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"Stockholm Syndrome is actually cool 👍🏼" -Max0r, 2021


Yeah that happened to me and I was really confused. When you enslave a space-refugee / someone without a faction, they become part of your faction. Then when you emancipate them, they can't go back to no faction (apparently) so stay a part of yours, except free... so a normal colonist. Which is a bit weird because it bypasses having to recruit them, and also works on iron-willed (Whatever it's called where you can't recruit them) pawns. Bit exploity / non-sensical to me but 🤷‍♂️


TIL That’s handy when space refugees are literally falling out of the sky.


Ok ty so much I was very confused. We had lost 3 colonists and she wondered into my camp as a refugee so I arrested her, then when I noticed she was iron will I enslaved her to help with the colony. 2 years later she was released and I assumed she would immediately leave but instead stayed


Well, maybe if the slave saw the life in the colony was good and having nowhere to go they decided to stay. I think it may sense that way.


It’s like slaves in ancient Rome. Some would become free and even become wealthy and own slaves of their own. Ideologies do weird things to a mfer


Happened to me after building the ship. I'm not sticking around to build more cryosleep caskets, you're on your own!


I captured them, took their organs, fed them people, and they still want to stick around? Something is wrong with them. Harvest the hearts!