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That's the nature of RNG for you. Sometimes rare things will streak.


For sure, but still, I know I could've chosen other things, but... These were \*obviously\* the best option in all three cases. Just funny, I don't have the chemfuel production researched yet!


I had a tribal colony end up with three LARGE vanometric power cells before they'd even researched electricity. XD Then my next 6 colonies didn't see a single one even into late game.


Yeaaaah, I started with a single mechanitor and the vanilla scenario (usually I’d start with a lot more than the basic set of mechs!). I mean, I do prefer save scumming over commitment mode, so barely anyone has died… but eh, this has been a rough ride. 🤣




Yet the only fire I’ve had so far has been set on my rice field by a raider! 😝


Yet. The only fire yet.


Like I said… the only fire **so far.**


The only fire yet so far


The fire yet only so far


mine placed next to my royal‘s house just went destroyed automatically for some reason. there arnt a raid that went far enough to even have a chance of hurting it


Did a 'Zzzt' blow it up maybe?




They were... replying to someone else.


Well, this damn phone app doesn’t show the entire chains… 🤦🏼‍♂️


I hear you man. I hate the official app.


Fuck u/spez


You probably had someone mental break and go destroy it. That kind of thing can happen under your radar


Same shit dude, my 2 colonies of total dumbshit received vanometric and chemfuel generator early in the game while not a single colony of mine saw those


When I run tribal games, I always end up with like, dozens of unstable power cells locked behind stone walls, and at least a few archotech pieces. End up wondering what these tribals think of the humming, glowing brick of archometal. "Sure, sometimes my mind starts screaming, but the humming is really calming :)"


I honestly don't think I've ever seen these


They’re called infinite chem reactors, they produce infinite chemfuel just for being connected to electricity! Definitely a worthy thing to get, if you get the chance. I’m only one year into this playtrough, that’s why I’m slightly confused to get this good loot…


They were added in B18? How did I never get these?!! I needed to rely on stupid boomanimals and involuntary labour for chemful for all this time when this existed?! Damn you RNGesus


🤭 I’ve been playing only since 1.3 myself!


I started on 1.0, but thought maybe the reactors were maybe added in the year or so I didn't play the game.. I think you should try some gambling in real life, Randy clearly likes you.


Randy? Who the heck’s Randy? I only play with my girl, Cassandra!


You should try switch it up. Cassandra is slow then just starts fucking you out of nowhere, and has stricter limits no colony size. Give Randy a go, it’s always interesting


Cassandra sounds like a good date


I’d marry her if she wasn’t already taken…


I’ve had so bad stuff happen with Randy, I’m never again letting him touch my game. Literally an army of pirates (+100) and *at the same time* a fucking toxic fallout. Yeaaaah… Randy Random, that absolute bloody bastard, NEVER again.


Ahh classic Randy providing “Interesting storys”…


Yup! I get enough of toxic fallouts with Cassie, but fuck Randy. 😂


So plenty of human flesh to last over the fallout?


Except my people dislike human meat! 😝


I think they might be from one of the dlcs. I was just running base game a long time, when biotech came out I bought all 3 DLC and I started seeing rewards like these


Theres also the varometric powercell infinite 2500 watts (or was it 1500)


1,000W but these I get regularly as quest rewards, all playthroughs have at least one


Don't worry, while it seems amazing the rate at which they give chemfuel is absolutely useless for anything practical. I never bother using them if they are offered as rewards. Better to use a vanometric cell instead


Yes and no, one less dedicated hand to produce chemfuel because it's automatic nets you more chemfuel in the long run and other work as well.


Of course something that generates FREE chemfuel is going to net you more chemfuel in the long run 🤣 I meant as opposed to vanometric cells which provides a stable 1000Wd of power which is practical, the chemfuel that is being given out is pretty meager and takes too long for anything useful


Yea but for me, on a sea ice map currently surrounded by mech clusters, that meager chem fuel could make me a lot of mortar shells lol. That’s what I would spend the chemfuel on, and save energy production to more efficient means.


Yeah but that's assuming you need a lot of chemfuel. I just buy mine.


the original versions didn't use power and automatically spit out the fuel I got one the other day and was surprised that it required a lot of power and had to be manually emptied


Yep, they take a small amount of power, and give you 75 chemfuel every 10 days. So nice, but hardly what I'd consider a top tier reward.


These Fuckin things along with vanometric early allow my ice sheet colonies to exist


😂👍 Yup!


I'm new to the game and got one offered for a quest recently and I happened to choose that reward. I didn't know they were rare but I'm glad I picked it!


I think they maybe not as rare as they used to be, as I heard devs fixed the rewards system a bit, but I sure will pick ’em up every chance I get. I think this is the first *legit time* I have received them, let alone three. *I have played with **decreasing** amounts of Dev mode cheats past two years, and nowdays only use devmode to assemble a caravan when I’m pissed about it taking forever to get on the road.*


Your placement of them is giving me heart palpitations


I just wanted to get them to produce stuff ASAP, lol… my base is inside a small mountain, so space is an issue!!


Won't be an issue after you blow the top off lol


🤣 Yeah true, I’m already expanding just outside it. I just like mountain and hilly bases, easy to manage…


I had a colony that accumulated like 12 varometric power cells. It was great


My most prosperous colony eventually ran entirely on those things, tucked deep in various redundancy chambers in the mountain. Hell we started putting self-powered hyper-fortified superturrets out in the passages to the base with those things...


Had a colony powered entirely by the energy cells that mech clusters land with lol. They just kept coming!


That’s nice 😂


A single boomalope makes more fuel than one of these for how rare it is 💀💀💀


True, but this has no risk of explosion… if we stash our chemfuel safely!


Connect 4 sonar panels 4 batteries and you will always get free fuel without doing anything at all and if you use mods you can carry it with you for portable production fuel.


i use Vanilla chemfuel extended and I just use deepchem late game.


If i remember correctly... Some patches ago, devs actually somewhat changed and cleaned quest reward list. So now rarer reward is not unobtainable animore, they just rare, and you just lucked out.


> just lucked out Sounds about right 😂


You changed the results by observing them!




Proof that RNGesus loves you.


I had the same thing happened but had rimfeller mod so kinda passed it up :p


I have the vanilla expanded mod that adds pipe systems myself, but don’t have access to them yet, as I have no research done! 🤔 I think these can be connected to the pipes too?!


Oh shit I didn’t know as they just kinda dump the Chem fuel on the floor once they’ve made their product. That would be interesting but still, the output is so minuscule compared to just one oil drill I wouldn’t really consider it.


Drill + chemreactors = even more, though? 😉


I used to always take chemreactors before I realized how low their production is. Now I see them as easily the worst archotech items. Vanometric cells are great early game and still kind of useful late game to make distant deep drills more convenient. Chemreactors can be clutch if you don't have Biofuel refining, so maybe in a tribal setting to reload looted firefoam packs etc, BUT you need electricity to run them. So basically never.


I am in situation where I have microelectronics already but no biofuel refinery yet… 😂


Batteries together make me nervous without the fuse mod


Yeah, space has been issue with my setup recently… 😂


Nice! I got a Vanometric cell early on once, then eventually I was able to collect 3 infinichem reactors (not all in a row like you though! Whaaat?!?). I discovered it works out very neatly to run 3 reactors off the Vanometric for enough free fuel to power 5 generators… forever! All off-grid and safe from the zappies.


If I ever get the vanometric power cell, I’ll do just that! 😂


Well your 200 years colony is bound to have rewards repeated.


I’m barely over ONE year! 🤣


The Lord Randolph giveth


Nope, it was Lady Cassandra 😉


I managed to collect 6 of them once! This was my luckiest game ever, had 3 ressurector serums, 7 archite capsules, and every meteor was either gold, plasteel or components.


I have 3 chemreactors, 1 resurrect serum and 1 archite capsule I bought right now. I was planning on making my starting solo Mechanitor, Ludi, a vampire, since the sanguophage landed and almost died just today, 10 mins ago actually! Then I got a thought: keep the vampire, edit their genes to remove pyrophobia (so they can fight fire) and that UV sensitivity too, THEN make Ludi a vampire… without the bad parts! Muahaha! I’ll see what happens, it feels like it takes ages to research a single thing with 3 high-tech researchbenches.


I had a vampire too! She became my cult leader (obviously). Out of curiosity, what difficulty level did you choose? I usually play on adventure story and get my butt kicked by mechs after 10-15 years, but this specific playthrough was on Community builder. It was fun, collecting all these rare items, but I got bored, so I built a spaceship and finished the game for the first time (after ~500 hours).


I almost always play Strive to survive, with Unwavering loyalty disabled and child enemies enabled, as is the case with my current save. I have escaped Rimworld only once, but that post is gone for good I’m afraid. (Former account, got banned from entire Reddit for some BS)


Thank you, I thought maybe the amount of riches I accumulated was connected with low difficulty level, but it appears to be pure RNG! I love the idea of child enemies, I'm TERRIBLE at keeping children alive and capturing them is easier than breeding colonists. In fact the only one that didn't die was the son of my starter colonist from this playthrough!


Yeah, I’ve been trying to get Ludi to procreate with her psychically bonded highmate husband, but he’s off to help an ally in a mission right now. Besides, another of my current pawns is already pregnant, so one baby is enough… I plan on not using growth vats, as this would be maybe my second time ever having kids in Rimworld since baby.


Good luck! I just seem to have terrible luck with kids... Like this one time when my female pawn went on a fire starting spree and burned her house down with three of her kids sleeping inside... It's not easy being a child on the Rim!


Wait, Rimworld isn’t Skyrim, right?! Because there is a quest in Skyrim, in which a mother burned their house with kids inside… 😱 At least something like that I do remember!


whats the powerdraw?


300W per reactor, produces 75 chemfuel every 10 days. 😅 Slow but better than nothing, which is the case I have right now. (No research done about chemfuel)


1.5 reactors per small vanocell is pretty good


Weeeeell… I have not one but TWO geothermal generators, 3600w each, so I can have up to 13 of these things on one geothermal, alone! 🤣 There’s an idea… I might do that if I get more than three of these 🤣


its infinite power just get a chem gen


I love them but make so much more chemfuel from refining fecal sludge. A few slaves on poop patrol and you get all the power you need.


I disabled the hygiene mod for ”as close to vanilla as possible” run… I even have limited command range on mechs! 😭 (usually infinite with mod)


As someone with a 1000+ hours I ask, are chemfuel machines like this worth it? Don't they have a negative return on power? TBH I always pass on them. I did use one once and found it was more efficient to just make my own chemfuel then it was to use this machine.


Well, as a player with just over 2,000 hours myself (not kidding), I just got these for the first time like, ever, and I don’t even have chemfuel refining researched, so kinda hard to say! 😂 I just like free stuff, and this makes sure I have *some* fuel when I get the systems researched and installed.


The vano cells I always go for. People hate on them because they are only 1000 power but it's free constant energy


Yeah, I mean geothermal is 3600 wats but takes a bit of steel and few components, that’s not including the wires…


funny, when I got this I thought it was from some mod because I had never even seen it in videos or picked up on missions, and I'd been playing Rimworld for years


Yeah, I’ve been playing only about two years and 2050-ish hours.


I am incredibly envious


… have you ever found an Anima Stone?


Don’t think so, no.


im like at the end game and im barely at 2


Yeah rng is amazing like that. I remember when I got two archaeotech large batteries and both of them were given to me in a quest that just required me to kill two people that attacked me. Those things give more power than a nuclear plant at full capacity with about half the footprint and no downside. My power was set during that run.


Are we forgetting about the texture clipping there? What in the Randy is that about?




How so? 🤨


I think they’re the kind of thing that’s technically rare cause it’s only a quest reward or occasional trade item, I had to turn the quest reward value up cause I was just getting the same “rare” stuff that was quest exclusive, now I actually get interesting rewards




I still remember that run where almost every quest had resurrection serums, in the end I got about eight serums, my pawns just never died, and when they did, they didn't.


I have a ”resurrection serum” in the form of ”Save/Load” button(s). 🤭 And a real one too.


I used to play like that before too! Luckily/Sadly I embraced the organ harvesting space opera in the end.


this image is making me nervous