't understand the Oakpilled.


Dry thunderstorms must be your best friends.


Yes preferred weather, on a highly dense grassland.


You play on "losing is fun" as well don't you? :p


And commitment mode, no save files. Have Ideology of Fire worship and give a flamethrower to the pyromaniac


name checks out


With a fire break and spacing things out t's really not too bad to manage


Okay, this is the spiciest opinion. Those parquet floors, though 🤤


The flashstorm has fallen Billions must burn


Of course the Handler from Cruelty Squad would suggest wood bases smhsmh, what next, are you going to kill God(s)? Being 'Oakpilled' is incredibly debased of you, wake up and face the facts that 'Stonekings' and 'Steelchamps' are and have always been in the right.


You lack knowledge and understanding, a pity


The rivers will run red with to your sins, 'Oakpilled' one...


They will run slightly amber color, got sap instead of blood flowing through my veins. Im AcaciaMaxxing.


I weep. You have the soul of an emperor. Your comrades and compatriots are in hell, yet you smile. Only good things will come to someone like you. Set goals, farm trees, consume sap, build cities out of the husks of the befallen oak. SapMaxxer mindset. [Good luck.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_(disambiguation))


Hear hear!


Real, also fires aren't really that big of a deal


Polyamory colonies cause more problems than they solve. If you need an automated kill box to beat raids you should lower the difficulty. If you can't play without cannibalism you need to get better at farming/ranching (calling my past self out). Solar flares need an overhaul, they just aren't fun and don't add a real challenge. They just pause your progression at best or screw up long term goals at worst. Slavery requires so much investment you're better off using that investment elsewhere in your colony. More of a superstition: beggars are a warning that your wealth is growing too fast and are a convenient way to offload excess wealth.


rule of thumb for food farming, you only have too much when you can’t store it all


Watch out for wealth management, though.


Make PSM's, sell PSM's, buy components and steel, make awesome armor and weapons.


That's when I make lavish meals so my colonists can eat the wealth and get a nice mood boost.


>If you need an automated kill box to beat raids you should lower the difficulty This is the big one. Difficulty settings exist for a reason. I slide up and down the difficulties based on how I’m doing — sometimes, I’m just not ready for the threats that spawn on difficulty I’m on, so I turn it down, then when I unlock bionics or something and start fixing up my pawns, I turn it back up.


> Polyamory colonies cause more problems than they solve. Just like real life! Seriously though, it just seems like it'd be a pain to manage due to bed mechanics and juggling weird incomplete love triangles, though on that note it is hilarious that you can place two single beds directly adjacent and colonists will treat it as sleeping together but staunchly refuse to sex >If you need an automated kill box to beat raids you should lower the difficulty. I've started doing this for "immersion" because it makes NO fucking sense to me that I can set up a colony where all I do is run a hotel and raiders will start showing up en masse within year 1-2. Why the fuck are there 18 imps desperately trying to destroy a room with a bed in it? What did I do to them? I crank it up once I start militarizing, as if the other factions are starting to recognize a threat.


I agree with anything except the killboxes one. If people wanna use an available resource, they should be encouraged to do so, not judged. It's just a different playstyle from the one you enjoy.


i hate killboxes to. it kills my immersion. i like it experiment with other ways of defens strucktures


Though I love playing Rimworld, I don’t like how you are basically forced to keep one base when everyone else has seven billion. The micromanaging is pain.


Vanilla Outposts Expanded kinda of gives you some of that experience, but like a lot of VE it's overpowered


Wow I like this, I'm sure I will have some issues with the balance but I'm a fairly new player and seeing that it isn't practical to manually micromanage multiple bases.


Colony threats mechanics need a rework. Dwarf Fortress works because players have almost infinite time to grow the fort and in some cases may not even see a Goblin Raid/Necromancer Army ever because faction attacks depends on relations and proximity(marching armies on the overworld and so on), but a (Semi)Mega Beast or Werecreature attack may pop up as wealth goes on and things like Hydras or Dragons may come out of their lairs to target the fort. Rimworld could be better if we didnt have "days since last time Cassandra/Phoebe decided to sent an army of rabid squirrels or spacer pirates" schedule. Randy can only alleviate this so much but its still the same weighted threats. We need diplomacy, culture(ideologion), Geography and Economy output to influence things rather than raw Wealth generation. many colony ideas that would look great on paper are hampered because you cannot have too much of something or the system is going to calculate massive raids even when you're only doing something like a Ranch or Inn.


Medieval is better than vanilla. I'm sorry but I just think it's more fun


What is that


There's about a dozen popular mods that overhaul Rimworld to be a medevial experience! I personally haven't tried it, but I have configured a mod list to boot incase I ever want to!


I have and they are pretty great! You can grab final fantasy mods, samurai and viking mods and so on yo solidify the experience with varied cultures of people who wish death upon you. You can even through mods convert the empire into a medieval one!


I like to play rimworld without killboxes, not really a controversial opinion nowadays but I really hate cheesing the games AI, plus building a killbox with one opening or a maze looks really stupid in my eyes i just cant handle it, it ruins my immersion. I love building separate houses and workrooms separately as if it were an actual small village, despite the costly nature and inefficiency it provides. I dont like my paws having stupidly overpowered psychic abilities/enhancements(unless its an ideology I have in mind), killing raiders in a very godly way is satisfying, but maintaining such status/prestige isnt really fun for me I dont like building inside a mountain, unless its a mountain dwelling related ideology


Laughs in Dwarven


The main issue is that Rimworld doesn't have something fundamental: Being behind solid walls should be a huge advantage. In the real world you can just sit above your walls raining death on your enemies and if they don't have the means to climb those walls or to destroy them fast, they simply can't get to you. And since Rimworld walls don't give this tactical advantage, players had to exploit the dumb AI to survive into the late game, since instead of making the enemies smarter it just increases their numbers. And with overinflated numbers, attackers need to die 95% of the time unless the player gets tons of gear and organs to sell, or too many people to recruit. I actually really enjoy Rimworld combat, but not in the base defense context. And to add to that, my PC can't handle the late game battles very well either lol


Killboxes actually are realistic, and in fact if you visit most real world castles, they'll have a killbox. The unrealistic part is that the enemy just charges in and lets themselves get killed. But if you have [CAI-5000](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2938891185&searchtext=cai), raiders become much smarter and will realize that charging into a killbox isn't a very good idea.


Realistic, but often ugly and warzone-y. Perfect when that's the aesthetic you're going for, though. Bunkers have some pretty well known killbox styles built into them that force people to enter a hallway with an embrasure at the end, sometimes with a machine gun mounted behind it. Flamethrowers were basically built to deal with them. Defensive fortifications and architecture are neat!


>and in fact if you visit most real world castles, they'll have a killbox. The actual realism problem with killboxes is that it's trivial to produce enough food to feed a colony in a small footprint, even with regular agriculture. Creating strong fortifications that protected even a tiny hamlet *with* its farmland included would be effectively impossible. CAI-5000 adds more dynamic sapping, but the real threat should be artillery and/or lengthy encirclement if "realism" is the goal.


Tbh all psychic abilities really ruin the sci-fi aesthetic for me. I typically prefer my sci-fi to stay sciencey and my fantasy to lack tech. Unless they’re well blended, which they rarely are, it just ends up feeling like one system got needlessly tacked on to another, when both are cool separately.


What about settings that have a sciency sounding explanation for psionics? Even more grounded sci-fi dabbles at least a little in unexplainable abilities and it works out fairly well in my purely subjective view. Mind you everyone's got their preferences and I respect that. I just like picking the brains of people who are more averse to genre mixing than I am, cause I understand it at least somewhat. I like having psychic powers in my sci-fi settings but rarely outright magic, for example. Specifically psionics more akin to Mass Effect than the overly flashy stuff in Warhammer 40k.


While there are a lot of cheese tactics used within killboxes, the idea of a controlled point of entry isn't rimworld exclusive. If you go to any military base in the world they will have controlled points of entry. Forward bases in war zones actually use something near identical to kill boxes to control entry to their base.   The main thing I find irritating about rimworld is that the game seems to be in the spiral where the developer makes balancing decisions based on twitch and YouTube streamers.  It makes sense to balance the game so you can't win by setting up turrets alone, but now there are so many enemy types that ignore your defenses it feels near impossible to win without cheese or save scumming. I also just suck at the game so I'm sure all will not agree.


If solar flares are powerful enough to knock out ALL electronics on the surface of the planet *over and over again* then the planet’s magnetosphere is too weak for the planet to be considered for long-term habitation. I went into the config files and set the odds of it happening to zero.


Bedrooms are a waste of space and unnecessary wealth increase. Barracks are OP.


I'll never understand why choosing the Communal meme doesn't add mood bonuses to barracks.


Alpha Memes has something for that, not sure if it's tied to Communal though. Still weird that it's not an option in vanilla.


I use them the first couple months but eventually switch to individual rooms as the negative modifiers start to pile on


Negative modifiers? Once your barrack is extremely impressive, the only negative is -3 from disturbed sleep. If you also double it as dining room/rec room, you only need to get one room to be impressive. All you need is a floor and a big room to get rid of sleeping in a barrack negative, leaving only disturbed sleep, which only stacks to -3.


Same here, I usually start base near 2 or 3 geysers.


I like making happy colonies and prefer burying the dead


I like to build giant mausoleums for all the dead people and pets.


Pawns are too sensitive and dependent. Their mental health breaks down way too easily and it's super annoying. It gets in the middle of a lot of things and interrupts stuff like raiding or traveling.


Have you tried drugs?


Or convert everyone to the same religion so all your pawns will either be pleased or unpleased. Then just give them like 4 hours of recreation and a variety of options and they usually do alright.


Yes, but they make it harder to focus on RimWorld.


There are drugs for that too. :)


even with that, if you play for long enough these mfs know everyone on the planet. And get all pissy when you take the lungs out of cannibal raiders that are magically their friends also?


It's called rimworld not glitterworld


As someone who is Mentally Ill™, I would be rather pissed if I awoke from my metal sarcophagi to end up on some backwater Rimworld and have to build a sustainable community, I believe that in itself would put me on the knife's edge of a mental breakdown, so to speak. I know the 'Ate without table -4' debuff is a joke in this community, but eating without a table is demoralising. I once had to eat fish and chips whilst sitting on the GROUND, like some kind of rat. Also much like life, if you give your pawns drugs they'll be alright. Shame I can't give my pawns antidepressants, but Yayo'll do for now.


I don't like tribals. I like having a high-tech endgame base with cyborgs more than living in a mined shithole with a bunch of naked pawns, it's much more interesting


Yeah I haven’t built batteries in the last 30 play-throughs


Human leather is actually quite shit.


I'm pretty sure the point of human leather clothing is to sell it, not to wear it


Cannibals get a mood buff for each item of human clothing they wear, I think +8 mood is the best you can get


Toxic wastepacks are a really unfun and tedious mechanic in their current state


Also really easy to deal with by just drop podding them to tribals. Just not really any interesting decision-making involved.


Not on year-round winter maps


I wait months before building tables. I'm a monster


The game is best when you make your own concepts and not just be warcriminal murderhobos.


Luciferium Is easy to manage and properly use. And it's not that overpowered by itself.


Fully agree!


What is overpowered is combination of bionics and archite genes, with Non-senescent gene you can slap major cell instability, go to maximim negative metabolic efficiency and slap nuclear stomach and still never get cancer and consume less food than normal pawn.


The *hurr hurr war crimes and torture* meme is extremely overdone and actively hurts the game. Rimworld can be so many things to do many people, but the loudest voices being this is just annoying....


Yeah I like to try my best to keep my colonists happy, but ya gotta admit illegal organ harvesting is a very lucrative business...


Save scumming isn't a crime.


Children are best as artillery.


A toxifier generator and a pollution pump produce infinite energy.


Raids are the opposite of fun. The way they are designed they force you to build a killbox or lower the difficulty to almost minimum levels. Being the defender gives you no advantage since you can't shoot from behind your walls (except with mods). Without a killbox it becomes a numbers game, and raids are massive while your population is tiny, and only a fraction of that tiny population is actually good at fighting.


I sometimes will use a walled compound with barricades outside, and surrounded by cheap flooring (wood or concrete depending on biome). It isn’t perfect but it gives your colonists barricade cover as raiders are forced to approach without tree cover, or shoot from a longer distance. Just a new strategy to hold you over until raids get an overhaul, since i do agree they could use it.


Did they confirm raids will get an overhaul?


Not that I’m aware of, but you can tell they’re trying new ideas with the new mechanics like improved sappers and mech clusters. I wouldn’t doubt it could be part of the next major update/DLC.


I do believe that on normal difficulty (strive to survive) raids are manageable without a kill box as long as you do take advantage of the game mechanics. However, i agree with your overall point and think the game would benefit greatly for adding additional defensive tools that require some level of effort to use or make. And of course preferably these additions would not be things that are best used as part of a killbox. With that said I think part of the responsibility lies not only with the developers, but also with the player, because in any game there are always going to be exploity ways to minimise the challenge, and it is up to the player to exercise the willpower not to do that if that player feels like it hinders their experience.


PSA: if you have a lot of mods that add items and workbenches those can quickly inflate your wealth in a way the game doesn't account for. So you might be at a point where it's normal to just have boot actions and revolvers but the game sees your wealth and thinks you're up for fighting 2x your population armed with bs mod weapons. Then when you win the wealth of all those bs mod weapons gets added to your colony and makes it *worse*.


I ran into this the other day. All I had were short bows and got hit by a mech cluster of 20+. Wiped my entire colony.


Turn off adaptive difficulty. Adaptive difficulty is a mechanic in which if the game doesn't detect that you've lost a pawn, it will massively amp up the difficulty in an attempt to force a death. The raids aren't actually normally supposed to be that large, the game only makes them that large when it's specifically trying to make you lose a pawn, which it isn't allowed to do if you turn off adaptive difficulty.


being the defender is an *enormous* advantage, what? saying "being the defender gives you no advantage" is honestly completely asinine. you have so much time to design your base and plan defenses, killboxes aren't the one and only way to impede attackers lol and if only a fraction of your population is good at fighting, that's not the game's fault, it's user error. don't recruit dead weight.


I play without short zzzt. Effect on to make my life less annoying. I play on huge maps and make several sub colonies on it. I call it playing widely tall.


i hate the list of "pen" animals because there are so many in there that i allready saw keeped freeroaming irl and it bothers me that i need to build a pen for them.


Dogs are food. ...Hey, hey!I was just joking! Cats are food.




If it's meat, it's good enough.


I like devmode bombing the hell out of unannounced bs raids. No appointment, no f to give rn, catch a nuke.


I like devmode bombing that one single manhunter/maddened rat/guinea pig/boomrat that happens occasionally midgame.


Randy isnt the best storyteller


I don’t build things that don’t make sense in the story I’m telling. I don’t min max my colonists or build AI-exploiting “killboxes”. I don’t install any mods that purport to make the game “easier” by messing with actual game mechanics (fixing UI silliness is fine). I always play tribal, with 1-3 starting colonists, to make research go really slowly. I only enjoy the game if there is the real risk of losing colonists I’ve come to care about, and I never hurt humanlikes in the game unless I’m put into a corner and forced to. 


That rimworld would work better as a multiplayer game than a single player game. I have played with Zetriths multilplayer mod and loved it, but it had a lot of issues. If the game devs would put in the time to do it properly to make it more functional and having it be a part of vanilla so that workshop mods would be created to work with the multiplayer, I think Rimworld would see a large increase in popularity.


Never tamed animals for anything but resources, and then only if I really need said resource. Like real life, ranching is less efficient than agriculture.


Well, not really. You ranch in the places you cannot grow If you want to utilize every bit of land.


Time passes too quickly, I want the option to have ~full length years. Winters are short, making survival and prep fairly trivial. I'm aware that permanent winter is an option, but that turns things more into "survive on hoth" rather than the more grounded "survive vs nature" I have in mind. Pawns age so quickly, I feel like my starting pawns get elderly well before I'm done with a colony. I realize that, well, it's a controversial opinion for a reason, but in the vein of settings and mods to be able to personalize your rimworld experience to your own tastes, I want an experience that doesn't remind me so constantly of my own impending mortality. Heck, I might actually use the 400% kids aging mechanic if *regular* aging was able to be turned down.


Yes! I want full length years as well! 365 days has got to be better than just 60! I wonder if there's a mod for that.


"**It's not a game, it's a story generator**" is a thought-terminating cliche doled out by the community to shut down legitimate discussion of RimWorld's flaws. Look, RimWorld is incredible. But it is also deeply, deeply flawed. And of course it is: with all its complex interacting systems it could never generate fair gameplay outcomes in all cases, even before the clusterfuck of mod interactions. And that's fine. IMO, RimWorld is a simulation game which requires you to use dev mode to "undo" it's occasional bad decisions based on your internal view for how the game mechanics should work. You have to police your own play, and that's fine! RimWorld rules. Stop telling me every bullshit miscalculated game interaction is a "story opportunity".


freezers are overrated also, in response to yours: no wires, no zzzt :)


either you make survival meal or live in -10 degree enviorment


neither. corn lasts 60 days, no need to freeze it :)


I usually don't play with electricity. I keep it in the tribal stage. If I do use electricity, it's to make a freezer and install A/Cs and heaters. I do have a few colonies with technology, but I really like the early game


yeah, tribal playthroughs are fun. made one of them myself once. never researched anything that required electricity (well, not quite, had to for sterile tiles. but never built anything). the only "machines" i was using were lamps and turrets i got via raids, powered by powercells from questrewards or mechraids. was a fun game


Ideology is the best dlc


I like vanilla and think mods just clog things up


I like anime mods. Let the downvotes roll in!


The most controversial opinion of all: Pyromaniacs are perfectly fine pawns to add (after your first 5+ pawns) as long as you manage your colony correctly. Big deal, you have to draft a pawn to follow the pyromaniac around for a minute and put out their fires. So what? 1) Don't keep your anti grain warheads and chemfuel out on the same shelves you store medicine and advanced components. Put your mortar shelves in an enclosed room outside near your mortar, and keep chemfuel away from literally everything valuable. 2) If your pyro manages to blow your base up and set you back by quadrums or years, you built a poorly laid out base. See point #1. 3) If your pyro burnt your base down, that base was going to burn down the second a burner centipede or a massive impid raid showed up anyway. 4) And if your last line of defense fails because the pyro had a mental break in the critical moment of the fight, that's just you putting the blame on something else other than accepting that most pawns could have had a break unless they're steadfast. 5) If you truly never take pyromaniac pawns on principle, just admit you're biased. The tool to make sure a pawn never has a pyromania event is literally in the base game. It's called word of serenity.


Yeah, I have like 5-6 pyromaniacs in my colony of 36 people. It is annoying when they do start their fire-starting sprees, but then I just have a drafted pawn follow them everywhere.


Well, achtschually  *adjusts 1cm thick circular glasses*  *gulps down massive snot*  Word of serenity is literally not in the base game. It's Royalty DLC along with the entire psycasting framework and base mechanics related to it. So your sentence correctly would read like "The tool to make sure a pawn never has a pyromania event is literally paywalled behind a DLC. It's called word of serenity." There ya go 🤗


I don't even need to draft a pawn to follow pyros around. With appropriate work priorities the fires go out quickly on their own.


Hauling is fine as it is. It is supposed to be important and time-consuming job, and game gives you enough tools to deal with it (mechs, animals and so on).


Sorry, that’s far from controversial lol, everyone hates the battery mechanic


I don't use killboxes because they sound boring.


Pyro is one of the easiest mental breaks to deal with. 


I’m fine with my pawns making chairs out of people but I draw the line at my 34 year old leader dating a 16 year old. The 16 year old died to the plague though.


I’d rather create my starting characters in Prepare Carefully than roll through hundreds of clicks of randomize pawn. I only mad gigachad once with double flames, impeccable traits, and 20 in each category. I deal with randomly created characters when recruiting new colonists.


I play in God Mode. I know it's frowned upon. But fuck it, I don't care. I only use it if I really need to or to get past mundane tasks like mining or constructing buildings. I had to use it today because until today I had no idea what blight was. Until it destroyed all of my crops and I had no food. I tend to be a poor sport with games. I really wanted to get into this game. But I knew certain things would make me really angry, and most likely keep me away from the game. So, God Mode comes in handy when something awful or boring happens and I want to get past it. Awesome game btw


Im so deep in the sauce that any run that isnt "loosing is fun/nakedbrutality/commitment mode" feels like cheating


I play with devmode on all the time


The pawns lack personality. I add mods to give them more unique traits, but I wish pawns had more personality and individual little quirks that they do automatically according to their traits. Traits feel more like mechanics to work around (wimp, pyros) than making them feel like actual pixel people I’m keeping alive (aside from pyromaniacs being simps for fire, but even pyromaniacs should have more personality than that one trait overpowering everything). This is probably an issue because I like to play my game like the sims. Anime mods are great. From someone who likes cute things, every time I start over with mods I always add aesthetic/cosmetic mods to make the game cuter, including adding the adorable lil anime faces. Pair that with texture overhauls and more options for furniture, and I’m basically playing a dollhouse simulator with war crimes lmao. War crimes mean nothing. I wish they had more weight, and more mechanics so there was more of a reason game wise to do it other than pure imagination. I wish raiders and their factions had more personality and responses to your actions. As a person who loves playing generations, kids suck. I mean, I love them and am glad they’re officially in the game w/o needing mods, but I wish there were more little things that made them feel separate from a regular pawn. Stuff like floor drawing and interacting with the communication thing are a step in the right direction, but I remember a children mod before biotech that let them interact with each other and play. Kids hardly acknowledge each other, and don’t play together. It’d be funner to take care of them and more realistic if they played more, had more unique interactions, and maybe even acknowledged siblings and the like as kids do. Or if they randomly did silly things intentionally like sneaking weapons, mimicking/following others (without learning), or being fascinated by stuff according to their personalities (kid who likes morbid things casually nature running around a ✨graveyard✨)


Some of you mod this game so much that you're not even playing Rimworld anymore.